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Tell Aunt H and everybody that I said hi. Sorry she and all of you guys had to go through that. Scary.

Juju! Love the idea and good luck.

Everybody! Still weak and have good days and bad days. It's true that being sick sux. According to what I am reading I still have weeks and weeks to go. Still on reduced antibiotic and it's a harsh drug. Am taking weapons grade probiotics 7 to 8 times a day. Ass kickers, all of it, no pun intended.

love you guys and am reading just most of the time too pooped to post. I know you all understand.

Jen! DEEF! Kuli! Austin! Meanwhile!
Sharynmarie! I read that post about your sobriety and you have not been far from my thoughts. Congratulations on that and man oh man what a tough row to hoe. Be kind to yourself.

Lucyboo! Doubls! Susan! Veronica! Hope all you guys are doing ok with what you have to deal with. It's a bear.

ok, off to lay down again. Oy! Just weak today and that's all there is to it.


Sorry I haven't been around for a couple days but had to put my mom in hospital. She was so weak when drove down to her place Wednesday that my brother and I decided to call an ambulance to get her out of the house. She was so weak we didn't want to try to walk her down three steps to the garage. Got to ER around 7:00pm and around 11:00 they said she had a UTI and was going to admit her. The antibiodics they put her on straightned her right up. She came home Friday but is going to stay with my sister till she gets back on her feet. She will be 90 in Dec aand is still very independent so we don't know how this change is going to work yet. It took me a while to catch up on all the posts so hopefully I can get back to posting some jokes for you lovely ladies. Went to the beach today and saw some amazing waves. 9 to 12 footers. Saw a bunch of kite boarders and they were having a blast. Well hugs to all.

Juju that sounds great. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it all works out.

And today was the best day ever, it all came together, the last piece of the puzzle, things are working out!!!

On the exact day, 10 year anniversary of dads death, when my life changed for real!!! It is almost spooky! as it will change again, forever! today! ???WTF???? did I get a bonus for hard labor or what??? I just know I will not mess this chance up!!!

It's not even 4 and I feel sleep coming on!
Peace out,

dang forgot again
Thank you everyone for letting me just go off at times, it helps me clear my head I guess that's why I do it, loopy with fatigue....forgetting
my love and prayers to you all!! may our luck inspire someone somehow!
Peace, Juju

oops....anyway, that's it im exhausted still but amazed at how much has changed in one week, from RV to new home, amazing......pinch me!!!

Hey Crew,
I am literally in tears of joy again today, still insomnia riddled, but beginning to believe this might be real, we might be getting out of this pit of a town!!!
I found my a candidate for potential dream house, or stepping stone to it, yesterday!!! So now all I need to do is sell this place and I am outta here....We are writing up an offer on new place this weekend, and didn't even have to leave home! If they accept it then I will make the effort to travel and do all the due diligence...inspections, appraisals etc......I made it contigent upon me doing all that!!!
Maybe this morning now that everything is decided, we have direction, sleep will come, I am just so full of anxiety, but these are big decisions so to be expected!
ALL I am sure is prayers and faith and support here are helping us so much!! I see myself being given answers to which path without doubt!

Over seas trip for a month...I can't even imagine. have not had a vacation since 1997, yes, I was 26, we went to the coast for four days, drove, Yachats, OR I think...I just found the snaps and put one up on moms board so she could look at it, and have something to look forward to other than changing her fathers diapers...mmm

What were they smoking meanwhile??

Welcome Lucyboo. Yep sometimes we never know what to expect. Juju, rest up, we all need a break, especially with care giving. It can be 24/7.
Have another funny story, and it's 100% true. 3 hikers camped in the state park north of here (this was last month), then they hiked onto a private ranch, broke a gate to do it. They were following GPS coordinates (from I'm not sure where), and ended up at Hell's canyon (that is really the name of this canyon). Anyway the girl in the group ended up falling and breaking her ankle close to the bottom of the canyon. So one of the guys hiked out and called 911. The fire and rescue locked on to his location from his phone, and showed up, but didn't realize the girl was way down this very steep canyon. By the time they got her hauled up to the top where the helicopter could pick them up (and the fireman that was telling me this story said this girl was on the really hefty side) the weather had turned bad, and the helicopter had to wait until the next day. It got cold and rainy and they had no blankets or coats, most of the rescue workers were wearing T-shirts. They almost got hypothermia. But, everyone got out the next day, even the hikers. But what were they doing in Hell's canyon? The swear their coordinates were for a portal where the Purple People come and go. Gee I've lived here 20 years, never seen a Purple person. It's the big joke around here now. The Purple people portal for the Purple People Planet.

Sorry but had to laugh...when my mother was first diagnosed with ' probable' alzheimers we went away on an overseas trip for a month, during the final days I walked into the bathroom one evening to see her brushing her teeth as usual but noticed it was my toothbrush.
I said " you know that's my toothbrush?? " and she replied " no it's mine I use it every day ".
I thought maybe she was just confused and started searching her toilet bag for her was no where to be seen.
When we returnd home there was her toothbrush in the bathroom- we had forgotten to pack it.
She had been using mine the whole trip- ahhhhhh dear !!

Hope Floats here ...............So do turds, awesome, especially if you got to net one up ;o) XOBobbieXO

What a treat a walk in pasture at dusk,!!! New Orleans, by Texas!!

I just have to say on the Ebola, ditto Jen.....I am not surprised by what I learned with our dr;s here but some folks just have no dang common sense!!! It's some skeeerrryyy dodo! I have been saying it since they turned that Duncan away the first time, god only knows what gonna stop this spreading,obviosly didn't work, cant afford mistakes like that!!

Well I am sure you all will be glad I am done/spent./emotionally shut down in recovery....everything Is going to be alright, I wont be living in my car! that is all I want, my momma n me together n me not homeless cause of it. I just need to shutdown for a bit, I am exhausted! This was a life changing week kicked my A**.
Love to you all! enjoy the weekend as well!!
Peace, juju

Don't see why not! Shelter, food, company! Duh!

Went to get the horses and goats this evening, of course everyone was in the far corner of the pasture. And right in the middle of the group (4 goats and 2 horses), were 2 white tail deer. The deer didn't want to go back to the barn though.

.....still here.
Very Fall here now. That's it for 80's in WA State for 2014.

Ebola? Let me see, They say don't panic, but can't keep nurses safe IN hospital settings. It is far more contagious than AIDS and kills you in about a week? Maybe a leetle panic will help. Not a lot, just an edge to common sense and better safe than sorry. This is not West Africa, but really, once it were to hit say a school, you'd have an epidemic.
Just one more thing to deal with. Could be worse, could be Small Pox...
He can't lift the two lbs weights at ADH anymore...good sign?...

Bobbie, how are things there, any news on fecal fix? hope you are doing O.K.
Have a safe weekend everyone! Jen

Forgot: Susan, "things go of without a hitch" I don't know if you meant it but it was ironic to me....
A pun, since I have been up to my eyeballs in trailers all week, gotta have a hitch!

Made me smile anyway!

Thanks susan and all that came out wrong, bout ignoring y'all...i told ya some times things just don't translate well from my mind to fingertips...anyway what i meant was....Sorry for just blurting out again, "I wanted" to respond to some previous comments but I just cant feel like crap, I have not been able to sleep well since I got this news I am so tired and still battling this gut bug.....been fighting bad headache since Monday, think due to sleep and dehydration from the bug!
Aaannnyyyway..... Emotional relief, YEARS!!!! of stress releasing, anxiety and insomnia but for a good reason so I should not complain but for my head is pounding and I need some darn sleep!!
SO I've decided we are going Saturday to look at these two listings I saw.
In honor of fathers anniversary passing. do him n momma honor by moving in the right direction for our family!!!
I want to post a link to this property but don't want to jinx it, i will wait till i put my eyes on it...but i will say one thing why it is so cheap is it is going to be very difficult to build on, rugged sloping terrain. There is a "tiny" level spot for just barely enough for a small rv with stunning view. My heart says who cares, it is the location, i can learn to "live off the grid" for that!!!
So now i have to educate myself on, water n waste on my own, sed water and electric to prop line but what then, etc??? Thank goodness for google and the internet, really, if had to do this without would be so hard especially being housebound!

I am going to try to get some rest and just finally exhale!!! if i can but argggg my head hurts enough to keep me awake n restless! lightbulb "cocowater" omg I need to slap myself, have it on hand for mamma, why not me, been suffering here, lol!!!
Please pray for us, and that this property is livable, Momma needs this so i can be a better caregiver to her, not so stressed all the time!!!!
if so it is a godsend/miracle, put me on the path to finding it!

XOXOX Thanks for being here and listening.You are ALL so special XOXOX
Peace, Juju

Clarification: Hope is in our heart, as home is where the heart is, so there is hope all around, in our heart n home! Making home a much nicer place to be!

Juju, I am SO happy to hear of your development! Best wishes for everything to come off without a hitch!

Doubls...I totally identify! Am on a little trip with Mom right now so our floors in our house can get refinished (a job about 40 years overdue), and it has been a real struggle for me to keep up with her needs while in a totally different location. I had to pack half the house, it seemed, to make sure I had everything for her - her bath chair, her clothing, her toiletries, including her incontinence supplies and "reacher" for wiping and washing, etc. Good thing we have a full size van to hold it all. Unfortunately...this means that trying to keep up with everything, I occasionally forget something - like the wet pair of underwear she so lovingly provided me *right before* we went out the door. I rolled them up in a plastic bag and stuck them in with the cleaning supplies I was hauling with me on the trip, intending to wash them as soon as we arrived and got settled. Ooops....I found them yesterday, after they had marinated in that bag for a little over a week. YUCK. I thought the smell was going to knock me over when I opened that bag!

Sometimes it's not our elders that do these things to us...we do it to ourselves!!

On a more somber note, Mom and I had to have a discussion on this trip. It became VERY apparent on this trip that this needs to be Mom's last long trip. She is uncomfortable riding in the van for more than an hour or so, and getting in/out of the van is extremely difficult for her. We have a handicap lift on the van, so that would make it easier for her to get in/out, but wouldn't eliminate the issue of the long period of riding/sitting - and her favorite place to go, where she grew up, is a 10-hour drive away. Cutting that drive into 3-hour chunks and staying overnight is just not an option, financially - it would turn a 10-hour drive into a 3-day odyssey - something I just can't do. I mean, if I'm taking a week off for vacation and we have to stop 3 times to spend the night during a 10-hour drive, there goes the whole week...

It was a very sad moment for me - but Mom, being Mom, handled it in stride. Once she understood that it wasn't a "let's wait and see" thing, but more of a "we've reached that point in life" thing, she said, "Well, now that all the relatives up north are gone, it's just not that important for me to go there anymore. The long trips just aren't 'fun' for me anymore." - therefore letting me off the hook, so to speak. I was thankful for that, because the one thing she's always loved is a trip up north or a long ride. I told her we will find more local things to do, so she can still get out and about, but the long trips are going to have to be a thing of the past.

Another milestone reached on this long road..... :-(

I am sorry to ignore you all today but I have to blurt this out!
I am absolutely overwhelmed with emotion today: sitting here in tears, ready to exhale, or pass out, literally but too giddy to actually do it! My heart is going a mile a minute!!!!!!
Realtor and lender have given me an out! I have my security blanket. We are not break even, I have equity and can use it.
As long as the market doesn't crash, It is brilliant! I bought at the top last time, this time I hope I will be getting it on the bottom.
I see it has been on the rise for past few years slow but steady, if anyone is up there in the heavens they will not make this another $$$ mistake!!

The van/rv lead to dreaming of a spot on the beach, or river, which lead to looking for land, which lead to a few phone calls which lead to a probable yes! and I saw a couple real attractive listings!

I have a reason to go on!!!! If these don't work out something else will....there is hope in our home once again, without hope I was so lost!!!

Please pray for us, that this will work out for us, we need a darn break!!!

Gonna go walk dog in rain to try to relax!

Love to you all XOOXOXOOXOXOX
Peace, Juju

Toothbrush: I hate my job
Toilet paper: Oh, Pleeaaasssseeee!!!

Doctor: Does obesity run in your family
Patient: No, nobody runs in my family

To all my friends and family: If you find my body is found dead on a jogging trail, just know I was murdered elsewhere and dumped there!
Dear life,
Would it be too much to ask you at least start using lubricant!

Juju thanks for asking still trying to catch up since. getting back from vac. It was eventful with the van breaking down and having to be left up in Maine and my son's health problems-we are having some nice weather here in the lower Hudson Valley and the tree's are pretty this year.

And A sock....ew....

juju I am here in the background every night. Haven,t had any good jokes to pass around. Brother is still hanging on. I gave him an option about going to a foot Dr to see if they would have some answers. Told him that the Dr said everything would be covered by medicare with no out of pocket expense and he said he would think about it. Thanks for asking. Hugs

Cuz, you too, how's the bro hanging in there?

doubls Hello there,welcome to AgingCare! Good to see your looking at the bright side, you have to enjoy the cuteness moments put before you. especially with all the challenges you will face. They are precious!!!

Where's Bob????? haven't seen a thumbs up in a bit, kinda worried, :o/ !

Deef Mame Austin....everyone hey there!!

Peace, Juju

Putting things away at Mom's tonight after grocery shopping. Opened the drawer next to the toilet in her bathroom to add fresh rolls of toilet paper and found several pairs of "eww" underwear. Along with some cookies and dog treats. And a bra and a sock.

After cleaning everything I could, have to admit the room is simply a bio-hazard that needs professional cleaning. As is Mom. Eww.

On the bright side, she is always happy and surprised to see me, and delighted when I tell her I'm staying for dinner. And best of all, that I will cook it for her and her man! I've been doing this 4 or 5 times a week for 3 years, she has NO idea.

Thanks for listening!

n that forklift turns on a dime!

M- I know I love my chop saw! I got a electric finish nailer and a sonic hand saw to finish this job! I do need a load of gravel for the drive it is way to muddy out there. that will be fun to have them drop it off.....when lowes delivered the sheetrock they had the coolest forklift trike, they mount right to back of truck, put the tines in the slot and lift it up! Crazy!

I will comment on the RV/home thing later, exhausted today, going to bed!

Peace, Juju

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