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Hey all. Bobbie hoping you are feeling better! Just wanted to let you all know I became a gramma on Saturday. A beautiful baby boy that I intend to spoil rotten. Funny how life goes...... Kuli

Juju, don't know what to tell you about your tooth. I just know the dentist I work for has never had to remove a bone chip the size your talking about. He has removed bone chips, but they are all splinter sized, and not really that painful. A patient might come back with a sore spot that feels rough, and he takes tweezers and pulls out something really small. And usually it's months after the extraction, not right afterwards. Even a big piece of root, usually takes months to get sore and work it's way out. My boss won't pull a tooth on a patient unless they have been on a round of antibiotics. He prescribes 10 days worth of penicillin. A bad tooth is almost always infected. After he gets the tooth out, he stresses the importance of not rinsing the blood clot out. No rinsing or spitting for 24 hours. His patients rarely ever get a dry socket, or need any pain pills afterwards. It shouldn't be a big deal. I don't know if the dentist you went too, just broke the top of the tooth off and tried to leave all the roots in there or was just so rough he broke the bone around the roots really bad? If the top of the tooth breaks off, my boss will use the drill with a very small burr, and cut the roots in pieces to get them out, without working on the surrounding bone.

Here is the complete article from the Grand rapids Press.
Study:Uncontrolled laughing,crying common among nursing home residents.
Pseudobulbar affect causes involuntary fits not connected with moods, emotions of patients.
By Sue Thoms

A little-known neurological condition that causes uncontrolled laughing or crying effects one in 10 nursing home residents surveyed in the Grand Rapids area, according to the new study.
Research by Dr. Kevin Foley, an associate professor of Michigan State University's College of Human Medicine, studied the incidence and treatment for pseudobular affect (PBA).
In many cases, the condition is misdiagnosed as depression or patients are treated with antipsychotic medications, Foley found.
The episodes of uncontrolled laughing or crying are not connected with underlying moods or emotions, he said.
I've talked to people who have this condition, and they say,"I don't know why I am laughing," he said.
Foley presented his findings at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, in July.
The condition is a significant quality-of-life issue, he said, particularly for people already struggling with a neurological disorder.
"It gets frustrating for the individual and for them to not know why they are acting in that way and not know how to help," Foley said.
The cause of the condition is onknown. Theories focus on the bulbar nucle, which controls the muscle movement of laughing and crying. It is believed there is a disruption of the control of those muscle movements, as well as a loss of inhibitory control in the brain.
Foley, a specialist in geriatric medicine at Mercy Health Saint Mary's, screened 810 residents at nine Michigan nursing homes and included 418 in the study.
Overall, almost one in 10 residents had symptoms of PBA. For patients with a neurological disorder, such as Alzheimer's disease or stroke, 18 percent had symptoms of PBA , Foley found.
And for the patients with neurlologic disease, those with PBA symptoms had about twice the rate of anti psychotic medication.
For patients with dementia, antipsychotic drugs have been linked to stroke, pneumonia and other life-threatening complications.
Greater awareness and accurate diagnosis of PBA is needed to reduce the use of antipsychotic medications, Foley said.
The research was funded by Avantir Pharmaceuticals, which makes Nuedexta, a drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat PBA.
Follow-up research is needed to develop better ways to identify those with PBA symptoms so they can get an accurate diagnosis, Foley said.
"It's like any health care problem that is somewhat under-recognized," he said. "We need good diagnostic tools."
It's also important to raise awareness among family members and caregivers, he said.
"Our concern is making the public aware that this is real and it can affect quality-of-life."

Whew that is a lot of typing and I hope this helped.

Making the room lighter will do a lot for moods-the late husband liked everything dark and closed up actually put insulation boards on the windows I felt much less depressed after my son took them down after he passed-my MIL kept everything dark and closed in also.

Mame I did get to the State Fair in the 60's when I lived in Syracus and then when the kids were little but not since -we live near where the CT state fair use to be held and went every year. I love this cooler summer.

I think I am done with my painting for now, shall see. finally cooling off good yay!

Cuz, that article sounds interesting! Today I am thinking you may have been typing that to me, rather than Mame, as I mentioned moms laughter outbursts. Not sure, but either way I would love to see it!

Meanwhile, how are things going? did the relatives have any luck with mom?
Hope things are going ok with the eye situation!

Well I did it, rollered yesterday! Arms are aching but feeling accomplished! Excited now, will look so good, just with white primer it so much brighter than the dark wood. I have done a couple other small rooms but didn't have as much of an impact as lightening up this main area!

Well off to start the day, dooty calls!

No don't worry juju, I'd rather hope that too, but I am right on a lot of those...definitely didn't help. ended up jerking and twitchy hot cold hot cold un able to sleep for six hours, Really don't need this...fp out in shade, maybe he will just pass away in the chair sitting outside, OK way to go....Love, Jen

Sorry Jen, I didn't mean to make light of your hit close to home scares me as I know how that feels had one yesterday...and my defense mechanism is to make fun! It is such a strange sensation that comes over, it is eery.....Let's just hope it is the mind overworking! Everything is gonna be alright XOXO!!!

Thanks Jen, Lets hope it is just indigestion....not a premonition, hehehe....
so know that feeling.
Yes I already discussed with them my issue and they dismissed it...I plan to be more than clear, again, when I get there. I am going to reschedule till next month. I have too much to try to finish this week without any additional's gonna hurt for a few days either way!

I did want Meanwhile's input on all those bone chips I was pulling out....they told me that was normal and sometimes the chips are attached and don't release till much after the extraction, and that I just had drysocket. I call BS on that, what do you think? One of the last one was bout 1/2" long.

Mame...Congrats on the son's marriage, boy I sure did miss a lot!!! Hubby back to work is great news! It seems like It is more I not that I cannot write but cannot read...always had difficulty with that. concentration and now the eyes. anyway I dont keep up ( here or anything I need to read up on to help myself/mom....reading is so difficult for me) Therefore I don't want to write without knowing what has been going anyway I did some thinking what was going on when we were doing so good last year..and the key was visiting this site (and exploring our faith) so I am determined to VISIT and at least READ SOMETHING, every morning with my coffee and news, to start my day!

Deef....Hope you had a nice vacation!!!

Bobbie...Love you girl, hope you are doing ok, a trip to the hospital is not any fun XOXO!!!

Well I am breaking open the paint can today! Like I said the primer is on all the trim/edges and grooves in paneling just need to roller the walls.... then redo the process for the top color. I picked a light silvery grey is called Cascade green...not sure I love, love, love it, but it is worlds better than the wood paneling!!

Hello to everyone hoping for a good week for y'all!


Welcome Self,
Yes, isn't dementia glamorous?? Who would not be angry at this disease! This is a great place to vent it out, and find support with those who know all too well the in's n out's of this journey! Take care and come back!

Oh, so I guess it is normal to feel like you are at the table with a two year old?
My mother has pretty much forgotten which utensil does what so she uses her fingers and just crams the food in her mouth. Then, more often than not spits out the chewed food on the plate.We were at a luncheon lately and i looked over and saw she had gotten a huge plate of cookies (like 5 BIG cookies) and was cramming them in. Thank God we were with family.
Other fun things: hiding soiled underwear everywhere any where. pulling down her pants and sitting on the port a pot no matter who is in the room, sons, sonin laws etc.My mother was such a modest woman. What a horrible thief this disease is to rob one of all their dignity before the mind goes totally blank

juju I am not surprised you are anxious about another tooth issue! make sure they know what happened last time and don't let them put you off about it!

more painting here, and upgrade (or is it down grade) he cut himself ON THE WALL rolling over in bed, so mom is going to get the protective bed bumpers... great great...

Got my new wallet, saving up for a hundred dollar hairbrush now...and I don't care how stupid that is. I am using retail therapy for the moment...Won't go back to Y for a bit. was fun while it lasted. Have to get a suit that fits. I think I may have been exposing just a bit too much of myself....whatever.
Heat passing, slowly moving into Fall. Looking forward to it...Have a premonition something bad is going to happen...Hope it is me and not my mom, I could not live with out her. she'd be OK if I was gone. be doing a lot more laundry though...
Have a good week everyone. Jen

Mame If you would like I could type out the article from the paper. Its a little know neurological condition that causes uncontrolled laughing or crying that affects one in 10 nursing home residents in the Grand Rapids, Mi area according to the study. Its called Pseudobulbar.

Juju-I totally get not being able to write cause you are too depressed! I get the same way! And it does feel better just to do something about things-and I am sure talking to the Dr and getting all the aches and pains off your chest and a plan going will really help you! Same for you Jen-cleaning out and getting rid of things is so good for the soul! Plus it keeps you busy-which is good too. And I feel for ya-giving the animal things away.. oh it is so hard! Our babies!
Meanwhile-did the cousin have any better luck getting mom going? I found mom would do better with others but only to a point, and would usually go back to her normal after a bit. Would be interested how you make out.
Ausin-we have had a lot of rain in CNY and kinda cold... We went to hear our son play in a community band Fri night and the conductors says, "If this were March, we would be so happy with 65 degrees! It is all in our perspective" The State Fair starts this week and I am very excited to go-and am hoping for good weather! Do you make it to the NYS Fair in Syracuse?
Cuz-there are a couple old ladies at the NH that cry all the time. It is so pitiful! I hope my mom doesn't get that way!!!
Bobbie-How are you feeling?
I wonder how Sharyn and her daughter are! Hope everything goes well!
Mom talked about the party every day this week! She had such a good time and even remembered that I had a long sun dress on that went "all the way to the floor." She is so cute. I was so happy to have her home and glad she has a happy memory of it! Got a great pic of her and the newlyweds! She loves it!
I can't believe Aug is half over! And this past week everyone was saying it felt like fall already! NOOOOOO.... Oh well, not like we have a choice right?!
Well, hello to everyone out there & hope everyone has a decent week. Mame

Oops above for Mame!

I had to go back and read up, skimmed thru what I have missed last 6weeks
Have to chime in on your issues with the NH....
so sorry for what you are going thru... I so know that fury and amazement at the lack of sense of these so called "professionals" I sure had my share of similar and more just unacceptable things go on when I had mom in rehab for her hip and in the daycare program...(why I am stuck with no other options for respite at this point)
I am so sorry you "have to" worry and micro manage them It just makes the transition all that harder on the caregiver....sounds like you are trying to keep on top of them, so proud of you for being persistent. I wish you all the success, and strength it takes to do what you are doing!
Bobbie...I laughed out loud at the cake!!!! You are the best, as always !!!

I was in a public bathroom the other day.
I had just sat down and I heard a voice say
"Hi, How are you?"
Embarrassed I replied "doing just fine"
The voice said "what are you up to?"
"Just sitting here" I replied
"can I come over?" They said.
I replied "kinda busy right now"
Then the voice said...
"Listen, I'll have to call you back.
There is some idiot, in the stall next to me,
answering all of my questions"

Hi everyone!

Bobbi hope you are feeling better!
Sharyn, so glad they are hanging in there, getting to a better weight!! So excited for you!!
Jen, hang in there girl, like to hear you are keeping busy! Hope your recovery is coming along well now after your surgery. Are you able to get back to the Y?Meanwhile, Austin, Deefer, Mame, Cuz, everyone, hey there!

Agreed, a very sad week losing RW and the trolls, media and internet, scrutinizing every detail. passing judgment and harassing the family, ughhhh!! May he RIP, and his family too!!!! We lost a entertainment genius! I was just thinking, prior to this, how I should find a copy of Mrs. Doubtfire cause it used to make mom laugh so hard, see if she would still enjoy it!! Anyway the sad side to that is I don't think she would, she just doesn't follow anything, hasn't for years, spends most of the time picking doghair off her lap blanket but likes to have the TV on anyway! Once in a while I will catch her laughing at something, I have to run in and see whats up and catch that moment with her....warms my heart to see her laugh, they are so few and far between!!

Well I have had a hell of a time trying to snap out this funk I have been in...since my dad's bday.....
I have been thinking it is because of the arthritis or whatever is going on with my right arm...It has been getting so bad, I mentioned how much I hurt after painting, but the pain is really getting to be an issue on a daily basis in my hands/arms and foot, making it very difficult to care for mom therefore really making me question how long I can do this is not only mental but physical and if it progresses the speed it is now it will be not too long till I cant do it, ugggghhhh Plus just facing the fact of the arthritis and the pain it brings...just another challenge.
Anyway I finally got into the DR last week. I told her I just don't want a bunch of pills thrown at me I want alternative solution The immediate recommendation for all of my ailments .... "is to begin excersizing and lose weight. and I believe she will get me referred over to a specialist, was not clear about that I have to draw blood again specifically for that n go back in a month, They are referring me to get counseling and address maybe getting on an antidepressant, that's going to take several weeks im sure.
I do feel better just getting In there and "doing something" tho! I made it.

now this week it turns out I need another tooth pulled and am really hesitant as the last one went so bad, I cant afford to hurt like that again!!! I think I will postpone till I am done with this darn house I have been procrastinating at but now have no choice but to finish this month....I am ashamed to say I have painting half done in the main living area, we living in limbo / mess for weeks! with everything papered and taped and edges n grooves all primered supplies spread out everywhere and there it sits!!!
I have to a base coat of primer, then edge n grooves and 2 coats of color....hen cut and install the base moulding, and unload my storage (get some furniture back in here) by months end...hope I can do it!!!

Well anyway there I go writing a book....I love and miss you all, sorry I have been so depressed I could not even write! I hope I am on the mend and most of all hope for the best for all!
Love you all,

My cousin drove her mother all the way out here from Dallas. My aunt is getting confused easily these days, but still a sweetheart. My cousin is trying to get my mom up and moving. Maybe she will have better luck than my sister and I.

Bobbi hope you recover completely soon-the weather here in NY in the lower Hudson Valley is excellent-I even took a short walk on the paved trail today coming back from visiting a friend who had brain surgery-she is doing well and they were careful with her hair-not shaving more than was needed-I took her a homemade casserole -I encouraged other to cook something for her but it does not look like it will happen-next time I will take a cake. I never will go away for so long a period of time-I missed so much and it has taken too long to get back to my normal routine-plus too long away from my honey.

this site is very quiet.

nothing new, his posture is worse, weaker maybe? I don't know. been busy as all get out, more painting, more cleaning, getting rid of car loads of stuff, throwing out junk...
Feels like something positive. Donating any pet stuff I can to Spokanimal. Keep the one carrier for CLEO, after her no more pets, I can't take the pain of the loss. I just can't...
Not rich yet, not dead it goes...Have good weekend everyone, hoping everyone expecting is doing well! Jen

Bobbi, sure hope your feeling better. Jen sorry about your mom.
Step dad has been doing better, so has mom. I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

Hey gals. In the Grand Rapids Press there is an article that I thought was interesting. It was a Study: Uncontrolled laughing, crying common among nursing home residents. Pseudobulbar affect causes involuntay fits not connected with moods, or emotions of patients.
Its really interesting and if you would like I would be glad to type it in for you to read.
Its hard for me to type tonight because I had to take my contacts out to pull a sliver from the wife's foot so I am having hard time seeing the keys cause my glasses are real old and I don't wear them. I will gladly do it tomorrow night if you would like. Hugs to everyone.

Was gonna write, can't mom is on major criticism mode I have got to leave...

Mame-that is a big change just for lowering the prednisone. My brother was taking prednisone for his lung disease, the dr said he could develop diabetes as a result.

My mom has declined some, changed her antidepressant from citilapram to lexapro. Sis took her out yesterday for a haircut and color, but mom comlained the whole time...we may not be able to take her out anymore if it is going to cause her too much anxiety. Sis said she had them wax her upper lip and almost bolted when they took her in a private room to lay down for the waxing. I guess she thought they were going to do surgery on her.

Sharyn! You must be getting so excited to leave! I hope everything goes well and you have wonderful stories to tell us when you get back!
Meanwhile-my mom's diabetes seems to be better and I can't figure that out! The Dr did lower her prednisone and I know that steroids can bring sugar levels up...anyway, she is off the metformin and her insulin has been lowered. She eats all the sweets she wants at the NH too! And ice cream at every meal! I can't figure it out.
Jen-it must be painting week! My kids have a job painting this week! Wish I could get them to do it here-they expect to be paid!
Mom does remember the party and loved all the pics I showed her from it. She kept saying, "I saw EVERYBODY!" It was adorable. She does keep asking us why she can't live here anymore... but she seems to understand.
Rainy here this week...feels fallish...but I am sure we will have another heatwave... Have a good day all! Mame

That is so true Bobbie! Vent and Live... thanks to you we can do that here! Hope you are feeling better! Hugs! Mame

Love to everyone here and sorry I haven't been more active, I got really sick but seem to be on the mend now. This time a hospital got involved, Oy!

RIP Robin. Hard to believe. Losing the battle with Depression has a sad outcome.

Vent and Live!


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