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Mom got to come home for a few hours for a party we had here for my son and his wife. She really enjoyed herself! She looked great and seemed so happy. She kept asking my sister why she doesn't live here anymore... I was afraid she would give us a hard time about leaving but she didn't. I am sure she slept well last night! I won't see her till tomorrow-but I can't wait to see if she remembers and says she had a good time! I downloaded pics to my computer to show her to remind her. I hope she is happy and not sad that she can't be here anymore!

Today's Joke

A naked woman is bouncing on her bed singing. Her husband walks into the bedroom and sees her. He watches her a while then says, “You look ridiculous! What on earth do you think you’re doing?”

She says, “I just got my checkup and my doctor says I have the breasts of an eighteen year old.” She starts laughing and jumping again. He says, “Yeah, right. And what did he say about your 45-year-old ass?”

“Your name never came up, ” she replied.

In the basement, painting my bathroom with what was left of the exterior paint for the ramp I touched up yesterday.

he's not dead yet....

Had a lady bring mother into the dentist office yesterday. She was worried, because her mom has decided to quit smoking and drinking. Her mom is 92 years old. Doc cleaned her dentures, but not much else to do. She actually looked in really good shape. Walks without a cane, carried on an intelligent conversation.

Well, when I got to work today, I looked at the schedule for next week and I was scheduled to work Wed-Sun. I told one co-worker that is not going to work because I am leaving on the 14th. The dept manager is on a mini vacay until Tuesday. We rearranged the schedule with the approval of the assist store manager. I am thinking the dept manager was in a hurry to make the schedule since she will be off for 5 days....I hope that is the case...she told me last week it should be ok for my vacay.

Hi Sharyn, even the dysfunctional thread is slow today.

Hey everyone, where are you??

Took Indio to an eye specialist to have the eye he injured rechecked. He still doesn't have much vision in that eye. The Dr say's it has a small cataract, not big enough for surgery, and just wait and see if his eye gets better. He had no answer for why the vision is so bad in that eye. Wanted to give him a Px for glasses, but then admitted it wouldn't really help him see any better. What's that about??
As for my step dad, he has been diabetic for 50 years, and knows more about it than most MD's. Problem is his age is making him much more brittle. I think he needs a continuous glucose monitor, but he has managed his diabetes so well for so many years, he doesn't want to try something new. Even though things are changing now.

Meanwhile~At this point, I don't think the boys will have to be in a NICU unless they have some issues with sucking, swallowing and breathing at the same time...but I doubt that will be the case. I am so excited!!!

Thanks Jen!! I am thinking about all of you too. Hang in there, get the Y if you can. Hope things have cooled down weather wise for you.

Insulin reactions not good...Is he overdosing...or just an bad reaction? I hope you can get him to see a dr...even if you have to call 911. I am still learning about diabetes so I would find that very scary.

5 is good, lets hope they hold out a bit more, thinking of you all there!

5 pounds is not a bad weight, especially for twins. My sister was 5 and half pounds, and I weighed 6 pounds (my mom made it to 36 weeks), They sent us home with no problems, and that was 55 years ago. Hope everything goes well for your daughter and her twins.
Step dad seems to have a really bad insulin reaction every few days. Passing out and seizures. Won't go to the Dr. Have to just pour juice down his throat, and try not to choke him.

Glad~Thank you for the mom also has been taking Namenda 10mg twice a day, not a big increase with 28mg once a day. I had some concerns with her starting with new dosage of Namenda at the same time she is starting a new antidepressant. I will talk with the resident nurse on Wednesday about how she is tolerating both meds.

Thanks Jen~ My vacay starts Aug 14. The dr will not let my daughter go passed Aug 29th, but delivery is expected sooner because of the preeclampsia. She will be 34 weeks on Wednesday and the boys are close to 5lb now. Both are head down but baby A is in the pelvis ready to shoot out, and they are side by side. The dr will most likely induce her labor unless there are serious issues going on due to the preeclampsia.

Finally delta breezes tonight...YAY!!! Have a good night everyone!

And 21 mg, look at the orange banner at the top of the page.

Sharyn, Namenda XR, if I remember right from Mom taking it a year ago comes in 7 mg, 14mg and 28 mg. My Mom will be taking 28 mg as she now takes 10 mg twice a day.

Sharyn Hoping all goes well for your daughter!

got a storm blowing through, no rain but cooled right off AND I opened the doors and windows and BLEW THE HOUSE OUT BUT GOOD!

Good weekend everyone...Jen

Mame~The poor 88 year old...they wanted to make her a resident whether it was necessary or not!
Cuz~We could do with 70's was 105 and now it is 10:45 pm and 82 degrees breeze to cool us down...I pray for the delta breezes to pick up.
Juju~Good to hear from you, check in when you can and glad to hear you are hanging in there.

My mom has declined some in the last couple months. She has bouts of weepiness and quick to anger. Her dr changed her antidepressant from Citalprma to Lexapro. Also the manufacturer of Namenda has quit making Namenda at 10 mg. It is only available as Namenda XR at 28 mg. Changes going on there for my mom which is hard to witness.

I take my vacation on Aug 14-Sept 3 to go to Idaho for my daughter. Her dr told her she will not let her go beyond Aug 29th but because of the preecampsia, she does not think my daughter will make it to the 29th. My daughter is 33 weeks now.

It made it to the high 70's today Jen thanks for sending some our way.

had to witness his signature attempt on ballot, maybe it will end soon....

Hey there, still hanging in here! Hope everyone is doing well....
We had a lil scare with a fire couple weeks ago....woke up midnite sat nite to a ruckus going on outside....was firefighters right behind the house putting out a grass fire about a block up the mountain right above me. They got it contained quick at an acre, so thankful, that was too close for comfort. this area is a tinderbox with the heat and lighting storms There are big fires everywhere round the PacNorWest.....From Jens area all the way down her.

Well hello to everyone and I will try to check in more....

Am sending to cuz the extra heat we had, I'll take a nice 75 and send the extra 25 degrees to you....

Lake Michigan water temperature was 41 degrees today. The air temp along the lake was 55 degrees. Its the end of July, not November.
Wow meanwhile, watch for infections. I would have said more than ouch.
Jen we wish it were that warm around here. Going to have to bring out the longjohns just to go fishing.

Hot here too, but supposed to cool off this weekend, maybe get some rain. Mom has decided she can walk again. So she is up and around cooking and cleaning, doesn't want any help. We will see how long this lasts.
Had to go hike around the pasture looking for the horses last night. Stepped on a thorn that went all the way through my shoe into my heel. It nailed my shoe to my foot, which makes it really hard to get your shoe off. Of course my dog, Sophie was trying to help. It's not too sore today, must of been all that dog slobber helped.

Was 101 at the airport...lets just NOT do this again eh?
Deef how close did that tornado get?
He's not dead yet...

THAT is some fresh crab Bobbie! Yum!
We are having September weather here this week... 70's and rainy. I am sure it will get hot again...we are such a climate of extremes! A little consistency would be nice.
Gonna share the life explanation Cuz-explains a lot!
We are having a backyard party in Aug to celebrate my son's wedding. Mom will be coming! She is excited and remembers that she is invited! Hope it is a nice day-weather wise! Fingers crossed!
Have a decent day! Mame

That's a good one Harv!

I just came off the dock after barking at a guy trying to dock with the current and the wind behind him. He couldn't understand why the boat wasn't steering. *sigh*

Good to see everyone's posts and I hope everyone is doing as well as they can with the crazy they are dealing with.

DEEF!! We had the crab feast and had some crabs left over so we picked them and are making crab cakes today. That was the sweetest crab and the time from the crab pot to the steaming pot was about 6 hours.

Heat index of 111 yesterday here so everyone be careful out there!


On the first day, God created the dog and said, sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this I will give you a life span of twenty years.
The dog said, "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?"
And God said that it was good.
On the second day, God created the monkey and said, "Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh.. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life span."
The monkey said, "Monkey tricks for twenty years? That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the dog did?"
And God again said that it was good.
On the third day, God created the cow and said, "You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer's family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years."
The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty?"

And God agreed it was good.
On the fourth day, God created humans and said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I'll give you twenty years."
But the human said, "Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?"
"Okay," said God, "You asked for it."
So that is why for our first twenty years, we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For the next forty years, we slave in the sun to support our family. For the next ten years, we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last ten years, we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.

Life has now been explained to you.
If you are looking for me, I will be on the front porch.

Tonsils vs. Circumcision

Every once in a while a good one comes along……….

Two little boys are going to the hospital the next day for operations.

Theirs will be first on the schedule.

The older boy leans over and asks,

"What are you having done?"

The second boy says, "I'm getting my tonsils out, and I'm afraid."

The first boy says, "You've got nothing to worry about.

I had that done when I was four.
They put you to sleep, and when you wake up,
they give you lots of Jell-O and ice cream.
It's a breeze."

The second boy then asks, "What are you going in for?"

The first boy says, "Circumcision."

"Whoa!" the smaller boy replies.
"Good luck, buddy. I had that done when I was born.
Couldn't walk for a year."

Hey everyone! So, mom's 88 year old friend went up to see mom in the NH (she is still driving!) She took the elevator up to the the floor mom is on and walked down the long hall (with her cane.) When she was nearing mom's room, the nurse stopped her and told her she was on the wrong floor and was trying to grab her arm to see her bracelet to see what floor she was supposed to be on! She started shouting that she was there to see my mom and said her name... My sis was there and went out to see what the commotion was and vouched for mom's friend that indeed, she was not a resident and was just visiting!!!! Someday, I may have to write a book!

Hey everybody!!!n I'm still here, I think!!!! Picked up my sister at the airport Saturday morning, after 3 grueling days of trying to get my house somewhat cleaned up for her stay. We got home in time to get lunch to Blanche and sit a couple hours. Then it was back home to get ready to go to our younger sister's belated wedding celebration at her house in the country. Meanwhile, she has 2 horses and a huge piece of land for them to roam on.
They had friends do ribs and pulled pork in their smokers. They go to all kinds of barbecue contests all over the country during the summer. All of my sibs were there for the festivities. Most of them I hadn't seen or talked to since Mom passed one year ago this past Friday. I let my sister catch up with everyone and just kind of hung back so as not to say anything nasty.
Later in the evening I nearly fell on my face off of a kitchen chair when I fell asleep while everyone else was talking! I was exhausted and went to bed shortly after!
I had been vacuuming, shampooing rugs, washing bed clothes and packing up craft supplies and carrying them to the second floor all week. That was in addition to 2 or more hours a day gardening and twice a day to Blanche's. Needless to say, I'm still pretty tired and spent 9 hours in bed the last 2 nights. Consequently, I am sore allover because I never spend more than 6 or 7 hours in bed. Tonight we are cooking on the grill and having fresh beans and squashes from the garden. Oh yeh, I made 3 batches of jam last week, 1 red raspberry and 2 black and made 3 raspberry pies too!....
Sigh!!! Can't wait to get on that plane to Va. next Saturday! At least I will get away from all the madness here for 8 days.
Shirley, must be crazy for you with double the trouble!!! At least your horses provide some much needed amusement.
Jen, hope things are cooling down for you there! I know that odor well!!! I try to air out Blanche's everyday, but sometimes it's just too hot to shut off the air and open windows. Besides, she always thinks someone is going to break in and take all her stuff if everything isn't closed up tight.
Mame, you knew when you needed to place your mom and it was the right thing for all of you. It's good that you keep up with the visits as that's what keeps them on their toes! She sounds like she is doing well there despite the level of care. The fact that she is happy is a good thing!
How's it going Cuz, Juju, Hi Jeannette!
Bobbie!!!!! How's the crabbing going? It's good to know you are finally getting to live life again. Hearing about your life and what's going on gives the rest of us hope for a life after caregiving! Keep doling out that good advice when you feel up to revisiting what you went through. It can bring up painful memories but talking about them can also help you and all of us here.
Okay, off to start the grill while my sis goes to get Blanche!
Hang in there everyone!
Love Deef!!!

Hello ladies and gents.
Rosella-I am so sorry about your mom. The magic around her passing is amazing and beautiful. Hugs to you & Hugo and your family!
Hello linda-hugs to you. Kuli and Sharyn-happy news that grandbabies are soon to come! Will pray for them and their mom's! Sharyn, so glad hubby wasn't injured in the accident. Hope all is well now.
Meanwhile-great picture in my head of your horse on the front porch looking in! Thank you for that!
Jen-scary-the fires! After my son's wedding we let go some Chinese lanterns-I worry so that they will spread fire somewhere but they go so high and seem to burn out way up there. They sell them at a local store-I wouldn't dream of doing them around here with all the houses so close etc. They are a beauty and fun but I do wonder how safe they are.
Cuz-thanks for the jokes! Hello Jeanette-yea, spit is a good hand washer! Ick! Hey Juju-how are things?
Deef-hope you can get a nice respite away! You definitely deserve it woman! Yea-I never wanted to send mom to the NH-and feel horrible about it. But she really just became too much for me. There are days I just want to wheel her out the door and back home-but it just can't be. Most days are ok-I just have to stay on top of her getting her brief changed... Sucks, but it is what it is. Thanks for all your comments on my last post...I needed that! Bobbie-I like the exlax idea! It all just makes me shake my head to make sure I am not dreaming or something-it is just so obtuse! Common sense people!!!
Enjoying the summer with a full house. See mom Mon-Fri for a few hours. She is good. Seems happy so that is a major plus. Yesterday at lunch there were a few people shouting out a says to me-"the crazies are here today!" She cracks me up.
Hello to everyone else out there and anyone I missed! Hugs! Mame

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