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Meanwhile, does Mom drink a lot of water? Do you have to constantly remind her to drink? I had always thought that EVERYONE should drink eight glasses a day until Mom's hubby was at the doc the last time. His sodium was low as well. The doc asked how much water he drinks; his reply was probably not enough. Then doc said it was enough because with more water the sodium would be lower. What is then sodium content of Gatorade? Anybody know? Maybe I should get him drinking that instead of water.

Well, mom fell again. says she isn't hurt. Went back to the Dr today, blood work is fine except her Na+, which is low. She put herself on a no salt diet years ago, even though her BP has always been low, and her Na+ runs low. The Dr tells her she needs some salt in her diet, but she's convinced salt is bad. I put salt in the food I cook for her, but doesn't seem to be enough. This is hard, work full time, and try and take care of her. I shouldn't complain. My stepdad, and my sister are helping just as much.

Welcome back Linda. Hope ya still enjoy the e-mails I send ya.

Linda, so sorry your husband has been sick. Mom was a little better today, complaining about being cold (it's 90 degrees here). So I dug out a fuzzy warm robe. She won't get dressed. Has to go back to the Dr tomorrow. Probably end up taking her in her night gown and robe.

hey there Glad.
Ya, it is. boat drinks!


Hey Linda heart...Sounds like same stuff different day eh?...
Meanwhile....not good...fp is at least wearing them, but the down side is he "USES them and no longer wishes to utilize the facilities....great great...On we go...Wish he would! Hot here all week... Not re signing up for Y, gonna save the $200, I get monthly and spend it on clothes...what I don't give to mom that is. Jen

Dreams are so strange. I laid down to read today, dozed off, I guess for about 10 minutes. As I was waking I thought I had dived into a pool, very deep, my forehead was brushing the bottom of the pool. I was trying to surface, and was not able to, just kept brushing my forehead on the bottom of the pool, then I woke up. Bob's boat sounds much safer.

So good to see you!
Sorry for all the crazy in your life. Sux for sure.
Hope your husband heals and you guys get to have more fun.

People here in this office so will write more later. So happy to see you here.


i hear ya ! jen !! i can not believe fp is still kicking !! yes i agree with ur mom about abusing if she dont cram those pills down his throat . dad would always tell me oh linda i just dont want to take my meds , now i understand ! sometimes i dont feel like taking mine ... big hugs to u jen !! yes i often dream that i am at bobbie s boat too . just in spirit ````
meanwhile ! now ure going thru with ms fp now . oh lord have mercy ,

begin on facebook got me bored , i thought about my pal s here and was missing you all , i t hought i best come back and hang out with ya all . i was lost since the day dad was buried 2-2-12.... now i am lost again .. mil is on hospice now . we havent been up to see her , my hubby had cancer in his bladder and 2 more new stent in his heart in feb ... open heart 2 yrs ago . welp ,,, im back into caregivin days again . hubbys been off work few months now , so this shitofanic shall come back if you all will have me :-) ..

Hope; you get over your cold, and get to feeling better. That can make a big difference, Jen. I think my mother is turning into FP, She is peeing all over the place, but won't wear depends. Did finally get her in the shower today though. I'm getting depressed, just thinking about how bad this could get.

I agree Sharyn, but I just don't want to do it...

Jen~I know it is hot and nasty but I think if you re up your membership and will feel better not just physically but mentally too...that cool water wrapping around you soothing your muscles and your minds can just go in whatever direction you want...just a thought!

Off today until Wednesday...hubby and I are having chicken breasts marinated in balsamic vinegar, garlic, sage, garlic, cayenne pepper and corn on the cob, with a salad. Hot here and overcast...I thought the humidity was gone but apparently not.

Hang in there everyone...I hope you all catch a cool breeze in the shade.

Semi-peaceful here....fp has started wearing suspenders for some reason....under his clothes. though it no longer matters he "can't get his pants off fast enough" because he wears diapers now and it is a non issue. he is saying he doesn't want to take his pills anymore. Mom is pissed, she feels it would be a literal elder abuse/neglect issue to let him stop taking his medication... Just more crap on the endless sh*t train that is life here...I can hardly believe it has been this long....
Wishing for better things and good weather for all. Was at the BBQ with ya bobbie, even if you couldn't see me.
Have not re upped my Y membership, they said I have to come in to do it and I don't feel like swimming right now. Something has changed again...My God, I saw a post I made in 2010...I hardly recognize myself. Strident, arrogant, smarmy but sincere...I am just destroyed here...Why won't this just END...
Made a sour cream lemon pie today. Hope that turned out good. having cold or allergy symptoms here...let's just not!
Have a good week everyone! Jen

The humidity here has subsided thank goodness, we NorCal wimps can't take humidity in the summer...normal is like when it gets to be 55%, we are spent..doesn;t happen often maybe one summer out of 6-7. Tomorrow will be around 99 with Monday predicted at 101.

I am off the next 3 days so back to decluttering,my goal of down sizing our life. I want to make over our fireplace and I found a product online called Brick Anew. It is a kit for $199.00 and I must admit I like the results I am seeing from their site. Maybe after the first of the year, I will attempt this.

Deef~My sister has been misdiagnosed several times too,..the CHF has been the most serious misdiagnosis so far. Her insurance is an HMO conglomerate that works with employers to reduce the cost of insurance. I don't know if they are California based only or if nation wide...some people absolutely love them and others just hate them. They have their own hospitals, and when sis goes in for a dr. appt., it is in a huge 3 story building that includes her PCP, radiology, pathology, cardiology, neurology, a pharmacy, etc.

What I posted about the possible cause is my sis's opinion...sometimes I am not sure she understands. I asked her about a lung condition they diagnosed her with about 2 years ago....she has no memory of it.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone...hopefully it will be peaceful.

Rained yesterday but we cooked our 4th dinner anyway. I did potato and mac salad and boneless ribs in the pressure cooker that I finished on the grill. Also had hamburgers and hot dogs. Blanche and I had the leftover grilled hot dogs on rolls for lunch today.
I was exhausted and went to bed early, but had a feeling it was going to be a rough night. Boy was it ever!!! Legs were jumping until 2:30! I was too tired to get up and walk around the house, or rock my a$$ off in the rocking chair, so I moved to the sofa and tossed for a couple hours before finally passed out. My daughter is on vacation for the next 9 days and I told her to wake me up for an early walk. 7 came around really fast! But I got up and going and we took a 45 minute walk before breakfast. Then I worked in the garden, got Blanche's lunch, then picked her black raspberries. I got enough for a batch of jam today. Then it was back home and over to my cousin's to load up 75lbs of beautiful compost for my garden. I spread that all around my pepper and tomato plants then picked my red raspberries. After a rest on my swing and an iced coffee, I went back to Blanche's and washed and curled her hair for church tomorrow. She said she called her friend and told her to pick her up for church. I'm really hoping she did. Church means I don't have to bring her lunch and can enjoy my day until supper time.
I'm planning on digging up more compost for the garden and then making jam and a peach melba cake. But I will have to mow the lawn first thing in the morning and get the yard trimmed. Then I need to vacuum the pool to get it cleaned up for the next wave of hot weather that will be here Monday. Can't wait for that!
Managed to get more packing and cleaning done but it hasn't even put a dent in what needs to be done.
Bobbie!!! Sorry we couldn't be there to celebrate with you.
SusanA, steak sounds really good!
Meanwhile, sure hope you can get mom to clean herself up! I still have certain smells welded to my brain!
Sharyn, sounds like your sister has been through a lot for no reason. I wish doctors would wait to get test results before treating something they are not sure of. happened to my mom so many times! the wrong treatment, drugs, can really mess people up! Sometimes it takes days and even weeks to get things back to normal. Hope your sister is feeling much better.
Jen, been swimming yet?
Mame, how are you doing?
Okay, time to clean up the kitchen and feed the cats and see if I can sleep tonight! Hope you all have a good Sunday!

Went and scrubbed mom's bathroom today, but still no luck getting mom scrubbed. She was too tired, after watching my sister and I clean and cook.
I can't get mad at my stepdad, he really does try.

Deef~Good to hear you have not had any hallucinations that last couple days. My sis was having some strange things happening to her a while back....she would walk down the hallway and the hallway would turn into tunnel vision with the end the hallway getting very narrow, shadows across her vision, she thought she was hallucinating too. She was taking different anti depressants and none were helping her and she only felt worse as time went by so she stopped all it...and everything is fine on that end now..

Worked today and got off at 8pm. Turns out sis was not dehydrated but dangerously low on potassium so when she arrived at the ER...they were waiting for her with STAT orders on her chart. She was hooked up to several monitors beeping all the time no sleep for her. She said it is all the result of them misdiagnosing her for CHF back in Feb. prescribing diuretics and other drugs, then after testing her with a heart ultra sound and breathing test and others, ruled out CHF, removed her off the drugs. Then she developed pneumonia and was hospitalized, a week later she was having muscle spams in her neck and back so more drugs, a muscle relaxer. All this caused her to not be eating like she should, and with the hospitalizations, they gave her insulin and metformin which dropped her blood sugar into the 50's. Hopefully she is on the mend now and can get back to her normal. My sister's eldest daughter and I are trying to talk my sis into moving to Kentucky where she will be with both her daughter's and grandkids...more people to help her than just me, plus her retirement will go much further in Kentucky than here in far she won't her of it.

Hope your 4th of July weekend is peaceful!

Meanwhile2 - that sounds yummy! Mom and I just took it easy tonight and didn't make much fuss over dinner. Our big hometown fireworks show is tomorrow night, and we can see most of it from our porch, so we'll just stay home. If I can get time away, I'll run to the store and grab some steaks, maybe, for the grill, and maybe I'll get the stuff to make her favorite salads (potato salad and possibly some cottage cheese salad).

I'm right with you on the "odor prevention" methods! I usually have scented candles on the candle warmers (no open flames!) and air fresheners cranked up all over the house in the winter time, and weather permitting, windows open all summer long. I'm so thankful when she actually comes out of her early-stage dementia funk long enough to shower on a regular basis, but that usually only works for about a week, then we're back to the begging and pleading with her to shower.

Your Dad was trying to help, but boy....sometimes when they try, you'd rather they didn't! LOL Mom used to offer to do the dishes, but I nipped that in the bud after I realized her vision and focus on the task at hand wasn't what it used to be. I was re-washing so many dishes that it kind of defeated the purpose. Now she's at the point where she can't stand in front of the sink to do the dishes at all, so that eliminates *that* problem.

Made pulled pork, cornbread, deviled eggs and salad for mom and stepdad. That is about it for the 4th around here. Mom still won't take a shower. I opened the windows, turned the fan on and put mom downwind of everyone else. After dinner washing the dishes, and my step dad asks if I can rinse out the hummingbird feeders. I say sure. So before I can stop him, he dumps them into the sink full of dishes. They were full of dead bees, and ants.

Happy 4th of July!

I am here all by myself at this here marina and wish you guys were here with me. We would have drinks with little umbrellas and grill farm animal rib cages on that nice grill down there.


Finally got a slight break from the oppressive heat and humidity here!!! Hate it!!! Been getting headaches and poop soup from going in and out of the AC. I too get dehydrated because I like coffee and I get so busy I forget to drink. I also have a small bladder so if I over hydrate I end up with issues. A few years ago I went to a female urologist and went through a series of really embarrassing tests, only to find out that I can't drink as much liquid as the average person. If I do it's hell to pay for with days of discomfort.
Years ago, after my first pelvis ultrasound, I realized that I need not drink as much as they say, or drink too far in advance. A 16 ounce bottle of water on the way to the hospital is enough for me! Now I always keep a bottle of low calorie Gatorade on hand and drink it when I get dizzy and light headed. Usually gets me up and running in a couple hours.
Been so hot and humid here that it's hard to breathe when you walk out the door. I built a couple A- frames for my butternut squash yesterday morning and then set them up in the garden and velcroed the vines to the frames to keep them off the ground and try to contain them before they take over the yard! I nearly roasted in the half hour I was out in the sun, and that was before 10 am. Had storms last night and heavy rain, but not as bad as everywhere else. Of course it only made it steamier today. Storms rolled through from mid afternoon until after 10 tonight and the air actually changed a bit. I had all windows open while the breezes were blowing, but had to shut them and turn the AC on again because it got stuffy after the wind died down.
No hallucinations the last few nights! I'm hoping it's just stress and lack of sleep. Sharyn, things sound good for your daughter and the babies so far. Great news!!! And I'm sure you always work hard. It's something that was instilled in many of our generation. Nothing p's me off more than someone in our age group putiing in a poor performance at work. Actually any age group!!! I hate people who just do their job description and nothing more!
Hang in there Glad! There is light at the end of the tunnel, even if it's slow coming!
Jen, nothing like prism rainbows to make one smile! Ouch!!! Hot there too!
Meanwhile, hope you get mom to clean herself up! I don't know how you can stand that heat, dry or not!!
Bobbie!!!! I'm thinking I wouldn't even dangled my piggies in that water!! the hose sounds much better.
Juju, hope you are feeling better and pacing yourself a bit!
Mame???? Hope you are okay!!
Blanche's kitchen faucet let go yesterday morning, so I had to go in the cellar and find the shut-offs. Of course she thought someone could come right over and fix it, so I had to explain the situation with plumbers! My cousins called at 8:45 and said he would meet me there to see what needed to be done. He does construction work in local homes. Well, turns out that whoever did the plumbing way back when, soldered the brass pipes right to the handles! So I had to call the plumber and wasn't sure if they could make it until Monday because they were busy and tomorrow is the holiday. So I tried to explain all that to her then drove back home. I actually started to pack up clothes to donate and moved craft supplies and Mom's paperwork up to the empty apartment yesterday and got going on that again. Right in the middle of that the plumber called and said he would be showing up at her house in 15 minutes!!! So it was jump back into the car and head back across town for a couple hours. While he replaced the faucet, I fed her lunch and went through her mail.
When I finally got back home I continued to get things accomplished. All the winter jackets are washed and packed away, and I filled 2 bags with clothes that no longer fit along with more of mom's things. The next couple days are going to be cooler and drier, so I hope to have enough energy to continue the clean-up. My sister will be arriving on the 26th, and I need to have everything done before she gets here, including the spare bedroom she will sleep in for 2 weeks. Then we will fly back to Virginia on the 9th of August and I will fly back home on the 17th, 2 days before my birthday.
I'm hoping she will help me clean Blanche's house while she is here. It sure needs it! She tries to help me and I can't get it done and fend her off when I'm alone. And I can't bring myself to clean her house when mine needs it more!
Okay, need to feed 4 hungry cats and get myself to bed so I can get more done before I head across town tomorrow.
Night everyone and try to keep cool!!
Love Deef!!

Cooler here last couple of days, 80's, and the humidity is so low nobody sweats, well you do, but it evaporates so fast who can tell. Easy to get dehydrated. Loose a couple hikers in the park every year to heat, and dehydration. Mom is home from the hospital. Still won't drink water, but I've talked her into drinking some goat milk. Now if I can just get her butt in the shower. The nurses at the hospital tried to get her in the shower, and she pitched a fit. Normally her hygiene is very good, but when she feels bad, she wants to smell bad.
I like the ZERO gatorade, strawberry. No calories.
Hope everyone has a good holiday.

Deef~That is scary what you are dealing with, the hallucinations Not that stress is good, but hoping it is just stress and nothing more serious.

My daughter started talking to me again on Sunday. We are all good now and in the further, I tell her girlfriend,...but I will tell family (not on facebook) because they will pray for her.

Bobbie~ So far I like the cool blue and glacier cherry. I will try some others too. I know what you mean about the sugars in Gatorade. I also like Propel Zero as it has no sugar no carbs...but it does not have potassium, only B vitamins, vitamin C. Maybe you could add the powder of crystal light to the sea salt water to add some flavor. I will have to look into that too.

Speaking of dehydration, sis called me this morning, she had blood work done yesterday. Her dr called her telling her she wanted her to go directly to the hospital because her labs came back low on everything including being anemic. She is currently getting IV fluids to bring up the potassium, sodium and everything else. I am sure she will have to take iron supplements for the anemia.

The co-worker who said he is watching...I mentioned it to the b/d manager and she started laughing saying he was joking...he jokes but does not smile. Another co-worker told me to just be careful because a couple people in our dept have been written up. I am not going to worry about this because 1) I am working the whole time I am there and 2) if he or anyone else wants to find something to have me written up over....they will find it, because I am only human. I did clock out the other night, LOL!! I just didn't pay attention to doing it.

Happy 4th of July to everyone and especially to those who served.

Sorry to hear about your friend Bobbie, I hope it was peaceful...

I'll be right over!!

Good morning crew,

Arthur passed us in the night with not very much noise, thankfully. It got windy there for a few hours yesterday on the front end so I went down and threw a few extra lines on some boats just in case. It's cooler today because of

I don't tease the alligator but some of the good 'ol boys certainly do. One in particular is trying to tease him into getting caught so he can make us all gator tail. I've had it and it's good!

Meanwhile! Has your mom been released yet? Man, you can't make them do what would make their lives so much easier and in turn your lives too. Oy.
Hope it all works out to where you can get the stress levels down and enjoy the summer.
What are your average temperatures there? Here we are experiencing the 90s with heat indexes of 100+ and that fabulous humidity. At least I know that my body is functioning on some level because if I am outside I am sweating. Good thing I work at a job where no one cares if I am glowing, as long as I have their boats safe.

Deef! Sorry to hear about the hallucinations! Wow! Couldn't it just be stress with all of the running around and all of the work you are doing at the house?
Has your husband worn a hole in that couch? Hope you have a good time on your break and get to have fun with the tasty meals.

Juju! How are you feeling today? Number one goal today?
Be good to yourself and thanks for the kind words. That means a lot to me. xoxo

SharynMarie! You are working like an animal in this heat. Too Much! Glad you are replacing electrolytes! I have to do that all the time as well but Hey! Someone told me about bottled water and a pinch of sea salt and it seems to be working like a charm. I was on the path for losing weight and couldn't have the sugar so I started up with that about 2 months ago and it really works and I don't have to stress the extra sugar of gatorade. Of course, water with a pinch of sea salt sure doesn't have the good taste of gatorade and I was in dangerous territory weight wise so I had to look everywhere for a way to cut it all out. What's your favorite color? Mine was orange.
Hope your daughter doesn't have any more issues and can carry those boys to term or as close to it as possible.
Oh, and I was happy to learn that you are not being stalked!

Jen! love the rainbows! Have you been able to swim yet? I got a boat to be on the water and I haven't been swimming since I got the boat!! Who knew? Oy!
I was telling someone the other day that I just want to take the boat offshore about a mile and drop the hook and swim and grill some hot dogs and kick back and they said: That sounds good except for the swimming so I'm, What?? and they said, SHARKS. jeeze louise.
There's no reason to move 55 tons to cook a damn hot dog so I will just turn the hose on myself.
That chili sounds great and I love lentils. Let us know how it tasted.

Austin! wassup?

And I am concerned about Mame as well. Mame! Check in and let us know how you are!

Glad! How are you doing? I understand that you are feeling isolated and overworked and that sux beyond anything. Wish you could join me here on the dock.
Sometimes I feel like that line from Shawshank Redemption and I'm paraphrasing now:
Crawled through a river of sh!t to get here…

Hope you guys have as good a day as possible.


Just called to re up my membership. Probably 94 here by 4. yucka. making vegetarian chili, I put in lentils... I hope they absorb that flavor! Jen

Waiting for Mom to get released. They kept her overnight at the hospital. But, they will probably send her home today. IV fluids potassium and antibiotics. She is much better already.
Sharyn so glad to hear your daughter got to go home. I'm sure she is more comfortable there.
Juju, take care of yourself, you've had so much to deal with last year.
Deef, enjoy your vacation. Your BIL's cooking sounds like my late husband's. He cooked everything very bland, but then would spice some up for me. We used to cook big dinners for people together, and somehow it worked out. We always had so much fun cooking together. I guess your BIL is a bit of a control freak.
Jen, are you getting to swim yet? It's been so hot here, that sounds wonderful. Hope you get to enjoy it soon.
Anyone heard from Mame? worried about her too.
Bobbi no teasing the alligator, and take care of yourself too. Love Shirley

Meanwhile, oh what a way to start the day, may just need some IV fluids b4 going home, fingers crossed for you, trips to the hospital are not fun. That is one of our constant issues as well, getting enough liquids in momma, i am waiting on a test now to see, i am pretty sure she has another as well.
Sharyn Nice to hear your daughter has stabilized, lets hope she can keep em in the oven long as possible!!!
Deef. sounds like me too, paying bills late, so forgetful or losing touch with time passing so fast, I cant believe it has been just about a year since starting this insurance claim. I keep saying after your done get the rest taken care of but i never thought it would take so long and comlpletely lost track of time. ugghhhh...i cant seem to catch up after the tooth incident that wiped me out for several weeks with the pain! Anyway Blackberrys grow wild all around me, not ready yet but looking forward to august.
Bobbie you do just have such a great way! Thank you so much for the pep talk! That is why i said while back, could never imagine this thread without you!!!!!
love you all!

Juju~Good for you...get that bloodwork done...your health comes first. What you can handle after that, then go for it. If you switch a rake for the tv, set a time limit of how much time you will spend doing/the same with painting and pick it up again the next day. Just don't try to do all in one day. Focus on your health first.
Meanwhile~I am so sorry about your mom. Dehydration really takes a toll on our body. This last week, I worked 24 hours at my old store and 21 hours at my current store. It has been hot, humid, and the worry over my daughter, I was not eating and drinking water like I should. Yesterday at work, I was light headed all day...I drank 2 two liters of bottle water. Even though I drank that much...I think it flushed all the potassium out of my system. I got really weak around 7:15pm and drank a gatorade. It helped, but by the time I left work, I was really light headed and weak again. I bought a bigger bottle of gatorade and drank it. Today...I feel so much better and am still drinking gatorade. No alcohol...too dehydrating.
Jen~Yes it seems it is the same old crap just a different day. When one thing is settled, it is on to something
Deef~Your dinning table sounds like mine!!! All the bags of groceries get put on the table, the mail,etc. An unending pile of clutter. My sister was hospitalized for pneumonia a couple weeks back, I drove up to see her on my day off, took her grocery shopping (she lives alone and no family close expect me). It is caregiving for her at times, caregiving for our mom even though mom is in a memory care, it falls on me most of time because sis has too many health issues to drive down here. Don't get me sis does her share...the financial end of taking care of mom is huge...her mail, sorting through all the financial info sent regarding mom's accounts, plus dealing with her own health issues and working.

Thank you for asking about my daughter. She was sent home today after seeing a specialist yesterday. He/she said that the uric acid and protein in the urine was stable at current time. She can no longer work until after the little squirts are born. She has to see her ob/gyn 2 x's a week for bp checks and an ultra sound and bloodwork once a week. Of course there is still a strong possibility that the boys will be premature at birth, but the longer they are in utero, the better as long as daughter's system is not at a dangerous level of toxins.

Take care everyone!!

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