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HI everyone,
Sorry I have not been checking in. I miss you all but I
I guess I am in a bad place again. I tried to convince myself i am just busy but i realize i am not, i am struggling with this burnout. I think of you all and what is going on but am so reluctant to going online....i guess i feel like a burden and a complainer and it doesn't make me feel any better...because all i can do is whine about my life..... I have nothing to say or and so burned out and isolated i cannot even connect on a social level anymore..... I thought back and the only social thing i have done in the past 6 mos was the baby shower and birth in jan/feb. I did go to an alzhiemers assc walk meeting in may and wanted to post about that....but again depressing.... the started with a video and i started balling during it and cried thru nearly the whole meeting in a room full of embarrassing, especially as it was more of a fundraising drive with mostly high level community and city officials etc... not the grunts in the field like us. the funny thing is it so hard to cry nowadays it actually felt good to cry but i swear i was so embarrassed i could not get out of there fast enough.
anyway i always hesitate to post cause i cant seem to find anything to say i am so flat So it has been a month i think since i could read up, I hope you all are managing ok ....All i can remember right now Is Jen was about to go into surgery.....Hope your doing ok Jen
Everyone sorry and love to you all!

Sharyn, sorry your daughter is having issues. Some friends you are better off without! My daughter was pretty amazed at how many cakes go out the door each day. It's very unusual but she is getting used to it. Just had her yearly revue and is up for another raise. She is now making $16/hour. Not bad in this economy!
How is everyone else doing? Bobbie it must be interesting running the dock. Bet you meet all kinds of characters! At least you don't have to chase kitty down every day!
Jen, how are you doing? Been able to get in the pool here every day so far. Good thing because it's been really hot to work in the garden and I really need a good soak after dealing with Blanche!!
Mame, how's mom doing and are you getting time for yourself? Any job prospects for your husband yet? I sure hope things turn around in your favor. Your life sounds like a repeat of my last 8 years with caring for mom and my husband losing his job right in the middle of all that. It's pretty disheartening and a lot to deal with. I know when my time with Blanche is up I will have to get a part time job just to keep up with daily bills.
I finally got Blanche to let me put an air conditioner in her front window which will cool down the entire living area. She was not happy at all, but I told her I would not stay in her house as long as it was closed up tight and 80 degrees! Of course the d*mn window is wider than a normal window, so I had to do some fiddling around to make it look safe to her. She's so paranoid about people getting in that she keeps the entire house closed and locked up tight at all times. I set the temp for 75 knowing that she would complain if it was too cold. When I went back this evening, I couldn't believe my ears when she said she noticed the difference and was very comfortable. The house felt great! I just hope she continues to use the air conditioner all summer.
okay, feed the cats, shower, then bed!
Night Deef!

The top prescription is for your arthirtis, but
it may cause a heart attack.
The second prescription should prevent a heart attack,
but it could damage your liver.
The third prescription should prevent liver trouble,
but it may destroy your spleen.
The fourth protects the spleen but has been
been known to eat away the prostate.
The fifth................

Why does toilet paper need a commercial?
Who is not buying it?

Madonna is 55, her boyfriend is 22.
Tena Turner is 75, her boyfriend is 40.
JLO is 42, her boyfriend is 32.
Maria Carry is 44, her husband is 32.
Still single?
Relax your boyfriend is not born yet.

I wouldn't mind these hotflashes so much if they would just burn a little fat off my butt and thighs in the process.

At breakfast, the husband says to his wife
"What would you do if I won the Lotto?"

"I'd take half and leave you" she says.

"Great" he says. "Here's $6. I won $12 yesterday! Stay in touch."

Deef~You do seem to have end less energy but I am sure you still exhausted regardless. Being a cake decorator is very personal...the chain you work for has designs they want and guides to go by, rice paper images. It gets really sticky when a customer expects the decorator to go beyond. 40 orders a day is a lot...the store I am currently at gets just a few special orders a day unless it is a special occasion like graduations, mother's day, father's day.We hired a new decorator, a young man right out of HS, the high schools here have classes for juniors and seniors for culinary school.

My daughter had appt on Tuesday, the boys are 2 lb 10oz each.she has had some testing done because her bp was up and protein in her urine...ruling out preeclampsia (toxemia) , diabetes has been ruled out, liver function is normal..just waiting on bp and more urine tests tomorrow. She has been stressed recently due to hubby's grandfather is in final stages of colon cancer and he is out here in a friend??? volunteered to give my daughter a baby shower this weekend...but she did not get invites out until last week, the woman got upset when my daughter told her that her MIL would not be able to come because her father is in final stages of colon cancer...the friend became angry over that???? Plus friends of my daughters mil did not receive the invite in time to arrange the time to go. So....I am hoping that tomorrow when my daughter goes to the dr....her bp is normal and no protein in the urine.

Good morning everyone! Sitting on the front porch with my coffee and trying to decide if I want to go back to bed. We finally got rain after midnight with it being really heavy around 1am. The rain barrels were empty so I was out in my nightgown making sure they filled up then I filled the other containers from the overflow hose. Got plenty of water now!
Everything looks like it grew 6 inches overnight! Already eating cherry tomatoes. I pulled out the rest of the radishes yesterday and will plant another row of beans in that spot this week. The raspberries are starting to turn after the hot sunny days and we'll be eating squash by the end of next week. Everything seems so early this year!
Austin, Bobbie, not so sure it's all energy! The RLS keeps me on the move but I really believe I'm ADHD or one of those hyper names they assign to kids. I am constantly on the mve but jump from one thing to another and really have to focus when something needs to be done in a timely manner! My lack of organization has always been a big frustration for me.
Meanwhile, I carted Blanche around yesterday morning and was able to be home by 10:30! Of course her friends were picking her up in the evening to go to an Eastern Star meeting, so I had to go back at 5 and do her hair! I left the air on to cool the house while she was out and went back across town to shut it off after 9.
You would think I could have accomplished some things here, but I decided to jump into the pool for a while and made a run to Walmart in the afternoon.
It's nice right now with a little breeze. Still some clouds so the sun isn' t heating things up yet. Nice and peaceful with the air turned off for now.
Trash day so I need to get that out on the street. Recycling pick up this week too so I'm sure I have things to get rid of! Oh yeah, I did clean out the fridge yesterday so it wasn't a total loss!
Jen hope you are feeling better every day!
Sharyn my daughter just got transferred to a store in Springfield, Ma. It's the top cake selling store in the chain. They have days where they do 40+ cake orders and sell that many off the shelf too! They basically have 2 people decorating cakes at all times! Her hands are killing her but she says the days fly by.
Okay, hope you all have a goog day. Time to do the trash!

Good one SharynMarie!

Austin, good to see you!

Jen! Glad you are on the mend and ca go swimming in the near future!

DEEF!! Jeeze gurl! You are the Energizer Bunny!

Meanwhile! If I try to ge this hefty Cat here to lose weight, she gets up on the counters or my desk and knocks stuff on the floor until I either give her something to eat or the Horn. These days all I have to do is show her the Horn and she's good. She doesn't go outside though.
Your Cat has amazing taste in that he only eats the breast meat.
Cats are incredible.

Cuz! Good one.

ok, it's Thursday morning, not quite 6am and I am off to rinse the dock and see what mess the boaters have gotten into.


A customer came in the store today with 2 little girls. One of the girls came running over to us asking...are you the one who makes the cakes...the decorator said yes I am. The little girl said there is a dead fly in one over there(pointing to the cake table). I loomed at the mother and said ..."don't worry, there is no extra charge for it".

Deef can you bottle some of that energy-wow what a garden-I did a lot of that years ago do not miss all the work of gardens -my boyfriend has a small garden-tomatoes lattice and tasty radishes-my rhubarb was not great this year-maybe the winter-my butterfly bush is hardly alive -really miss -the deer love my sunflowers.

Had to run Mom around on errands yesterday. Listen to her whine about everything. Wish I could drink alcohol. (just kidding). Since Indio's dad died of kidney failure, she has decided she has kidney failure. She is like your husband Deef, can't be outdone.

Looks like we are all busy as ever! Took Blanche to so many appointments in the past 2 weeks, that I forgot to get her bloodwork done before we saw the cardiologist today! Now I have to drag her out of the house early in the morning sometime this week. She kept me running all weekend to make sure she was ready for her 2 church suppers and mass on Sunday. The neighborhood boys keep showing up too, to do her yard work. Go figure they either show up early or after I've left for the day, so it's been back and forth across town 3 times a day all weekend. My sil and I managed to get the four front doors painted 2 coats and put a new mailbox up tonight. I left my house at 9:30 this morning and got back at 1:30. My sister showed up on her lunch hour to get Mom's tax refund checks and stayed and yacked for over an hour!
As soon as she left I got into my bathing suit, threw a batch of laundry in, and jumped into the pool for a quick nap. I managed to hang 2 loads of laundry on the line before my husband left to play cards. My daughter got home from work and informed me they were getting takeout from Mexicali Grill, so I put my order in!!! Husband had leftovers and is none the wiser!!!
Got the bathroom cleaned and the house vacuumed while he was gone, then we took a walk at 9 when he got home. He walked so slow that I started walking backwards so I could talk to him! Had to walk around the outside of the house when we got back, just to get SOME exercise!
It's beautiful out here tonight! Mid 60's and a nice breeze! That will make the 3rd nice night for sleeping and no air conditioners humming in the background. Have to get out early and water the garden and flowers. Need some rain! Ground is very dry here. My sister brought me some rhubarb so I guess I will make another sour cream coffee cake tomorrow and then another batch of salsa with the rest. Bank employees are already putting in requests for my homemade salsa. Cha-ching!!!
Been picking radishes and leaf lettuce like crazy. Have about a dozen each of yellow and zucchini squash on the plants already. Will be eating cherry tomatoes by the end of the week and the beans are starting to flower. A couple weeks of hot weather and I'll be cooking up batches of red and black raspberry jam. Then the blueberries will be calling me!! Maybe I can sit Blanche at the table and let her help! Not!!
Hardly any water left in our rain barrels so I had to pull the garden hose out last night. As my sil was emptying the bucket from the dehumidifier we have running in the cellar, I had a V-8 moment! Duh!!!! Why are we pouring it down the drain when we could use it to water the garden? More free water!!!
Sharyn, don't you just love it when your cat leaves you presents?
Jen, glad to hear you will be swimming again! Got any tomatoes yet?
Meanwhile, I don't know how you do all that construction stuff! I love to paint, but not houses, walls, doors, etc. Love working with wood too, but all in an artsy way!
Like that one too Cuz!
Bobbie!!!! How's it going?
Mame, Kuli, Susan, I know I'm forgetting some, but if I go back to find your names I'll lose my post! Hope everyone is doing okay!
Austin,autoimmune is tough no matter how it manifests itself. It's hard to explain the daily struggles to someone who doesn't have it. I too have a husband that is a hypochondriac and everything he has is way worse than what is going on with me! I don't even tell him when I am having a flare-up anymore. It would just be wasting my breath!
Okay, cats to feed and dishes to do! Told my husband to get his keester up early tomorrow so we can go to the grocery store and get all the sale items with an extra 10% off senior discount. Burger is on sale for $2.99! That's something you don't see too often anymore!
Love Deef!

Oh, that is so true, Cuz.

A sweet grandmother
telephoned St. Joseph 's Hospital. She timidly asked,

"Is it possible to speak to someone
Who can tell me how a patient is doing?"

The operator said,
"I'll be glad to help, dear. What's the
name and room number of the patient?"

The grandmother in her weak, tremulous voice
said, "Norma Findlay, Room 302."

The operator replied, "Let me put you on
hold while I check with the nurse's station for that room."

After a few minutes, the operator
returned to the phone and said, "I have good news.
Her nurse just told me that Norma is doing well. Her blood
pressure is fine; her blood work just came back normal, and
her physician, Dr. Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged

The grandmother said,"Thank you. That's wonderful.
I was so worried. God bless you for the good news."

The operator replied,"You're more than welcome.
Is Norma your daughter?"

The grandmother said,"No, I'm Norma Findlay in Room
302. No one tells me shit."


If I try to put our fat cat on a diet, he catches doves, just eats the breast meat. And, he is declawed. He convinced my sister he needed a step to get up on her bed at night, then started sleeping up on top of the car. I've yet to see how he gets up on the car. He looks like a fuzzy bowling ball with legs.
Spent most of the weekend mudding and sanding sheetrock at the latest project house. Hard on my back. But have it ready to paint now.

Doin OK, can go swimming again in July! CLEO is uber hunter too...Could not figure out all the dead chick a dees in the yard till she brought one in the house....NOT Dead and I shooed it out side, pissed her off!

Hi folks hope all are well-I joined Friends with fibro on FB not knowing there were so many-had 130 emails this morning-just like years ago with AC-I do ok with my fibro now that the husband is gone and not sitting on his butt saying I have pain and am tired too 10 times a day and setting a timer for 1 hr. of work and 20 min rest helps-usually get my to do list done by the end of the day.

Deef~The poor little cat is a hunter too, usually it is gophers but today I found a dead mouse at the doorstep. Time to set some traps. Blanche sounds so typical of many elderly with dementia, no one visits, no one calls, I never get to go out anywhere. It is frustrating to listen to especially when you know otherwise. So glad you are getting a break soon, a week or two away will be great for you and your bil can see first hand how things are progressing with his mom.

I visited with my sis yesterday and she is doing much better. Thank you Deef and Bobbie for asking. She was very lucky really because she was fine last Friday and went to work. It went downhill after she got home and took her usual nap. When she woke up, she was too weak to walk, crawled to the bedroom but next thing...she woke up Saturday morning on the floor, still to weak to walk, so she called an ambulance. I told her to get life alert. I had pneumonia back in Jan of is not fun by any means, they put my sis on an inhaler...I am wondering if there is more going on...I wasn't given an inhaler and I was almost hospitalized too.

Have a good night and good Friday!!

Jen, hope the doctor visit was good! Pain with sneezing I could take! It's the peeing my pants that's annoying!!! Old age, got to love it!!! As for the teeth! We used to catch mom playing with hers all the time. She even used to take them out at daycare. Surprised she never lost them.
Well, we had a critter in our dryer vent in the cellar. Turns out it was a baby chipmunk that our outside cat most likely chased in. My sil pulled out the dryer and I reached in and took him out. Poor little thing was cold and hungry and a bit dehydrated. we fixed a shoe box for him and wrapped him up to warm him. Then we put water and birdseed in the box and hoped he would make it through the night. While we were tending to him on the patio, Mama kitty came up the drive with another little one in her mouth!!!. Little sh!t!!! We managed to get her to drop it and my daughter picked it up. Once he came to his senses she put him in the bushes and off he ran!! This morning she went to check on the other one in the box and low and behold, he was much better because he jumped right out of the box. It took us 15 minutes to get him herd toward the porch door and down the flight of stairs to the yard, then off he went as fast as his little feet could carry him! Of course, Mama kitty will probably end up snacking on both of them by the end of this week, but at least we won't know about it!
Sharyn, scary for your sister! Hope she is getting better. So glad your daughter is being smart about those babies. All those old time diseases are resurfacing due to people not getting their kids vaccinated. The odds of a child having a bad reaction to a vaccine are so small. People are crazy to take the chance of their child getting sick when there is no need.
Meanwhile, I was a real b!tch with the heat the last few days. Hate it and have since I was very young. Would rather be in a blizzard any day! But I'll take the pool as a quick relief! Vitamin E in the eye? Good for healing. Love the animal stories too.
Bobbie, good thing you are near the water for the really bad days!
Took Blanche to the doctor today and he said she was doing well. All her test came back good and her BP was perfect. Her mind however.... She was trying to pull the guilt thing on me again today. Tells me she has nobody to help her with all she has to do. Nobody visits or calls her and she never goes anywhere!!! I said I guess I'm invisible and don't do anything for her, even though I make her lunch 7 days a week, work in her yard, do her laundry, paid all her bills today and took her to the doctor appointment! And nobody ever calls or visits! My ass!!! her friends call all the time but she doesn't feel like talking to them, so she says she's feeling terrible and hangs up. She is always telling me that she isn't going to go to church anymore, then maybe they will worry about her and start to visit more! Little sh!t!!! I was there twice today and then she called me right after I left this evening so that her "company", could talk to me. Her friends are taking her to the church "Strawberry Supper" tomorrow night and then to an "Eastern Star" dinner on Saturday night. I told them no problem and I would make sure she was ready to go! Now you know she will complain how tired she is all weekend even though she "never gets to go anywhere."
Talked to my sister and she is going to tell her husband he needs to spend a week with his mom up here. They want to fly me to their place in Virginia for a week again and he is planning to be here with Blanche so that I can get a break! The best part is he won't be home while I visit and my sister and I can do whatever we want without him making all the decisions! I'm thinking my sister will fly up for her 2 week stay and I will go back with her. Can't wait! Last time I went anywhere was last august after mom died and I went back with my sister.
Okay, very late here and I'm tired! looking forward to a good sleep as the temp is supposed to drop to the 40's tonight, Love it!!!!

Sorry about your aunt Deef sounded sort of sudden but "expected"?
Almost healed here. was able to go shopping with mom Tues.
he isn't dead yet, really wishing he was...He is starting to take his dentures out for no reason, come to table expect to eat toothless. mom is tired and pissed as Hell full on...
Thanks everyone, for all the good wishes, Dr. check up tomorrow, probably Ok healing wise...laughing...tentative....sneezing?...not so much!

Oh Deef! Sorry about your aunt.
Meanwhile, glad Indio's eye is getting better. Love to hear about the animals!

Sharynmarie! Wow about your sister. Good thing she caught it in time.

Cuz!! I don't know if Jen can laugh yet but I posted a link to a stand up set in a hug on her wall. Hopefully the powers that be will let it stay and hopefully she'll catch a smile from it.
It has 'language' but hey, that's how I roll.

Jen!! Can you laugh yet?

Deef, it's been beautiful here but hot of course. The dog days aren't here yet but will arrive mid July and stay for about 2 and a half months.

Thanks for posting everyone.


Meanwhile-i laughed at the visual of the dog running from mama cow! Glad indio's eye is healing.

Deef-I am sorry about your aunt. I am glad that you caught up with family though the circumstances werent happy.

Take care everyone.

Deef, sorry to hear about your aunt. Sharyn, hope your sister is recovering. pneumonia, that sounds bad. Started putting vitamin E in Indio's eye. It seems to be helping. Got to ride last Sunday morning. Quit by 12:30 because of the heat. Still had a good time. My friends dog came with us, chasing lizards, and then found a jack rabbit to chase. Wiley rabbit ran through the herd of cattle. Next thing that happened was dog running back with an angry mother cow on her heals.
Came home and fixed dinner and a sugar free chocolate pie for my step dad, for father's day. My mother acts jealous, but too bad.
Jen, hope; your getting better. Mame, Juju, how are you guys doing?

Jen-hope you are feeling better..pain free.
Deef- sounds like you are getting healthy...good for you! My mom did the same thing with the ac when she was still at home. Too frugal to pay...her house would be 85 degrees inside and in the winter...she refused to use the heater..she would be bundle up with a jacket, a beanie cap and gloves. I did the same as you...turning on the heat/ac ..but she would turn it off as soon as I left.

My sis called me at work on Sunday. She left a message...ling or short of it...she called an ambulance Saturday...too weak to walk...she was in hospital with pneumonia.she came home yesterday and I will hoses her tomorrow.

Yes we did heat up to over 100 for a couple days but the delta breezes kicked in cooling us down to the low 80's and wears slowly creeping g up to the low 90's which is doable.

My daughter is doing well but has informed me we must get vaccinated for Whooping cough.before we come out to Idaho when the boys are born. Noproblem...she is being vigilant and we will obey her ordersw

Sorry guys!!! Back's been up against the wall here! Appointments for Blanche, myself, and Tut last week. Then My aunt passed away on Monday. She was 75 and my dad's youngest sister. Only the 2 middle sibs of 6 are left now.
Her husband died suddenly 2 years ago and she had been struggling since then. I guess when I saw her at her oldest sister's funeral last spring and then at my mom's, she already knew she had cancer and refused any kind of intervention. She was a nurse and knew what treatment puts people through and didn't want do that. Her daughter told me she just couldn't live without her husband. Her choice, but sad for the the family she left behind. Her daughter is also a nurse and chose to take a leave from her job as head trauma nurse to care for her mom.
Of course I found out that none of my sibs had gone to the wake on Sunday so I felt I had to at least go to the church service. I ended up there on my own and followed everyone to my cousin's home for lunch. I actually met cousins I hadn't seen in years and spent a couple hours with my dad's remaining sister who has been sick since the first of the year. She got pneumonia and wasn't expected to make it through. But she's a tough as nails 84 year old and fooled them all. She is currently in rehab until she gets strong enough to go back to her apartment.
I was able to tell my uncle, dad's remaining brother, that I have family heirlooms that belong to him that mom had in the attic. I'm also going to get copies of photos of my dad's parents, my grandparents, to my cousin as she said she had no pictures of them. She was very young when our grandmother and then my dad passed away within 2 months of each other. My grandmother lived with us for the last 4-5 years of her life, so most of her things like paperwork and pictures was put in the attic here.
Blanche has her new hearing aids and still hears those people!!! I think she has tinnitus too, because she will pat at her ears and say "shut up!" every now and then. I put her air conditioner in her bedroom window last week and got out the stand fan to move the cooler air through the house. Of course she doesn't like it and didn't want me to put it in her window!!! I told her I wouldn't come sit at her house if it was hot and that I was going to run them when I was there. She's not happy and when I told her to leave it on when I left there this afternoon, I said I would be back after 5 to turn it off for the night. Don't you know she turned off the fan and the thermostat on the air conditioner was turned to the lowest setting!!! When I left the house the inside temp went from 79 to 76 and I hoped it would drop a few more degrees during the afternoon. Well, it was 81 in the damn house when I got there at 5:30!!!! I could hardly breathe in there. She has all kinds of heart problems and the heat is really bad for her, but she refuses to use the air conditioner and insists it's not hot even though she looks miserable! She let me leave it on low for the night, but I'll bet my shirt it's roasting when I get there tomorrow! I said I would cut her hair and wash and curl it for her, but if it's too hot, I'm not staying!!
In the meantime, the garden is doing fabulous and I finally got in the pool this afternoon and again after dinner tonight! AHH!!!! The water is a bit cold but it felt so good after the 90 degree temps today!
My doctor visit was good for a change! 16lbs down, cholesterol is down, and LDL and HDL are finally where they should be. My blood pressure was the best it has been in years! My vitamin D level was low so I got myself some and I also had to get my pneumonia shot. So all is good for now! Osteoporosis, arthritis and all I'm still kicking and in the best shape I have been for years. Now I just need to keep up with the exercising and lose another 15lbs. and I'll be where I need to be.
How the heck is everyone doing? looks like we've all been MIA again. T'is the season for yard work and gardening and for the lucky ones, vacation time.
Jen, you sounded really good when I talked to you last week. Take your meds so you can keep on moving and get better faster!
Meanwhile, sounds like Indio is recovering nicely. Looks like you've been cooking down there! The heat wouldn't be so bad here if it didn't get so humid!
Austin, Mame, is hot over there in NY? You usually have it the same as we do here in central Mass.
Sharyn last time you said it was hot in Calif. Hope you got some relief.
Bobbie!!! Is it schmutzy in Florida yet?
I'm sure I missed a few of you and hope you are all doing well! Got to get to bed soon. I have 12 outside doors to paint and then it's onto the first floor shutters and there are18 of those! Then the 12 doors need to be painted on the inside. Supposed to be cooler on Thursday and Friday so I should be able to get some done before i go to Blanche's and finish when I get back! Oh yeah! My SOB kitchen sink is clogged AGAIN!!!
Love Deef!

Jen, hope your feeling better soon.

I had to go back on the hydrocodone, man this is gonna be a while....
he was up last night, soaked the bed, I imagine he does a lot, maybe that is why he gets up, but if mom is going to have to strip the bed every night and change him....she is gonna wipe out...
Finally got some rain here, nice and cool and wet. Don't have to water for a bit. Mom broke down and decided to order pizza, yay a nice change. I will have to be careful, but as I am meatless now there less fat there. blot the oil off...
Saturday night, fp watching PBS cackling, hooting like a loon for hours noise night...Will stuff my ears with Kleenex...
Good weekend all! Jen

WOW, he so deserves it! Not only for what he did but for keeping himself in such great shape that he could! Enjoy- both of you,

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