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How sweet that you are still friends with the former boyfriend Deef! My head is spinning from all that you accomplish in a day!
Jen-prayers for you and your recovery! Can't wait to hear from you!
Sharyn-my dog would take the rawhide and go bury it in the yard. After a long time, he would dig it up and then eat it-all filthy and wet and icky. Then his stomach would make these really strange noises...alien like. Weird.
Welcome Olmaandme! Hey Bobbie and Cuz and Meanwhile, Austin and Juju!
The state is inspecting the NH this week that mom is in. Everyone is in a tizzy. Mom doesn't like to get out of bed in the morning, so they feed her in bed and leave her there till they get the last person up. I am fine with that and she has a good schedule there. I am there at lunch and we take a walk-either around the building or now-outside. Many are put back to bed after lunch for a nap. Apparently, the state didn't like mom's being in bed all morning. So, yesterday they had her up at 7:30am. She was NOT happy. Anyway, I was getting ready for our walk-not knowing she had been up so early, and the aide comes in with the lift to put her to bed! I was like-"what?" I guess I have to maybe put it in writing or something that the way it was is ok... Anyway, it was a bit of a disappointment since it was such a nice day. Then I asked if someone would get her out of bed for dinner and the aide says, "I don't know what they will do." I don't get it. If the perceived problem is that she is in bed too long, then what is the difference if it is in the beginning of the day or the end??? Gonna see how things go when the state is gone again haha... I do have to chat with the brother who was going to dinner last night and ask if she was out of bed or not. Of all the things they could gripe about-I swear. Whatever.
Beautiful weekend weather-wise here! Hoping to spend all my time outside! Hope everyone gets a breath of fresh air! Mame

Problem with laptop so I hijacked main computer!!
Jen, Hope you don't hurt too much! Take whatever meds they gave you to get better fast!!
Meanwhile, good to hear Indio is feeling better. I have the same problem with pain meds. They make me very ill!
Olma, mouth stuff really grosses me out, but that dead skin styff is nasty! I cut my elderly ladies toenails a couple weeks ago and nearly died!!! they were really lond and hadn't been cleaned underneath for years!!! What was under them was indescribable! I feel for you.
Queit the day again today. Got an early start in the garden and mowed the lawn and trimmed around everything. Did a batch of laundry and hung that out on the line. Then cleaned up while Blanche's lunch was simmering. When I got to her house, she was sitting in the garage again!!!! The first thing I did was turn off the power strip that the TV was plugged into, then read her the riot act about leaving the damn thing on all night AGAIN!!!. She ignored me and calmly ate her lunch like nothing was wrong!!. Next I took out in the yard and we picked dead flowers from last year off of her bushes. After that I vacuumed her house and then had to leave to bring Tut to the vet to have his blood tested for sugar again and to get his ear checked. I was there for an hour and decided to pay the water bill on the way home.
When I got home, my husband informed me we had company coming! When I found out it was my daughter's former boyfriend, I was relieved, as my house was a mess! I had planned to do barbecue ribs for dinner, so I invited him to stay. The phone rang as he was coming in the door. It was the kids that mowed Blanche's lawn last week saying they were there and doing her lawn!! Told them I would be there in 45 minutes to pay them. When I hung up the phone rang again and it was my girlfriend calling! Had to cut her short so I could get the ribs going in the pressure cooker, then had a quick coffee with Dave and headed back across town to Blanche's to pay the kids for doing her lawn. Told her I didn't have time to visit and said I would be back later for a few minutes.
I headed to the store and grabbed a cake for dessert ans proceeded home to finish the ribs and make some rice to go with it. Of course in all my craziness I didn't do dishes for a couple days and both sinks were full. You would think my husband, who lays on the couch all day watching TV would take a few minutes out of hid precious time to at least do the dishes while I'm running around like a crazy lady!!! Not!!!
Anyway, we had a great visit with Dave, the ribs were melt in your mouth and the cake delicious! We ate outside on the patio where it was much cooler and we could watch the hummingbirds.
After that I drove Dave back to his Mom's and brought a piece of cake to Blanche. Wouldn't you know she was already in Bed!!! So I stopped at my friends and apologized for cutting our phone call so short. by the time I got back home it was 8:30 and I had more dishes to clean up!
Can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring!!! Just a day in the life, I guess!!
Hope you all had a better day or at least a calmer on than I did!
Bobbie!!! Maybe one of us will win the lottery and can by us all tickets to the boat someday!!! It sure would be fun!!!!

Got Indio home yesterday. He is feeling much better without so much pain medication. They were giving him the maximum amount, then couldn't figure out why he couldn't eat. He only managed half a cup of soup last night, but skipped the pain pill until this morning. Then he just needed one, and has been fine all day. Fed him a lot of soup. His dog won't hardly let him out of her sight. She was so happy to see him. Have to go back for a check up next week, maybe surgery? Dr said something about a cateract. Not sure if it was already there, or the injury is going to form one?
Jen, hope your surgery goes well. Glad your mom is going with you.
Welcome Olmaandme. Can you get your mom to grease up with baby oil or lotion? If she put on enough the dead skin might stick to her, instead of shedding everywhere. EWW, that sounds gross too. Well, anyway vent away.

Hey there Olmaandme! Welcome to the Grossed Out thread…

And yup you sure qualify since you are grossed out beyond belief and I got a little urpy reading it haha.

Hey everybody, I know we're all thinking about Jen and waiting for her to post so we know she's ok. She'll be ok (gall bladder surgery for those just checking in).

I have been thinking about her for the last 2 days and know that after the initial Ow! from the procedure wears off she will feel so much better.

Love you Jen!

Cuz! sorry to hear about my other cuz's legs, that has got to be so painful. Hope you get to go fishing and yes, I wish I was rich because I would get you down here and get Jen out here and have a big convention for the Grossed Out thread but wah, I am not.

Meanwhile! How's Indio's eye?


Jen-most likely you will be asked to remove your undies so go comandoLOL!

My mother is 94 and her skin is sloughing off.We use prescription creams but she's old.I must admit the "snowflakes" that cover her room are absolutely disgusting to me.I dread cleaning out her vacuum as I can see and smell them; kind of a old wet toilet paper odor to my nose.
I dread summer as the short sleeves and shorts cover far less than winter clothing and I know she will rub at the skin as she sits contentedly on my porch couch.
My dogs carry the skin on their fur as they take turns "guarding her".
I would rather clean a thousand diapers than change her bed.
Today I noted they are settling into the cracks of my wood floors.
I now use a shop vac in the house.
Today she noticed the little cancer on my face and told me to get it taken care of as it looked ugly and gave "her" the willy's.
Nothing else about personal care bother's me and believe me I've handled a lot but I can't seem to get used to this.

This dead skin she sheds has an odor as well.Old dry toilet paper smell is the only way to describe it.

gonna watch Midsummer Murders and hit the hay....Alarm set for 5:30, shower, no lotion, deodorant, no make up...H*ll, I may not even wear underwear...HOW would I put them back on!?

I typed up my will...I have no property, no money, and little of value...but why not...
advanced directive too. No living in a vegetative state thank you...
most likely I will be home by 2 tomorrow woozy and in pain... yep, bring it!

Jen~You are going to fine...I know you don't feel that way being the person having a surgery...I would feel the same way. You will get through this!

Hmnn could put those two together TV people and house reeks of poop....the TV people did it...
Mom told fp about his altered schedule tomorrow, he won't remember anyway...
beh, just gotta do what ya gotta do...maybe being unconscious for a few hours will be like a vacation....Will check back if and when I can.
Thank you all for thinking of me....Jen

Jen, good luck tomorrow! Just relax and let the professionals do what they do best. Once the drugs kick in you can just close your eyes and go to sleep. When you wake up it will all be over. Give us a quick shout to let us know how you are!
I can't believe another week is ending. Where the heck does the time go???

Deef-I would hurl too but had a good laugh at your post.
The rawhide chews are great. She chewed all afternoon and now snoozing contently. To bad there is not a similiar product for Alz! Ha ha!

Hey Cuz Mike is doing what he can to get around but legs are getting worse. Dr's stiil have not said anything about any kind of treatment. Ma is slowing down. She did talk with Caroline and I guess she is doing ok. We are doing super. Just wish we had the finances to come down to see ya. I scrap out stuff just to get money for running the boat. Maybe we can do something in the fall like a major color tour. Joyce is doing super after loosing here mother on Good Friday. The three girls were all ready, in fact waiting for the day. I haven't been doing hardly any fishin but plan on getting out this saturday for sure. Love ya kiddo. Give yourself a big hug and kiss from me. Hope I can get a real one from ya soon.

Speaking of poop!!! Took Blanche for eye doctor appointment today and when we got back to her house something smelled really foul!!! It was everywhere in the house and she was in the bathroom for a while before we left, so I sprayed everywhere and flushed the toilet. No, I didn't lift the lid to see if anything was in there, I would have hurled for sure!!!
So, when I got to her house with lunch, she was sitting in the garage waiting for me. The first words out of her mouth were "those people" !@##@!@#$$%%%. After all we discussed yesterday and my turning the TV off before I left, she put it right back on and left it on all night!!! When I said why didn't you turn it off, she just said "oh well, I close my bedroom door anyway."
So my guess is no hallucinations, just no understanding of the TV!. The eye doctor dilated her pupils and she had a hard time seeing on the ride home. I got her in the house and told her she needed to sit in her chair and nap. I needed to get home to do more work.
At lunch time I turned off the power strip that the TV is connected to and hid the remotes. I figured a day without "that black thing" would do her some good, at least maybe she would get some peace and a good night's sleep. Of course right before I left she noticed the remote wasn't on her table. She wasn't happy, but I told her that I made the people go away and they wouldn't be back.
Don't you know she called me 2 times tonight and left messages sputtering and fuming most likely because she couldn't put on the TV. She didn't sound distressed, so I didn't call back. I just hope she didn't call her church friends to come over and help!!! That would be a backfire on me!!!
I did finish the walls on the front porch today and plan to wash the floors tomorrow! The pool is full and the pump is running! I cleaned the winter cover tonight and packed it away and got the solar cover on to keep the bugs out! Had one slight problem, I thought I had a jug of shock left from last summer, but I couldn't find it, so it will be a quick trip tomorrow to get a case! I also wash the chair and sofa covers tonight and got them back on. It's a start anyway!
Made a salad with leaf lettuce from the garden already and picked a few radishes too! Hope it rains a bunch tomorrow. What we got last night just wet the top of the soil.
Jen, hang in there!
Sharyn, My sister's big Lab used to get poop soup from those rawhide chews!
Juju, I hear you on the hand arthritis! Have to wear wrist braces to bed at night. My thumbs are the worst! The slightest jarring causes terrible pain!
Exhausted here, but a good kind from actually accomplishing things that need to be done. It's time for dishes and feeding the cats, then bed for me!
Night everyone! Deef

Hi everybody!
Jen! Juju! DEEF! Cuz! Sharynmarie! Austin!

Meanwhile! Whoa about Indio's eye! Any updates?

Sharynmarie, I was big on the rawhides when I had dogs. Also pig's ears. It would keep them out of everyone's hair when they had a new rawhide.

A beautiful day coming to a close here on the salt marsh. Helped with a new boat that will be here for at least 6 months and they took me to dinner! Take a dock monkey to dinner night haha.

Cuz, I haven't read about my other cuz and I hope he and my other other cuz are doing ok and my Aunt? How is your wife and the rest of the clan?

It's a tough time when all these changes happen to a family even if it's only the natural progression of things it's still hard.

Jen! Oy on the foundation. You're right about the back burner. Concentrate on Jen and get through the procedure and then… keep concentrating on Jen!

ok for now… it's almost 9pm and I want to go to bed! Want to be on the dock by 6 and make sure it's lovely with no bird guano.

Poop Poop Poop. It always ends up being about poop.
This poop is a piece of cake. I use a hose and it's gone. Boy do I remember when that wasn't the case……


Wow Jen...a progression with the dementia. Maybe time to start pureed foods. The foundation issue is major. we do what we can and you are doing that already!

I broken down today and bought a rawhide chew for the dog, LOL!! My concern with rawhide is all the intestinal issues they can cause...but it sure keeps her busy!!

Sharyn, it is foundation but will have to be on the back burner...just can't be done now...
G had major coughing choking incident this morning, literally couldn't breathe...Scared th'h*ll out of hisself I think...

Hi Juju!!

Hi all, I haven't cracked the computer open in over a week, been crazy busy here. And so very tired! All the work I am doing is taking a toll on my arms and hands with the arthritis that has been worsening since last year, ugh...hurts to type today! Will check back later to catch up but just had to say hi!

Bobbie~When I got home from work tonight, my husband said, "I caught her at the bank trying to cash a check and you need to watch your email for any charges to ebay for rawhide bones, LOL!! I stopped buying her rawhide...maybe I she is telling me something!
Deef~Thanks for tip on baking soda, I am off tomorrow and will run that through the system too. I tried to find a product by Finish dishwasher cleaner but none of the stores have it. They only have Finish dishwasher soap.
Meanwhile~I hope Indio does not have any serious issues. That is scary!!
Jen~The basement it a foundation issue? I hope not.

Take care everyone, hope tomorrow is not so blasted hot.

I hope the eye injury is not serious!
yeah still here, finally some more thunderstorms blew through, good n soaked now...

Well bad day here too. Indio got hit in the eye with a piece of wood (he was working on a circular table saw). He is usually so good about wearing safety glasses, and the one time he doesn't this happens. The hospital sent him by airplane to the big city hospital. Our little 30 bed hospital here in town does not have an eye specialist. I was going to drive him, but it's a 3 hour drive, and the ER doc wanted to get him to the big hospital. Besides, he wanted me to take care of his dog. She is a lab, Great Pyrenees cross, and she is his baby. (BIG BABY). He brings her over here all the time, but without Indio here, she is nervous. Just talked to Indio on the phone, doctor thinks his eye will be fine. Probably have to drive to the hospital tomorrow to bring him home.
Jen, hope your doing well.

Another long day here. Got up early with the intention of finishing the front porch. That didn't happen! I started a batch of laundry and didn't get the chance to get it going because my brother called and we talked for about an hour! He's the youngest of 7 and in the midst of a divorce. Without mom around for him to talk to, he usually checks in with me for support and advice. By the time I got 3 loads of laundry washed and hung on the line, I was only able to get the storm door and 2 windows done, then it was time for lunch with Blanche. It was stinking hot here today!!! I showered quick and picked up MacD's for lunch.
Blanche was very subdued today and we ate then went outside and sat in the shade because I was too tired to do anything else. Before I left she said she wanted the TV on, so I turned it on to the channel she likes. Then she started in about when should I turn it off and how do I turn it off and any other excuse she could come up with to make me stay. So finally I just shut it off and left. I'm piecing all her conversations about "them" together and I don't think she is really hallucinating. I think she turns the TV on when no one is there but just says she doesn't. She believes the people on TV can see her and inside her house. She thinks they are talking to her and waves to them, etc. I guess I'll have to work the whole deal from a different angle and see what happens. Tomorrow is eye doctor and bank. That should be interesting without her hearing aids!
Shayrn, a dish washer is something I never want! Do dishes is the one thing I don't mind. I find doing dishes relaxing and never minded it, even as a kid. Good luck with the vinegar. It did the trick with baking soda, for my clogged drain when nothing else worked.
When I got back from Blanche's I did manage to get the pool uncovered and the pump and hoses all hooked up. I thought we were going to get rain, but it passed us by, so that means filling the pool with the hose and hand watering the garden again tomorrow!
Jen, how's it going? Been thinking about you all day.
Hope you all are okay out there!!

Can't say my day was great but I got through it!
Wednesday and Thursday I am off and back to decluttering closets, drawers,etc. Hubby took a load to the dump on Sunday...all the trash I have bagged so far...but there will be more, LOL!!

We have been having some trouble with our dishwasher not washing the dishes. I poured half a gallon of white distilled vinegar in it and on the lower and upper jets to see if they were clogged with lime/calcium deposits. Ran the dishwasher this morning and the paper towels I placed on top and bottom were tonight I poured the other half gallon in and will let it sit overnight again before running it again tomorrow. Hopefully this will clear up all the clogged jets.

Have a good night and a good day tomorrow!

Hope you are feeling okay Jen!
What a day!!! Couldn't sleep AGAIN!!!. So I re-potted my calla lilies while I had my coffee, then I started on the front porch at 8 AM. Took me a couple hours to get 2/3 of it cleaned. The porch is over 30 feet long, so I did one side including 2 windows, shutters, siding and one storm door and the middle section between the 2 front doors. Tomorrow I'll do the other storm door and 2 windows and then maybe the floor. That will depend on how fast the temperature goes up.
I took lunch to Blanche and she was going on and on about "those people" and how they were telling her what to do! I ignored most of the conversation and fed her lunch, then started her laundry and made her sit outside with me for a couple hours until the laundry was done. I relaxed and knitted and she watched the landscapers doing the neighbors yard. When it was time for me to leave, she started in again on you know what!!! I just said I had to leave and would see her tomorrow. I was exhausted when I got home, so I tried to nap on the swing outside, but my cat put an end to that when she got her leash tangle around the legs of the swing one time too many!! So I did a few things in the garden and made supper early as my husband was going out for card night. I was all set for me time until the phone started to ring and Blanche left some crazy messages for me.
I finally gave up and drove to her house because when her niece visited yesterday, they left the TV on a channel she is not familiar with and she didn't like the "people" on it!!! I don't know who these people are!! They won't go away!!! So I started to explain that all she had to do was change the channel or turn the d*mn thing off! Of course she got mad at me because all she really wanted was for me to go over there,
She said they told her to put the TV on. I said how did you hear them without your hearing aids? The volume was down and she couldn't hear a thing! So I now think she puts the TV on when I'm not there and thinks the people from the TV are in her house. I finally got to the point that I told her I was going to put the d*mn thing in the garage so she would stop talking crazy!!!
She has always had a weird misunderstanding of the TV and now it's even more bizarre. She thinks they can see her and are only in her house and nowhere else. They "work" in her house and she can't turn them off until they are done working!!
By the time I left, she was pissed off at me, which was my intention because it took her mind off the F'ing TV!!! Another friend pulled into the driveway as I was leaving because she called God knows how many people when I didn't answer my phone. I told the friend that Blanche was mad at me and she laughed and said she would straighten her out!
Went to feed the cats and found one of them had peed over the side and all over the floor under the litter box! So my quick minute turned into a half hour clean-up! Geez!! I need to get to bed. I'm exhausted and have another full day tomorrow.
Hope everyone had a better day than me!

I am already making peace with god and thanking friends for their companionship...yes, I am that paranoid...
finally getting some much needed rain here....Jen

We will be thinkin about you Jen. Hugs yourway

Jen! You are going to be fine and feel so much better on the other side of this procedure. Wow on the basement floor.

DEEF!! So glad you are making a plan for Blanche! C'mon now… Deef has to come first for a long time.

Meanwhile! wow, baby goats and how cool is that.
I hear you Austin, and I got banged up by a goat once but I think I told you guys awhile back that the funniest thing with a goat is when one got into my truck and ate my sandwich. I showed up right when he was finishing up and standing sideways behind the wheel.

Sharynmarie! Dog Thief! thankfully you found your checkbook before she wrote a whopper and got herself a delivery of rawhides, pig ears and T-bones.
Man, if our animals had thumbs we would all be in deep doodoo.

Jen! We will all be thinking of you and waiting to hear from you. Love you baby girl.


Know what you mean Deef, you do a mess of stuff then sit for 46 seconds and pop back up because there is another thing you want to get to! At least stuff gets done that way!!!
Thank you everyone for positive thoughts and prayers...We shall just see how things go...jen
Baby goats! Still thinking of them and smiling!

Jen~We will be thinking about you, relax and before you know it, it will all be over. Take care!

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