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Jen, You'll be fine!! Just let the doctors and nurses take care of you. Relax and breathe and it will be over before you know it. Good luck!!
Love Deef!!

Started to read posts an hour ago and almost fell asleep! Lay down on the bed for a while and perked up a bit.
Had the day off from Blanche and really went to town! Headed to Walmart at 9:30 then came back home and trimmed lawn around the edges while my sil mowed. Lots to trim as the gardens and flower beds are bordered by wood beams. After he did the edges of the driveway I used the blower to clean that up then grabbed the weed whacker and climbed under the pool deck and finally got that all cleared out.
Next on the list was replacing screen wire on 3 windows with pet screening. The cats had the originals kind of torn up. The hardest part was getting the screens out of the window frames. Sil got me a handy tool to set the spline in the track, so it was pretty east to do. I have 4 more to do, but my friend stopped by, so that was a good excuse to stop for the day. Tomorrow I'll get up early and start to clean the first floor front porches then head to Blanche's for a couple hours. Then I need to get the pool pump up from the cellar and connect all the hoses. My daughter is off for the day so we should be able to get the cover off too. Hopefully we will get some warmer weather soon.
Jen, I slept well last night but it was the first time in a week. My RLS is crazy lately and the main reason I always keep moving. It's just too hard to sit!!!
Sharyn, That's some dog!!!Guess you know when something goes missing, it's probably the dog.
Austin, I enjoy doing all this work, especially since I have the time now. It keeps me outdoors too and that's where I like to be as much as I can. Still take time to knit a bit every day, usually out in the yard.
Meanwhile, I sure would love to see those kids!!
Bobbie!!! How are you doing?
Juju, hope you aren't over doing!
Time for me to get to bed. Eyes are closing on me again!

Jen you will be fine-and will be thinking of you tomorrow.

even without horns their heads are hard-my sister's goat loves to butt people and his head hits you before his horns and it hurts she sprays him with a water bottle like you do cats and that keeps him in line.

Here's one: CRACK!!!!!!! I have been watching that dip in the basement floor and last night I heard a loud crack and when i got up and looked along the steps to the upstairs there is a new ling three pronged seam in the wall of the foundation...
WONDERFUL ! man the hits just keep coming!!!
I told mom but I opened with: "I will not be held responsible for this!" Yes, that's what we need here, some MORE stress....It will have to wait and I hope to God it is covered on homeowners insurance!
I called and scheduled my cab up to the hospital for 6AM. The bus won't get me there in time. Starting to get nervous here...
FP having trouble standing up again, God I hope this is the beginning of the end...
I told mom to check his BS. 73 is a bit low.
Gonna be a H*ll of a week here I think...
ooo baby goats picturing them. cute!
Deef does work too hard, she is a dynamo, I don't know how she does it! Wait till canning and jarring season! I think she likes to be busy and get stuff done!
Just make sure you get plenty of rest too Deef!
Sharyn you have got one pest of a dog there! I know from pest but he was too picky to eat anything, sometimes even, perfectly good stuff! Sticks! not good and what was he doing with the check book, maybe check your acct. make sure he didn't write any checks or anything...:)
Hang in there everyone! Jen

Baby goats doing fine, dehorned them today. My least favorite job, but only takes 10 seconds. The horn buds have to be burned off. We are trading the buck kid to a guy for one of his buck kids. Need some new bloodlines.
Mom came over to the house today, did some criticizing, and complaining about her health. The usual. She has already forgotten about being mad.. She has no friends. Doesn't understand that no one likes her (including me). The only reason I put up with her is because I feel sorry for her.

Deefer you are working too hard -I am worried about you-I hope you have friends you can chill with at times-you need down time

Deef~I cannot imagine...your caregiving days have been much longer than mine and I do know the clutter I have here and the things that need repair...but as a landlord on top on of it...oh my!!

As you know, I have my mom's dog living with me and hubs. She is a thief...LOL!! She steals socks from my clean clothes basket that I havent folded yet...does not seem to matter where I put the basket, she finds a way to get into it like a leopard on the hunt.

My husband was looking for a missing sock the other day, he went through her kennel...he did not find the sock but...he did find our checkbook, LOL!! Really?? How did she get the checkbook...I used it that day to get a few groceries and I put my purse up on a was out of her reach, so how did she get the checkbook?

Scarier still is several nights ago, I went on an ice cream run...I bought a couple dove ice cream bars on a stick. The next day, she had the stick to one of the bars...I tried to get it from her, it disappeared in her mouth...she stated to heave...OMG!!! I am thinking I will have to rush her to the ER Vets. Well thank goodness she was able to bring it up so I grabbed it out of her mouth! Again, How in the He!! did she get it?? She is also taking my eyeglasses, LOL!!

I am laughing, but this dog is worse than a 3 year old child. Now I am child proofing my home again and everything is going up every high...she is not a large dog, but apparently she thinks she is a mountain goat with the climbing skills to match.

Deef FLAMING!!!!!!!

Jen, Big YUCK!!!!!
Austin, It must be hard for you to see your brother so sick again. I hope his family can get it together and be there for him. My sister hasn't gotten her test results yet, but I hope it's a simple fix. A bone marrow sample could mean something ugly!
Meanwhile, Glad you were able to rescue those treasures! It would have been a devastating loss of something so precious. Blanche can be a b!tch like that! Has been miserable to my sister, her DIL, for almost 50 years! She tries that stuff on me, but I don't let her get away with it! How are the kids??
Sharyn, It's a mess here inside and out! The yard looks great, but the porches, hallways and windows all need cleaning. With the 2 empty apartments and mine, I now have 39 windows to wash and all the curtains that cover them, And yes, I iron my curtains! There are 15 rooms and 3 bathrooms and most need the paint on the walls, ceiling, and woodwork redone. Then there are all the rugs to be shampooed. It's endless and been let go for far too long, but I have to start somewhere, so that will be the front porches first, then the hallways, then the windows. I'd like to do all this before it gets too hot! Oh yeah! We won't talk about the 4 rooms of junk in the attic, or the huge cellar full of stuff!
Hey Mame! Having a full day at home without interruptions is a definite plus! It started out nice here this morning then kept getting cloudy then sunny again with a few sprinkles in between. I worked on cleaning around Blanche's flower beds for over an hour again today. She kept complaining about "those people" in her house and I tried again to explain no one is there. The hallucinations are getting worse. She has all her blinds closed tight and hides things so "they" can't find them. I explained that if she was too afraid to stay alone, she would have to move out of her house. me staying there all the time is not an option.
Bobbie, you would be proud of me! I called my BIL when I got home and told him what was going on and that he should come up here soon and see what he needs to do. I really hate to lose the $$ I get for taking care of her, but I refuse to get tied up again like I was with my mom. It's just going to be getting harder to deal with her if these hallucinations get worse and I don't think I can cope with all that again.
She had me call a friend and ask her to pick her up for church tomorrow, so hopefully she will take Blanche to lunch afterwards and I will just have to stop up around supper time to check on her. Keeping my fingers crossed on that!!!
Well I guess I better get to the sink full of dishes and try to accomplish a few thing here before bedtime. Let me see... Maybe clean the bathrooms? Or maybe the fridge. Or maybe find something good to watch on TV!
Hope everyone has a good weekend!

OMG, was able to bring up photos from aunt and cousin visit...there is a pic of the little girl, cousins baby, kissing grandpa on the mouth, Good God that is disgusting...Lucky she is not here. I feel like I am gonna puke!

Mame~I hope you are right about my nephew's wife. She is very her 20's, he was 38. It is hard to tell with her what she feels.

I hope you get some gardening done this weekend. Always something to do and not enough time.

And that's just what you CAUGHT her doing. Imagine what she gets up to that you don't know about!
A little story: Once I knew a young woman who really hated her stepfather. She couldn't stand the guy, and so she took passive-aggressive revenge against him by doing things like scrubbing the toilet with his toothbrush, rinsing it off, and putting it back where she found it. She was very proud of herself for doing this.
The difference is, your mother isn't being passive-aggressive, just forgetful, but there are still many horrible things that she might be doing with your stuff that don't bear thinking about. I'd advise keeping all your personal care items locked up, either that or investing in an autoclave and sterilizing everything.

It is a beautiful day in lower NY also got rhubarb picked and weeded -it is cool but good for open windows.

Hi All. Happy Saturday. Beautiful day here in Central NY. Warm and sunny. Hoping to get some gardening done here today. Like you Sharon, all the running in the middle of the day to see mom etc has left my house cluttered and gardens needing a good weeding! I love Sat/Sun when I don't have to leave in the middle of the day-I can start something and may actually get it done!

Austin-do you think this is just how they are coping with the issue cause they can't or don't want to believe it? And same with Sharon's nephew's wife-maybe she is too upset to be around his family? I hope that is the case...sad to believe otherwise.
Jen-I am so happy your mom is putting fp somewhere for the day of your surgery! It is terrible how caught up we can get with the person we are caring for...and not care for our other loved ones-or even ourselves. It is great she will be there for you that day. :)
I can just see your cat Bobbie-loving the smell of the shrimp on your face! Too funny. Sorry you had to pay with a headache for a little night of fun... But maybe it is worth it once in a while!
Meanwhile-glad you were able to recover the items from the trash! I too found my mother's grandmother's cookbook-with notes and everything! What a find! I hope it never gets thrown out! How are the baby goats?
Deef-the patio is beautiful! Love the new pic. You two should go into business! How is your sister doing?
Hey Cuz! And Juju! And hello to everyone else out there in caregiver land! Mame

I was on the pone last night with the sil and also her gown son they do not get it -their plans are more important then his heath at this time-tried to tell them e does not have much time left but it must not interfere with their life.

Austin~I am so sorry about your brother, {{{{Hugs}}}}! I completely understand your pain and frustration. It was a year on May 10th when my nephew passed away from colon cancer. Very difficult for my sil as Mother's Day was the next day. My nephews wife has been unaffected and she does not keep in touch with my brother and sil at all. She received a very hefty life insurance policy pay out and that seems to be all that she cared about.My brother and sil are very disgusted with her.

Meanwhile~Wow, glad you were able to rescue the engraving. Hopefully she get over this and you can have peace with her.

Deef~your patio looks beautiful...I am jealous, LOL!! I am ashamed to say that because of me running back and forth taking care of my mom's house, gardens...running to the memory care to visit, bring her supplies, dr. appts. etc. both my house inside and outside are cluttered. I am tackling the inside first and hope that in the autumn when the weather cools down again, I will tackle the outside.

Austin, so sorry about your brother. Jen, sure hope your gall bladder surgery goes well.
My evil mother is trying to come up with hurtful things. She tried to throw away some of my stepdads stuff, an engraving his mother made, and her old White house cookbook. The cookbook is from 1912, and his mother has all these little notes in it, there is even a note from her mother in it. Managed to rescue the engraving, it looks really nice on my kitchen shelf, and the cookbook. Mom is mad at all of us. Too bad.

Bobbie thanks for asking about me-I am doing ok without my furry friend just a few weeks before he got so sick I talked to him about getting older and someday him not being here for me. My brother s not doing well-this is his third time with colon cancer and his wife and son do not seem to be able to face what is happening and are living their lives like he will be around forever I can only tell them the truth and hope they get it-which is not happening which is sad. I am glad we now are able to send private messages on the walls for times when we need to do this.

Spent an hour cleaning more dead stuff from Blanche's flower beds. Got home and did more yard work here. Need to hook up the pump and hoses and uncover the pool this weekend but it is cold and raining again after a gorgeous morning.
Sharyn, I'm supposed to be doing that stuff in my house but too busy with the yards right now. If I could just get one or two full days without having to drive across town for a couple hours, maybe I could get some major housework going.
Fat chance of that!
My new avatar is a picture of the patio my daughter and I built 2 weeks ago. We are definitely enjoying it every chance we get. Off to the store for a few things!

I hope you are all feeling better...hangovers and gallbladder attacks. I am getting over a migraine. Just on the left side of my head. I finally took some excederin late last night and of course from the caffiene didn't fall asleep until 3am., LOL!I am just getting up...10am!

We have this awkward shaped cupboard in the kitchen that is not very functional. When you open the door, we have the width of the door and a depth of about maybe 18 inches but then the cupboard. Continues another 2 feet to the left.. if something gets back in the 2 foot area...I use a skewer to reach back there to slide it out. It has a top and bottom shelf...yesterday I pulled out all the tupperware and other plastic ware. I filled 3 30 gallon trash bags. We never use this stuff. Maybe I can figure something out to make it more usable. Been cleaning out closets and just getting rid of stuff we don't need or use.
have a good weekend...getting hot here.

Just had some melon and a Vitamin B complex. Headache slowly going away.
I have already done the dock and the clubhouse and committed insecticide on some ants.

Anybody else out there?


Trash is out, gardens are watered, and cut some more bittersweet down before it kills the neighbor's tree that border the back of our yard. Sitting at the table on my new patio withacup of coffee and my tablet trying to catch up on emails etc. Just had a blue heron fly overhead!
Wanted to get some quiet time before I have to head to Blanche's with lunch. My sil hardwired the entire house and put in 3 routers so we can enjoy our electronic toys both inside and outside of the house. Kind of cool!
Bobbie no old time remedies for that hangover? Hope you don't have to rough of a day scheduled!
How is everyone else doing?

Good Morning All!

Ow my head. hahaha

At least I didn't hurl. I sure don't drink very often and that's for sure.
So good to see some activity here. I think I was simply missing my friends.

DEEF!! Jen! Cuz! Everybody!!

ok, coffee time.


Jen, Bobbie is right! Everyone I know that has had that surgery said it was the best thing they ever had done. Glad to see mom is going to be there for you. It's the least she could do after all you've done to help with FP.
Bobbie!!! What the ???? That's what happens when you're not used to the drink! I would be hanging over the bowl for sure. A real lightweight when it comes to booze and drugs!
It was sunny and warm here today. I really wanted to just enjoy my backyard, but hung out 3 loads of laundry, did Blanche's hair, fed her lunch and took her shopping. Then I came home and got comfortable on my swing when the phone rang and it was the neighborhood kids calling to say they were going to mow Blanche's lawn. So I had to drive back across town and sit outside with Blanche for an hour and a half while the kids mowed her almost acre of land that was covered with knee deep grass. They will be back this weekend to do more cleaning out around the flower beds, etc. She has sh!t planted everywhere and can't remember if it's plants or weeds. I tried doing it myself, but it was neglected for too long. There is a brand new rider mower in the garage, but I never used one before, and being so short, I don't know if I can even reach the clutch with my foot. The kids are only 13 and 15 and each have their own riding mowers already! Maybe I will get them to teach me how to use it. My yard is tiny and mostly garden, so it only takes about 10 minutes to mow.
Supposed to be in the 40's again tonight and showery all day tomorrow, AGAIN!!! My garden is longing for sun and warmer days and nights. We already had cherry tomatoes turning red by this time last year. Going to be able to pick some fresh leaf lettuce for salads this weekend. That will be good.
Okay, have to get early to get the trash out so I need to get to bed. Hope everyone had a good day today and a better one tomorrow!

Night bobbie have a good one.

Jen! You will fell better after the surgery for sure.

I am high on Margaritas. Might barf but don't know yet.

Making out with the Cat. I had the Low Country Boil tonight at the local pub and the Cat thinks this is the jackpot. I reek of shrimp. The Cat is very attentive.

OK. Going to lay down. Love you guys and will check in tomorrow.


Bleh...well least it is coming out...Wonder what the after affects will be, pain possible and food/stomach issues, but I have that now so... Thank you for the support Sharyn!

Jen~It's about time! Your mother needs to realize you have issues too. I did some research, if issues you are having with your arms, specifically if it is the right arm and shoulder... it could be related to gall bladder issues.

mom is going to have fp stay at ADH from 7 to 4, I think she said, day of my surgery...

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