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I don't know what to say or post after but that I plan to continue on!! I am so grateful for you Bobbie and the thread. checking in would be nice, please do!!!

Thinking of you Austin!!! What a difficult week it must have been, feel better!
Jen you too!! how are your arms doing???

It is a holiday weekend, the kick off to summer!!! Maybe some of you got to get out and do something!!! I need tires and have too much to do now so not much going on here but painting. It is quite the chore with all the prep work. I am making very slow progress with mom n all else to do. Crew and caregiver are coming tomorrow like any other Monday.
Am planning on a getaway for Fourth of July, as long as all this is done here by then. Mom is doing good. So I decided we need to go see the new baby. He will be 4 months by then and haven't seen him since his "birth" day! We will spend a few days down south visiting.

Sending love and light !!!

Happy Sunday Crew,

I hope everyone is coping as well as they can with what they have to deal with.

I'm thinking we have come to the end of the line here on the Grossed Out Thread.

I'm thankful for all who have posted over the last 4+ years and I've even been able to meet a few of the incredible caregivers who we have all read here on this thread and on other excellent threads on this site.

I check us out a few times a day and it's sad to not see any posts for a day or more at a time but I know that this thing worked for many of us and maybe it's not over yet but it sure feels like it. I had hoped to get to the end of Jen's crazy and maybe learn more from Deef and stay in touch with Austin (still worried about you after your Kitty) but everyone gets the fact that it's hard to check in and write, especially when you are coping with stuff that is totally unrelated to caregiving.

This won't be my last post because I have never cared for dramatic exits like some we have seen here on the thread haha. I'm just Zen about it and if there's some that still want to write they will and if there's not then the thread will simply stop breathing as the days and hours move on.

I'll check in later.

It's been a pleasure ladies.


Have been worried about you. How are you making out?

Thanks Sharyn, I will watch it in the mornings and see if that is it... had no idea. Just thought pinched caused pain...

Aunt going home tomorrow five AM......she had a nice vacation........

Tried to talk to mom about care changes...she got mad at her...mhnmm, death or bed ridden.....on it goes...

Juju~i kinda like the old times too. Not know the gender until the birth is a great thing!! Different strokes for the younger generation, LOL!!

Jen~i have a pinched nerve that affects my right arm. I will feel tingling in my neck and shoulder area plus I notice muscle weakness in that arm. Sometimes we sleep in positions that cut off the circulation and when we wake up are arms are dead numb. Shaking them restores circulation no problem. If you are very concerned it is always best to have it check out and an X-Ray will show pinched nerves. IMO, chiropractic treatment is best but it does involve time, which I doint have right now.

JUJU!! Boat Time!!


Love painting juju but man details and needing it to be perfect drives me nuts, trim takes a steady hand!
You know I had not though of that Sharyn. pinched nerves I immediately think. great, MS and I am dying... It still feel weak, but not like I can't lift them...WebMD says depression stress, anxiety can do it...I grab my little weights and move em, make sure I don't lose what I have...
Second day visit, she now has him sitting out in the living room with her watch TV, which he interrupts constantly and yells at...Mom is not happy...
We went and did the shopping, Thank God they didn't come...Yes, enjoy your quality time with your old man...
Got my lotto ticket...It's all I have...Beh, go do some laundry, block out the noise from up here...I just don't know...Wish I could drink, on days (weeks, months,years) like this...

How are you holding up Austin? Thinking of you...Jen

Hey did I get boat time??? been a while and I sure need some!!!

Well now that I have mom doing better, I have to say when I took her in couple weeks ago for the UTI I got the run around from her clinic again.
Her Dr is in a clinic that now takes walk in appt's for regular clients, a semi-urgent care type situation, anyway I get there and they tell me sorry no clinic today. I explain how frail she is and how hard it is to get her in and out of car isn't there anyway she can just get a cat sample real quick. They have me sit out there for 1/2 while they figure out that they cannot. The "Dr" who handles walk ins is not there. I had to take her to the ER or another facility, there is one urgent care in the whole city as I will not step foot into that hospital unless I have no other option or unable.
Anyway I got her over to the Urgent care and got her treated then took two weeks nearly to get her reg DR to see her and we requested home health start to help me with her pressure sore and her Knee's that are not wanting to bend.
I am so glad they came out Friday and today and got her set up, it will be a short stint but I like the comfort of the nurse Summer who is wonderful, coming to see her every week! And PT and OT will come out and see what we can do. Which is only more work but I got to do it. now that house is coming along I have got to focus on getting her legs moving better I can barely get her in car,
But she is doing better from UTI....And she has gained almost 18lbs since October which tickles me! It is the new flavorless protein powder I have been sneaking into everything I can, I believe anyway!

Anyway got to run, Contractor on way
Love to you all.

Meanwhile, Condolences on your loss....Vent away! Hope it is the best it can be. am praying for you!
Jen, pinched nerve or stress, when I was stressed out beyond me, this time last year, my arm went numb. and also just today and that was from all the work of painting this weekend, had to putty, sand, caulk and hand paint an obscene amount of grooves in the paneling and ceiling tiles and sunday night the arms went numb and trembled, the right one is still tingling.
Anyway so you mentioned all your cleaning, could be that too....try to rest them and relax yourself best you can.... That was pretty crappy not to consider your diet preferences!!!

Sharyn, I meant to say it is neat to still have the surprise of will they be identical or not? Although it is convenient to know the sexes I pondered that and remember in the "old days" when the sex was a surprise! Everyone waiting for the nurse/doc to come out and say "It's a ____"" etc...

As I briefly mentioned above painting was a B**** once I got into it. two days of prep and I got the wrong primer which made things even more messy. I got a heavy duty oil based which still stinks went on difficult and clean up was horrible. Then it turned out each and every groove in the paneling had to be hand brushed and the grooves in the ceiling tiles had to be caulked and of course it is vaulted ceilings so I am up and down a ladder a gazillion times....I am sore and have a lot more ahead. I was only able to get thru one room over weekend , up to the primer, no top coat yet,. Rested yesterday. Back at the caulking and spackling today.
I am going to post before I lose this like my last one!

Jen, give more info on your arms...possible pinched nerves? Sometimes when I first wake up, I will have on arm that feels numb from the way I slept on it.

Don't know...just have to get through gall bladder and figure whats next...MM bath nite and Aunt gets an earful of what we have had to deal with for what, seven years now?

Had to go buy a dress for the funeral. Hate wearing a dress. It's dark green and kind of satiny. The only black dresses they had were slinky evening type dresses. Good grief, I'm even going to have to wear a bra. But, I'm not wearing panty hose, I draw the line. Sandals and bear legs will have to do. I've only met one of Indio's sisters, will probably get the 3rd degree from his other 2 sisters. Pray for me people, I'm going to need all the help I can get.
Oh, Jen, hope your feeling better. Did you over do it swimming, and make your arms sore?

Jen! What's going on with not being able to lift your arms? Do you have any pain anywhere?

Meanwhile, please accept my condolences for Indio's Dad. Ow.
And of course there's black humor with how your mom is dealing. Oy.

Austin! let us know how you're doing. So sorry about your kitty.


Just working on a dock here.


Really upset now, everyone out in back scarfing KFC, I won't be getting any as I am a vegetarian now and the two things I could eat they didn't get enough of...sitting in moms room feel miserable. Hope old s**t pants coughs his guts up at the table, let em have the usual show we get...God Just Kill me now...I am so over this...Jen

Had a bunch of errands planned for today, but when I woke up I could barely lift my arms...WHAT Fresh H*ll is this?

meanwhile~so sorry about Indio's Dad. It is hard no matter the situation. Diabetes is not something to take for granted. My sis has type 2 and was recently diagnosed with CHF . There are too many variables with diabetes to take it for granted. Vent away, that is what the thread is for, it is too difficult to keep all of it inside and expect ourselves to just pull through these situations.Big Hugs to you!!

Jen enjoy your swim tomorrow. It is 98 F here today. Austin so sorry about your cat. Indio's dad passed away this morning. He was 79, had diabetes, and wouldn't take care of himself, so went into renal failure. Oh, and my stepdad dropped a car battery on his foot, may lose a toe. And, with all this going on my mom just can't stand that she isn't the center of attention. So she has decided she is in renal failure. Which she isn't . She is diabetic, but controls it with diet. Checks her blood sugar 6 times a day, never lets it go over 100. Sorry, just venting here, has been a crappy weekend.

MMMN and family from afar is as unpleasant as expected...Having to listen to him go on and on and bring up the same god damn old stories he has told 8,000's before...Out of no where, in relations to nothing, Bam..."I was stationed in Miama Beach..." Yes, 1942, where you were just as useless but not as smelly as you are now...please just die... I am trying not to listen to him enjoying being around "Lil Gal's" again. Least the toddler will never be alone with him...I took money out of the grocery wallet, I am going to go swimming tomorrow...god let these days pass quickly...Cousin wants (insists on) have KFC tomorrow for lunch with him...I think, I will stay in the basement...They see him, for and hour, sitting in a wheelchair and talking like he is almost with it...This will be good...But at least most of his choking issues are behavior related, and he will be ON his best behavior with company...
Thinking of you and your kitty Austin. Peace to you both...Jen

My mom had 2 of her poodles cremated. I have the little containers at my house as my mom wants them in her casket with her when she passes. Big Hugs to you Austin, I know how much my pets mean to me.

I have decided to have him cemented - bringing him home will be too hard for me to do.

Austin, so so sorry, enjoy your weekend with him and love him up best you can!! Hope he is as comfortable as possible. So so hard to lose our sweet loving little furry children! Your a good boy Benji, be with the angels in peace !!!
Love, Juju

So sorry to hear about Benji, Austin. Our furry loved ones are every bit as important to us as all other family members.

June Austin I am sorry about Benji. Ow Ow.

Austin~our pets become our best friends, I would be upset too about the vet not taking the time to thoroughly review the x-ray and all test results.

Thank you and Shary I have never been so close to a pet as I have been with Benji-I think it is because I got him while taking care of my abusive husband and he was such a comfort to me and because he was so close to my boyfriend-the only other person besides me that he was close to. I am upset that the first vet did not take the time to really look at the xray to find an abnormally and very glad the part-time vet picked up on it. It is going to be hard to let him go but I do not want to have him suffer. He was a great friend.

Juju- since the babies are the same gender, they cant determine if they are identical or fraternal until they are born...a DNA test will have to be done.

Austin-iiam sorry. It is so hard to lose your furry lived ones.

I am truly sorry Austin...I just had to put my Pug Monty down three weeks back, it is still really sad around here. I am glad you can have the whole weekend together and wish Benji a peaceful passing surrounded by love...Jen

I got the results of the biopsies for Benji-he doe have pancreatic cancer I brought him home for the rest of the weekend then on Mon will have to have him put to sleep otherwise he will suffer-and I saw thee bad night he had last night after my friend went home-he slept under the table all night-I did pick him up and take him to bed with me which he usually likes but left right away-I knew there was something seriously wrong right from the beginning the first vet was so sure it was my imagination she did not even take the time to really look at the x-ray - I always was right with human patients and knew I was right needing appetite stimulated my ass -my Church family prayed for him WED night and God answered by giving us a better vet who got it and looked at the x-ray and had a sonogram done and biopsies to submit and urgent requests for the results-so our prayers were answered. He will spend the weekend with me with pain meds q12 hrs. and lots of love and on Mom he will leave this world and I plan to bring him home and bury my furry friend -my other child-my friend.

Oh Susan that is awful, I guess I should be grateful my mom is cooperative but we do have our gross moments as she is completely incontenent and unable to realize should not touch or do certain things.
Jen, hope the surgery goes ok, scary going under the knife but if it gotta go, get rid of it! I hope Aunt can help your mom make the needed decision.
Austin, praying for your kitty, it is concerning he is not eating, wishing the best to you!
Deef, glad yours is on the mend! good news from pathology!!! bit of maintanence ahead.
Sharyn.....the party sounded like great fun, so now even with the gender reveal still is a bit of surprise to the birth "are they identical or fraternal"

Well I really need to get my butt up this morning and try to start the painting I have been trying to get done for weeks now. I am going change moms diaper and then let her sleep in today or I will never get it done if I don't start early. Waiting till chores and mom is done is not going to happen as proved by last few weeks! the exhaustion kicks in by early afternoon when I usually am ready to start at it. So I better get up and at it!
Do what you can to have a nice day and weekend, Haahhahahaha!!!! sorry I am cynical at the moment!
Well anyway thank for being here crew! LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!

I got carpet in two rooms this week and they will have to tearout the living room floor back down to dirt and redo it next week then we can get all the laminate flooring in thru the living/dining/kitchen area. Then all but the masterbath will be complete and functioning again. The drywaller flaked out few times in Mbath and it became the storage zone for all the once emptied we can get that room done.

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