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Sharyn, you should be a party planner full time. That is going to be the best baby shower ever.

I hear ya'll on the spring cleaning, for me it is more like spring, summer, fall winter and spring again cleaning, LOL!!Where does the money go, how to repair things,...time and money are the issues.

Oh poor Tut, I know how much my Tiger kitty means to me and I spent $450 on him back in Sept. Hubby was not happy about it either.

My daughter will be here tomorrow for Saturday's gender reveal. My house is so unorganized with boxes shoved in the garage, in closets,etc. Most of it is my mom's summer and winter clothing. I already warned her ahead of time.

The reveal should be fun as we will have buttons for people to chose their team...boy/boy, girl/girl, or girl/boy. Then for the 4 great grandparents, we will have buttons with "My great grandkids are better than your great grandkids". To keep it in tradition, the 2 great mother's will slice the cake together, and the great father will lift the slice out to reveal the appropriate color of M&M's in the cake. The great grand parents will introduce twins to the rest of the family. No games will be daughter doesn't want shower games. Lots of food and socializing...I will be glad when it is over as it has taken up more of my time than I expected with everything else I am trying to do.

I hope everyone has a peaceful mother's day with their friends, family or just yourself and spouse/sig other. I learned a long time ago not to put too many expectations on this day. My mom's community will have a brunch on Sunday we will go to...they put on a big spread and well worth the food plus spending more time with mom as well has having her with us on Saturday.

Hoping Tut is doing OK Deef!

Sweet dreams, Deef! Sending good thoughts for you and Tut.

Bills are hitting us hard this month too, with the addition of the work being done on the house getting accelerated a bit, so now I need to buy supplies for that, plus get the van ready for our trip north, plus pay child support for my youngest who lives with his dad...ugh. I just picked up 2 more clients, which means working an extra 10-12 hours a week, and if a 3rd potential client comes on board, another 4 hours a week on top of the 60 I'm working already. I'll have to start sleeping at my desk to make this all work, but the money has to come from somewhere....

Meanwhile, money isn't everything, but d*mn I would sure like to have enough to pay the bills! With two empty apartments it's going to be really tough to get by. I really didn't need the added expense of Tut, but I can't let him suffer.
Just got back from dropping him off. He was so good and I hated to leave him. If all goes well I should be on the road to pick him up by mid afternoon. The hour and a half in the car this morning almost put me to sleep. I let Tut sleep with me last night and got about 4 hours so I'm going back to bed for a bit.
90 degrees, oh my! I hate the heat so the thought of no air with those temps makes me shudder! Good luck on that front!

Meanwhile, money isn't everything, but d*mn I would sure like to have enough to pay the bills! With two empty apartments it's going to be really tough to get by. I really didn't need the added expense of Tut, but I can't let him suffer.
Just got back from dropping him off. He was so good and I hated to leave him. If all goes well I should be on the road to pick him up by mid afternoon. The hour and a half in the car this morning almost put me to sleep. I let Tut sleep with me last night and got about 4 hours so I'm going back to bed for a bit.
90 degrees, oh my! I hate the heat so the thought of no air with those temps makes me shudder! Good luck on that front!

Just checking in. Hope Tut's surgery goes well, and his blood sugar comes down, Deef. All that spring cleaning going on. I have so much I need to catch up on here too. But, yesterday, was getting 900 pounds of hay in the barn, replace the car battery, and work on the rental houses. Already 90 degrees here, and the pump went out on the swamp cooler on one rental house. Plus I think the compressor is going out on the A/C on the car.
Have to get to my day job at the dentist office. Hate to sound ungrateful, but money is more of an issue without Sam's pension, and SS.

Susan, Tut has already been through the hematoma thing with this same ear. The vet is into homeopathic medicine, so she was able to keep the ear from becoming too deformed. He has a very distinguished look instead. Vet called today, Tut's sugar is still high, but they are hoping it comes down after they fix his ear.
Early night. Have to get up at 5:30 to have the time to make the 40 minute drive to the vet's with Tut.

Ugh, I wish we could edit posts. The surgery was on my 100-lb boxer-shepherd mix DOG, not a cat! LOL

Deef - I hope your kitty's surgery goes well. I had to do a $400 surgery plus $300 return visit for overnight stay and IV antibiotics when he shook his head too hard and ruptured a blood vessel in his ear, which developed into a hematoma - a big one. The hematoma and the resulting surgery broke the cartilage in his ear, so now one ear stands up and the other flops over, giving him a permanently quizzical look. Cute, but expensive!

Jen - when my friends were stripping the kitchen floor, they found the tip off my parents' old Christmas tree tucked up under the kitchen cabinet. Their late kitty, Alex, used to steal the tips off the branches and run off with them. Alex has been gone for over 5 years...that's how long that thing had been under there! I'm sure when I remove the entertainment center from the living room, I'll probably find about 5 more Christmas tree tips, a few toy mousies, several dog treats and some killer dust bunnies under there.

Just finished up dishes again here, stiff and sore from all the other stuff...Mom's back to washing his a** for him and what is she mad about?...the way I stack the dishes in the dish rack...Ah Life...He is on UTI number two here...but he doesn't believe he has one, nor that the last one, put him in the hospital...

Hoping Tut's surgery goes well, and you get your kitty back soon Deef!!!
Have a good week everyone...Jen

Hey everyone! I should be in bed, but wanted to catch up with all of you.
Been a rough week here. Tenants finished moving out yesterday and cleaned the apartment all day today. The rugs are trashed, they weren't too bad when they moved in, but will have to be replaced if I decide to rent again. Everything else is okay though. It was my sil's brother and wife and let's just say they weren't the cleanest couple. Trying to clean after 3 years of hardly ever cleaning at all had to be a monstrous task. It's the smallest of 4 apartments and we will probably use it for storage for now.
Susan, unlike you and Jen, I let things slide while caring for mom the last couple years. She was total care and any free time I had was spent going "duh". Now I have a massive cleaning to do in my apartment. So I will pack all my crafting and art supplies and store them while I clean my apartment and mom's old one. Then I will set up my crafting/art room in the room that has been for storage for the last 4 years. I'm hoping I will keep things up after all is said and done. I used to clean every spring and fall. The last few years I managed curtains and windows twice a year and rug shampooing once. Not good enough anymore!
Susan, it sounds like it's time to start "helping" your mom with her hygiene. Don't ask or tell her to shower. Maybe say come on I'll get your towel and clean clothes ready for you while you are in the shower. Eventually she will get used to you helping and things will be easier on you. As for the smell, mom was small, but the wet pads and diaper smell is imbedded in my brain forever!! My sibs would visit and make faces and say the house smells like pee or sh!t. I would say Really? At some point I became immune and couldn't smell it unless I left the house and came back in. When she messed her diaper the smell would linger for hours!
Jen, and everyone else, sorry for any and all animal losses over the years. Nothing worse! My cat Tut is going in for ear surgery on Tuesday. It's a 40 minute car ride to the vet surgeon and I have to get him there for 7:30, so it will be a long day. Already cost me $750 and the surgery will be around $1000. As all animal lovers know, we'll do just about anything for our pets. I'm hoping he will get through the surgery okay. He is about 12-14 years old. We rescued him in 2010 and that's the nearest the vet could figure for his age. The blood work came back with a high sugar count so we could be looking at diabetes. That will have to wait until after the surgery as they think all the stress may be the cause for the high sugar count. I'm hoping the polyp in his ear will come out east and that the biopsy will come back negative, otherwise it will be $2000 for nothing.
Blanche is a handful lately. I vecroed a curtain rod to her TV and made a black curtain to pull over the screen when the TV is off. It has calmed her down a bit, but she will only watch TV when I am there, so it makes for a long day for her. She calls the people on TV "them". She hides things so "they" can't get them when they are in the house. Spent a hour looking for her hearing aid pouch today. She had one hearing aid in, but the pouch with the other one and the cleaning tools and batteries was missing.
She keeps complaining about the mess in the yard, so now I take her out on nice days and rake and weed for a bit. Her house is on nearly an acre of land which she has planted bulbs and all kinds of perennials in every place imaginable. It's a nightmare to get weeded and cleaned up after a couple years of near neglect. I'm going to get an estimate from a landscape company and have them clean it all up. I have enough trouble doing my own small yard.
Jen I planted radishes and 3 kinds of leaf lettuce yesterday. They all like the cooler weather which we seem to have plenty of this spring!
Okay, getting punchy. Time for bed.
Night, Deef

Small things and Big Ones, furniture you know has not been moved in forty years...I mean really! Time Capsule by neglect..."I wondered where that Barbie dress went!"

Jen, I'm with you on that! I'm in the process of slowly going through and cleaning everything and ohhh my....I can't believe the crap I'm having to clean. It's the small things you don't see, you know? Like around the kitchen cabinet doors where stuff has been splashed/spilled repeatedly over the course of 40-some's supposed to be white, but it's not even close to white now. The pot/pan rack over the stove (very worst spot for it), which is caked in a thick layer of grease and dust. The windowsills, which are caked in grime, hair and mildew. It's making my neatnik "clean freak" personality go insane. I can't wait until it's all done. My friends are helping with the floor refinishing, etc - and they just suggested that they do the work when we go on vacation this summer - an idea I am embracing wholeheartedly, because the idea of coming back to a TOTALLY DIFFERENT HOUSE with clean, finished wood floors, new paint, no paneling....well, I have to say, that's like a dream come true!

I just have to crunch numbers and see if we can afford to buy all the supplies to do the work, pay my friends their fee for doing it, and still afford to go on vacation. I think we can do it, but it's going to be a little tight. Just means eating some meals in the hotel room (like tv dinners from the microwave) because that's going to be the biggest expense on the trip.

Susan I have gone passed "anything not nailed down"... I am literally pulling out nails and boards...just changing everything! I even took vent covers off and washed those tiny metal slats off, forty grimy years of oil and natural gas and dust residue! Had Blue carpeting in this one!
Bright and Airy, that's what I want too, I keep windows open all winter in the basement where I am now. I can't stand stuffy! Sure isn't now! Jen

Jen, I think we were separated at birth. LOL

I do the same thing when I need to get myself out of a funk - clean, root out the junk and get rid of it, de-clutter, clean out drawers - cabinets - ANYTHING not nailed down gets cleaned within an inch of its life and/or put away, thrown away or given away.

With Mom & Dad's house being stuck in the 70's, and it coming into my hands eventually, I've decided it's time to start doing some upgrades when I can afford them. We ripped the 40-yr-old RED carpeting out of the kitchen (yes, red carpeting in the kitchen), only to discover it had been glued down to a hardwood floor. So that's a work in progress right now. 70's paneling on the walls is in the process of being ripped down, walls will be painted. The house will be SO bright and airy when it's done! I can't wait.

Have a great week!

"crawled in the house and died" ,about sums it up...And if it did die...the smell would go away, that's the really awful bit...I used to like old people, like being with old people, like listening to stories of things I'd never see myself...Now I just hope to God I kick it before I am ever IN that position. It is a murderously awful thing getting old. You lose your control, your body, self respect, abilities, social value, usefulness, sense of self and competence in the world and the longer you live the less the whole world seems to make sense to you...If you maintain any wits about you, you may be aware of the Mild to Tremendous burden you have become on others... Maybe you care, maybe you try not to be a pain in the ass on top of it all, or maybe you are a recalcitrant, witless, perverted, irritating, lying, unclean piece of work, that creates a living hell for "loved ones"...Wonderful!...What is the point of living through that! Becoming that? ( And here, yes he lies, "Did you remember to wash your hands daddy?" My mom will ask..."Yes..." he replies irritated, Like it is offensive to be asked...I listen, I know when he has and has not washed his hands...And he has a UTI again...That's two, in less than two months? Lovely)
Did all the yard work, watched the Kentucky Derby, been a week since I put my dog down...Another week another month another ....
I moved furniture gutted the basement, cleaned whole rooms over last week, I just want everything different now...Lots of trash, lots of donation stuff...Just get rid of it! Gonna be rainy weekend here(Spokane, Wa), for Bloomsday. No one passing out from the heat this year I guess...Go Bloomies!
Have a sane week everyone, what ever that may be...Jen

Ok...someone needs to pass me the WHINE and cheese, please....I'm having a day. Not a good day, not a horrible day, just A DAY...and need to vent a little. Seems like that's all I do lately.

Mom is back into the "refusing to shower" mode, and when she *does* shower, she doesn't do the follow-up to keep herself clean - and when I ask if she has, she lies to me. I hate to use the word "lies", because I can't be sure she's actually lying...or if she's simply not remembering if she put a pad on, put cream on the areas where it's skin on skin and bacteria grows if she doesn't, put underwear on...etc. I'm just so frustrated right now. If I can get her to shower, she will often go in there for about 5 minutes and come out - and I'm sorry, for a woman of her size and disability, I know darn well that's not long enough to wash all of her body thoroughly enough - which is shown by the "evidence" she leaves on the bath chair and towels. (Sorry, gross, but....truth.) When I try to gently bring this up to her, she refuses help with bathing and says she's fine and she washes everything - but does so in this childish, whining 2 year old voice, which just grates on my nerves something awful. (She does the same thing anytime she knows I'm annoyed or knows she's not taking care of in, "There, I took my shower - are you happy now?") She doesn't say those exact words, but that's the attitude and tone I get.

The skin-on-skin bacteria thing is another issue. I don't know if too many of you have experienced this, but it's a common problem in the morbidly obese, especially in the groin and abdomen area. The skin folds never dry out because they are constantly folded against each other, which allows bacteria to grow, and that bacteria creates an extremely malodorous slimy substance, and the skin begins to break down and open up. It's *bad* stuff, trust me. I spoke with a home health care nurse, and she advised me to use regular anti-fungal cream (like for athlete's foot), and to keep it on there *all the time*, with white cotton handkerchiefs tucked up under the skin fold to keep the skin from touching against itself. It works - when Mom will do it. She goes through weeks where she will do it religiously every day....then will go as long as possible without it until I say something to her - and then we start all over again with the childish attitude and "yes I did it", when the laundry I'm washing and the odor in the house clearly shows she didn't. (Helllooo Mom...if the white cotton handkerchiefs aren't in the laundry, it's a little hard to believe you're wearing them....)
Today, every time I walk past her, I almost gag from the rotting odor coming from her general vicinity. I have 2 candles and air fresheners going at all times these days. I will have to ask her yet again when she wakes up from her nap if she has put the cream and cloths on...and I know she hasn't.

You have to wonder what kind of masochistic tendencies we caregivers have to put ourselves through this. I am humiliated when anyone enters the house on days like this when Mom is between showers and smells like something has crawled into the house and died.

Ok...rant over....hopefully. Thanks for listening/reading.

Jen Hang in there girl, it has been a rough time, and with FP home, sure wish that went another way for you!!!! XOXOX Time will help you heal your loss. Get out much as you can!!!
Mame, You too, you hang in there! I'm glad your mom is transitioning ok at the facility and It must be so hard to adjust to the changes for the both of you. I have anxiety just anticipating life after mom because it is such huge part of our day to day life and routine that is changing. And you want to be there as much as you can but also a part of you wants to just unplug from it for just a bit.
I like deefer? comment on sleep, and not knowing when last full nite was, amen to that! and with me once I am up and changing a diaper or ?? in the wee hours I am usually unable to go back to sleep, Ughhh....

Cuz, My belated but sincere condolences on the passing of your MIL!!! She is in peace now! and on good Friday that is sort of comforting!

Bobbie I love the boat/dock life stories....the deadliest catch dockmate. Hope your feeling better from last week and the anniversary of your dad. You shared that story with me while back when I had a vision of my life without mom and I think of it often and It does help me. to see how far you have come and how strong you are. It is an inspiration. I am sorry for your pain!!! XOXOX

Meanwhile, your loss of sis's horse must be so hard. I know horses have a special bond with owners as most pets do, but I hadn't realized how long they are with one.
To all of you: Heartbreaking to lose our beloved furry family, my thoughts are with you!!!

Had an interesting week negotiating with this contractor/company....coming along slowly but surely...they really botched up their work and now just want to put bandaids over it for some part but I am holding strong and working on getting it fixed to my satisfaction. which I should not even have to compromise on...I should make them tear it out and start over but I think that will cause more damage and just is too consuming at this point I need my dang house back and they are counting on that.
What a day with the healthcare providers here again, ughhhh! Had to take ma in for UTI yesterday. I cant even begin to describe my displeasure once again. But I have antibiotics! I am exhausted and slept in an hour for the first time in a long time, felt good!
speaking of HC providers BTW Meanwhile...yes he butchered the extraction, In hindsight I am sure of it. The tooth came out with an awful crunch, he pulled one extra thing out popped up and said "done". I found it odd so I looked at the tray and saw tooth with root and another piece of root so I thought ok that was it. But that last piece that finally came out looked like 1/2 shark jaw it definitely looked like tooth not root but yes definitely bad job by dentist!

Well hey to everyone else I missed, sharyn, deefer, everyone susanA4 and all the new names. Love to you all!! Stay strong!!

Yes there is and yes I am, Cuz! hehehehe

The Bacon Tree

Two Mexicans are stuck in the desert after crossing into the United States , wandering aimlessly and starving.

They are about to just lie down and wait for death, when all of a sudden Luis says:

"Hey Pepe, do you smell what I smell. Ees bacon, I theenk."

"Is, Luis, eet sure smell like bacon."

With renewed hope, they struggle up the next sand dune, & there, in the distance, is a tree loaded with bacon.

There's raw bacon, there's fried bacon, back bacon, double smoked bacon, every imaginable kind of cured pork.

"Pepe, Pepe, we ees saved ! Ees a bacon tree !"

"Luis, maybe ees a meerage ?

We ees in the desert don't forget."

"Pepe, since when deed you ever hear of a meerage that smell like bacon ?

Ees no meerage, ees a bacon tree !"

With that, Luis staggers towards the tree.

He gets to within 5 yards, Pepe crawling close behind, when suddenly a machine gun opens up, and Luis drops like a wet sock.

Mortally wounded, he warns Pepe with his dying breath:

"Pepe, go back man, you was right, ees not a bacon tree !"

"Luis, Luis miamigo, what ees it ?"

"Pepe ees not a bacon tree. Ees...






Ees... a ham bush."

SO SORRY I know there is something wrong with me for sending you this.

Just couldn't help it !

Little voices made me do it !

And I bet you tried to do the accent didn't you ?

I know you did !

You're grinning aren't you ?

Oh my, I am A.D.D. this morning sleepless nights ughhh....

Have to add: Nice to see some new names and stories here....special hello to you too

and to all of us struggling with this life, and the aftermath: Hope, strength sent out to you! XOXOX to all,

Ok I did it, I felt I missed out on so much.... just finished reading up the last month! Now maybe i can keep up with the crew!

Thoughts and prayers to those who have lost!

Jen, so sorry about Monty! glad he is not suffering but sooooo heartbreaking!
My heart goes out to you. Big hugs and hope to you! Juju

Mame - thank you for your kind words. I have another dog, but he was a puppy when my Corgi passed. The hard part was that she developed A.L.L. (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia), which is a rapid-onset form of Leukemia and is almost always fatal within 2 weeks of diagnosis. By the time they develop visible symptoms, it's too late - and even if you were to catch it by chance, very early, with a blood test, there's only a 20-30% survival rate with treatment. I was devastated when I took my little Tootie-girl in, thinking she had something that could be "fixed" - a virus or something - only to find out she had only days left, and was suffering, so I had to make the decision then and there to let her go.

I am content with my other dog for the time being - he's a completely different dog than my Corgi - he's a 100-lb Boxer-Shepherd mix, extremely protective and my big baby - so I am not getting another dog at this point. But I do miss my little girl so much, still.

Jujubean - very nice to see/meet you - hopefully you will check in with us again.

I feel good about checking in today, I was finally able to find some me time, were I was not tooo exhausted to read with my bad eyes or comprehend it for the most part. anyway I spent I while couple nites ago reading up from my last post in mid march and got up to first week of april....
my last post was about not wanting to check in till I read up and i think it was Austin who responded just go back few days or someone else said bout it but I just couldn't do that.
I miss you all so much and just had to know what has been going on with you all. so I feel better now catching up a little, and hope to grab some more me time and try to do a week every other day! too old to comment on but i loved catching up!
Here just frustrated, we are at a standstill again, the other side of the home I had a different contractor do, and they jacked it up, i started noticing things and then many many things, had a meeting with owner today and they are going to fix it but means a crew here again tearin stuff up again I hope we can get it fixed right this time i am very leary right now.
good news: I have counters and running water in the kitchen again that is making worlds of difference, makes one really appreciate it!!!
Well do the best you can is all we can do, I hope we all are!
Gotta run and get dinner ready looking forward to catching up some more
Love to all!!!

A young guy from North Dakota moves to Florida and goes to a big "everything under one roof" department store looking for a job.

The Manager says, "Do you have any sales experience?" The kid says "Yeah. I was a vacuum salesman back in North Dakota."

Well, the boss was unsure, but he liked the kid and figured he'd give him a shot, so he gave him the job.

"You start tomorrow. I'll come down after we close and see how you did."

His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it. After the store was locked up, the boss came down to the sales floor.

"How many customers bought something from you today?" The kid frowns and looks at the floor and mutters, "One". The boss says "Just one?? Our sales people average sales to 20 to 30 customers a day!

That will have to change, and soon, if you'd like to continue your employment here. We have very strict standards for our sales force here in Florida. One sale a day might have been acceptable in North Dakota, but you're not on the farm anymore, son."

The kid took his beating, but continued to look at his shoes, so the boss felt kinda bad for chewing him out on his first day. He asked, "So, how much was your one sale for?"

The kid looks up at his boss and says "$101,237.65".

The boss, astonished, says $101,237.65! What the hell did you sell?"

The kid says, "Well, first, I sold him some new fish hooks. Then I sold him a new fishing rod to go with his new hooks. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down the coast, so I told him he was going to need a boat, so we went down to the boat department and I sold him a twin engine Chris Craft. Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4x4 Expedition."

The boss said "A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and a TRUCK?"

The kid said "No, the guy came in here to buy tampons for his wife, and I said, 'Dude, your weekend's shot, you might as well go fishing'".


Oh Meanwhile! So sorry for you loss too! Wow-32 years! I had no idea horses lived so long! Hugs!
Susan, I have been a basket case since my dog died...I hope I still don't feel this way in 7 years! You poor thing. My kids keep telling me to get another dog... I am just not ready.
Bobbie, I am so sorry that you were overcome and are still dazed. I can't even imagine... You are a strong person-and you prove it every day! Hugs to you Bobbie!

A woman went to buy a rod and reel for her grandson's birthday. She doesn't know which one to get so she just grabs one and goes over to the counter.

A Bass Pro Shop associate is standing there wearing dark shades.

She says, "Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me anything about this rod and reel?"

He says, "Ma'am, I'm completely blind; but if you'll drop it on the counter, I can tell you everything from the sound it makes."

She doesn't believe him but drops it on the counter anyway.

He says, "That's a six-foot Shakespeare graphite rod with a Zebco 404 reel and 10-lb. test line. It's a good all around combination; and it's on sale this week for only $20.00."

She says, "It's amazing that you can tell all that just by the sound of it dropping on the counter. I'll take it!"
As she opens her purse, her credit card drops on the floor.
"Oh, that sounds like a Master Card," he says.

She bends down to pick it up and accidentally breaks wind. At first she is really embarrassed, but then realizes there is no way the blind clerk could tell it was she who tooted. Being blind, he wouldn't know that she was the only person around.

The man rings up the sale and says, "That'll be $34.50 please."

The woman is totally confused by this and asks, "Didn't you tell me the rod and reel were on sale for $20.00? How did you get $34.50?"

He replies," Yes, Ma'am. The rod and reel is $20.00, but the Duck Call is $11.00 and the Bear Repellant is $3.50."


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