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Being out in the fresh air really perks the residents up-I hope it helps my friend who had a stroke -the problem with being active at our senior center is that most are older than me and they get sick and often die-but t does make me appreciate my life and not sweat the small stuff as much.

Mame~It really was funny and mom was loving it too!! We laughed and had a great time.

Thanks Austin and Sharyn! Sharyn-plucking her chin in the sun made me laugh out loud! I took mom out on the terrace today-it is gorgeous out! There was a resident who saved up all his toast from the weekend so he could feed the birds! He gave mom & me each a piece to break up for the birds! It was so cute! Mom loved it as the sparrows came running for the bread! AND she remembered being at my sister's yesterday and asked ME if I was tired! She is so cute. It was so nice that she remembered-even if just for now. Most days I dread going to the NH but maybe now that we can get outside I won't dread it so much. Many ppl were bringing their loved ones outside and everyone was chatty! Thank goodness for nice weather!!!! Mame

Mame- glad you had a good ewith your mom. My sis has had some mix ups when taking mom to lunch...they would give her lunch when asked not to. We had brunch yesterday with our mom. It was very nice and mom had a good time. We sat outside in the sun and I plucked mom's chin for her,LOL! I could see the hairs so much better in the sunlight.

Mame I am glad she had a good time-too bad things got mixed up with all the devices out there now things still do not get written down-it was better when people carried clipboards around with them and wrote things down.

Walk in to pick mom up to take her out to Easter dinner at my sister's house... "No, she is not on the list to go out today." We got it all worked out but what the h**l? The head nurse and I talked twice about it last week and she assured me that mom was good to go. I just don't get the level of BS you have to go through!
Anyway, mom had a wonderful time at my sister's and was happy to see everyone. She seemed most happy seeing how green the grass is on her ride to and from! I will go up to see her at lunch today and I wonder how much she will remember! Gonna download the pictures I took to show her and remind her. She seemed happy and that is all that matters! Hope everyone had a moment of peace yesterday...and today....and every day! Mame

Thanks to everyone. She picked a great day to celebrate her life by passing on Good Friday. She lived a great life. Thanks again.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife Cuz. Peace.

Cuz I am sorry for the loss of your mother in law

Hugs to you and your wife Cuz!

Cuz49341 -

so sorry to hear of your wife's mom's passing...please know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Dear Cuz and Family,

Condolences on the passing of your wife's mom.
Love to all,


Hey everyone. Thought I would pass along the the wife's mother passed away on Good Friday at 8:26pm. She is up in heaven celebrating with her Lord, her husband and her brother's and sisters. We knew she was ready and we were all prepared for her passing. It was a blessing. She would have been 96 in May. Hugs to all.

Well, tonight was interesting....on the grossed out front.

I took Mom with me to a celebration dinner for my daughter's wedding. She loved it and was very happy to get out of the house. However....I discovered that I need to carry a larger purse. Something along the lines of a diaper bag, apparently.
I made up what Mom calls a "ditty bag" before we left, because I knew Mom might need extra incontinence pads, possibly some underwear as well, because she's been saturating those pads lately. As a last minute thought, I put an extra pair of pants in the bag as well, just in case there was an accident of some sort. Good thing I did - when she finally decided she had to go to the restroom (I asked like 10 times before she finally went), she had saturated her pad all the way through, peed on the floor in the bathroom, and through her underwear and pants. Sooo...I was glad I came somewhat prepared.

Score for the evening: 1 very nice dinner. 2 pieces of urine-soaked clothing. 1 new purse needed to carry everything for Mom. 1 inwardly frustrated but outwardly calm and cheerful daughter. :-/

doggies Susan that is hilarious...Where are those super absorbent pads when something spills! man I could throw one on a pee puddle and it would be gone before it hit the floor!
Got some of that "becoming less aware of his body" thing with grandpa here...See what comes or goes of that...

Have a safe and sane weekend everyone...Jen

This thread is hilarious. Some of the situations are sad, because of the circumstances involved, but I've found sometimes you HAVE to laugh...or you'd just sit down and cry.

The urine drips across the floor as she walks to the bathroom...or worse, the poo drips across the floor when she has an accident...the constant washing of laundry (chair pads, smelly nasty underwear, etc) can be overwhelming if you don't approach it with an air of humor! Throw in a large dog and a cat, and you have a 3-ring-circus under the guise of a home. LOL Mom walks to the bathroom, trailing urine and/or poo as she goes, and I scramble to push the dog and/or cat out of the way as they try to investigate, wondering "what the heck is THAT? Hey, I get in trouble if I do that in the house - how come SHE gets away with it?!?" Then cleaning up, stripping the bed/chair that she anointed, putting everything back together, making sure she's cleaned herself up or helping do so...and then we start all over again. It's like a juggling act gone horribly wrong some days.

Recently, Mom seems to have become somewhat unaware of her body or her immediate surroundings. She routinely forgets to put an incontinence pad on, and since she's not to the point of needing help dressing yet, I try to leave her at least that small vestige of privacy and dignity - which results in more mess if she forgets to wear a pad, or -worse - forgets to change it for many, many hours, which triggers my very sensitive nose to the situation, and I have to tell her to change it. (Something no child should have to tell their mother...but...)

A few weeks ago, she started "losing" her incontinence pads. A couple wound up in the washing machine, because I didn't realize they were in her clothing, because I was grabbing armloads of clothes and dumping them in the washing machine. Learned that lesson the hard way, after the pads exploded in the washer, leaving gel crystals stuck to all the clothing. Ever tried to get that stuff out of clothing and out of the machine?

Pads wind up in the oddest places. Ocasionally, I'll find one laying on the floor in the hallway, having worked its way out of her underwear, down her leg and out of her pants leg onto the floor. How the heck does she not notice that?? (Shaking my head and chuckling...) One pad ended up in the worst possible place - the toilet. I walked into the bathroom and burst out laughing - I just couldn't help it. The dang thing had somehow dropped into the toilet, and being what it is, it did it's job with great gusto, soaking up nearly all the water in the toilet bowl, and swelling itself to enormous proportions. It must have weighed 5 lbs. when I pulled it out of there. I'm SO glad it didn't get flushed down and wedged in the plumbing. What a mess that would have been!

You just have to laugh's better than the alternative!

Celtic...that is a guarantee of mess to come. I have found...mopping, is like washing your thing you know.....!

Got two for. you: number one went to ER last Saturday right before holy week for a high soft impaction with my mom she had an enema bomb (kind of explains itself) my mom wanted to make sure that she was actually having the bowel movements. The nurse holds up a solid piece of poop to demonstrate to my mom (who is also a nurse) that she had in fact gone.My mom upon seeing this right before holy week said Gee this gives a new meaning to the phrase holy s**t. Second one I had no sooner finished cleaning up my mom after her rectal suppository then the valve broke on her Foley bag and urine went all over the floor that I had just got done mopping.

Hey Bobbie...It is gone...must be an automatic for yelling? I wasn't yelling I was lazy...
Not hepatitis, so more tests later next week, hoping for something that will require Hospice...
G came home and argued with mom that he was "too tired to take his Depends off and put on clean ones..." She very calmly told him, he can't do that...Maybe this is coming to a close some how...For real...? Light rain here, flower beds prepping for what ever will go in em this weekend...Have a sane weekend all! JEN

Missing posts here…. Saw Jen's with the cap locks on and thought it was HYSTERICAL!!
where'd it go? I should have said I thought it was funny when I read it…. not that it would make any difference…

Hope everybody is as good as they can be.
I know that so many are going through way too too much.

All is good here…. very windy. So windy that a boat just came in and got within 5 feet of the dock and the wind parked it! All we had to do is tie it up…

Just thought I would mention missing post(s)


Ow poor horsey!

Where, that situation sounds terrible...Don't think we have Alzeimer's here...CA hear the accent in the phrase as well..."I wouldn't do that t a dawg..."It's almost funny...

Juju, not sure, go on Friday to get em, see what will work partial sun...Mom put me off three weeks already but we go Friday!


Oh, this morning my horse had 3 feet of octotillo cactus stuck in his tail. It's wicked stuff, with spines that will go right through leather gloves. And of course he kept turning away from me, like "NO NO don't touch it" I finally got it out though.

Where, good to hear from you. So hard, which is easier to deal with the zombie or the combative version? Is it time to start thinking of permanent placement? Juju, your tooth ordeal doesn't really sound like a dry socket, more like a terrible job doing the extraction. Either the dentist butchered the bone when he pulled the tooth, and those pieces of bone were working out, or he left pieces of the tooth's root in. So glad I work for a dentist, and he is a really good one at that. Goodness, Austin, more snow. Sorry, but glad I live farther south.

Juju -glad you are feeling better what an ordeal with the dry socket-my experiences were bad but not anywhere like yours -glad you are improving-good to have you back-it is hard to catch up with us all-if I get behind I just go back 3 days. We had snow last night -some is still on the ground here in NY.

Oh I forgot to mention another reason for the behavioral healthcare place....
MIL thought my hubby, her son, was her hubby and I was the other woman. She would get so mad at him for sitting with me watching TV in another room and not spending quality time with her...since she had bore his children..
Freaked my hubby out to say the least. When we took her to her GP she introduced her son as her husband. Freaked the GP out too as she knew who he was. Had to add that, can't believe I forgot that part....Oh No is Alzheimer's contagious?!

I haven't posted in a while, been busy doing whatever my MIL insists no one will do for her. I am so glad to hear there are good things going on in your lives, ready for some good things to happen around here.
Has anyone had to put a parent in a behavioral health care facility? Well I'm not so sure it is a good thing. My MIL was getting very combative with us about taking her meds and breathing treatments and well just about everything, so we took her to her GP and she said it might do her some good to get checked out to see if something has happened in her brain to cause these sudden changes in her behavior.
They finally had room for her and she was admitted on April 1st, she could be there for a few days to 2 weeks. The counselor said it would be best for her if we didn't visit for a few days and see how she responds to us when we do visit.
Our first visit was on Friday, 3 days after admittance, she was so mad at us for putting her in 'that place'. Told us we thought she was crazy and that we didn't want her around. "I wouldn't treat a dog the way ya'll are treating me!" (we are from the south...) It was an interesting visit to say the least. My MIL and another woman were admitted the same day, they hit it off and became the 'everything is bad in this place, all they want is money, none of them know what they are doing' duo. Anyway when went for another visit she thought she was there to interview for a marketing job but they wouldn't give her any paper or a pen to answer questions, she was totally out of it. I actually felt sorry for her. She only got to stay for 7 days, that was the best 7 days we have had in 4 years. We were scheduled to meet with the team on Wednesday but something happened, they called and told us she was going to be dismissed that Tuesday afternoon. They dismissed the little lady that had buddied up with her that same day. I guess they were raising to much stink since the other folks were just kind of in their own little world. They changed some of MIL's meds and added 6 new ones. I don't know how they manage to give this many new meds and send the patient home. Trazadone, Namenda, Serequil, Depakote and Melatonin all before bedtime on top of what she was already taking. If we don't get her in bed soon after taking her meds she is a zombie. I think I need to get me a 3rd shift job at that place, shoot how could any of those people be awake after all of that. They give their night time meds at 8pm. They decided she is in the mid stage of Alzheimer's on top of the dementia she has had for a while now. Since she has been home she isn't as mean as she was but she can't remember how to do any of the things that she could do before.
We had 7 days of freedom that we haven't had in 5 years and it felt so good to be able to do things together, be able to go places without worrying about getting home at any certain time. It was quiet and peaceful, but short lived. Now we are having to watch her every move, hide her meds so she doesn't take them when she isn't suppose to or so she doesn't hide them from us.
One week of limited stress back to full time stress has made us see what we have been missing all these years. Wishing we could get my SIL to come and take our place so we can move on with our lives, but wish in one hand and s...t in the other see which one gets full fastest...
Thanks for letting me ramble, Hope all are having a great day, the sun is finally shining here even tho they say it is going to be below freezing tonight. I thought Spring was here but another thing we can't control.

Jen what kind of flowers will you put in your raised bed? I love flowers. Juju, so glad your're back. We've missed you. I'm headed over to one of my step dad's rental houses to caulk and paint, have to put new kitchen counters in there too. But, atleast I don't have to live there. It's such a mess, don't know how you do it all.

Hanging in juju hanging in....cold and rainy here, but it is Spring rain...tamp down my weekend yard work...put in a raise bed for flowers.Have a good week everyone...Jen

hi all, I have been trying to read up for a week now before checking in but just cant get to it so I had to just say hi and I miss you all!!!
Hope everyone is doing ok.....
Cuz oh that hurts to here about all the nice weather.
I have been so darn busy, the construction goes on, have a new roof and I had the other side of the house subfloor redone myself, had to happen! insurance work the cabinets( no counters or sink yet) in kitchen I am painting the whole place this week then flooring when i'm done counters should be ready! Cant wait to be done now I need to move on from this! and that dry socket it seems like I just lost a month from finally got better end of 4th week when huge chunk of bone finally came out, I am so upset the amount of stuff they left in there there was at least 7 pieces I pulled anyway enuf bout me!
I really do miss you all and want to catch up here It has been whats been going on...
Jen I glanced at a post FP is home XOXOX to you, hang in there as the madness ensue's

Love to you all and take it easy !

You gals and your gorgeous weather. We have had close to 5" of rain and now it is snowing. We have close to an inch on the ground and I just brought my boat home Saturday and we had 1/4 to 1/2" hail before the rain came. We have a river north of us that will be cresting at 12'6" which is 5' higher that it should be. I need sunshine and I need it bad.

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