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Gorgeous weather here for the weekend too, but 33 F this morning with a wind chill in the 20's. Mame, glad to hear your siblings are still visiting your mom. When they had everything dumped on you, they missed spending time with your mom. I bet they regret that now.

Yes Mame this is spring as it should be-it is even should I say it-hot in the sun.

Sharyn-congratulations on the sale of the house. I know it is bittersweet... You will always have those wonderful memories. And one less stress is a good thing!
Jen-unbelievable! What the hell?!!!
Hey Austin! Gorgeous weekend here huh???
Deef-happy about your sink and the taxes! Take the money and run!
Meanwhile-glad you got out for a ride with your sis!
SIbs are really stepping up-when one can't be there, they are calling others to make sure mom has someone there for her lunch & dinner! I was sure that after her hands were free and working again that they would stop going-but so far so good. I know she enjoys seeing them. They don't bother me with it's nice. Easter will be interesting...not sure if she will be able to get to my sisters since she isn't standing or anything anymore. They use a lift at the NH each time they move her from bed to wheelchair and back. So, it's not like we will be able to have her stand and pivot into the car. Not sure how/if the vans work on a Holiday... We shall see.
Gorgeous here this weekend-60's and 70's. Tuesday-snow! Typical. It ain't over till it's over.... Have a good day all! Mame

Sharyn, keeping my fingers crossed you get transferred back to your old store. Congratulations on twin grandsons. They're going to be so much fun. And, good for you Jen. You could use some money for yourself. Mame, letters your mom wrote from girl scout camp, those must be so fun. The buzzards sit on the fence posts sunning themselves here with their wings all spread out. Deef, I agree with Austin, you should keep the tax refund, and give the sibs a time limit to pick up what they want from your Mom's apartment, then get rid of it. You might even have a yard sale, and keep the money from that too.
My sister and I got to go for a ride yesterday, the weather was just perfect. The wind is howling today already. Tomorrow getting a new washing machine, and Mom has decided she has to pay for it. What the ???? I can pay for my own stuff, when we were growing up Mom begrudged spending money on my sister and I for anything. Relatives would give us money for birthdays or Christmas, and she would take it. Sometimes I think my mother has been replaced by a pod person. All though last week she was her old self, had a fit because my step dad brought home the wrong peaches from the store. He tried to give them to me, so then she yelled at both of us. So I gave them back, and she was mad about that..
Hope everyone has a good peaceful Sunday.

My mom's house sold today. An older couple paying cash. They have sold their condo which is still in escrow. Since they are paying cash, mom's house will close escrow in about 2-3 weeks. It is bittersweet saying good bye to the house I grew up in, but it will be nice not having to run over there once a week.

FP!!!! The gift that keeps on giving!!!

Deefer give them a short time limit to get the things they want then put out on lawn with a free sign on them do not tell the leaches about the money-it is yours. Jen good news about a job you need a life of you own-and to be away from fart pants.

Deef-yes, I work in bakery/deli for a large chain grocery store here in NorCal. The district supervisor was in Wednesday and I heard my deli manager talking to her with my name mentioned a couple times. Hopefully I will be back locally soon.

Keep it Deef YOU EARNED IT!!!!

Nurse called from doc office, want to do liver panel and test for hepatitis...doesn't seem to be fatal, but he can give it to us...Wonderful.....One more thing....

Good for you Jen!!! A house cleaning job sounds like a great fit for you. You have always felt better after a good cleaning and airing out at home so it should be very satisfying for you to do this for others. You have to start somewhere and why not be doing something you actually like!
So glad I didn't have to give an accounting for every penny of mom's. It was all in her checkbook anyway and my sister was POA so she kept an eye on things there.
Turns out I have great news in the tax area!!! Federal was the same as last year. Earned to little to have to pay. We were non-tax status again. But the state has a new perk for seniors called a "Circuit breaker credit" in which you can get up to $1030 back. They take into account property tax, water/sewer bills, trash etc. and because of the way it worked out, we get the full amount back even though we paid no state tax!!! Of course my property tax bill is due May 1, so guess where that $$ is going? Last year we got zip back so I was a happy camper when I walked out of the accountant's office!
Mom is getting her money back from both the federal and the state amounting to a bit over $700. I jokingly told the accountant to tell them to make it out in my name. That's when she told me the checks would be coming to me as next of kin filing! Now, do I tell my sibs or do I keep my mouth shut and hold on to the $$ for myself? They already got $$ none of them deserves. I honestly don't know how they sleep at night! I can barely make ends meet and they are all taking trips to Aruba, etc. I just don't get it.
I did get some swing time this afternoon, even though it's pretty blustery out here. I did a bit of knitting in the sun. It felt good to be outside.

mame, yep, but we keep account of his money with receipts to the cent, so there will be no miss calculations or accusations here....
Mom doesn't believe in being paid by him any how...
Deef, have heard if after you use sinks tubs etc. you run cold water for a minute and it will solidify mess and wash it out sooner than hot. That is what the plumber said here any how....
I went to Dept of Vocational Rehabilitation and am thinking part time job again. I am tired of trying to think of school again and office work. I LIKE house keeping, I can do that, be on my own for the most part, part of a team...I am going to look into that....

it took years to feel OK Grandma's house was no longer ours, been in the family since 1940...but let it go let it go let it go....

I hope all is well with everyone else...

It's a round of beer for everyone!!!! I finally got the kitchen sink drain unclogged last night after 2 weeks of breathing toxic fumes and plunging my brains out!!! I really think the 3 gallons of vinegar and baking soda helped more than anything. Last night I put more caustic crystals down the drain and let it sit for a couple hours. Then I had my daughter who lives above us, fill her kitchen sink and send it down the pipes while I plunged. Three times was the charm and I can use my sinks again!
Blanche is finally getting out from under her cold and running me ragged with errands and trips to the store, but at least she is more like her old self again.
Yesterday was cool and blustery, but I managed to get my raspberry patch all pruned and cleaned out. I also got the rain water drained out of the pool cover. This morning I got the swing up onto the frame and sat in the sun with my coffee. Boy, did that feel good!!!
Now I have to get my act together and get to the accountant so she can do mom's and our taxes. Yep, last minute again!!! I'll be glad when that is all done later this afternoon.
Sharyn, do you work the deli in the store? My daughter is an assistant bakery manager for a food chain out here. Loves her job! She just got transferred last fall when she got promoted but only has a 25 minute commute over back roads. Occasionally she has to drive further to cover at other locations.
Jen, what are you gonna do? Mom is in denial and you can't change that. Don't wait too late to get your plants, but there is still a chance for frost. We had 25 degrees here this morning, but it warmed up fast.
Mame, I still have all of Mom's things in her apartment. None of my sibs has offered to help or come by to get any of the things they gifted her over the years. My youngest brother is in the midst of getting a divorce and he is going to come and see what he can take to the condo he just rented. That will help me get rid of a lot of stuff I would otherwise have to store somewhere.
Okay. need to get my butt to the accountant!

Thanks Sharon. Sadly, I am doing it alone as usual. You would think I was an only child. Thank God my husband is understanding! On a fun note, I just found some letters my mom wrote to her mom while at Girl Scout camp! Sooooo cute!
Exciting about your daughters babies! New life-how wonderful!
Jen-I would worry about the spend down for Medicaid could be sooner than later that he needs it so I wouldn't go spending his money on paying yourselves unless you have a contract (which it doesn't sound like he is interested in)...check with a lawyer-we got the first visit free. They look back 5 years... ugh. (I am not saying he doesn't owe you-he does...but Medicaid doesn't look at it that way.)
Austin-sunny and 60 here today!!!!! Haven't seen 60's since November!
Deef-good luck with all the house stuff. Bad time to lose your sorry.
Bobbie-your travels sound so fun! Is the guy really from the Deadliest Catch show???
Meanwhile-buzzards sound scary! The Turkey Vultures like the smoke stack outside the NH mom is at. She loves watching them sit up on top of it and get warm-and on sunny days they sit there and spread their wings wide open! So cool. They are soooo big!
Hey Cuz-how are things? Hope you are all doing ok with everything going on.
Where are you Juju? Hello Gladimhere and Insanity.
Off to start my day... Have a good one all! Mame

Mame~It is emotional cleaning out your mothers room. Last year when we went through mom's house, my sis and I shared tears, laughter, and good memories. Now with the house up for sale, it is so hard for me to go inside the house because everything and I mean everything is gone. My voice echos in the house. Tomorrow I have to go over to water the flowerbeds as it has been so hot here. I agree with you, doing it now is much easier than waiting until they are gone, we grieve as we go through each step, then grieve some more in the end.
Deef~your lady charge is keeping you hopping. I sympathize regarding her condition and struggling to come up with the $$ for repairs. The upkeep is endless, isn't it?
I am working at my old store this week, the deli manager told me yesterday, she working on getting me back and to hang in there for a few more weeks. Next week I am back at the new store.

I ordered invites for the genders reveal and received them today. I will work on addressing them tonight, mailing out tomorrow which will give a months notice. My daughter had an ob appointment on March 31st, the ultra sound tech gave a guess what she is seeing at this point...what the genders will be, but we will know definitely on April 29th. It is looking like two sweet little.....BOYS!!! If that does come to pass, my daughter will have her hands full once they are walking, LOL!!!

Hang in there everyone, it is a tough job but we seem to do it, don't we!

Don't you just love Ole and Sven? Here is one I just came across.

Ole Da Duck Hunter                 
Ole was hunting geese up in the Minnesota Lake Country.  He leaned the old
16 gauge against the corner of the blind to take a leak.  As luck would have
it, his faithful dog Dawson knocked the gun over, it went off and Ole took
most of an ounce of #4 in the groin.
Several hours later, lying in a Duluth hospital bed, he came to...and there
was his doctor, Sven.  "Vell Ole, I got some good news and some bad news.
Da good news is dat you are going to be OK.  Da damage vas local to your
groin, dere was very little internal damage, and I vas able to remove all of
da  buckshot."
"What's da bad news?", asks Ole.
"Da bad news is dat dere vas some pretty extensive buckshot damage done to
your pecker.  I'm going to have to refer you to my sister, Lena."
"Well, I guess dat isn't too bad," says Ole.  "Is your sister a plastic
"Not exactly," Sven says. "She's a flute player in da  Minneapolis Symphony
Orchestra.  She's going to  teach you vhere to put your fingers, so you
don't pee in your eye."

Definitely is bizarre, she is pissed all the time and snaps at him but she wants him HERE...

Thanks for the laughs girls! Really need them right now.

Jen by the time he leaves this world she will be half gone herself-she should use his money to make things easier on her now-he may hang in there many more years-but I guess she will do it her way.

Chya...Austin...I don't know, I see it as mom's inheritance....and so does she...that AFTER it is dadddeees...Yes, what ever..when the aides told him he should be paying us (six years ago) he balked at it and she didn't if he had to do a spend down.....Let's just not.....
Deef wasn't that sort of the beginning of the end...UTI's and hospitalizations?....beh...Spring time here...loud crazy kids yelling dogs barking...what ever...
We have duct tape ON the back door to hold it shut...She has not even ordered the d**n replacement handle!!!

What is she saving his money for-if not using it to pay bills if he were in a NH it would be about 500 dollars a day.

MMMnmmm...gonna pick up more s**t for s**t pants and Mom informs me it is "too early for me to get my plants..."of course it is....Oh and she has about six bill come due, major ones house car credit card and God No will she use any of sh** pants paranoia for the rest of the month and who knows....

Hi all. Been really tired. Mom noticed and told me that I could take a day off from visiting her! Maybe I will. I don't know. I go in the middle of the day so it cuts off anything I start in the morning. We'll see. Hubby doing some work on the car today so maybe I won't be able to go if he isn't done in time! I have been getting a lot done in mom's rooms... it is tiring tho and emotional. I guess when she does die, I will be glad not to have to do all this then. Rainy here-April showers! Happy with 50's and soon to have a few 60 degree days! Hang in there everyone! Mame

ew not 90! beh 70 here maybe and that's good enough for me...make your fire breaks, gonna be a long hot summer I think...Jen

Sorry Jen

...I was so hoping your mom would agree to having him.placed.

It is hot here this week. I turned on the ac today...gonna hit 90 in a couple days

I am dealing with the transfer but I am still working at the local on and off because they need help because they transferred me....makes no sense

see everyone....Monday

Sorry Jen!!! Bones sticking through is a good sign. Maybe his body has finally stopped absorbing any nutrition from his food. We fed mom tons of food near the end, but she still lost weight steadily. Use that bus pass and get out whenever you can. Getting to the good weather when you can stay out all day and enjoy the little things you mentioned.
Mame, one day at a time! Just seeing your mom having good days will be a big help to you. Maybe we will finally get some spring weather in our neck of the woods!
Sharyn,hour commute! Yuck! I had a hard time staying awake when I only had a half hour drive to work, but it was over back roads with little traffic. Drive safe please!!!
Meanwhile, I still have a clogged pipe and am at the point of having to pay a plumber. Made plans to get all the pipes from the bathroom and kitchen to be replaced, then found out my tenants were moving out at the end of this month. Now I have this huge house and only one rent coming in, as Mom's apartment is still empty. Then I remembered the $1000 quarterly property tax is due on May 1st. Now I'm trying to figure out where all the $$ is going to come from!!! To top it all off, I still have to get all my tax stuff together and get to the accountant this week. Luckily it will be the last time I have to get mom's done. Sure hope she gets a refund this year, but of course it will get split 7 ways and my absent sibs will all get their share! I have to put off replacing the 1st floor porch floor due to other things taking precedence.
I find the hardest part of years of care giving is all the $$ we lose and never get back due to loss of a job, etc. I just found out that one of my former coworkers is caring for her husband who has Parkinsons and Lewy Body just like my mom. I asked the friend that told me this news to give her my # and e-mail if she would like to talk to someone who has been through the same thing. I will definitely send her the link to this website!
Okay, time for bed. Have a busy day with Blanche tomorrow. She is finally getting somewhat better from her cold and I can actually back off on my 2 visits a day.
Hope you all have a good week!

Jen we're here to listen. Bobbi, I love hearing about the boat. It's like a whole other culture. It's officially spring here in west TX. The buzzards are back from Mexico. I guess that is TX for you. We're not going to have some tiny little swallow to herald spring. No it's flocks of huge buzzards. Have the early stuff in the garden. Peas, cabbage, broccoli, and onions. The wind was gusting up to 60 mph today, but went for a ride anyway. The horses were a bit spooky in the wind, but was still fun.

Hey bobbie. How are things on the Atlantic side?! I am reading a book with pirates in it and the constant up keep of the ship comes up a lot...So much to have to do at all times to stay ship shape so to speak!

FP been here since what Thursday, room reeks of ben gay and old man again, toilet covered in filth again. mom worn to a frazzle again again his attempts to open the push out by dragging down door latch on the back door finally had it's end result, he broke the door handle on the screen door in back...great great...
Relatives ask; "How things are going..." and they do not really want to know, so I am ignoring them...If I don't say anything, they think they are being kept put of the loop, if I do they get defensive and tell me to wait it out, or say it is not so bad compared to...Ben gay making my eyes water, he won't wash with soap and water but he will use that shit like body oil....I hope it kills e coli...He is back to warbling along to crap records and arguing with mom over every god dam thing...and if it kills her, so be it, it is her fault for being so God D**n stubborn and stupid and MENTAL about having her old man here as opposed to in a nursing facility...
Me, I ignore him, he is already dead to me and it helps some...He tried to get flirty at me with mom right there, in the car and she was uncomfortable...Hilarious...
Got some Cream Soda at Walmart, have not had that in about six years. I am pretending it is alcohol...feels kinda fun... Therapy tomorrow...Oh and C is leaving in June. Graduates from college here...figures...Will get back to the Y when the blood stops flowing...Wish I could get my uterus removed...
have cleared out space for tomatoes and strawberries...How about you Deef...too early to plant anything, but time to prep...Mom in just now....she forgot to take HER pills this morning....Great Great as long as DDDDAAAADDDDEEEE gets what he needs we can just sicken and die...God when will he die? Please God just make him die soon!!!! She asked me why I didn't tale any chicken, "I ate too much lunch...." (It is back to oozing gravy coated nursing home fare here again...Just No, really. I hate gravy, I always have...) Why tell her that, it is just one more thing...

So how is everyone else doing?;)

Hope you all have saner weeks where you are...

Jen "The Professional Grouse"

Good Sunday Morning Crew,

Jen! You are on Final Approach. Stay calm and just fly the plane. You will be safe on the ground soon. It has been a long, hard trip that would have killed a lesser Amazon, but you will prevail, you will survive and flourish. Screw the alternatives. Your prime objective is to live through this and LIVE after this.

DEEF!! I am trying to lose some poundage as well. Too hefty to get into the engine room without grunting. Always a nice reminder.

SharynMarie! Good news with your daughter. I bet you guys will have a blast with all things babies.

Mame! Listen to Meanwhile. That's good advice.


We brought the boat back Wednesday at dead low tide. Picked our way up this creek and eased into the Trawler's old spot at the dock. There was a welcoming committee with 3 people and they all grabbed lines and snugged us down.

We left Tuesday at high tide since there is a 5' sandbar at the mouth of the river that we have to get across. Made it over that no problem and then into downtown and ended up waiting almost 6 hours for a RR bridge to open. After a half hour of waiting we dropped the hook and made sandwiches and then took a nap.
Thankfully the bridge opened before dark and we cruised through it and docked downtown for the night.

We left the next morning before dawn with the boat lit up with her running lights and made it to the Atlantic by about 10 and change. We turned the boat in the direction of home, set the autopilot and enjoyed the ride.
The ocean wasn't exactly a pond with medium sized lazy swells so the boat rocked and rolled with the swells and it felt really good.

Back here running this little marina and once again, I am living testament to a life after caregiving. Mom has been gone 4 years next month and it can still set me back if I let myself dwell on some of the things that happened but all in all I am way better and hope for my friends here in the Grossed Out world to be way better too.

The Deadliest Catch guy is doing some repairs on the boat while he is here at this marina. He will be gone in a few weeks so I am pretty grateful for the help and it sure is a bonus for me.

He showed up about a week and a half ago in a gale after trying to stay on the hook in his 40' sailboat. It was too crazy windy and he knew he wouldn't get any sleep so he found this place in an old guidebook, called and a half hour after dark arrived. He was amazed to see 6 people in weather gear on the dock, 3 of them with boathooks ready to yank him in and get him secure.

I arranged a work swap for dockage after he bought 2 days and now he's here for a few weeks doing this and that.

It's been raining now for a full day. A real frog strangler. At least I don't have to go down and rinse the bird poop off the dock. It has done got rinsed off for me!

ok, off the clean up the cat box. I guess it's poop one way or the other…..


I noticed his knees sticking bonily out of his sweat pants and wondering maybe he IS in decline?... Yes, blessings indeed...

I notice grass, kindness, stars, wind, the ability to see, hear, do, walk un aided and know I could be with out these taken for granted things, but it doesn't make a dent in the care giving crap, so I take it for what it is worth...Life could always be worse, sooner or later it probably will be, there is only now and the adjustments we all have to make with what we do and do not have at this point in it...

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