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Cuz love your jokes-too much winter-I think spring has been cancelled in NY his year-another storm tonight and then maybe next Mon. I am not getting updates of postings on AC-also people are busy with taxes maybe. We have been having above freezing temps but still so much snow round.

that's what I thought, everyone is swamped! Hope everyone is good...Jen

Hi all! Just busy here with my son having had his surgery yesterday! He is doing well! Haven't seen mom in 4 days! I am going up tomorrow as long as the snow holds off till the afternoon like they are saying. We'll see! The siblings have been to see her so I have heard she is fine. It is nice to be able to care for my son and not worry about her! I know she is in good hands. :)

Spring fever here. Even the animals are acting crazy. The 32 year old horse went galloping down the old rock quarry wall like the horse from Snowy River. It isn't completely vertical, but very steep. He is the only horse we have ever had that would run up and down that steep side, but hadn't seen him do it in years. My husbands old dog (14 now), has been going for a walk with me in the evening.
Sharyn your baby shower is going to be so much fun. Cuz, glad you love Michigan, you can have it. (alright, I will be complaining about the heat soon). Jen, hope your doing ok. You too Juju.. Where's Bobbi?

Hey everyone!!

I have been keeping a low profile for a while....too many illnesses with my brother's step kids and now my sis has been diagnosed with CHF along with all her other health issues. I bounce back and forth from being angry to being depressed (same thing really).

We will have an estate sale at mom's house this weekend, then after getting carpets,etc cleaned, the house will be up for sale. Another loss for me as it is my childhood home with lots of memories and emotional attachment.

The good news daughter is doing well, no morning sickness as she enters her 12th week. She will have another appt. on the 31st of this month, then 4 weeks later an anatomy check will be done which will also determine the genders.

She will be flying out here the first week in May. We are planning a genders reveal family/friends baby bbq. We are planning on a cake that has the bottom layer partially removed and filled with M & M's of the designated color/s (if a boy and a girl), pins to wear for the team you want the genders to be, and other fun things. Have about 12 more inches to crochet on the first baby blanket before I start the second one.

Jen, I hope you are able to get to the Y and relax a little while FP is in rehab. You really deserve that time so do everything you can to take advantage of it.

Hang in there and take care of yourself.

It has been dead for days seems, just a couple of us post. I think it is spring some places, too much not spring others, and some have colds and juju has terrible tooth issues, maybe everyone is just busy. i have not been getting my updates as often either. if it is a walk out I am not in the know either...People just busy I think cuz, is the snow melting at all there? Jen

What did I do. Tick everyone off with a bad joke or something. Where is everyone. Hope they didn't change web sites and not tell me. Or ya to busy working out side with the warm temps. We hit 50 degrees today but are paying for it. Winter storm warning for tomorrow. Freezing rain and more snow. Got to love Michigan. Hugs to all.

Did that trying to make WELSH RAREBIT? AWFUL, but then I don't like beer, think you can use other things...Library and nursing home today.

Deef, I had a dream a red bird came and sat on my shoulder...

Have a good weekend everyone...Jen

Yup, both, the length of time, nearly 2 wks of intense pain, what got to me...anyway on the mend now, tiny bit better everyday!!
Got some catching up to do round here now.

Made a huge crock pot of broccoli potato n cheddar soup, was looking forward to it all day and mom and I both could not eat it...arfff, think I put too much cheese or ?? What a waste and that is the second pot of soup I botched up in 2 weeks, both in the can!
Have a good weekend everyone.

That has got to be super annoying and painful juju!

oh good jen, least you get a month lets hope for more!
had to add this tooth is just a jinx it seems. they repacked it yesterday afternoon and it came out before I even got out the chair, they redid it and it was out by dinnertime. the pain is manageable at this point so I am not going back in for a 6th time in 2 weeks....tomoro I was scheduled to check and probably done packing so I will just bear with it.

Tentative, at the mo, he is scheduled for 4 weeks and wait and see...I don't want to think about it...
Oh and my therapist got strep throat from the sound of her call this morning...I think, I have now missed a month of therapy...ooohkey....
Will keep you all in the loop, the loop I wish I was out of....Jen

Thanks everyone!

nuggets n dentures....arfffff!

Just saw on the news a little disabled pig in a cart his owner made...a therapy pig. His name is Chris P. Bacon....cute!

Oh Jen I was hoping you would get more of a break. Sorry! Yes try to work with them to see if he can stay longer.... Are you talking about the hospital or nursing home sending him home I mean did he go to rehab already? I know the system is driven by Medicare guidelines and less you are going to private pay or Medicaid, they may have to send him home.

Mame, hang in there....your only human, you have had a very rough time of it lately! Sounds like mom is doing ok at NH?

I was attacked in St Lucia by the No see ums....we were sitting in the sand late night cocktails on the beach our last night. and the next day it was like I had the legs were literally covered in bites and yes ma'am they itch like crazy... Mosquito's and them just love me, I guess I am just sooo sweettt, lol!!
That is one big rat!! to drag himself out of the trap yikes!

My poor mama has really been neglected during this issue..... I have been sleeping a lot and just lethargic....I haven't spent much time with her, but to keep her fed n groomed etc... well not really I guess cuz I been catching up on DVR movies, curl up in her recliner and watch with her.
Thanks Meanwhile, it is quite a bit better this morning, no deep throbbing pain but still hurting. I remember the nurse commenting on the pack, she said "too big dr??" he said "no, I got it". I wonder now that why it still hurting, too much pressure, too big? It was much better for a few hours right after then the pain set in again fierce....anyway change the pack today so I will see. Glad to have "some" relief!!!

Well have a good day all!

Jen tell the social worker he can not come home-he must be on his good behavior there or they would be able to see that he needs to be in a nursing home or else they do not want to keep him there because of his behavior . I had a dry socket and remember how painful it was I kept going back to the dentist until he got it right-the husband thought I was having an affair with the doc.

Hands down Holly wins!

juju that sounds awful, why can't they fix it right!

He off oxygen and back in a wheel chair and ready to work on coming home...

I'm going to bed...


I didn't mean to join the thread with the "grossest of the gross"... but you can't make this stuff up.. LOL Glad to be on the forum. I think my friends are getting tired of hearing my Alzheimer's war stories!!

They had a Mardi Gras Parade at the NH mom is at. It was really cute! Mom enjoyed it and they gave out beads and all! I did too! HAHA. Things seem to be looking up. Or if they are not, I am handling them better! Today anyway!

Hey, Jen did you get out from under all that snow yet? Be careful.

Juju, go back and make them pack it again. Had a girl at the office today that went to the dental school for 3 extractions (for braces), and came back with 2 dry sockets. Doc packed them for her, and she felt so much better, she got up and hugged the Doc. Cute, young blonde, Doc is in his 60's and weighs 350 pounds.
Goodness, wrestling marsh grass against the tide and wind. Sounds like a losing battle.
Welcome Holly, I think I agree with Bobbi, that takes the gross award.

Oh Holly you win!

That's the grossest thing I've heard in a bit! Good One!
Welcome to the thread and we hope to hear more from you!

Juju! Hope you get some relief from that tooth. Tooth Pain! Ow Ow Ow!

Meanwhile, yes, flying chiggers and they are mean. One good thing about the wind is that they can't fight it so you don't get bit. One bad thing about the wind is that when it stops they are hungry and come after you like stupid.

Cold and windy here and the marsh grass! is ganging up. We all have been trying to push it out with the current but the wind is fierce and the current is pegging giant islands of the stuff against the pilings. Oh well. My take on it is to wait for the wind to die down and the tide to change but the guy who owns the place wants to wrestle with it against the tide and wind.
I think that's crazy and refuse to participate. You never fight a trend and I can't turn back the tide so how about letting it go for about 6 hours?
Can't fix crazy…..

All for now, love you guys.


My Mom placed a little brown nugget in with my Dads dentures.. OMG

Well they packed the crater with the meds yesterday AM, still hurting like crazy, hoping for some relief soon. I read should help right away hope not still issues. This is one of the most painful things I have experienced. Good grief! And my tooth didn't even hurt before I had them "fix it". now feels like a nail being constantly driven thru my jaw, uggghhhh, relief please!!!!

Meanwhile, yes thanks, I am kinda irritated as I did go back to the dentist Thursday afternoon, the pain had increased significantly since the nausea nite before...they said it was fine and gave me some vicodin. But I am sure It is not now...the pain is not relenting a bit and the clot (they said was still in place and fine) is gone!..I am going back in tomoro to see if they can do anything this time....I cant take it.... anyway That day he barely glanced in my mouth for a second, in hindsight I had a feeling he was wrong...seems they didn't take me serious cuz the clot was intact. I should have been more forceful, things don't start hurting more, they should be healing....

Jen-we will be so interested in how you are doing you have to keep posting!
Cuz-LOL...I may change Ohio to Central NY!!!!

yaaah a big ole rat...what the Hell Hell!

My ass is so fried right now I can't think straight...and I AM gonna smell like petrol all day from snow throwing...least we have one...scrape scrape scrape...

oh and Jen!

You can post without grousing and we would all still love to see from you !

There will still be stuff that fries your a$$…


Ya you are right Jen!
Here in this part of the world the locals call this stuff rip rap or marsh rip because it lays up on the banks and then turns loose and creates havoc!

I just came in from wrestling it some more with 4 other people and we had a fine time. We broke a pole and had the observation that it moves out better when you cuss at it.

Early this morning I went out to the Home Depot to get some weapons grade Rat ammo. Looks like we have a Norway Rat that is trying to squat in the rear of the clubhouse. Steel Wool in all the openings and big traps with peanut butter.

I tried one of those sticky traps but this thing is way too strong for that. He got stuck and dragged the sticky trap over to his escape route and make a getaway. I found the trap with a bunch of fur stuck on it and was suitably grossed out.

Oh yeah! Grossed Out! hahaha

ok. Cheerios time.


rip rap I looked it up Wikipedia says it is rocks to side water to stop erosion?

Things,.... I don't know... up in the air here...He is still in hospital and still likely to go to rehab, though the doctor thought he was going home...Um no, he is no longer ambulatory...Also he is coughing, gagging going off food...maybe this will drag out or maybe it will be over fast...My God what will the thread do if I am not here to grouse and complain?...
Must say I am enjoying unplugging his electronic, taking his stuff and washing it to be put away! taking useless signs about hygiene off the walls...
Getting hammered snow wise again but it looks like most of us are...It's March BUT I saw a whole lot of robins yesterday! Stay Tuned...Jen


We Must Keep Our Sense Of Humor, It's God Given !!! This is Hysterical !

Aug. 12 - Moved into our new home in Ohio . It is so beautiful here. The
hills and river valleys are so picturesque. I have a beautiful old
oak tree in my front yard. Can hardly wait to see the change in
the seasons.
This is truly God's Country.

Oct. 14 - Ohio is such a gorgeous place to live, one of the real
special places on
Earth. The leaves are turning a multitude of different colors.
I love all of the shades of reds, oranges and
yellows, they are so bright. I want to
walk through all of the
beautiful hills and spot some white tail deer. They are so
graceful, certainly they must be the most peaceful creatures on
Earth. This must be paradise.

Nov. 11
- Deer season opens this week. I can't imagine why anyone would
want to shoot these elegant animals. They are the very symbol of
peace and tranquility here in Ohio. I hope it snows soon. I
love it here!

Dec. 2 - It snowed last night. I
woke to the usual wonderful sight:
everything covered in a
beautiful blanket of white. The oak tree is
magnificent. It looks like a postcard. We went out and swept the snow from
the steps and driveway. The air is so crisp, clean and refreshing. We had a
snowball fight. I won, and the snowplow came down the street. He
must have gotten too close to the driveway because we had to go
out and shovel the end of the driveway again. What a beautiful
place. Nature in harmony. I love it here!

Dec. 12 - More snow last night. I love it! The plow did his cute
little trick again. What a rascal. A winter wonderland. I love
it here!

Dec. 19 - More snow - couldn't get out of the driveway to get to work in
time. I'm exhausted from all of the shoveling. And that snowplow!

Dec. 21 -
More of that white shit coming down. I've got blisters on my
hands and a kink in my back. I think that the snowplow driver waits
around the corner until I'm done shoveling the driveway.

Dec. 25 - White Christmas? More freakin' snow. If I ever get my hands on
the son-of-a-bitch who drives that snowplow, I swear I'll castrate him. And
why don't they use more salt on these roads to melt this crap??

Dec. 28 - It hasn't stopped snowing since Christmas. I have been
inside since then, except of course when that SOB "Snowplow
Harry" comes by. Can't go anywhere, cars are buried up to the
windows. Weather man says to expect another 10 inches. Do you
have any idea how many shovelfuls 10 inches is??

Jan. 1 - Happy New Year? The way it's coming down it won't melt
until the 4th of July! The snowplow got stuck down the road and
the shithead actually had the balls to come and ask to borrow a
shovel! I told him I'd broken 6 already this season.

Jan. 4 - Finally got out of the house. We went to
the store to get some
food and a goddamn deer ran out in front
of my car and I hit the bastard.
It did $3,000 in damage to the
car. Those beasts ought to be killed. The
hunters should have a
longer season if you ask me.

Jan. 27 - Warmed up
a little and rained today. The rain turned the snow
into ice
and the weight of it broke the main limb of the oak tree in the
front yard and it went through the roof. I should have cut that old
piece of shit into fireplace wood when I had the chance.

March 23 - Took my car to the local garage. Would you
believe the whole
underside of the car is rusted away from all
of that damn salt they dump on
the road? Car looks like a
bashed up, heap of rusted cow shit.

May 10 -
Sold the car, the house, and moved to Florida . I can't imagine
why anyone in their freakin' mind would ever want to live in the
God forsaken State of Ohio.

Oh, Juju, call the dentist. There is an antibiotic to pack the socket with that will really help. My boss treats dry sockets for free. You may need to take some oral antibiotics as well.
Cuz, glad to hear your brother is doing better.
Bobbi your no seem um's sound like flying chiggers.

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