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Love You Cuz and we need you here on this thread!
You get more people through their day than you will ever know.
I repeat all your jokes to everyone here on the dock and even they will say:
Have you heard from your cousin?

Love you Cuz.

Meanwhile! You know you have to throw that party!
Like I learned with my mom, she was always going to be pissed about something so I did what was best for all not just for her.
The party will be a blast and fun for everybody and after 5 minutes she will get a load of attention and have a good time too. And if she wants to pout so what haha.

Of course, easy for me to say… you have to do all of that work!

Momrocker! Hey there and welcome to the home of Vent and Live!


Sorry cuz

Step dad was trying to clean the windows on the car with vinegar and water. Mom swears he used Gasoline. Smells like vinegar to me, so now Mom isn't speaking to me because I sided with Step dad. And, her 80th birthday is next week, she says "no party". But, if we don't have a party she is going to be mad. It's one of those damned if I do and damned if I don't.

Everybodys Dem is different...Love that :)

Agreed LadeeC
Have asked before to not go there. I shouldn't have responded but I did.
Cuz! Make jokes not political statements!
As in Make Love Not War.

I don't think we will ever figure out why they get so obsessed with poop and wiping and tissues and hiding them etc etc etc.

I got to the point where I just took my mom to the bathroom because it was easier on both of us and way less clean up at the end of the day.

Everybody's Dementia is different.


Loo .. that totally deserves this ..


I found my mom wiping the toilet seat clean with the paper she just used on her person. I said nothing so as to avoid her not speaking to me for weeks. But now I know I have to clean the seat before I or visitors use it, whether it looks clean or not. Patience because of love.

Have to admit .. not fond of seeing political rallies in here. Get enough of that out there.

another tea bagger rant ~ useless


don’t miss the last line


*Our Phones ~ Wireless
*Cooking ~ Fireless
*Cars ~ Keyless
*Food ~ Fatless
*Tires ~ Tubeless
*Dress ~ Sleeveless
*Youth ~ Jobless
*Leaders ~ Shameless
*Attitude ~ Careless
*Wives ~ Fearless
*Babies ~ Fatherless
*Feelings ~ Heartless
*Education ~ Valueless
*Children ~ Mannerless
*Country ~ Godless
Everything is becoming LESS but still our hopes are ~ Endless.
In fact we are ~ Speechless
And Congress is --CLUELESS !!
And our President is WORTHLESS !!

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

We are suppose to take in the bird feeders at night so will have to start doing that bird seed is getting more expensive every year and now the feeders themselves are getting pricey.

Jen, how are you feeling? hope it's not pleurisy again! I know how bad it was for you the last time.
Juju, sorry about the washer and your help. Hope both situations can be fixed right away. If your mom ever starts taking off her diaper during the night, put a pair of her undies over them and if that fails, put her arms on top of the sheet and tie the sheet down so she can't get under it. I had to do that with my mom and it worked like a charm!
Cuz, great news about your brother! Hope all goes well with the new test.
Austin. it's snowing like heck here too! Went to the hairdresser where my niece works, one town over from here, and drove home in blinding snow! Got my head buzzed short and now it's getting cold again. Better drag my hat out!
Bobbie, sorry you aren't sleeping well! It's been over 20 years since I've been able to sleep through the night. Between RLS, stress, and too many worries, I can't even get a good night's sleep with medication. I'm so tired I literally pass out, but then my legs start jumping and I'm up again. When I do finally get so tired that I sleep for 5 or 6 hours straight, I'm so sore I can hardly get out of bed. I have to agree with my mom when she used to say "the golden years, my ass!"

Eeks Austin, careful. We get quite a variety of wildlife here as well, had evidence once of what we thought was a Mt lion kill! Keep all the pet food indoors, the coons like that! I love the deer that come for the apples....and when I watch the different birds have a feeding frenzy in the yard, no bird feeder required,lol they go crazy out there! so many different kinds!!
Hey Meanwhile, you got to ride!!!

I hate that Bobbie...Hope you got back to some rest... W & TH I was up at 3 finally round 4.30 just got up. No point in just laying there and I am definitely a early riser/morning person! I like your early morning wildlife recap the other day! That sounded so lovely and peaceful, delicious as well, I sure do miss the KrispyKremes! We had just got in our area shortly before moving but man they sure are tasty!!!!

Jen how are you doing, did you get to the dr's? Hope you start feeling better!

It's now gravel and boulders in and out all day! it is a road in my view, no house at least, well not directly or yet. Off to the laundrymat one last time, hope...least I can dry here!
Have a good weekend everyone XOXOX

Good news cuz!

Bears in the bird feeders, most people complain about squirrels. Glad to hear the new Dr has better news about your brother, Cuz.

Bobbie hope you are able to get better rest at night-just listened to the weather report cloudy skies no snow-better tell the weather man it is snowing to beat the band here -hugh snowflakes-good day to houseclean. Some big bad animal is knocking down my bird feeders and they are in cement-do not want to see that animal in person-will have to start bringing the feeders in at night again-we do get bears around here from time to time.

Great News about your brother Cuz!
Hope your mother in law's back pains go away and she can come home soon.
So glad my other cuz is not in the trouble we thought he was.

Jen! How are you feeling? Rode hard and put away wet.

Just woke up and thought I would check in. Going to try and lay down again.
Still have a hard time sleeping through the night but don't want to take anything.

Hi to all!

Well here is an update on my brother. According to the dr he doesn't have the right numbers to qualify for the difulator. He is at 55% right now and needs to be at 35% or lower to get the insurance to pay for it. The dr wouldn't tell us how much the thing would cost but to say he couldn't afford it. The dr did look at all of the ultra sound tests and did say that both my brothers dr and the technition had read the results wrong and he was going to look into why they were saying he was in conjestive heart failure when he is not. He said that from what he read he should be good for at least 10 yrs + before they would have to do any repair on the bypass that was done in April. That was the best news we have heard yet. So now the new dr ordered a test to be run next Monday that should give a diffinent answer to what his problems are. He said not to worry at all with his heart because he doesn't see anything wrong at present time.
Other news is we have the wife's mom in the hospital for severe back pains. She has been coughing bad for about a week. They are thinking pluracy. No pnumonia so that is a good thing. By the way she is almost 96 with a strong mind yet so will let you know when she gets back home. Hugs

Juju~You forgot to put on a new diaper, LOL!! You must have been very tried. I could see how that could happen.

The city said all we have to pay is the $720 for the permit to correct the additional square footage with the county records and then buying the carport from home depot. Gladimhere told me to check with the city to see if they have a variance procedure to waive the requirement for the carport. I would think whoever buys the house would not have to keep the carport up if they didn't want it. I know I wouldn't want it.

So far here in Cali, the deaths from H1N1 are people ranging in ages 41-62. I am not trying to scare anyone with this, I just find it strange that this flu has popped back up again.

Juju, that really sucks about the washer and the companion quitting. I hope you get that resolved soon.

Take care and take deep breaths.

Deefer...I saw your post on the wellness briefs, those look amazing, I am going to try them. I have kept her in the depends adjustable underwear so she could do them herself if I got her on the pot. since her hip she no longer walks or pots, too so we change in bed and I have tried a few and they all rip, but I wanna try these for nighttime...she does the same thing sometimes, just lets loose at night.
Funny few weeks ago I woke up smelling pee so bad, never has that happened. I thought what the heck, ripped back the sheets and she is buck naked waist down... im looking around, what the heck did she do, with her diaper, she could not have got it off....
well turns out our late night diaper change I made a boo boo and forgot to put the new one on....never in 9+years have I done that, lol.....inside out or not closed properly but to not even put it on her, I had to laff, as I stripped the bed! What a lesson on how much they do hold!

Sharyn, we have 2 H1N1 deaths here....I did hear a news clip that children are the most at risk, not the elderly??? anyway it seems to be popping up a lot again lately

And My Senior Companion just quit, they forgot to call me......I left the big dog home with her last time when I went to the shower, and she did not like that, she is fearful of dogs and has bad allergies but dog was not feeling well and I didn't want her in the car for 6 hrs, spur of the moment, I didn't think it thru I guess. They have no replacement but I am at the top of the list! Oh well #2 ....Scratch the plan for the day!

juju! oy!

oh the washer doesn't work anymore, a sensor or something broke in the overflowed everywhere last night when I finally got it here and hooked up. it wont stop filling the tub. argghhh more costs! and a pile of soaking wet laundry to deal with. and I almost posted last night "never been happier to do a load of laundry". oh well!!

Oh Sharyn lovely. I hope it doesn't cost too much outright to build it, and in curb appeal. Shop around, this contractor and plumber I did hire were half of some of the bids I got. anyway surprise surprise, so many people do things on their own not even aware they need permits etc... lets hope it is an easy process to rectify
You and your family are in our prayers Cuz are you and mom doing there?
Hello to everyone! Hope you are doing well today!
Now waiting for insurance to approve the cabinet bid, will start working on wall prep for painting and trim work...I didn't think I could get it done myself but my CG can help me, for signifigantly less, than contractor pricing! Between the two of us i'm sure we can paint and hang some trim.
I shudder everytime I hear a tree snap out back, murderer's .....still haven't had time to figure out what they are doing.
Love to everyone...XOXOXO

bobbie we will find out friday morning when I take him to a new heart dr. The dr isn't new to me because he is my heart dr. When I find out what is going to be his approach I will let everyone know. Luv ya

Jen! Hope you get better right now! Ow Ow !

Cuz! How is Mike doing?


sharynmarie and austin and juju and and and everybody!


Gah!!! I got my flu shot in Sept so can't be that...

Here in NorCal, we have had 8 people die from H1N1. I thought we got through that flu during the winter of 2009-10. Apparently the flu shot for this winter included H1N1...i worry about my mom getting take care of yourselves and see your dr.'s if you have flu symptoms.

Jen feel better soon..if you need to go the dr...then go!! Lots of bad flu's this year. Hugs to you!!

i think I am actually getting worse here, may need to go to doctor as this seems to me to be making my chest hurt, gotta worry about pleurisy....

hmn exploded poop, yep been there cleaned that...he fell again tonight had to get him up and mom cleaned him up.... I just don't know,,,she's talking about getting baby monitors now....
Jen cough cough

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