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The deep freeze is everywhere but here. I'm in NorCal and the rain we should get helps to support SoCal where it never rains in Cali.
Deef~My daughter loves the colder weather, that is why she is in Idaho. She is near Boise, high desert, not much snow but still the teens or lower in the winter. Summers are similar to here in the 90+.
Jessiemae~Wow, uncle sounds like some I know. They really aren't saving much, are they??

Hunker down for the cold everyone!!

Already closing schools tonight for tomorrows wind chill temps at 20 below or more! Guess who has a Dr appointment! UGH! I hate taking her out in this!!

Good Evening Crew!

It's good to see everyone who is posting here and I hope all is going as good as it can be with all of the insanity you guys face on a minute to minute basis.

Cuz! Jeeze! That is some cold!
All of you guys who are facing the record cold please be careful so you don't frost your lungs, freeze your toes or break your ass.

I have to admit I don't miss the snow at my mom's house and all of the shoveling and the noise from the city if you didn't get it done in time. Now I just have to worry about the bird splat on the dock. Perfect.

Here it is going to reach record lows but they will only be 20 degrees which is like a day at the beach compared to everybody else.
We have heaters running on the boat and at bedtime the Cat gets in with me which is fine until she digs her toenails into my soft parts.

I think of you guys every day and hope that you make it through and not suffer like I did and take so long on the road to recovery like I did.

Love you guys,


I've mentioned before about how stingy my uncle can be. He still lives alone and his latest is that he won't flush the toilet after he pees because he is saving water and therefore saving money on the water bill. You walk in that house and the first thing that gets you is the pee smell! I swear old people are worse than little kids.

Hi Deef-Maxine -195Austin

Cuz Ouch!!! As if you didn't have enough already!!! Used to be like that here when I was a kid, but those kind of winters haven't happened for years.
Sharyn, I hate the heat and even though I have Reynaud's, I still love to be outdoors in winter. I'll be thinking good thoughts for your niece.
Assand, you must be on the north shore. Love Rockport! I'm so glad I no longer have to work. The drive to OSV used to be tough in bad weather.
Mame, I used to hate having to bundle Mom up in the winter. Pushing her wheelchair in snow and ice was no fun!
Hi Maxine!
Digger!! Where in the heck are you located? I have a huge 3 story house with 7 separate roof sections. It's a real pain when we have to clear them off!
Bobbie!!! Looks like you'll be getting some of the cold down there too! Keep warm!
Jen, how's the weather in Spokane so far?

Cuz49341 Yikes! Stay inside and bundle up!

We are supposed to be getting 14 to 20" of new snow with winds blowing Monday and Tuesday around 20 to 30mph putting the wind chill down to -35. They showed some stores on the news with the shelves empty and the lines to get out of the store at around 2 hours. Glad we have enough around here to last for a couple months.

25 Below!!! Gah pass!!!!!! Scary cold!

Hi all! We only got about 8 inches here in Central NY... Pretty, fluffy so easy to clean up. The bitter cold is what is killer. Not as bad as what you go Digger! Windchill may have been that cold but not the actual temp. Of course mom had a Dr appt yesterday and we had to take her out in it! She did great-I had her all bundled up. Again-thankful hubby is not working cause he cleaned off the car and used the snowblower on the driveway... and got her down the ramps & to the car etc. My shoulder is really painful these days with lifting her so much more that before...I don't know how I would have done it all without him. Anyway, the appointment went well. This particular Dr hasn't seen her in 3 years-but b/c of the hand surgery, she has to see all the Doctors she has ever seen! After the breath tests, he tells her that her lungs are actually better now than they were 3 years ago! Quitting smoking when she moved in here 9 years ago has really helped her longevity! Sigh. She must have told him 5 times that she is a nurse... so he started playing along with her... she loved it! When we left, she kept asking who that nice Dr was. Then she asks me what Dr is doing her hand surgery, and that she can't remember meeting him... Did we meet him? Yes, mother.... "Well, (long pause) was he cute?" I burst out laughing. "Yes, mother, you thought so!" She was happy with that. Sometimes I feel like there is a candid camera somewhere videoing all these strange and hysterical conversations. I try to write some of these down so I can have a good laugh someday. Right now, all the repeating is driving me crazy-but someday I may laugh about it! Right? Anyway, she is getting all anxious with the surgery date looming... I tried to sweep it under the rug while Christmas and New Year was going on, telling her it is "next month." But now, next month is here! So, I put all her appointments & the surgery on a calendar for her to refer to. She is very concerned about money and how this is being paid for, so I had to show her all her insurance cards etc. 10x a day! It is so hard! I can't imagine her poor mind/memory and the anxiety. Poor thing. Her other thing is that she wants to know who knows about this surgery. Um, my siblings, your children... "You told them before me?" Oh God, how do you tell her that you did tell her, she was there at the Dr's when it was decided...and that you tell her every day, many times? Impossible. So, then she is mad at me. So tiring! I sure hope this surgery is worth it!
Well, my sweet sister in law is coming over to hang out with me today. She lives a couple hours away so it is a nice treat. Hubby is getting out with a friend & his bro so that is good for him and his psyche too. Hope everyone has a decent weekend. Stay warm! Mame

Oops "NOT" where you live!

Aah Digger I'm glad I'm where you live! Congratulations! You can have it..

It is 5 degrees here this morning-guess I will stay in today and tomarow-the days are getting a bit longer-it gets dark about 5 now-waiting for spring

I guess I win, 38" on the ground and -25 at 6am. I too hate snow more every year. It might get up to 28 this weekend so I have to get on rook and break up some ice or in the water will come. You are right Sharyn, I noticed today it was brighter when I got up than just last week.

Ugh! It's -9* here with 20+ inches of snow and my poor husband just left for work and he works outside! I hate snow!!

Deef~Brrrr!! I love to visit snow but wouldn't want to live in it. I am a wimp when it comes to cold.
Cuz~-15, ouch!!! That is cold.

Jen~I am seeing you swimming in a nice warm pool that is relaxing your tensions.

We are having a drought here in Cali..nothing new really..we are either in a drought or flooding.

My niece is looking at probably having radiation instead of chemo. Just waiting to get more info.

Hang in there everyone, remember each day has a little more sunlight than the day before.
Hugs to everyone!

deef we had -15 this morning and have 8" of snow on the ground. It made it to 14 degrees today but monday it will be -4 for the low and -1 for the high. Now that is winter. They said this is the first time in over 5 years that Lake Michigan is 90% froze over. That means the only snow we will get is from artic clippers that bring the white stuff over the water instead of picking the moisture from the lake and dropping the lake levels down so far. Hugs to ya

Got 5 or 6" here and it was 7 degrees at 9 this morning. Wind was minimal so the fresh air felt great! Still have about 30' of the driveway to clean up. Going to use the snow blower for that.
My car is all cleaned off and set to go. I need to get to the bank and post office today.
Yeh Jen, 96 and out shoveling! Bet she went out to get her mail later and has been out this morning getting into trouble too. A man from her church usually comes to do her driveway, so I'll go by later and make sure he did, or she'll be calling him constantly until he does! Got to love it. Supposed to be really cold tonight and tomorrow. Can't wait! More fuel up the chimneys!!!
Have a good day everyone!

We got our snow -not as much as was called for but the wind was strong-I am so glad my days of cleaning the drive are over it is only 8 degrees and the wind is blowing hard.

Gah 96 and shoveling snow...That is one hardy broad!

Assan, I'm in central Ma. just east of the Quabbin.
Jen, So far we have about 3-4" but it sure is frigging cold!!! It's 4degrees at midnight and the wind is picking up. At least the snow is very light. Don't relish cleaning up in the morning. as for the warmer temps this weekend, they will be welcome. The heat bills are already killing me. I just hope these yoyo temps don't make us all sick.
Took a quick ride to check on Blanche this morning before the roads got bad. I called ahead to let her know I was coming. BIG mistake!!! Little sh!t went out and shoveled in front of the garage for me! She is 96 and has a bad heart!! Stubborn as all hell to boot!
She kept harping about the driveway, so I went out and shoveled the whole thing. It's a 2 car garage width and pretty long. It was 17 at the time and snowing, but it made her happy.
I spent all of yesterday making baked stuffed shells and a banana split dessert. I had 3 huge baking pans full by the time I was done! My daughter and her husband forgot I was cooking and made other plans, so we have plenty of leftovers. I was exhausted after all the cooking and the massive cleanup, so I actually went to bed early for a change.
Blanche hates cheese, so I made her some stew this morning and brought that over with a container of the dessert. She loves her sweets! Still talking about the people in the TV that keep her awake at night. I told her again to turn the dang thing off!
Just saw the news and the coast is getting hit hard. This is one time I'm glad I don't live near the beach.
Mame, sounds like you won't get much snow either. I'm sure we'll have our turn some time this winter.
Okay, lots of fresh air making me tired. Time for bed and rest for the cleanup tomorrow!

Hello and Happy New Year to all! Hope everyone had good times over holidays!!!!!

Been on a cyber break! Construction is half way done on the floors, love the new guy on the job!

Stay warm and strong! Love to you all!


Oops DEEF!!

Deed you are a good women to care about others. It's just in us caregivers, I agree that we can't say NO.. I especially like your comment about the only old lady you want to take care of is "me"! I too live in MA and I hate shoveling the snow! It sucks big time..Weatherman says it's gonna be 40's - 50 Sunday & Monday. Woohoo!! Heat wave!

Happy New Year everyone.

least it isn't "family" deef! did you get the snow Boston was supposed to?

Happy New Year everybody!

Stayed up to 12:03am and then dropped off to sleep.
Thinking of everyone here and hoping for the best.



Got this in an email from Anne so I thought I would share it with everyone. Happy New Year from cuz (Harv) & my wife Joyce. May 2014 bring in a joyous and glorious year.

For 2014 I wish you
12 months of Happiness
52 weeks of Fun
365 days of Success
8760 Hours of Good Health
52600 minutes of Good luck
3153600 Seconds of joy
and that’s all.

Take care,

First of all, Happy New Year everyone!!!
Spent my last 2 days running back and forth to Blanche's. She has been confused to say the least. It was like being with Mom all over again! I was thinking I would need to call my BIL and have him fly up from Virginia. But it appears she was way over tired from a shopping trip with a friend. She also forgot to take her meds last night.
I called her this morning and she was complaining about the loud people on the second floor that kept her up all night. Said she couldn't hear me because of all the noise. Of course she is very hard of hearing, so I knew right away that she had the TV so loud that she couldn't hear me.
I went to her house and she was trying to tell me someone was there with her and making all kinds of noise that kept her up all night. Well, I think she forgot what the TV actually is and how to turn down the volume or even turn it off! When I turned the volume down while she was out of the room, she came back and whispered, "see, they are quiet now!" Okayyyyyy!!!! So I stayed a while and went through her mail and made sure her meds were ready for tonight. By the time I left she was better. I turned the TV off and told her to take a nap. Of course she couldn't figure out where everyone went!!!
I had to call her doctor for Nitro patches and pick them up tonight, so I went back to see how she was doing and it was like this morning never happened. You can bet I was relieved! She had the TV on and was asking me if the snow had started yet and she even turned the volume down so we could talk. Phew!!! Let me just say I'm exhausted!
Sharyn, sounds like you have had a rough last few months. It sounds like you are coping as best you can. I hope the new year is much better for you and all of your loved ones.
Mame, sorry to here your husband is out of work. It will be 3 years this February since my husband lost his job. It's been extremely hard financially, but we manage. There are so many people out there in the same situation and it seems to be getting worse. All we can do is hang in there and hope for the best.
Jen, Hope you got to the Y for a swim! And yes, I did think it would be easier caring for a non-family member, but it's just as time consuming and nerve wracking, but I get to go home after. That's pretty much the only difference. I told my friend today that if I ever talk of volunteering my services again, stab me in the head with a screw driver!!! The next "old lady" I want to take care of is ME!!!! I really have to learn to say NO. It's something that has always been difficult for me.
Mame, looks like we may get 12-18" of snow from the storm on Friday. Can't wait!!!
Okay, time to wind down and see if I can stay awake for midnight!
Once again, Happy New Year!!!!
Love Deef

Have been thinking of you sharyn...hoping for best...

Cuz thanks we all need laughter in our day-you are a blessing to all of us.

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