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Ramblings of a Retired Mind

I was thinking about how a status symbol of today is those cell
phones that everyone has clipped onto their belt or purse. I can't
afford one. So, I'm wearing my garage door opener.

I also made a cover for my hearing aid and now I have what they call
blue teeth, I think.

You know, I spent a fortune on deodorant before I realized that
people didn't like me anyway.

I was thinking that women should put pictures of missing husbands on beer cans!

I thought about making a fitness movie for folks my age, and call it
'Pumping Rust'.

I've gotten that dreaded furniture disease. That's when your chest
is falling
into your drawers!

When people see a cat's litter box, they always say, 'Oh, have you
got a cat?' Just once I want to say, 'No, it's for company!'

Employment application blanks always ask who is to be notified in
case of an emergency. I think you should write, 'A Good Doctor'!

I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot
more as they get older. Then, it dawned on me. They were cramming
for their finals.

As for me, I'm just hoping God grades on the curve.

Birds of a feather flock together . . . .and then poop on your car.

A penny saved is a government oversight.

The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then
your body and your fat have gotten to be really good friends.

The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a

He who hesitates is probably right.

Did you ever notice: The Roman
Numerals for forty (40) are XL.

If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.

The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he can tell when
he's really in trouble..

Did you ever notice: When you put the 2 words 'The' and 'IRS'
together it spells 'Theirs...'

Aging: Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about
your age and start bragging about it.

Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people
to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of
the roads weren't paved.

When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to your youth,
think of Algebra.

One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it is
such a nice change from being young. Ah, being young is beautiful,
but being old is comfortable.

Lord, Keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth .
. ...

Happy Birthday Bobbie, have a margarita for all of us and enjoy.
Mame~I hope you get through all the dr. appts. for your mom's up coming surgery. I will be thinking of you and your hubby getting a job when your mom has recovered.
Jen~You go girl, get out to the Y and enjoy the swim. Wish I could join you!!
Deef~It is good to hear from you, I hope you can post as time allows. You sound busy but content.

My niece will know more later this week after they discuss treatment options. My sil is going to get counseling...losing one child to colon cancer was enough but now the prospect of losing another to the same cancer is more than she can deal with. Sil's other 2 boys (men) have been screened so that is a blessing and hopefully they will continue to follow up on screening so if it should develop, it will be caught much earlier.

I am pulling out of the depression regarding all this. Friday was a little rough being my dads 10th anniversary since he passed. I went out to visit with him today and we had a nice talk. I need that from time to time. I know he is always with me. Hubby is going great after his stroke in Sept. We are just enjoying the quite, peacefulness of our life.

Christmas went well. We had mom over for dinner, she got stocked up on candy..her favorite!! I took her back to the community that evening, bringing Midget with us...I had no problems with her having a meltdown like she did on Thanksgiving with my sister.

Happy New Year to everyone!

Deef -great to hear from you-hope your brother helps with paying rent-or do repairs on the house.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOBBIE! Love & hugs to you! Enjoy!
Deef-so happy to hear how you are doing!
Jen-hope the weather holds out so you can get to the Y.
Cuz-thanks for the laugh! Glad you are feeling better!
Good to hear from you Kuli-hope some more rays shine through as time goes on.
Hi Austin, Meanwhile, Sharyn, Juju & everyone else out there.
Got the letter from the dr who will do mom's hand surgery. She has to see EVERY Dr she has ever gone to in order to be allowed to have this surgery...which means going out multiple times to all different Dr's in this wonderful snowy, cold climate we live in. I sure hope it is worth it! Hubby still looking for a job-may be a Godsend cause he can help me! Who hires during the holidays? No one! Guess it is meant to be. It has also been nice having him home so I can run out and see my girlfriend-she has breast cancer and just had a double mastectomy... It is nice to be able to go have tea with her and chat. I would not be so free if hubby wasn't out of work... However, this cannot go on for too long cause $ was tight already! UGH. Anyway, hopefully hubby can find a job and go back to work right after mom's surgery! That would be perfect! Here's hoping!
Sis, hubby, and one bro will be over tomorrow night to ring in the new year. Mom will most likely be up till the ball drops. She is usually "up" for a party! She did great on Christmas-just slept the whole day after! Nothing wrong with that! HAHA! She loves it when I feed her her meals in bed! Anyway, hope everyone has a decent New Years Eve. And hopefully 2014 will be a better year! We can hope right?!!! Love to you all! Glad you are all here for moral support! Mame

Gah $2,000 deef! some times I am glad I don't have a clue...

didn't know it was bobbies b day! Happy Birthday Bobbie, go have some fun...!

Happy B'day Bobbie!!! If I had your new address I would send you some homemade hooch to celebrate! Made some raspberry and grape cordial this fall. Killer stuff!
Actually got out with a friend today. We went to a couple indoor flea markets one town over. So many great childhood memories brought back upon seeing all the old things people sell. Lots of items my grandparents had when I was a kid. Nice to see a lot of the oldies but goodies are still around. I bought a few pins for the scarves I knit and a really cool square shaped, hand painted tea cup and saucer. It was pouring like crazy and cold but we had a nice time anyway.
Kuli, I still live in the house I grew up in. Mom signed it over to me 4 years ago so we wouldn't lose it. I know how hard it is to give up the home you grew up in. I'm struggling to hang onto this 3 story 130 year old monster, but where else would I go? I've lived here my entire life. My daughter and her husband live here too. I've already paid almost $2000 for fuel since the cold weather started. I just got the quarterly property tax bill and that jumped to almost $1000 quarterly! I nearly sh!t myself when I saw it!!! Then there's the front porch floor that has to be replaced and the plumbing and wiring that needs to be done soon. I need new flooring and rugs and there are still over 20 windows that need replacing. The list goes on and on....
There was a bit of money left over from Mom, but 4 of my sibs have no qualms about keeping their share even though they hardly visited Mom the last year of her life. They are all very well off and I'm sure pissed that I got the house. Especially my brother whose wife is in real estate!. My oldest sister and brother that is 2 years younger than me, both gave me their share of the life insurance and what was left after the bills were paid. I'm very grateful for them because it will help me get passed the winter months and get some repairs done to the house.
There could have been more $$ left over, but I made sure Mom had everything she needed up until the end. I didn't care if there was any left for the others or myself. It was Mom's $$ to begin with!
Dodged the snow bullet here today, but looks like really cold temps later this week. Need to try to drain the pool cover again tomorrow before things freeze solid.
Hope all of you had a great weekend!

we actually are using both here now kuli. massive amounts but what ever..till he keels over ...There are three people in my general area who have had falls this week two went to the hospital, one broke her hip and fart pants...just grazed a finger...what ever, pick him up clean him up....
I think you are good doing what you do Kathy and there will always be a need for it. maybe you could even get licensed for care have the skills and the experience and the heart for it...I am betting it is a little easier when it is not "family"?
Gonna try and go to the Y tomorrow, if I can see the pavement I am going!!!

Good last two days of 2013 all...

It was a hot day in Minnesota . Helga hung the wash out to dry and then went into town to pick up her dry cleaning.

"Gootness, its hotter den hell today ", she mused to herself as she walked down Main Street .

She passed a tavern and thought to herself, "Vy nodt."

She walked in, and quietly took a seat at the end of the bar.

The bartender walked up to her and said; "and what would you like to drink today".

"Vell Ya know" Helga said in a timid voice, "I don't usually go into da bars, but today I vill make an exception. It iss zo hot, I tink I vill have myself a beer".

The bartender smiled at Helga and asked;" Anheuser Busch?"

Helga blushed and said; "Vell, it's fine tanks, und how's yur viener"

Thanks Shirley.
It's a pot luck and they told me to bring a rotisserie chicken from wallymart and I have to go back and get another one because we are eating the first one now.
Viking Style.
Hey… what can I say…


Happy Birthday Bobbi. Have a as many margaritas as you want. Deef, Kuli, so good to hear from you. Sorry you have to sell the house, Kuli. I'm leasing the house my husband and I had in town. The extra income helps, and I don't have to completely let go of the place yet.

You are the family angel and there you have it.
I can only imagine how difficult it has to be with your extended family and tha giant heart of yours!
It's good to see from you and I hope you continue to find some time to keep us up to date.

Kuli! I know the pain of the house you grew up in. One day at a time.

Jen! sux.

Mame! Meanwhile! Austin! Where's Juju?
Sharynmarie how are you doing?

Happy Birthday to me and a little shin dig up at the marina clubhouse this evening that involves margaritas.


Hey everyone!!! Mom is gone but I went and did what I said I never would ever do again!!! Yes, I'm caring for my sister's mom in law since September and even though she is across town in her own home, I'm still tied down, just not as mush as I was with Mom! My BIL is very appreciative and does pay me for my service, at least I don't have to try and find a part time job just yet.
Blanche is 96 and has blockages in both of her coratid arteries which caused a mini stroke last year. her friends all thought she had dementia, but it's damage caused by the stroke and loss of blood flow to the brain. She seems worse when flustered because she can't say the right word when speaking, plus she is pretty deaf, which adds to the confusion. I have known her for over 40 years. She has been a widow for most of those years and took very good care of herself. Now she can't deal with paperwork, bills, etc.
So I bring her lunch or dinner every other day and spend some time with her. I helped her do 50 X-0mas cards! She was in a panic because she couldn't find her card list, so we mailed cards out as she received them. Lots of friends and church people that check on her, thus the 50 cards.
So I went from Mom passing, to spending a week in Virginia with my sister, to canning salsa, jams, jellies, to getting things done for 2 craft shows and taking care of Blanche all at the same time!!
I thought when Mom was gone I would have more time but that hasn't happened!!! seems like there aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish everything. I still have a lot of Mom's things to get rid of. My youngest brother is headed for a divorce and will be coming to live in Mom's apartment until he can get back on his feet. Getting that cleaned out for him will be a chore in itself! I have pretty much turned Mom's place into a craft area for me the past 3 months. I also sleep there because of my restless legs. My sleep habits keep my husband up and it's just easier for me.
Now I have to clean my storage room on the second floor to turn it into a craft room and place to keep all the supplies I have in Mom's and my apartment. I keep a lot in my TV/sitting room and will need the space for a daybed for me to sleep on.
Right now I just want to get past the holidays and get to organizing and moving and throwing away things I no longer use. Gee, I wonder if my husband falls into that category! Yes, he still lays around on the couch all day napping and watching TV!!! It's his idea of being retired!!!
Anyway, I guess it's true, once a caregiver always a caregiver!!! It's so hard to say no when someone needs us!
So that's what I have been up to. Not snubbing the thread on purpose, just hardly have time to breathe some days. It's good to see everyone is coping. I know how hard it can get and just knowing you are not alone is the biggest help.
Kuli!!! Jen!!! Meanwhile!!! Mame!!! Book!! Sharon!! Austin!! And most of all BOBBIE!!!!!!!
I apologize now for those I didn't mention by name. I'm short on brains lately but know that I think of you all!
Love Deef!!

Yes, Bobbie. I am able to see a few rays of sunshine. Still need to get rid of the house I shared with dad but it's so hard cuz it's the house I grew up in. Just about the time I think I am ok with it, I start to think of my life without it and feel like it's the last piece of dad I will have to give up. Thanks for always thinking of me, of us, those of us at the (almost) start of this thread. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and that the New Year brings you many, many good things and happy memories. Hugs~Kuli

Jen, I bought reusable bed pads for my dad. Cheaper in the long run. They were mostly for urine with my dad though so if it's for both for FP then it is probably best to stay with disposable bed pads.

Mom is doing the "I think we should go up a size in the garbage cans..." That is an old argument, tied with money worries and I am NOT gonna get pulled back into it so she can shoot me down and say "No" to make herself feel in control...yes, we now put out three times as much garbage because we put out two diaper pails worth of Depends now and good nites bed everything he sits on (shits on). just do it, don't ask me...

Thanks kuli...

He fell again last night, took twenty minutes to get him up and mom had to "change him" later...yeah, it's just house room....

Wish the snow and ice would go away,so I can get back to the Y, I am just not gonna break my ankle again!!!

Have a good weekend we have weekends! Jen

Thank you Kuli. You are very kind to say.
I hope you are doing better and are there any rays of sunshine in your life?

Hello to all the caregivers here and everywhere. Hope things are at least tolerable.


Still lurking and praying for peace for all here. Bob - I tell people all the time how this thread saved my life more than once. Thank you for all of your words of wisdom and for continuing to stay even when you are moving on with your life. Merry Christmas to all and hoping for a better New Year for all caregivers! Hugs ~ Kuli

Christmas miracles do happen, Mom wasn't mean or rude all day. And I got the sweetest gift from my step daughter. Pictures of her 2 little boys. Wished they lived closer. I would buy them a horse and teach them how to ride.

Oh Jen-I hear ya! So many people tell me I am taking such good care of mom and that is why she is still here! It is a double edged sword for sure! Sorry you had to scrub poop on Christmas day. It is never-ending....until it does!

I actually had to scrub his poop off the toilet twice today, yes merry what ever. the unwrapping of four gifts... took two hours...I just hate him and wish he would just die already...A great aunt visited and made two hilarious comments: 1, "that he was lucky to have two good care givers looking after him, that's why he is doing so good..." and 2, "No one ever thought he'd live so long..." PHAHAHAAAA beh...
2014 on tap...Bring it!!!

Merry Christmas to everyone the bird is thawing in cold water -be glad when he is in the oven-my daughter will be down-about an hr. away my son will be here for a while-he works tonight and C will be here-my grandson was here last night-when I count my blessing the folks here are what I am thankful for especially Cap't Bobbie for starting GO and all the great people I have met along the way-hope everyone has as good a day as possible-I am very lucky for having survieved caregiving and having a second chance of being happy-I have a great guy in my life now-the many long bad years are fading into the background.


Merry Christmas to the Grossed Out thread and everybody at and on AC!
I am finally back on my own boat after 3 weeks of working on the 52' Hatteras that we eventually delivered to Ft Myers, FL. What a trip!
The owner is a sweet older guy and by the time we made it to Ft Myers I gently convinced him to sell his boat. This life is not for everybody.
His boat is one of those that takes a thousand bucks of fuel every day you run it and he just wasn't ready for that. Takes a different income bracket for that crazy!

Anyway, we had the trip of a lifetime, used the lock system to cross Lake Okeechobee to get to the west coast of Florida and had a lot of fun along the way.

I have tried to keep up with everyone's story and the story that is so sad is Sharynmarie and her niece. I wish you and your family all the hope you need to get through this trying time.

Austin! A house full of beer and wine sure is a good thing! Hope you catch a nice Christmas buzz!

Jen! So glad you are swimming! What good progress in making you feel better.

Cuz! Jeeze what a hard time you had and so glad you are feeling better. I hope that Mike will be ok. Please keep us posted about him. Merry Christmas to cousins and Aunt Hank.

Cold today on the creek and the pelicans are dive bombing and getting themselves a nice Christmas dinner.

Meanwhile! hope you and Indio and your family have a good Christmas.

Mame! I wish you and the caregivers who are so shot out from the impossible task of making sanity out of an insane situation could come and hang out with me on this boat! Boat drinks! Little umbrellas!

Everybody! I think of so many of you daily and wish the best for all of you.

For the new voices that have visited the thread, yup, it's gross and ass awful to be sure but I, for one, am living proof that there is a life after this soul killing experience.
Mine was a total of 5 and a half years of 25/7/365 caregiving and then another 3 years of ptsd and the sadness and hopelessness that goes with all of that.

I have been writing on this site for 4 years and the Grossed Out thread will be 4 years old in February.
Don't know what I would have done without you guys.


Merry Christmas everyone!! Love Deefer

Love to all of you and Merry Christmas!
We will be going to my brother's as long as mom doesn't have some major problem! Fingers crossed. Going to be a busy day getting her ready and out but it should be fun. One of my sis's stepkids had a baby and they are will be so nice to have a baby around! Mom will enjoy that too! There will be about 30 of us for dinner and gift exchange! Mom will be exhausted-but I still think it is good for her to see everyone...We will set her up in a little room they have off the family room and let everyone take turns going in to see her. Here's hoping it goes well!
Hope everyone gets a moment of peace is the season of miracles right?! Enjoy what you can! Merry Christmas! Mame

Yum, peanut brittle, a favorite of mine too. Fixing shrimp, deviled eggs, and chocolate pie for tomorrow. Bought mom 2 new sweaters (she requested), but she will make me return them both. But, she pouts if she doesn't have a package to unwrap. No she isn't getting senile, she has been this crazy forever. I miss Sam so much, he made Christmas special for me for the 1st time in my life.
Sorry to be such a humbug. Not really going to be that bad, I do enjoy fixing dinner and invited some friends that already know my mom is crazy. Hope everyone can find something good tomorrow. Love Shirley

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas from Cuz. I have no jokes tonight but thoughts and prayers for all those who are hurting with the loss of a loved one during the Christmas season. May you continue to get all the support and care from the crew of GO. Hugs to all.

Peanut brittle a favorite! I will be glad when Christmas is over too. Saw mom yesterday. We went for a walk with the dog. Sis will bring her over my house on Christmas for dinner. Thank you Jen!! Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas-we may get some snow tonight-hope all of you are not feeling to much pressure getting the house ready-I am but got a good supply of beer and wine in the house-the house will not be perfect but if it was it would confuse my family-they would think they were in the wrong house.

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