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Merry stinkness to us all I guess...almost over...

Peanut Brittle anyone? turned out good...

have a safe holiday all.

Think of you Sharyn and lit a candle for you niece...I think of her and her holiday and hope it is a blissful and happy as it can be for her and all of your family...

Love Jen

Grossed out by my BF's mother leaving the bathroom door open. It is a first floor bathroom, in plain sight of the main living space. She knows better, because when we go out to a restaurant, she will lock the stall door. Also grossed out by the smells in the first floor bathroom. I always use the second floor bathroom at my boyfriends house.

I am thinking of you too Jen..wewill get through this!

Thinking of you sharyn!

Hi to Bobbie and rip and deef and mame and cuz and lil and book and cat and ladee and every one here at AG. Have a Merry Christmas All!

Aishamama~Thank you, I will keep everyone updated. For the time being, my niece is still working on getting her thoughts on this in focus. As you can understand, it has been such a big blow to the family following her brother's passing. I should have more info the week after the colonoscopy where they will insert ports for chemo, then on Thursday they will meet with the dr. to discuss options for treatment. Thank you again for the prayers...Hugs to all of you!!

Sharynmarie- Please keep us updated on your niece! I'm thinking of her often and her story hits very close to home because we are the same age and both have 12 year old children. How is she coping right now? How about her child? Definitely praying that chemo will shrink the tumor so they can operate and remove every last bit of the tumor!

Thank you Jen!! It does not sound good right now as it is inoperable. Prayerfully the ports they insert on Monday for chemo will reduce the size of the tumor so they can operate to remove it. The miracle will be if my sil's other two boys get screened now. They must follow through as colon cancer in young people is almost always heredity and without screening, it is diagnosed too late.

Jen, I was so excited for you getting the bus pass and being able to go the Y to swim. Even though it is cold outside, the warm pool must feel wonderful.

I am sorry to hear about your niece sharyn, that is awful and right at the holidays too. I hope she is OK and has loved ones near. Not much else to say unless a miracle happens or maybe they can catch it soon enough?...

The Importance of walking

Walking can add minutes to your life.
This enables you at 85 years old
To spend an additional 5 months in a nursing
Home at $4,000 per month.

My grandpa started walking
Five miles a day when he was 60.
Now he's 97 years old
And we have no idea where the hell he is.

I like long walks,
Especially when they are taken
By people who annoy me.

The only reason I would take up walking
Is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.

I have to walk early in the morning,
Before my brain figures out what I'm doing...

Every time I hear the dirty word 'exercise',
I wash my mouth out with chocolate.

I do have flabby thighs,
But fortunately my stomach covers them.

The advantage of exercising every day
Is so when you die, they'll say,
'Well, he looks good doesn't he.'

If you are going to try cross-country skiing,
Start with a small country.

I know I got a lot of exercise
The last few years,......
Just getting over the hill.

We all get heavier as we get older,
Because there's a lot more information in our heads.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Every time I start thinking too much
About how I look,
I just find a pub with a Happy Hour
And by the time I leave,
I look just fine.

Life is not fair, so sorry about your niece, Sharyn. Austin your such a good friend.


Shary I am so sorry for your neice-we have bad news in my family also and the one who is sick does not talk to his spouse about his health -it is very sad-time is being wasted and he is shuting out the one person closes to him-I told her I will be there for her and she can lean on me as needed-that is all I can do-I tried to talk to one of his adult kids to no avail-we all have measured time in this world-please everyone be good to your family members-we are not promised a tomarrow.

Sharynmarie- What a difficult and scary time for your family! I'll be thinking of your niece and praying for her healing. I can't imagine what you're all going through right now!

I think it's totally normal to get grossed out by this stuff. Nobody in my family can eat of drink or drink off anything my Grandma or Uncle touched. I stopped feeling bad about being grossed out, I just try not to notice when something is extra wretch-worthy.

Mame~Thank you!! I just can't get my mind around it yet...I hurt for my brother and sil and of course my 34 year old niece who has a 12 year old daughter. Thank you everyone!!

Oh Sharyn! Hugs and prayers for your niece! I am sooo sorry! Mame

My niece has advanced rectal cancer that is inoperable. They will do a colonoscopy Monday to insert ports for chemo hoping to shrink the tumor so they can operate. Thank you for all the prayers!!

Cuz you kill me-we need your jokes-have a good holiday-you are a blessing for all of us for sure.

Splinters in her crotch! Funny!

A woman from Los Angeles who was a tree hugging, liberal Democrat and an anti-hunter purchased a piece of timberland near Colville, WA . There was a large tree on one of the highest points and she decided to climb it.

As she neared the top she encountered a spotted owl that attacked her. In her haste to escape, the woman slid down the tree to the ground and got many splinters in her crotch. In considerable pain, she hurried to a local ER to see a doctor. She told him she was an environmentalist, a Democrat, and an anti-hunter and how she came to get all the splinters.

The doctor listened to her story with great patience and then told her to go wait in the examining room and he would see if he could help her. She sat and waited three hours before the doctor re-appeared. The angry woman demanded, "What took you so long?"

He smiled and then told her, "Well, I had to get permits from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management before I could remove old-growth timber from a 'recreational area' so close to a Waste Treatment Facility. And I'm sorry, but due to Obama-Care they turned you down.

What happened with your house? I have seen many posts about work that needs to be done, staying in a hotel, but can never find why all this is happening.

However stressful it is to diagnose, keeping you sense of humor about it may become priceless moments to cherish at some point!!! I cant agree with you more about the help your hubby provided the other day. It is amazing how just some of the littlest things are just so much nicer to have a hand with...getting the wheelchair in the vehicle, clearing the path, etc... I notice that when I visit my BFF, Hubby there gets ma up n down the steps etc and the boys help a lot, with little things. Something I am not able to take advantage of ever, living alone and doing this!!
What a treat it is when it happens let me tell ya!!!
Glad it made the appt all that easier and you were able to laff!!!

We have been hovering near freezing and below at nite but ill take that over the single digits couple weeks ago! it may be been dipping lower here n there over the next week tho...but........
I think I have at least my floors replacement pinned down and signing contract and begin work tomorrow morning. then we have a bit to straighten out on the rest of the bid but that will get me some much needed warmth once done, 7 working days over the holiday, I expect maybe by New Years.
Hallelujah.....It's an Xmas miracle! Feeling some anxiety release!

Meanwhile, I thought today of you..and your big dog in your lap story...since being stuck in this room all together, my big girl has been crawling up on me at night so we spend a while with me in my recliner/bed the 85lb'er across my lap and the 15lb'er across my legs...till I have to get em off me, for smotherings sake!
Cuz...long term his thoughts on replacing the home are probably the best but getting that info now and in our position for the LTerm. We are just going to do basic rebuilding and try to just maintain till I can get things stabilized around here and make decisions about how to proceed under less stress.

We had planned to visit BFF couple hours away for a day or two on Christmas, probably still will, less I need to be here for the floors. If you remember she hurt her foot/ankle whatever, maybe two or more months back. Well over the last month she has still got no real diagnosis after a catscan, so they had her start PT which then worsened the problem she cannot walk on it at all now and is in a wheelchair. compounded by her pregnancy progressing she is just having a real hard time with this they are just offering her pain mgmt./narc's and lollygagging around with figuring this out.. and she is not going to take meds like that pregnant. I am not surprised due to what I have learned bout our local healthcare in this whole area but I am so hoping she gets some kind of real care before this baby comes....she had an MRI Tuesday waiting for results. I am praying for a remedy for her! So they were not going home cause of this and we will get together! I am glad to have a nice plan for next week....We need it Thanksgiving kinda sucked in this house, glad to be with my dear friends!

Hope everybody's holiday plans are working out ok!

Let us pray for peace on earth for all caregivers this season!!

Lots of love and prayers for you all

Sorry, just trying to stay sane here. Broken record, repeating things to mom over and over and over... Went to Dr to check on her shoulder pain and of course they found nothing in the Xrays... same old same old. So hard to be around someone in pain all the time. Hubby is out of work but I will say-it was terrific having him help me get mom out of here to her appt yesterday! He snow blew the driveway, dusted off the car and warmed it, put up the ramps, wheeled her out...I got her into the car but he took care of the wheelchair etc. At the DR, they are not wheel chair accessible so it is always a pain-but with his help it was great! Not to mention that the parking area was not plowed... I would have been dying by the time I got home had it not been for him. Also, when mom had her xrays they needed help with her so he helped them! He is a jewel! Mom has not been able to raise her right arm and has had such pain...old rotator cuff problem popping up...arthritis in her neck, pinched nerve (all guesses) and what does she do when the Dr asks her if she can raise her arm? Oh yea! Raises it right up over her head with NO PROBLEM! What the hell?! I burst out laughing and told the DR that she will do anything just to come visit him. He said he is flattered. She is so fixated on her contracted fingers and having the surgery on them on Jan that she was totally confused by yesterdays Dr visit. He kept talking about her shoulder and she kept saying "But look at these fingers!" or "What are we gonna do with these fingers?" It was comical.
Had a heat wave here today-it got up to 34 degrees! It has been frigid. Hoping for a white Christmas and was thinking with all the snow we gave gotten that it will be a pretty Christmas but now they are talking rain this weekend! Oh well. We take what we get....not like we have a choice!
I hope everyone is doing ok... Talk to you all soon. Mame

and not to mention who you have to do it for! I wanted to add that and forgot yesterday!!!

Ya the holidays are always nice but stressful with the famdram and commercialism messing it up!

I finally actually got a haircut last week and splurged on a fancy curling iron for the both of us for XMAS. Being trying to get a walk in couple times a week at least for my sanity! Construction front Is at a halt again but making some progress, I think. details are for another time!

Stay strong and continue to do stuff for you, Jen!

Cuz glad your feeling better, that bug musta been brutal!!! Better so now you can bust a back shoveling...... We originally are from Wisconsin, I was a tot so don't remember but gosh I have heard MA go on about it now n then, how miserable the winters can be!!!.

Everyone have a good week. Try to enjoy the moments within the craziness and emotions the holidays bring! Where is everyone, busy busy???

Love to all!


I think you are right juju it is the smearing, a pile a poop is deal-able, a smear is a mess that takes a lot of cleaning and hand washing...

They went out to fp foot appt, toe nails trim and new shoes for him again, what ever. too stiff to go swim today gonna do Thursday instead.

Hope everyone is doing Ok, Holiday stress is making things crazy and uptight here, not to mention traffic is nutso...

I just love your posts! you crack me up and can express so much with such few words....which reminds me, have you been doing any writing lately or heard anything bout previous pieces?
I actually was thinking of you this morning when I accidently had a "gross moment" changing ma's poopy diaper this morning. I thought of your post re: FP poo painting! I had always thought oh the poo is not so bad, its the smearing the food and phlegm everywhere that gets me, but I had an ephiphany it is the act of smearing that bugs me....the not knowing it is not the right thing to do, for lack of better phrasing. If she was smearing her poo I would be gagging and disturbed, but since it is just in her diapers or overflow (ie.where it should be) when I have to deal with is tolerable.... So now I have a better understanding of that scenario... Man I cant imagine the gag factor in that clean up job, I would run a gamut of emotions as I do with the phlegm n food everywhere but x10!
Anyway I do love your sense of humor and your posts! Hope you are having a few good moments this week for you! Take care of yourself my friend!

Michigan, but the lakes look lovely...In July...

Just got 3" more and they are talking another 3 to 5" for Tuesday. We got snow all week until Saturday they are talkin rain & sleet for two days then cold again with high's in the mid 20's. Welcome to Michigan. Love it.


That is a lot of snow Cuz!

Thank you Cuz and Meanwhile....
I am just fried at this point...I don't know how I do it either. I am about at my limits here again and just praying something goes our way soon or I might break, seriously! Hanging on by a thread, this thread, lol!
I think replacing the home is just too much for me to think about I just want me damn floors in so I can get some heat, was chilly again this weekend. I know it probably is the better decision to replace home but I am so invested in this repair path and so miserable I just want to get it done and get our life back... the time effort and money and mental capacity I need to start down that new path right now just overwhelms me completely! This is how I get in this situation in the beginning...making bad decisions when I am under great deals of stress.... had I not been living like this for past 5 months and gotten proper options laid out in the beginning I might be able to do it but now I just want the damn floor in so I can get some heat!!! That would make all the other discomforts bearable! I could also still go back to this guy who pulled the switcheroo on his bid and push him down on his pricing but I just don't feel he is the right guy.... that was a shitty thing to do and have had too many issues along the way with him. My gut likes this new guy, I pray he comes in reasonable.
Good grief say a prayer for us that it is a better week or I might be a news item..."house blows up with 2 residents n 2 dogs inside". That will fix it, lol-not!

Well I guess I should get busy, want to call the contractor soon as bus hours work out a couple things for the bid.
Hope you all have a good week and hang in there...preparing for the holidays

Have a safe and sane week everyone...

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