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Cuz, all that snow, what a work out.

Juju, I can't imagine the stress, taking care of your mother, dealing with insurance contractors, and then living in the work zone. Don't know how you do it. Hope it gets done soon. If you start over with another modular home, how would you know that it didn't need a bunch of repairs?

well I am back on track again after an exhausting and explosive week. I got home from church this morning and shoveled 9" of snow off the deck and then climbed up on the roof and shoveled 12" to 24" of snow off the roof. Then back down and reshoveled the deck and used the blower to clean out the driveway and the front side walk along the house. 3 hours of shoveling and my back has had it. Should have maybe waited till later on in the week but temperature was only 15 today and is supposed to be mid 40's Friday with rain so I did it today.
juju Not knowing how much work you got going on price wise but if a new one cost just as much as repairs it might be worth looking into. You can only fix so much and still have bad stuff covered up to have to look at again years down the road. I think I would get some more estimates and opinions. Sounds like you have been getting the run around and that stinks. Hugs to ya gal

Can understand what you mean by "mentally fried" juju, talking sauteed'

God bless America

The phone rings and the lady of the house answers, "Hello?"

"Mrs. Sanders, please."


"Mrs. Sanders, this is Dr. Jones at St. Agnes Laboratory.

When your husband's doctor sent his biopsy to the lab last week, a biopsy from
another Mr. Sanders arrived as well. We are now uncertain which one belongs to your husband. Frankly, either way the results are not too good."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Sanders asks

"Well, one of the specimens tested positive for Alzheimer's and the other one tested positive for HIV. We can't tell which is which."

"That's dreadful! Can you do the test again?" questioned Mrs. Sanders.

"Normally we can, but the new health care system will only pay for these expensive tests just one time."

"Well, what am I supposed to do now?"

"The folks at ObamaCare recommend that you drop your husband off somewhere in the middle of town. If he finds his way home, don't sleep with him."

I mean replace the home cuz it is "modular"and he believes I could get a used one and have it set up for about the same as all this work...

Hi everyone,
Yup winter is here to stay, the temps are up tho and our snow has finally melted as of yesterday. boy 20 degrees sure makes a difference, we are much more comfortable now...praying we don't get another freeze like that till we get our heating back.
Mentally fried from the week of drama on the construction front. Insurance sez no go on this guy raising the prices so I found another contractor coming recommended by an friend. He came by yesterday and of all I have talked to on this path he is the most logical, I hope this was meant to be, to find him. anyway he will bid the job and at first glance believes he can work with insurance pricing or close but we are back at square one it will be a week for quote and then few more to get checks re-issued ....oh good greif let this be it! One thing he said is bothering me this morning...he said I should just replace the home with another by the time we fix everything it would be cheaper...I cant even wrap my mind around this but it is really bugging me now...should I really get all this done omg...especially how much I have to do on own, if it was only insurance might be diff...OK brain overload again....
So I got me a massive headache this morn.
I hope to distress a bit and try for a nap....
take care you all and hope n happiness to all!

Jen the Y sounds wonderful, and you need to escape for a few short hours. Cuz glad to hear your getting back to normal, sorry to hear about Mike. I know sometimes heart function and kidney function are related. Thinking about you too Sharyn., and Juju, and everyone else too.
Hey, Bobbi how is the boat with the electrical problems doing?
Boss took everyone out for lunch yesterday, I got a salad with chicken and pineapple, now my stomach's doing flip flops.

Will be a regular thing now, snow or no snow. found earliest hours quietest...Thinking of you all...Jen

Thank you Juju, it means a lot to have so many people praying...the power of prayer is amazing!!!

Sharyn, As I sed in the other thread, I am praying for you family. I also have heard that statement, It is against nature and the process of life. Losing a loved one is hard enough! I can't imagine the greif!
Let us all pray they caught it early enough. I once worked with a lovely woman. Later come to find she was a colon cancer survivor. she went thru a battle but won! Although a devastating blow to the family, let us hope and pray she will also win!!

Cuz~Thank you so much, prayer is what is needed more than anything else. Yes always enjoy the moment, each day is a gift!!

Glad~Thank you, the hardest thing a parent will ever do is bury a child. We are not equipped to out live our children, we understand and accept the the natural order of life. Yes their pain is too much right now, it will take my sil a while just to get her mind around this so she can support her daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter, not to mention her others sons having to cope with this and needing support. What makes is more difficult for my brother and sil is that they have to be the pillars that hold up the rest of the family. Hopefully this has been caught in time. Her brother who passed away, when his was diagnosed, the dr's were just so shocked at the size of the tumor for someone so young.

Hugs to you all and thank you!!

Sharyn, I am so sorry for what your family is going through! Cuz is right, people should not have to bury children. I cannot imagine the pain and shock!

Sharyn You are with the rest of your family on our prayer chain. I know of a family that had 8 kids and they have lost 5 of them to Hodgkins. But they have said they had them for as long as they could and loved them all the way to the end. But like a friend of mine once said "parents should not have to bury their kids". It is tough, always enjoy the moment. Hugs

Hey Jen Don't know where it came from. Just a bacterial infection that give you the squirts and chills and more squirts, but it has started to clear up in fact I went outside today for the first time since last Saturday and helped the wife shovel the six inches of the white stuff when the temperature was only 10 with a windchill of -4. I was way over dressed because I had sweat running in places sweat should not be. Spent the rest of the day in the house.
My brother won't find out untill they do the ultra sound and see if they can fix the kidney's. Won't know till then. Thanks for the concerns and what did I say a couple of nights ago about how things will fall into place and you will be on the road to recovery. Sounds like you are moving forward girl. Keep a positive attitude and anything can happen. Hugs to you.

So glad your enjoying the Y Jen, stick with it girl and thank you for such a nice post.

I Just have to clarify about the wanting or expecting our loved ones to get better. I think that the loss of her ability's is heartbreaking and I don't want that to be the case! I am mad that this disease makes her so helpless-not that she cant help me! And it just goes against our common sense can someone forget the basics like that....things they have done everyday all their life and it just disappears!
There is such a sweet little soul in there now. I have to remember that I would have never seen that happiness without the disease, I believe. She had a good heart always but was not a happy person, now she is.

Sharyn I am sorry that is a lot of pain all at once...juju is right we are only human and have emotions and can only take so much at once.

Everyone take what ever time then can find for themselves and breathe and pray and know we are here for each other, what ever it can do so far away. I think of you all often when I am not swamped by my stuff and then again when I am and know I have people who care what happens to me and I can touch base with.

Mame, I think my mom is doing that with her father, thinking he is "getting Better". but those days are past. it is day by day at some point. I can understand a lot of your feelings there. it is like pre grieving, something really only care givers know, others "wait for phone calls at one AM". we see it day by day and wonder if this is it or just another stage below the last...

cuz...I hope that clears up fast it can wipe you out! Do they know what caused it?

I am sorry about your brother. Any chance radical treatments?

Hope everyone is doing Ok. I got to the pool and will make it a three days a week couple hours a day thing, class and lap swim...People were very nice, and none of us was a swim suit model. good! Love Jen

Sis wont qualify for services with the county since she has a 401K and owns has a house. She would have to exhaust her 401K first which she does not want to do. She is only 60 yrs. old will be 61 in a week. Her 401K has less than $200,000...which will not provide for her life time plus she still owes on her house since she has borrowed against it a couple of times. I can't help but think she will have to accept..if she can...a disability retirement, sell her home and move to Kentucky where her daughters live. The cost of housing is cheaper there, she could pay cash for a smaller home and be near her daughters. I am not able to financially help my sister. We are having to pay off hospital bills after my hubby's stroke in September.

This has been a day for bad news, my ok...but was in traffic accident that most likely totaled his car. He and his wife seem to have the worst luck...they no sooner get through one thing when another happens.

You all remember my brother who lost his step son to colon cancer (age 38) that spread to his liver?? That happened in May, 2 months later, they lost sil's mother to lung cancer. Today, they were told that sil's daughter has colon cancer, she is 34 years old. My sil and brother are devastated. This is too much for them to comprehend and emotionally deal with. My poor sil fell apart, screaming NO, Not Again, this can not be happening AGAIN!! I called my brother but was at a loss for words, all I could say is we are praying for you all, we love you!!

Gosh that sounds miserable Cuz, hope you are on the mend now! (There is always the depends option for me here, pilfer from momma, lol!!!)
Sorry about your brother!

Thought I would jump in here real quick. Have been down since last saturday with a
gastrointestinal backteria infection. In other words I have been havin the back door
trots. Like six or seven times a day, all night long and they finally figured it out today.
They have me taking this pill now that contains four different bacteria's that will fix what is bad in my intestines. Its called 4XProBiotic which is the generic for Align.
It must be working because it shut down the stream that was present which is good. Now maybe I can sleep longer than 15 minutes at a time cause ya didn't want to rip one without havin a plastic bag under ya to catch it. Tah Dah I think I am now a member of the true Grossed Out thread. Not a kodak moment though.
They said it might take nine to fourteen days to get back to normal. Woo Hoo.
On another note. Seeing I was sick this week I couldn't make it to the dr with my brother and he found out he is in third stage kidney failure. He goes for an ultra sound in two weeks to find out more. He was told that is why the weight gain and the problems with his legs. They are not for sure if they can reverse any damage.
Will have to find out more with the next test.
Been reading every night just haven't had any good jokes to pass along. Sorry. Hugs to everyone and I am going to hit the sheets and see if I can sleep all night for once.

well I did go back a bit this morning, I needed a AC fix.....
Mame glad you got a break, don't feel bad....Florida and some sunshine and family time, good for you!!!

Bob, wow how exciting with the yacht, also don't feel bad, it is inspiration their might be life after hell!!!

Jen, glad you got the Y and bus pass that will be great for you! exersize is not only good for your body but just as much for your mind! I should listen to myself, haha!!

Meanwhile love the horse stories!

Cuz, In need of a joke, here!

New Peeps hello and come back!

Well I killed the one plant I managed to grow, from an avocado seed, it was a few feet high and doing well till I left it out in the freeze. wah wah wah.... I do have a brown thumb so I was amazed I got it that far!.

Well tired of living like this..just disappointed I guess I wanted work to start this week but I cant sign the contract till insurance gets me some more money!
I am trying so hard to move forward but these challenges are trying my resolve I am barely keeping us together. I cant seem to wrap my mind around taking care of all these other issues I needed too before this house issue....cant wait to get my health insurance packet and see what they are going to cover!

Well my love and appreciation to all of you here and all the sharing and support,
I wish I could give everyone a hug in person so this will have to do!!!

I agree with you and the root of the frustration. I think I do the same thing, although I know she has this disease. when caught up in the day to day and see some functionality I forget. I believe I want expect her to be better and am I expect her to improve and remember the routines I set up, remember these tasks we do so many times a day everyday. I just want her to help me out a little and try...but reality is she cannot and I either just forget in the stress of the moment or I am in denial. I totally understand what you are going thru, (((((Big Hug to You))))))

I was just opening mail and saw the screen still open so I have to add:Now not only is mom getting the AARP junkmail, I guess passing this silver threshold into my 50's I get AARP stuff? WTF I am not that old yet! LOL!!!

Hi guys,
been swaaammmppped with this house issue, I hate to just post without going back and seeing what you all are up to but I am hanging on by a thread here seriously, since we dropped to single digits we are miserable I have a hard time reading as I have sed before especially under stress.
side note, it is mostly with the computer screen I have issues, if it is print material it is a lot easier to manage for me.
in a nutshell the check finally was resent and the contractor sent a new bid increasing his price by 2k. This is frustrating as when we discussed finalizing the deal I informed him he was 1800 over the insurance payout and could he relook at his numbers to see where we can make this up, and instead of coming in lower he came in higher as sed above so now I have no choice but to resubmit to insurance company and he sed he would explain to adjuster why he needs the extra $$. So on hold again till I get response from adjuster and then ?? if we cant get the numbers right. ugghhhh! Another week and I smile and try to not get upset with this guy cuz I cant start over with another now, come to far....arrgggghhhhh give me strength!!

Just from what I skimmed last few posts
Jen so glad monty is ok and the if the Y is on that will be great!
Mame, Never feel guilty about frustrations.....we all do it!!!! I do it but I am much better about recognizing it now thanks to you all and this outlet

Stay the strong wonderful people you are and strive to be...we are only human. humans have emotions and limits!!

Sorry I cant contribute more but single digits are freezing my brain...cold damn toilet tempted to set up moms portapotty in our lil bedroom but I got enuf to clean up after and with my luck I can just see a dog wrestling match tipping that over..... ill just freeze the touché twice a nite!
Or start wearing ma's depends at nite...hey there you go!
Well back up just above freezing does make a difference so glad temp should come back up there

THe snow was beautiful tho and Zig loves it....although these were record breaking lows all over the news here I did enjoy the beauty of it best I could!

Luv you guys even if I cant keep up!

Mame do not be hard on yourself-of course you get frustrated anyone would with it being 24/7

Thanks all. And happy Monty is back home Jen! And that your sis can get some services Sharyn.
The fight going on in my head this morning:One minute, mom is pitiful and can't do a thing for herself... And then on the monitor I hear her "It's 5 o'clock (am)...gotta go." And she proceeds to get herself out of the bed and on her commode, changes her depends, and gets back in bed! I couldn't believe it! Then, at 9:30 she is "oh, oh, oh! Somebody help me!!! I gotta go!" And she is back to pitiful! I just can't wrap my head around this disease. So strange. My husband says that I still want/expect her to get better and she will not! I wish I could just accept it and go with the flow! Instead of getting frustrated with it! God help us all!!!! Mame

Sharymarie that is good news for your sister

Thanks mame. I was given a website for California county services that I passed on to my sister. The person said she should qualify for Medi-Cal, food stamps, and getting actual money to help her pay her mortgage, utilities, etc.

Jen~ Glad to hear Monty is doing better. Pets really do bring a lot of joy, comfort into our lives.

Take care everyone!!

Don't feel guilty mame it gives us hope we too may have a vacay or time off to look forward to! you earned your break!

Thanks for the Pug Prayers all, Monty is home now and we have to monitor the insulin and get him checked weekly I believe...Tune of thousand dollars but he is more moms dog and there is no way she could be with out him. I would be very upset to not have him too...

have a good week all...Jen

Mame so glad to hear you got a little vacation. Hope your husband can find a good job soon. That is scary.

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