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Hi all.
Jen-so happy your mom signed you up for the Y! Hope you can enjoy the pool frequently! And a bus pass-awesome! Will say a prayer for your dog...
Bobbie-hubby had to tell me what the ICW was! Sounds like a fun adventure. Enjoy it while it lasts!
Meanwhile-love the horse stories. Wish I could get out and ride! I would have fallen off tho if that had happened to me!
Austin-so nice that you have had a happy year! You were due! Sorry about your friend. Will keep her in my prayers. Sharyn-will keep you sister in my prayers too. So scary.
Hello to all the new people. Welcome and vent away! It is nice to know you are not alone...
I too have hesitated to tell everyone that I had a bit of respite. I guess I felt a little guilty! My bro, wife & my niece invited me on their trip to FL. I went for 5 days. My other bro & sis took time off work to stay with mom. The weather was beautiful and I got to bond with my niece. We did Disney and it was beautiful to see at Christmastime! I wish I could say I was happy-get this...The day after I left, hubby lost his job!!!! He was terribly upset and tried not to let me know but I could tell something was wrong when we talked on the phone. So, I spent a lot of time worrying about him. Now I am back and we are gonna have to figure out health ins and all since son #2 is supposed to have knee surgery in March. Changes everything for Christmas.... Glad I didn't do too much shopping before I left! The boys are grown so they understand it will be a sparse Christmas. I am glad I got away...bro & wife paid for everything as a thank you for caring for our mom. Was very nice. Just wish I could have been a little more care-free and not worrying about hubby. I would be happy to work at Disney! But that would mean putting mom in a home, selling the house and moving to FL!!!! Not likely! Anyway....trying to be in the Holiday spirit....and appreciate my time away.
Flex-good to hear from you! Hope you are feeling better soon!
Cuz-great advice!
Juju-hope the check comes sooooon!
Mom has things on her walker now that she can lean her arms on and push with her elbows. It is very heavy but the OT wants to get her used to it before her surgery so she can use it during recovery. She remembers that she is having surgery and telling anyone/everyone about it! Surprising! I asked her if she missed me while I was gone and she said "no" and giggled. And then in a moment of clarity, she said, "No, I didn't miss you because I really wanted you to have a good time away." She is a sweetie!
Hugs to all! Mame

Animals and people in my life that have come and gone. I'm thankful to have had them in my life even for a short while. It's still hard to think about losing one. My husbands old dog just turned 14. He sleeps (and snores), quite a bit. Haven't seen him move faster than a trot in a long time now, and he is deaf as post, unless it's the sound of his food bowl getting filled up. He is such a great old dog though. If I sit on the ground, he will try and fit as much of his 90 pound butt in my lap as he can. Then he looks back at me with this expression that says "see, I can be a lap dog".
Keeping my fingers crossed that you will have your pug to keep you company a while longer.

He doesn't have Addison's....but won't be home just yet....

Sorry to hear about your pug, Jen. Hope he is home soon.

Thanks everyone, still planning on going to pool monday, but Monty (Pug) is in the emergency vet over night, either having a diabetic spike or addison's disease. He is 13...It's just everything at once. God I hope he is OK. I hate leaving him there, but he needs fluids and medical attention for 24 hours...
just gotta keep looking forward here....Jen

Bobbi, the boat sounds rather exciting, hope it gets all the bugs worked out soon. I bet your warmer there too. It was 20 degrees here this morning. Carried some hot water out to the barn for the animals. Have to keep a blanket on my sister's old horse (31).
Austin, so glad to hear your happy. Jen, how is the pool? Do you swim? I was on the swim team when I was in high school, but I was so slow, coach never let me compete. I still loved it.

Thanks there assandache. Hey the ICW is a pretty tame place right where we are. When we leave there's some shallow places in the channel so you leave when the tide is right so you can move along before the water runs out. This is a 5'6" draft boat and at a new moon or a full moon the low tides are a little bit lower (and high tides a little bit higher) so you do the time, speed and distance thing to figure out how far you can get and line up a parking spot at the same time.
The boat is new to this guy so issues are showing up on this shakedown and he is just taking care of them one after another. He's worn out with it.
The owner is so nice but I half expect him to show up an say:
Here's 200 bucks. Rent a car and go home. I'm selling this thing.

Austin! So glad you are so happy!
Well, when I started this thread I wanted to live in a world of boats. And here we are.



OK: watching Bad Dog on animal planet and there's a story about a guy who raised a raccoon. Drove him nuts. Great racoon pictures though.

Meanwhile! That must have been quite a jump. You be One with the Horse!


Jen good for you -you so deserve things to go your way for a change-enjoy the Y

good for you Bobbie you need to be happy-feels good doesn't it -being happy-I never expected to be really happy-the last nine months have been so wonderful-the bad long years are being pushed away.

Bobbie that all sounds too scary for me! I like my feet planted on the ground...Though I do love the sunsets...

Good Morning Crew,

Thanks for the positive thoughts meanwhile and austin and assandache and all! Means a lot.

Jen! Going to the Y! Yes! Bus pass! Yes! I love me a nice pool too! You enjoy and enjoy and enjoy! Love you Jen and I know that we are all so glad you are going to be able to go.

We made Fernandina Beach yesterday afternoon and will be here for a day or two for an electrical repair.
This is a pretty town and marina and the sunsets are spectacular.

We were in the ICW and the voltage dropped on the port side of the boat and took out all of the gauges and instruments. We arrived with nothing more than a compass since the chartplotter, depth sounder, gps, radio, radar, everything! went dark. The ICW is pretty well marked but you can still run aground if you can't see the depth (depth sounder). We stayed behind a big trawler figuring that they had a similar draft and since Fernandina is right on the channel, we called them on the cell phone, showed up and they gave us a nice slip. Electrical repairs today.

The captain is a nice man and a new big boat owner. He is amazed at how many things can go sideways on a boat and how the thing can scare you to pieces.
While we were underway and the voltage was dropping it triggered a high water alarm in the bilges and that was scary.
I drove while he checked out the engine room and then he drove while I checked out the forward bilge. Dry as a bone thankfully.

This boat looks fancy and goes fast but it makes me thankful for my trawler more and more every day. My trawler is so much cheaper to run, as in miles per gallon as opposed to gallons per mile!

Welcome to the new posters: Countrymouse! MsCellophane40s! ypiffani! Crystalx10! Jennifers!

Good to see you Flex!

Cuz! How is everyone?

OK, I can hear the Captain moving about. Coffee time!


Wow - I'm impressed! Meanwhile2, I think the rider must be pretty cool as well!

Jen that is great. You so deserve something good in your life. You too Bobbi.
Austin, so sorry about your friend. Sharyn, hope something works out for your sister.
Welcome to the new people. Post whatever you like, it helps.
Cold and foggy here, but not as bad as farther north, and the power stayed on (so far). Did have a nice day on Wednesday (70 degrees). Indio and I saddled up the 2 young horses and went for a ride. Omaha decided to leap up a six foot bank with me. It was startling, but he is so graceful, I didn't loose my seat. Still made him go back and walk up the bank like he should. Hope everyone is staying warm, and has a good weekend.

My biggest problem is trying to keep the "This is completely normal and not totally freaking me out" act going as I try so desperately to allow my father to keep the dignity that he so deserves. But I have come across some problems doing so any suggestions on how to fix these kinks in my plan will be greatly appreciated.
1. Now my father has gotten so used to nothing grossing me out he seems to think anything goes. I could put examples here but I am not kidding even this forum might not believe some of them. Images come to me at different times of the day and I mentally shudder and try to push them away.
2. As word has spread thru the family tree of my ability to handle anything relatives feel free to call me up to do things they themselves don't want to do. (Would you take Fido to the pound we can't have him in the house anymore. Hey do you know anything about septic systems, etc.)
Nobody tells you how hard you are going to work trying to balance doing what is needed of you and still trying to maintain that ever important dignity of someone who has loved and cared for you so selflessly in the past.

Thanks bobmioetser and any one who prayed for me...IT WORKED...this morning mom said I have decided we are going to go down and get you signed up at the Y and get you a bus pass!!!!! omg I mean OMG!!!
had to deal with her flipping out about how to get into the parking lot and being mad, but she did it, put it on her credit card, they don't do cash...but I am a member!


I am gonna go SWIMMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they can all get a look at my fat butt!:)

It will be ten degrees on Monday and I don't care...therapy....then swimming and no more lugging quarters for bus fare!

Take care stay safe and warm everyone...Jen

I feel you, today my dad ate chocolate cake I had hidden (not well I must say) with tongs... yes tongs, the kind you flip bacon with... HOW??? I don't know he did it before anyone else got up. Growing up my parents were sticklers for chewing with your mouth closed(you'd get stabbed with a fork if they heard food smacking in your mouth) and tapped on the hand if you made the knife or fork scrape the plate. Now... it is like listening to a Great Dane at a Buffet table and more ends up on the floor than in his mouth, luckily his faithful dogs are there to eat it as it falls (ICK!!) I can't be in the same room sometimes, especially with soup, his speech therapist recommended soup more and so I TRY and do it. It happens to be a great diet though, he starts eating ... I stop. Good luck with your loved ones.

Bobbie good to hear from you. A friend from our senior center had just moved into an AL and now has had a stroke-I went to see her today and she is not doing well-I do not expect her to make sometimes I wish I was not a nurse-I passed on the information to two of her good friends-it is so sad-she had been so excited two weeks ago about the AL and now this-have to remember we are not promised a tomarrow -this brings it home about not sweating the small stuff.

Bobbie good for you!! Every one of us deserves happiness!

"The wicked envy and hate; it is their way of admiring"

Oh Jen,
I am so sorry about your mom. She has the disease and can't help. She's saying one thing and 10 minutes later doing another! WTF!! Not just or sane.

Steal the money and save yourself!!! Don't let them do this to you because then it will be dementia claiming 3 lives instead of 2! Survive this so yu can live because wonderful things are waiting for you!

Jen and Crew, I have hesitated telling you guys because I know how much each of you, in the trenches, are suffering.
Mame! Jen! Juju!

For the past few days I have been on a yacht delivery with her owner as first mate and cook. Even though the owner is a sweetheart who lost his wife 3 years ago and is just now surfacing from his grief. He still will tear up and tell me another story about a pretty cool lady and I just listen and try to make the right noises at the right times because at the end of the day we all need to be listened to.

I never thought I would be happy again or able to laugh and have fun doing something. I love boats and working on this boat is a joy. I only cook half the time because he just wants to go out and do the restaurant thing.

I am so lucky. I will enjoy this while it lasts!

It's been a little over 3 years since my mom died and I was her full time caregiver. It's taken awhile for me to work through the anger and despair and move on but I am proof it can be done.
We have success stories here of survival of one of the most brutal situations an unsuspecting person can be thrust into.
Austin and Ted come to mind immediately. Meanwhile, even though you are dealing with your mom and all of that responsibility. I love it that Indio is there and you guys are making a life.

There are more I know but it's getting near departure time and I can't think to write!
Sharynmarie! the new room sounds good for your mom and sorry about your sister. That sux.

OK, I had more folks to write but he just started the engines and we have to switch over the power so I have to turn off the computer.
Detroit 892s. They sound so good!

love you guys way more than you'll ever know.


Sorry to hear about your sisters reduced work load, man they are gonna kill us with money.... know....the usual bullshit....

My mom asked me an hour ago... "You were just going to check out the Y right, didn't you say you wanted to just go look?....." and "How are you going to do the finances?"

I looked at her and said..."I HAVE no money..." (duh) The two hundred I got for Dec gone to hospital bills co pay and medication that doesn't help me sleep or stop the nightmares....

I told my therapist Wednesday, I have to give up on ever getting what I need from my mother, she was never there for me and she never will be...This is like, the year she asked if I wanted to just do left overs for my birthday....

God, s*** pants has his crap muzak on..."There goes my reason for living..."

Not mine! I am gonna go cry and pout in the basement and remember I have better things ahead...maybe I will take fifteen bucks and go swim one day and see how I like it...

God when is he gonna die...

Oh and she just deposited $27,000 into his savings from yet another annuity that came due...she has sent a check to her sister for two thousand (you know her sister in the $300,000 home who told me I should just go get a job and give her some money) and one for herself...Grandma used to give then money twice a year....

He's singing, moms snapping at the elderly dog, who is only slightly less incontinent than her father....she doesn't want to do the vet check ups either. Fine. God where is that asteroid...

Pray for me, it is just a misery here...
i hear you cuz. I am hoping for better....


Jen~good for you in demanding the funds to sign up at the Y, you deserve it!!
Jennifers~It does happen so be prepared!

My sister got bad news from from employer of 26 years. They reduced her hours to 20 a week. This affects her health insurance with will run out soon. She is only 60 years old...not old enough for SS, I don't know if she can get medicare for her health issues, and I doubt she can get food stamps. This is big blow to sis, her health is declining...mental can google it. She has times where she can't say or pronounce words, do simple arithmetic and I know she is not eating right for the diabetes issues. She thinks if she is keeping her blood sugar under control she is ok, but she is not getting or eating meat for protein. Financially she is in a hard place. She thinks she can handle a second part time job even if it means working late at night. Her employer will let her work the 20 hours how ever it fits her needs.

Thanksgiving went well for us. We moved mom into anther room , decorating it before we moved her since she won't let us decorate since it makes it permanent to her. Her old room wasn ear an exit that residents will try to escape through, then in their confusion, would try to get in mom's room. Mom has been standing guard at door. The new room is larger, we moved over a love seat plus the bathroom is private,,,she doesn't have to with nest door resident, and lock on her door with a key so she feels more secure. The caregivers have a key to get in.

Blessings to everyone, I hope you are all doing as well as can be expect with your situations!!

Nope giving up the driving was easy however that has been the only easy thing he has done. Nope, I'm talking about turning on the stove, washing the dishes and letting them melt on the stove. I now un plug the stove every morning, before I leave for work. Unfortunately trying to get someone in all day has been more difficult then I thought. Home care gives me 45 mins 2 days a week. how ever she stays for 6 mins. and leaves. Teddy cam., want to make sure no one was hurting my dad. I cant quit my job or we will end up living in my car. Thanks for listening and the hug. it really helps to hear from everyone. your ideas and stories have really helped me understand this disease so again THANK YOU!

I had no idea any of this can happen. Thank you, truly. If it happens, I won't be surprised.

Moms starting to talk about bringing his tax info in to the Y as be it ma, you wanna pay 108 instead of 31 because his money is counted as our money even when he doesn't pay us be it!
what ever, going to pick up the snow thrower...hope we don't need it...

Hang in there dear Jen. Things are going to happen when you least expect it. It will all fall into place and you will be on the way to being a new lady with all the new stuff that will be set in front of you. Hugs to you many times over.

That's what I am thinking...
No money for the Y... Therapist said demand it for your mental and emotional health...So I did! Sign up Friday....Jen

Welcome Crystalx, don't know what to tell you about your Dad. Hope your not talking about driving. My mother gave up driving, but my step dad refuses to give up his car keys. But this is a great site to vent your frustrations. Your a good daughter to try and take care of your father when he needs help, just remember to try and look after yourself.
Well, Jen, it sounds like FP is getting worse. Hang in there it will end.

Hi everyone Im really new to this. Im the youngest of 13 kids and the only one who would step up to look after our dad. He is starting to do things that are destructive or harmful. he is 85 im 45. How do I get him to stop...or do I? is there a nice way to say your not allowed to do that anymore.

He yelled at mom and accused her of lying about how often he has been in the bathroom....been three days again now....Yes we make this s*** up because it is so fun...stupid old bastard...

Juju, hope that check gets where it belongs soon. Diane, so good to hear from you, get over that cough. My boss seems to have it, hope I don't catch it. Gladimhere, the urine specimen, reminds me last time I had to take my Mom to the Dr. She had a UTI, and couldn't pee. The nurse tried giving her water to drink, but she doesn't like city water it has chlorine in it, so I go to the grocery store and buy her bottled water, she says it tastes funny, she won't drink that either. So I go back to the store to get her cranberry juice, you guessed it she didn't like the kind I bought. I had bought myself a zero calorie power aid, and she looks at that, and thinks it looks good (because I was drinking it). It's been hours we have been waiting for her to pee in the @#$%^ cup, so I give here the zero, and finally she can give the Dr a urine specimen.

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