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ok I just checked and they sent a check yesterday, did the tracking on it and it made it from Seattle to a town 40 miles north of me then they sent it from there back up to Portland, 200 miles north, Ughhhhhhhh, what the heck? So it will not be here today I assume, but at least tomoro I hope....which is scheduled to be the coldest day of the season so far! I cannot believe this tho...this check is jinxed! I bet the original is in mail today after they stopped payment, lol!!!! OH well!!!

HI everyone,
Hope everyone had a good holiday.

Well momma is doing good, no cold or infection progressing.

Jen, hang in there and Get to the Y, It will be good for you. And volunteering at the library would be wonderful outlet also! Take advantage of any opportunity to get out and away for a bit!!!

I am so frustrated with the mortage company been waiting on them sending a check for two weeks now and apparently went usmail instead of FedEx as they told me it would. well still should have been here last week. Waiting to see if they are sending a replacement, overnight this time! It did warm up a bit last week but next couple days taking a dip again!

Good to hear good news from you DTFlex!!!
Everyone, Captn, cuz, meanwhile, mame, everyone hang in there!

Hi crew!
It's been quite awhile since I last posted but I sure have missed you all. I'm doing pretty good. I'm working full time and actually escorting some tours. Trying to get my life re-established financially has been a slow process, but at least I have a roof over my head. I went to Savannah to spend Thanksgiving with my best friend and her family. It was the first family celebration I had been part of in over 3 years. I enjoyed the cooking, eating and friendship. My gift from Thanksgiving was a bad case of bronchitis. I have been coughing my head off. I don't have a cold, but something went straight to my chest and I have been a coughing fool since last Wednesday.
Well I am going to try get on to and see if I have any success getting a less expensive plan that I can afford. Being without insurance has been tough. Take care everyone and I'm sending lots of hugs. Love ya, Diane

agree bobmiester..volunteering can lead to paid employment....

funny about urine specimens, had my mom to the doc for one. She naturally couldn't go. Went to waiting room to have her drink water. Finally she thought she could get the job done. Back to the restroom, oops, still nothing. I went back to waiting room for more water, mom took little sip, then set the water cup on sink, still waiting, finally success. Took another drink of water. She then looked at the water cup, remembered that she had drank from that cup. Panicked because she thought she had drank the the specimen. The look on her face, was priceles!L0L! We sure had fun with that one.

Out of the mouth of babes
This is what happens when your child is exposed to too many commercials on TV. A Baptist pastor was presenting a children's sermon.
During the sermon, he asked the children if they knew what the resurrection was. Now, asking questions during children's sermons is crucial, but at the same time, asking children questions in front of a congregation can also be very dangerous.Having asked the childr...en if they knew the meaning of the resurrection,
a little boy raised his hand........
The pastor called on him and the little boy said, "I know that if you have a resurrection that lasts more than four hours you are supposed to call the doctor." It took over ten minutes for the congregation to settle down enough for the service to continue.

Have a great day in the Lord.

Jen, you get to that pool. I'm like you I love water.
Fixed Thanksgiving dinner for everyone on Saturday. Mom was her usual crabby, whiny complaining self. My best friend brought a couple of dishes, and all mom could do was criticize. So embarrassing. Fortunately, stepdad packed her up and took her home early.
Jen, I talked to another friend who recently retired from a library job. Asked him how he got hired. He said he started out as a volunteer, and when a paid position came up they gave it to him.

Hanging in there thanks bobbie and mame...looking at the YMCA membership info here. I can't prove lack on income so I will just spend my 200 for Dec and get to that damn pool!!!!

Cuz-my hubby is an computer nerd-loved the frozen windows! Thanks!
Hi Bobbie. Margaritas it is!
Jen-love ya woman! Wish I could wisk you away-I am sure we all do!
Hey Meanwhile-has the house heated back up since the power was off?? Wow-you got hit bad!
Hey Countrymouse-were you able to get a good sample?
Hello Echomom-how was Thanksgiving?
Austin-did you get hit with the bad weather? We got some snow and cold but nothing much to write home about!
Juju-how you holding up in your one room???
Kids are back to college today. Will be a let down but it was a nice visit. Home again in like 3 weeks for Christmas break! It will go by fast I am sure!
Gotta run. Better attitude for me today after a horrible one yesterday! My husband is thankful!!! :) Mame

Love you Jen.
you are stronger than you know and I know you are using strength and energy that you don't have. I know your strength and energy accounts are seriously overdrawn but you are still not giving up. Keep on minute by minute, inch by inch. It has to end soon! omg please end soon so Jen can be free of the crazy.

Thank you meanwhile. I am doing my best, it is day by day and I am the only one who can fix me. but I will take all the help and prayers and good thoughts I can get...

Jen, please get better.

I couldn't do lunch. I was sent to the Psychiatric Ward by my therapist...She was that worried...I asked about transitional housing, not available. and as I am not a battered woman or have children or a displaced home maker, I do not qualify for help of any kind. At least the diagnoses of PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder may help my case with SSI.
I am just so wiped out...

Hi to all have a good weekend...Jen

On a very cold morning

Wife texts husband on a cold winter’s morning:
“Windows frozen, won’t open.”

Husband texts back:
“Gently pour some lukewarm water over it.”

Wife texts back 5 minutes later:
“Computer really screwed up now.”

Wouldn't you say that this one is very similar to the one about the man who used his daughter's iPod to swat a fly?


Cuz thank you, that was very nicely put, brought a tear to my eye!
Thank you Capn Bob and oh the Boils!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Crew!

Mame!! Boat Time!! Magaritas!

Hope everyone has as sane a time as they can.

It is so good to hear from everyone and if it's griping and venting, even better. Don't hold it in and make yourselves sick. Write it out and get it out of you!

Thanksgiving Day Boils go to:

All the siblings that are too dense and self centered to care enough to give someone a break from the soul killing routine.

A caregiver's number one responsibility is to live through this and take her or his life back when the time comes. Live through this and LIVE after this.

Don't forget.


Happy Turkey Day to all!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

It's not gross exactly, I've seen worse, but it's urine sample time again and two mornings running… let's just say mothe's aim is a bit off. Third time lucky tomorrow?

Cuz hope you have a good Thanksgiving one of the things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving are your jokes that keep us going all year long.

Happy Turkey day. Hopefully everyone has a nice day. Thoughts and prayers go out for everyone of you beautiful caregivers. Thank you for all that you have given up over the years to care for loved ones that others don't care too. Think about the pay it forward and hopefully when your time comes that there will be someone with the kind heart that you all have. Enjoy the good food. Blessing from the Brinks family to yours.

Time to quit drinking

A drunk gets up from the bar and heads for the
bathroom. A few minutes later, a loud, blood-curdling scream is heard
from the bathroom. Then, nothing.

But, after another minute or two,
another loud scream reverberates
through the bar. The bartender goes into the
bathroom to investigate why the drunk is screaming.
"What's all the screaming about in there?" he
yells through the door. "You're scaring my

"I'm just sitting here on the toilet minding
my own business," slurs the drunk, "and every time I try to flush, something
comes up and squeezes the hell out of my nuts."

The bartender opens the door, looks in, and says, "you're sitting on the mop bucket"

Hey Cuz, thanks for the jokes.

Well just caught up on the last 4 days of posts. I spoke too soon about the power being out only 4 hours last Saturday. Right after that it went out again, and just came back on this evening. The ice snapped power poles off like tooth picks. 3 down on my road. But, over 60 poles broken off in the area. 4 of the small towns were completely without power, so those of us outside the city limits were last to get our power back. Had to move Mom and step dad here, since sis and I heat with a wood stove. Burned up a months supple of wood keeping the house warm enough for them. They both start to shiver if the temp drops below 72. Don't know how you do it Juju. Since we get our water from a well, no electricity means no running water. Had water in the cement tank, in the big greenhouse, for the animals and flushing toilets. It holds almost 10,000 gallons, just carrying it up by the bucket full was a lot of work. The temperature has been dropping into the 20's every night, I don't know how people with no other heat source made it.
Mame, sorry your family is no help. Hope your mom's surgery works out. Juju, hope you get your house fixed soon. You don't need that extra stress. Jen, how are you holding up? Sorry about your plant.
Well, I was going to fix a turkey tomorrow, but may be just hot dogs instead. Right now I just want a long hot shower. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Good to catch it early juju! Good luck.

Mom has her usual "storm headache" She is pretty pitiful. She had woken up with a bad dream this morning. Glad I was here to have her talk it out. Just makes me angry tho...At God for having her remember bad things in the form of dreams..when she remembers so little-why can't it be good stuff? Also makes me angry at the siblings who never are here to help her at a time like that. At times, I think I am over the anger at them and then something like this happens and it rushes back in. I want to write a book-"where were you?" and list all the bad dreams, sicknesses, hospital or dr visits, urgent whatever she calls me for...wouldn't do any good and would only piss me off more. I know, I know, I should write it about all the good things/times she and I have had but I am just in a dark place at the moment. I think I am tired. And, even with the boys home-I am lonely! They do their thing... and here I am taking care of mom and the every day crap around here. Do the sibs ever think I might want a moment alone with my kids while they are home where mom won't call out and interrupt? And then there is me-who, wanting to do what is right and good, invites all the unmarried sibs to Thanksgiving dinner... Two offered to bring something...the other said he wouldn't miss it but is table hopping so.... Whatever. I guess he will be here when he gets here... Have any of them offered to stay with mom after dinner so we can go see Hubby's parents after dinner? Gee, I sure wouldn't want to put them out. Whatever. And, I will be cooking and wiping mom's butt with no help either. The other day, a bro visited and I was in the basement or something and mom had to go potty-he came out to the living room and got my husband. My husband took care of his mother on the pot. My husband...not her son. And I am supposed to be happy that he even came. Thank you-let me bow down as I am not worthy! I know some people just can't do the bathroom thing with their parent...but get over it! I had to! I used to gag like crazy-and she would laugh at me! It wasn't easy for me in the beginning-do they think it was and is easy for me? UGH! I am so angry. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I am supposed to feel thankful. Guess I need to change my attitude. So easy to do. HA.
Where is everyone? I baked my apple pie and cooked my acorn squash this morning. What is everyone else doing? Thanks for listening to me gripe. Sorry. Mame

Quick hello and another wish for a safe and warm and happy holiday wherever and however you can!
Went to the meeting and that was good! I am worrying over mom as she has had a lite wet cough I have been monitoring, the phlegm and it is yellow now not clear like me, sign of possible infection so I think I will err on the side of caution and take her in to have them listen to her chest and maybe A/B's!

Take care and my love and appreciation to all.....gobble gobble, get your grub on!!!!


Thanks Juju-and there are conflicting opinions about whether it is neurological or not... But if they cut the tendons, she will have 2 floppy fingers...but at least she can get them around things instead of crushing them... The Hand Dr also said maybe he could add to the tendon to extend I would hope it won't happen again or that would be a waste! I will ask!
Austin-we are having (wet) snow now. Everyone is closing down after school activities etc. Later it is supposed to turn into freezing rain. I will be happy to be at home with no where to go! We can eat cake all night long as I have made two-one for my son's bday today and one for his g'friend who had her bday on the 20th! Pig out!!!! We will be eating all week and weekend! UGH! But fun! :)

Mame my part of NY is expecting rain and wind - and starting out with snow in Orange county. But is does feel like snow outside.

I do have a question Mame....if the one doc sed he thought it was neurological, will the problem return again, or is the surgery a permanent fix, did they give you any feedback on that?? sorry for prying but just curious, as we can all learn something possibly!
N sorry for nagging about everything again, It is just so hard the first 1/2 of the day till things warm up and get close to 60 indoors then once it does, the sun goes down, ugghhh! They still did not mail my dang check been promising since last Wednes! so I two weeks away from warmth!

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