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Mame, good you are getting somewhere with the surgery dilemma!
Thanks everyone for being here....I am off to an ALZ ASSC support group meeting I found they have not too far from here....I don't know when they started it but last time I looked in on it, there was none, then I saw the flyer somewhere here in town!!! So I googled it over the weekend and it happened to be today! and I registered with the state that I really am on the healthcare plan, didn't miss a deadline or anything! Not sure how it works and what will cover but something is better than nothing!!! Some therapy is in dyer need!
anyway I digress...
I wish to just say hi and thanks!

Hi all! Good news here. Snotty surgical coordinator called me yesterday and was somewhat better/easier to talk to. Maybe she was having a bad day the last time we spoke. Anyway, she had not talked to the Dr about verifying the type of anesthesia...asked some question where I was like-maybe she has no memory of our conversation.... again she said that he does not do this surgery under a local.... So, I calmly and firmly restated that I was sure he said he could do this surgery knowing mom cannot go under general why would he state that? and would she please check with him... She hesitates and then says, well, there is this other type of medication he can use...not general and not local anesthesia.... So, come to find out, there is something called a MAC-Monitored Anesthesia Care where they give you something to relax but you breathe on your tube or what you get for a colonoscopy she said. So, I called mom's Dr and he said that she could have that!!!!! YEA!!! The OT was here working on mom's fingers & my sis had popped in when it was all taking place so we were all sooo excited! It is so painful to manipulate mom's fingers and watch the OT doing her thing and have mom wincing in pain. The surgery will keep us from having to hurt her trying to open them etc. And once they are open, she won't be smashing them down trying to grasp things like her walker etc. and having such pain with that. I feel there is hope. I have asked that the surgery be scheduled and can't wait to hear. She will still be in a hospital for it-in case there are any problems. I am not sure how long she will have to stay in the hospital-maybe a day. We will know more later. Mom seems good with it when we talk about it. She hasn't asked if the Dr is going to cut her fingers off in a couple days!
So, I am feeling better about this just in time for my sons arrival for his Bday! He is leaving early this morning to beat the bad weather coming tonight/tomorrow and Thanksgiving morning! We will have a nice Bday celebration tonight. And it will be nice to be snug and warm and all together while the weather blows through. Already there are some schools canceling after school activities for this afternoon! Crazy weather across the US! Hope everyone is safe and warm-or at least relatively warm-(juju!).
Have a decent day! Hugs to all! Mame

Oops that was suppose to say up there bout moms makes "quite the noise" sorry

Mame, Hope you can get some resolution and or relief to your mother and her hands....So sorry to hear how uncomfortable it is making her.....

Well now that the worst of this cold has ran it's course, and feeling better all around it is this dang cold house that is affecting me....leaving the room is sooo cold, just to use the restroom....(the mastersuite although kinda large the bathroom is out due to the flooring issue. but the temp floor in there least contains things so I can keep this room warm enough for mom if I close us in) I just want to stay cuddled up in here....but then it is making me a lil stir crazy, to not be able to have my own space to get away from mama for a bit, and her constant fidgeting and growling alllllllllll ddddaaaaayyyyyy n night loooonnnnnggggg! I love her to death but the heavy breathing and growling and the sound her mattress makes when she fidgets, the plastic alternating pressure mattress cover, motor and everytime she moves even a hair makes this quite noise from the rubbing or ???? Man they can get on my nerves, when I am trying to concentrate on things I need to do or read, I have enough trouble reading!!!!!!

Did get the car back, $2,000 later, couple Fridays ago, at least now I can take us all somewhere if I want to! I could not fit the dogs and mom and her wheelchair in the other car therefore I could not be gone longer than I could leave the dogs locked up... We might drive to my friends for Thanksgiving if they don't go to his moms in back in California. If we stay home I am just going to use a gift certificate and get Thai food take out....I am sick of washing dishes in the tub etc.....the less mess the better for a holiday is how I feel right now...or maybe go out to the Casino...see if we can get something sure the formal meal is sold out but maybe something in one of the other restaurants idk...

Well hope everyone stays warm and safe, lots of cold nasty weather across the country and all those & family travelling for the holidays has a safe trip.


Jen ((((hugs))))) yes go out and have a tasty lunch!

Awwwww Jen. So sorry about your plant. I so wish you and your mom could work together and be on the same page instead of the way it seems to be... Passive aggressive? Taking out on you her anger for him? Cause I can't understand why she would be mad at you! Hope therapy goes well for you today and that you can enjoy a nice lunch out! Hugs to you woman! Mame

The Italian Lover

A virile middle aged Italian gentlemen named Guido was relaxing at his favorite bar in Rome when he managed to attract a spectacular young blond woman. Things progressed to the point where he led her back to his apartment and, after some small talk, they retired to his bedroom where he rattled her senseless.

After a pleasant interlude, he asked with a smile, So, you finish? She paused for a second, frowned, and replied. No.

Surprised, Guido reached for her and the rattling resumed. This time she thrashed about wildly and there were screams of passion. The sex finally ended and, again, Guido smiled and asked, You finish?

Again, after a short pause, she returned his smile, cuddled closer to him and softly said, No.

Stunned, but damned if he was going to leave this woman unsatisfied, Guido reached for the woman yet again. Using the last of his strength, he barely managed it, but they ended together screaming, bucking, clawing and ripping the bed sheets. Exhausted, Guido fell onto his back, gasping. Barely able to turn his head, he looked into her eyes, smiled proudly and asked again, You finish?

Barely able to speak, the beautiful blonde whispered in his ear...
No, I Norwegian ...

past worrying here...onto pissed and despairing...

Crap here, stress and regular despair compounded by yet another plant incident...I had a philodendron that was over six feet long, she said we need to put it up on stakes somehow so I brought two dowels in...Come up, next day can't find the thing, looking looking....pot is there with three small leaves on it....I couldn't believe it total replay of the last plant butchery she did two years ago...I got so pissed I went, took the pot out and smashed the damn thing on the patio, was one of my dads pots he had made so that made it all the better...Have spent two days not eating and ignoring everyone...I cleaned up the mess last night and buried the remains in the lilac shrub dirt in the corner of the yard...What is with her and cutting my plants to ribbons? Passive Aggressive?...Think I will steal/borrow my co pay for therapy tomorrow and take myself out to lunch...

Stay warm and well all, if it is all I can do I will too....Love Jen

Wow it sure is cold for you, MW. Those "silly girls", amazing nature, brave the cold for a little tail, lol!!!
It never really pulled above 30 here or just above, for a couple hours before sundown....not sure what temp we got indoors, thermostat stops at 50, so below that. I did buy another large room quartz heater Wednes, running full power got the living area up to bout 53-4 in the am and almost 60 by days end....bearable but I wonder if it is worth the energy to run it???
with the holiday coming up and them delaying my check again also contractors mom was pending a quadruple bypass this past week I'm sure it will be another week before he gets started, after Thanksgiving, im sure! ugggghhhh..

Mame, the mice crack me up, they are little monsters. I had dog n cat food in the file cabinet and inside the control panel of the washing machine. even found some macaroni from the other end of house in my dresser sock drawer (had to dump the whole drawer in the laundry) anyway they are gone now I toted everything edible! BTW I did hear bout that peppermint oil solution only wouldn't work here cause there is wide open spaces to the dirt/under home. what I read sed to stuff cottonballs in the cracks/holes where they might be gaining access....anyway they are gone but they did eat at least $100 worth of food....all moms protein shakes (they chewed right thru the thin foil pulltabs) and big Costco expensive bags of nuts n dry berry's and oatmeal packets pasta n beans etc..
That is so frustrating with the surgery issue. I cant say much as I get to upset bout this stuff...I mean what are we suppose to do if we cant trust our medical professionals. ((((HUGS))) hang in there and just go with your intuition is what I can say!
Be nice to have your son home, happy for you!

Stay warm everyone and hang in there!!!

Meanwhile-I was typing while you posted-WOW-that is pretty coooold for your neck of the woods! Stay warm! And those "silly girls" comment cracked me up!

Snowed here today. Cold and windy here tonight...we will see what we wake up to in the morning!
Could have sworn the Dr said he could do the surgery on mom's hands under a local anesthetic... snotty "surgical coordinator" who I spoke with to schedule the release-(after much thought and chats with mom's OT) was like, "he NEVER does this surgery with a local." "Well then, I must have misunderstood....Would you please verify this with him? Cause, there is no way her Dr will give the ok to put her under general anesthesia with her lung disease.... and I told the Dr that when we saw him"...Not sure why he would even offer to do it then and tell me to think about it and call him when we were ready. trying to figure out plan B. Ugh. I am sad for her cause it is really painful.
Meanwhile-glad the kitty let you care for him!
Juju-good God I hope they can get some of that work done soon! Glad you could chat with your BFF.
Austin, yea, it may be time...waiting till after the Holidays to make any big decisions.
Cuz-what a crack up you are! My favorite-Page yourself over the intercom-don't disguise your voice! Hadn't heard that one before!
Jen-Love the advice your therapist gave you-wish it was as easy to do as that! I keep trying every day to not stress about hard.
Hello Ande and Countrymouse!
My son's Bday is Tuesday and he will be home from college that day for the Thanksgiving break. His girlfriend will be coming too and she just had a bday. So, I got out and got some gifts. Went downstairs to get the wrapping paper from the basement....pull it out-it had been lying on its side-and all this dog food comes pouring out of the roll! Apparently the mice have been stealing the dogs food and hiding it in the tubes!!!!!!! That was good for a laugh! So much for their Thanksgiving feast-I tossed it in the garbage!
Got mom out for a perm the other day. She looks adorable-but keeps forgetting and when she sees herself she is sooooo surprised! :)
Well, I am off to bed. Hope everyone can take a nice deep breath for themselves this weekend!!!! Mame

Oh yeah, and 2 of the nanny goats are in heat. So instead of staying in the nice warm, dry barn, they were out in the freezing rain to hang around the buck pen. Had to drag them back to their barn and shut them in. Silly girls.

So glad your feeling better, Juju. The cranky cat is still hiding in the bathroom, letting me bring him canned cat food and bowls of milk. He may never go back to the barn LOL.
Freezing rain, snow, wind chill 15 F. Had to carry hot water out to the barn to thaw water for the animals. Then middle of the morning the power went out. All that ice and wind broke a power pole off. Poor workers had to fix it in this weather. Bless their hearts they had the pole replaced and power back on in 4 hours.

Glad the kitty is ok, Meanwhile! Feeling much better today...took some babysteps in getting back on track where we were before all this blew up.
faced an issue that held great anxiety and fear for me, just bringing back into the game did feel like an accomplishment... not to continue to bury away something that needs to be done, for fear, then stressing about when will you ever get it done! anyway guess having a little mini meltdown this week was needed to knock me off my pity pot! I also have to credit you all getting back on here and taking time to read back finally at least few weeks what all everyone has been doing..although the comments were not directed at me, I read some that so appropriately suited me and the feelings I was experiencing! I also gave my BFF a call and we had a nice long talk and I was able to verbally release some of this crap building up again!! and talk over some of my ideas and solutions with another living being able to reason!!!
I went to town Friday to do some shopping was in the baby dept to get some Desitin for Mom and could not resist the cutest little set of 3 onsies with pants a blanket and teether to match by Carter's. They are all Monkey themed (I love monkeys) the blanket has a monkey applicae his smile is crooked off to the side and just makes him so adorable!! So baby shower gift taken care of....even its not till Jan!!!
Well battery gonna go so I gotta too!
Hope everyone has a great weekend, we will try here in our icebox!

My cranky old barn cat got his foot stuck. Poor guy, he let me get him loose, without even trying to scratch (unusual for him). Doesn't seem hurt, but he was shivering, could have been stuck for hours. He let me tuck him inside my coat, and carry him to the house. He has never been the friendliest cat, but he took in 2 tiny orphaned kittens, and raised them. So I have a soft spot for the old guy.

Cuz you are killing me in a good way-needed the laughs today

ok had to add this cuz's list:
When riding a roller coaster bring a some nuts n bolts with you and on the way up tap the guy in front of you and tell him they just fell out of his seat!

rename your wifi "FBI surveillience van" (specially in my hood)

Jen.. thank you, I really needed to hear that, such a simple statement and so wise.

oh cuz.....the on!

Pahahahah cuz...the zoo...Yeah, do it!

thanks bobbie, mame juju, meanwhole and austin...Still alive here...unfortunately so is he...what ever. I sleep a lot and read a lot...

My therapist says; if you can't; do anything about a situation, stop making yourself crazy over worrying about it...It doesn't fix it...agree... jen

The names of diapers

The reason why baby diapers have brand names such as Luvs and
Huggies, while
undergarments for old people are called
When babies poop in
their pants, people are still gonna Luv'em and

When old people poop
in their pants, it Depends on who's in the

Juju, hope you get the house finished soon.. That is so hard living in a construction zone. Wish I lived close enough to come help. I'm learning some about construction. Helped Indio put a new metal roof on a house last week, and I replaced a ceiling fan all by myself (It even works LOL).
Jen, how are you holding up? Things will get better.

Funny ones Cuz! needed a laff this morning!

Check is delayed again, so next week for construction to start....dang it, is cold here, but guess could be worse...twenties at nite and 40's day time with no proper flooring does give a chill to the place! and cant blow the heater cuz the vents are under the temp floors which don't cover the entire home so there is wide open spaces. Amazingly tho since I got so tense and stressed in June with mom n whole hospital incident....I have anxiety and in n out of the "dark dumps" but not the stress that was physically hurting my neck, back, n arm.....Im hoping this is a sign I will get thru this OK!!!! I have so much to do to pull my life back together ironically getting up and starting to take care of it is what knocked me back down... things have not been same since we called the insurance company in...set off a chain of events again....that put us behind.
Ya we will have a refreshed home in the end but to do it right is going to take us putting in quite a bit of money....and I have to do it now or never... It wiped us off the county rehab program as well for the other repairs I do all this and spend most of our VA funds (safety net) and still have a bad roof foundation, and the fence fell apart real bad last few months as well now, guess I could just get rid of it as it is mostly decorative, serves no real purpose....dear jump over it, only 3' high and critters go between the vertical slats as they are 4-5" spacing, it doesn't contain anything.
I got to spend the evening and had dinner at my BFF house after moms doc last week that was nice but too short! They finally figured out she tore ligaments in her ankle that actually pulled pieces of bone off with it, but say cant do much but let it heal and PT, but since starting it, has worsened rather than getting better. Hope it is just temp due to the start of exercising.
So far mom seems to have avoided catching my cold, I always get so scared of anything respitory at her age and condition. and thank goodness mine didn't get real bad (in the chest) mostly head but I am coughing quite a bit. I definitely have had worse. anyway my point is this one wasn't that bad so if she does get it hope wont be that hard on her.
Have a good day to all!

I laughed 'til I cried, thank you - only please don't do 13. xxx

I just feel so much better now!

To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity

1.. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on
and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars..... See If They Slow Down.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice.
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something,
ask If They Want Fries with that.
4. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks . Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.
5. In the Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write ' For Marijuana'.
6. Skip down the hall Rather Than Walk and see how many looks you get.
7. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.
8. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is 'To Go'.
9. Sing Along At The Opera.
10. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend
Their Party Because You have a headache.
11. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream 'I Won! I Won!'
12. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Parking lot,
Yelling 'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!'
13 . Tell Your Children Over Dinner, 'Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.'

And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity

I hate it when this happens!

One Hell of a Day!!

I was sitting there at the bar staring at my drink when a large, trouble-making biker steps up next to me, grabs my drink and gulps it down in one swig.

"Well, whatcha' gonna do about it?" he says menacingly, as I burst into tears.

"This is the worst day of my life," I say.

"I'm a complete failure. I was late to a meeting, and my boss fired me.

When I went to the parking lot, I found my car had been stolen, and I don't have any insurance.

I left my wallet in the cab I took home.

I found my wife with another man... and then my dog bit me.

So I came to this bar to work up the courage to put an end to it all... I buy a drink, I drop a cyanide capsule in, and I sit here watching the poison dissolve.and then you show up and . . . . . . drink the whole damn thing!

... But hell, enough about me, how are you doing?"

Good Morning gang! Cold is doing much better today. now I need to get these floors put in so we can get some heat here.....I think that is what made me sick, going in n out of the bedroom I've heated with a space heater to the cold living and bathroom. Temps are dropping now below freezing at night. I am thankful we did have an indian summer....only patches of the rain/cold so far but I can tell winter is now here to stay!

Jen...I pray for you, I really truly understand how you feel and wish I could make it better. Keep hangin in there, and check in, we need you here!

Well my caregiver hurt her back and has been out for a couple weeks, she is coming back today but cannot do much but sit with her.

Mame... oh my there you go on the merrygoround....that does make sense tho if they are caused by ministrokes...cortisone or surgery probably aren't solution but where do you go from here? a neurologist maybe?? idk?

Well I have been thinking about taking mom back to the respite program for a few days but I am truly scared! at I know i need the break but if something happens to her while she is there i will not be able to cope with it. (reminder; first day i picked her up with soaking wet shitty diaper and filled her up on coffee which i specifically told them not to do! I don't know what to do...
also i still have to get her up, changed, dressed...75minutes round trip to drop off and again to pick up and then worry the whole day while she is away! it just seems like more stress than respite to me. I just don't know what to do...i do want a break so bad. but really i do want several days in a row, a break from midnite alarm for diaper change, a morning to wake up and have the day to me, etc..... so i ramble......
anyway off to take on the day, lol!!!

take care my friends....

Sick here with the soar throat/cold thing going around. Hope mom doesn't get it!
The visit with the orthopedic hand specialist for mom's contracted fingers didn't do much for us. Sigh. Still the same questions-do we have the surgery done or not? Can it be done without putting her under and will it be worth it in the end? The OT comes today and I will talk with her about what the Dr said. He did say he thinks the contractions are neurological and that they are caused by mini strokes! Shots of cortisone or whatever won't do any good he said. Mom asked him twice if he was going to cut her fingers off!!!
On a good note-her bro came and visited her yesterday. He is getting a little forgetful too! It was a nice visit and she was happy to see him.
Gonna take mom out tomorrow and get her hair cut and permed for the holidays. Should be fun. I will get my hair trimmed at the same time.
Juju-glad you had a free moment with the leaves! Austin-I am getting closer and closer every day...especially now that I don't feel good!
Love ya all! Mame

seals n croft-summer breeze......makes me feel fine, blowing with the jasmine in my mind!

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