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Mame your so brave. Hope the roller coaster settles down soon. Write as much as you want, we care about you. Some people say meditation works for them. I'm too fidgety to meditate. But, try and find some time for yourself, doing something you enjoy, even if it is just for 5 minutes.
Bobbi, your a better shot than I am, mice are tiny and quick.
Everyone have as good a week as they can. Love Shirley

Hi all. I may have mentioned a while back that I wanted to go off my anti anxiety meds. Well, I have been weaning off over the last few months and am now one week med free! It has been a hell of a week. I really didn't realize how much the meds suppressed EVERYTHING! Nothing tastes right...emotionally I am raw and cry or get pissed or sad at the drop of a pin. Also the dizziness! Ugh. My counselor told me I needed a plan for when I went off-he didn't really elaborate cause we were talking about whatever...and I really couldn't imagine what he meant. He didn't know my timeframe of when I wanted to be done-and I wasn't sure either-I could have stayed on the lowest dose for months-but I just wanted done! So, in between visits-I was done with the bottle and didn't refill! Yay! Wow! What an eye opener. I thought since I went from higher to lower doses over months that it would all come back gradually-stupid me. I mean, some of it came back gradually-I could see some differences with each lower dose...but from the lowest to none-WOW! It has really been a roller coaster ride and I am a tad angry with my Dr and my counselor for not preparing me better. I know that I am raw now but that the skin will grow back and I will find my new normal. I am not sorry I was on it all these years-I do believe it REALLY helped me. And, I am glad I went off... I just wish I was a little more prepared for the onslaught of emotions. That it would be that strong and uncontrollable. Sobbing, anger and sadness so far! Can't wait for happy! Think-The Grinch- when his heart grows and he screams "I'm FEELING" Yea, that is me this week.
(Or if you are a Star Trek lover-thing Data and the emotion chip!)
Mom hasn't been very well either so that didn't help! Visiting Nurses are coming today. She is pitiful-as if in pain all the time... making these noises but says she is fine. She just seemed to become a really old lady overnight.... (my sis mentioned that) Not sure what is up. We see the Ortho for her contracted fingers next week-which are really effecting her daily living...pushing the walker and getting herself up in the night-so I am needed much more that I was... Nursing care ramping up it seems....she was a nurse and I always tell her she is going to make a nurse out of me yet! Maybe I picked the wrong time to go off the meds! Today is better than yesterday for I hope to find my new normal soon and deal with life in a better way than the last week!!!!
I really feel for all of you-and care about you very much. Sorry to talk all about me. I have been reading and keeping up-Hugs to all of you! Mame

Bobbie thanks for noticing but I think I will pass this one along to dear Jen. I think she can use it more than I can right now so when the time comes it is hers.
Love ya Cuz

Oh Mame!
So sorry about the funk you are in. Try and try and try to stay as sane as you can.

There is no way to happy talk your way out of it and when it was happening to me I couldn't listen to preaching or pep talks. Just made me sadder.

I will tell you that one time I shot a field mouse with a .223 assault rifle. Was up at my cabin and the little buggers were taking over. One ran out of the house and the rifle was near the door and oh you get it. Finally had to resort to D-Con. Hated to do it but there were too many and I was able to put the stuff where my dogs didn't get to it.
The mice trashed the house for the last time and I had to pull out the weapons grade mice murdering chemical a-bomb stuff. Sometimes it's just the way it goes.

Love ya Mame. This will pass, I swear it.

Cuz! Forgot to holler about the boat time you got a few pages ago. Sorry. Was blown away by the jaw story!


In a deep funk here. But, for mice-try peppermint oil on cotton balls....supposed to drive them out! Trying it here as they are moving in due to the cccoooolld! Hi to everyone. Lurking about. Mame

I was wondering the same-let him be placed-by now your Mom must agree.

Wht can't your mom use fp's money to place him? wtf??
This is criminal!

Cuz! Glad your jaw is better and it sux about Mike. Tell everyone I said hi.

Austin! sounds like a good Thanksgiving with a sweet guy.

Juju! Meanwhile! Kuli! sharynmarie! Everybody!


It's blowing 20 out of the NE so the boat is pinned against the dock and rocking a little. Making spaghetti.


cause it can only get worse here.......Heavy snow, lots of issues and possible placement of fp in a nursing home and mom having to sell the house and we live on food stamps because of it...This is gonna be wonderful. I am really enjoying my life now...Jen...make it stop...

Bobbie good to hear from you our Cap't-my honey and I are doing well-it is so nice to share the ups and downs of life with a nice person-I am looking forward to the holidays so much -last year I had a broken heart from the relationship I was in. I like to keep the holidays simple-will cook Thanksgiving dinner for just the two of us but my daughter will be here for Christmas. We both are frugal so will not go crazy spending money we don't have and this will be his first Christmas without his wife-she died about 3 weeks after Christmas last year and his brother died in March. I will try to have my brothers over during the holidays-it has been a year since our mother died and I do not want to lose touch-I will invite them both and who comes comes-I hate to see us not to see each other-unfortunately Mom said things that were not true and caused some hard feelings because of her anger and she became elderly-for what ever reason she did that I can not understand but she was narcisstic.

Thank goodness the skunk wasn't me guys it was meanwhile...but I do dread the day when one of mine tangle with one of them, lol....It is inevitable I think with the JRTerrier.
We did have mice really bad first getting home here. they had moved into the pantry/restaurant....took couple weeks and had to put the food in plastic totes. anyway the JRT was killing for me at night...those lil ba$$tards even cleaned the peanut butter off the trap without it snapping. It did bother me that Ziggy was killing em, putting em in his mouth..they are probably bite back and full of disease...

Hi Bobbie. The jaw is all back to normal so that is good. As for Mike he is retaining a lot of water. He is close to 300#. Seeing he can't walk that much he can't really do that much exercising. The doc is still trying to figure out what's going on. Ma is slowing down but doing good.

Good Morning Crew,

Hey Juju, the Boat Angel just told me about tomato juice and skunk stink. His dad's bird dogs would get sprayed when they were running through the woods looking for quail and they would wash the dogs in tomato juice 2 or 3 times and the stink would go away.
His dad would use 2 or 3 of those industrial size cans of Campbell's Tomato Juice that you can get at the grocery.
Maybe it's the acid in the tomato juice? Dunno.

We are sitting here on this boat in our WalMart fleece bottoms, fleece jackets and fuzzy socks listening to the Cat scratch her way to China in her sandbox. The sun is just over the horizon and the colors are beautiful.

It's good to hear from everyone and I hope everybody is doing the best they can with the insanity they are dealing with.

Meanwhile! You are the epitome of the ranch woman and one of my heros. Just thought I would tell you that.

Jen! It has to end and it will end and you will prevail!

Kuli! It's hard to believe that 2 years have gone by. Bless all of our Tender Hearts.

Linda! Good to see from you and I am glad you have that puppy. The Cat has been a life saver for me, especially since she lets me hug and kiss her without clawing my face off.
Sorry to hear about old Nance. The statistics on lung cancer are astounding and I hope she had peace and comfort.

Austin! What's new in the romance department? You have got to know that we are loving the fact that you are being loved!

Mame! How are you doing? What you are coping with is so sad and I hope that you know you are not alone and I hope you keep venting it out. I'm sorry that I'm not here more often but please know that I read every day and there are many of us that read along without posting and we are all pulling for everyone here.

Cuz! How is your jaw and how is Mike? Please tell your sweet wife and your mom and Diane that I said hi.

lilDeb! How are you doing?

OK, shout outs to everyone, past and present and everyone try to do something nice for themselves today, no matter how little.


I do worry about rabies, it is very common here. Try to keep all the animals vaccinated, even the horses. I've had to get the gun and shoot skunks that were acting sick. 3 in the last 19 years. I always burn the carcass afterwards.

that skunk sounds like he may have had rabies

Know what you mean about dates coming around kuli...Some years, I see them a week off, others they creep up on me...

Everyone is out of the house right now so......DOORS WIPE OPEN, MOPPED FLOORS TOOK ALL THE GARBAGE OUT!!!!

Hmn I have heard tomato juice will do it juju? skunk... saw one a few years back waddlin' down the alley, was so bizarre we are in the city!

Have a good weekend all, Good things in November I hope for us all....


Aweee meanwhile, what a stink...that has got to be awful!

Lil deb, I was wondering how you like that online class. It was mentioned a few times here so I googled it, sounds interesting. they will email me when they offer it again.

Friday, got some catching up to do round here, will be a busy day!

Each n everyone of you, you are special people, try n have a good weekend!

Well, if a baby were doing these things, we would take it in stride and just tend to her. So it's the same with our dearly demented, except they'll just grow into worse behavior rather than growing out of it as a child does. God bless us every one!

Linda -great to hear from you-glad about the puppy

Aww the dogs found a skunk 1st thing this morning. You can guess how that turned out. Old dog not too bad, the younger one has had 2 baths with baking soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, she still stinks. Of course when I tried to leave this afternoon to run some errands, she jumps in the front seat of the car, and doesn't want to get out. Poor thing she doesn't understand why I won't let her climb up in the recliner with me this evening.
Only had 2 little zombies show up for candy, very cute little zombies.
Good to hear from you Kuli, so glad your in a better place.

Yes, Bobbie, October 26th. Thanks for thinking about me. Funny how you remember in detail particular times from that one day. I miss my dad soo much, it hurts deep into my soul to think he's been gone 2 years already. Seems like just yesterday and yet seems like a lifetime ago. My heart goes out to all those who have lost someone special in their life and my prayers go out to all those still caring for someone. I never would have imagined it would take so much out of me. I know I am still not 100% but I am in a much better place than I was one year ago and especially 2 years ago. Hugs to all ~ Kuli

Hi Everyone!!! Happy Halloween! cooling off here, I made a big pot of hamhocks n beans, they came out great so we going to have I warm bowl of beans n popcorn n snacks and watch something scary, maybe! We do not get any tricker treaters here. We could dress up and go downtown but I just remembered bout that right now, been pre-occupied this year...but ya, the businesses downtown all stay open n have treats- n cider n food someplaces etc...
Well we have been sleeping all in one room, me in the recliner. NOw getting colder my 85lb dog has been crawling in the chair with me at night, the other day woke up her stretched out beside me her face snoring in my ear, it was kinda cute but she hadda go down in her bed!
Linda a new pup is nice!

Hope Cleo is getting better Jen, sorry it was so darn expensive!

Reminds me my car costing me $2200...I was not expecting, looking forward to getting it back tho!!!!


HAPPY HALLOWEEN to ALL! Will share a Snickers with mom today. She loves Snickers!
Mom's brother called yesterday. Wants to come visit. He asked me how she is and I told him she is very forgetful. "Yea, I am getting that way too!" He is not ready to hear how bad she really is. I really don't hear from him enough to tell him...not sure if he doesn't care or is just in denial... Not sure what my obligation is to him anyway. Not sure what difference it would make. Always too many questions and too much time to think! haha... Driving myself insane...
Anyway-hello to all and hope you can all have a decent Halloween! Mame

Thanks mame.

Hi Linda great to hear from you, glad you have the puppy to love and love you back!

mmm new appliances for old people, you see those hard to do three d puzzles in catalogs that make you mad just to look at em? It's like that. Maybe you could find an antique store that has an old tv with tubes...IT could happen...

You know I am not that tech savvy myself, but I seriously doubt, if I have the MISFORTUNE to ever live to be that old, that I will be pissed because I can't get an Eight Track Player!

Guess what, you can buy lotto tickets with a check...MMM Good! Jen

Linda so good to hear from you. Glad you have a new puppy to keep you company.

good morning , my dog woke me up at 330 am , let her out to pee . decided to ck out here . i feel so heavy heart to see fp is still kicking . man ! i do miss dad alot but i dont miss tearing up my muscles , sprain my back , be a zombie . dont miss those at all .
i was lost after begin acaregiver . 6 mos ago i got a lit pup . now shes my best friend , so im not lost anymore . clean up her piles poop in the house , sneakiy shit . she dont pee in the house but when it comes to poop shes off to hide and have the quilty look on her face . she knows it is a no no !
how is deef , flex , christina . ? pirate . man those were the good old days ,
austin ... am so happy that ure very happy lady now , havin a companiship is great ,
oh for who remmy NANCE . i think she has gone to better place , she contacted me early spring told me that her daughter is going to take her to hospice place , she has lung cancer , i sent her a card to the place where she was going , she let me know she got the card , then i havent heard anymore from her , i asume she has passed on . she and i would play games on facebook , now i ve lost my friend on facebook ,
nance was always good to me . when someone attacks me on this site , man she jump on here and let em know !! obmaj . :-)
i love you all ... jen - i think of u always ,
going to rain for 2 days here , soppy haloween yikes ,
meanwhile - my mil used to be a cook at the school , to this day she grags everything out of the freezer and sets em on table . she thinks shes gotta fix em all cuz theres people coming , had hard time with her bil felt like putting a pad lock on the frezzer lol . my mil is still walking like a 1 yr old , her mind is gone , wheres the bathroom ? like 100 times a day , where where , u point at the toilet she gives u dirty look uh u want me pee on that ? yes mom thats the toilet . bless her heart , never throws paper away , she hangs on to em like its her dear life . crush em up in a fist , eeekkk , walk by the kitchen table and she wipe my table down with whatever paper shes got in her hands ... she empty her bladder on my couch , im glad she went back home , i do keep her every once a while here so give my bil a break . damn ! i feel bad for my bil . he has to deal with it everyday .
ahh enuff of this . i miss you all and want to hollar and let u know im alright ,
cuz- love them funnies . xoxoxo

Jen, sorry to hear about Cleo. Hope she continues to get better. Mame, you have the patience of a saint. My mother thinks she is cooking Thanksgiving dinner, and inviting company to boot. My step dad has been doing most of the cooking lately, and he really doesn't cook. Can just warm up soup, make toast that sort of thing. So don't know what mom is thinking. Oh yeah, she wants to fix venison, and the company she wants to invite are vegetarian. That should go over really well.

Cuz that is disgusting! But I did laugh...

Sorry Jen.

Dying of boredom here.

Hi Bobbie and Juju and Lildeb and everyone else out there!

Got down to 25 degrees last night! Brrrrrr... Nice day tho. Mom spent most of it in bed. She is making this noise now whenever she moves any part of her self. I ask her if she is in pain and she says no and why am I asking. I told her about the noise and she says she doesn't know why. Hmmmm...
OH-advice to ANYONE thinking of taking a parent in to care for them-Buy a brand new TV that you know will last till they die. We had mom's old TV brought in when she moved here and well, it finally died. Giving a new TV to a person with dementia is AWFUL! She hates it... It is too big. It is too bright. Take it out. I don't want it. We had to dim it so she will watch it! She still keeps asking me what that thing is over there. OH-and a new remote? I fear I may go insane.

And it is bath night for fart pants at the nut house...what ever...he crabbed when she used the bathtub, crabbed when she used the hand clothes, pre moistened and warmed up, wonder if we could hose him off...No,I didn't think so. whatever, her old man her choice her chore.
Reading the Game of Thrones books now, nice and escapist...
He chokes on dinner, I say, why not open a can of soup instead, as usual, she sneers at me, says no, then gets up and opens, yes, a can of soup...whatever back to the battles of Middle Earth.
Oh CLEO is doing OK, but another $800.00 I don't have, I just can't even think about, what does it matter now...
"Stand up I am going to do your back..."
IE the ass you no longer trouble to wipe...why does he even want to live like this?
Can't do therapy for a bit, therapist is going to see if I can have me fees waved for a few sessions...that would help...Have to borrow the bus fare though. Ah my stupid stupid life. Well it's mine anyhow...Syria'd be worse.

I hope everyone is doing OK, stay strong where ever you are...Jen

Do you fart in bed ? If this story doesn't make you cry for laughing so hard, let me know and I’ll pray for you. This is a story about a couple who had been happily married for years, the only friction in their marriage was the husband’s habit of farting loudly every morning when he awoke the noise would wake his wife and the smell would make her eyes water and make her gasp for air. Every morning she would plead with him to stop ripping them off because it was making her sick. He told her he couldn't stop it and that it was perfectly natural. She told him to see a doctor, she was concerned that one day he would blow his guts out. The years went by and he continued to rip them out. Then one Christmas day morning, as she was preparing the turkey for dinner and he was upstairs sound asleep, she looked at the innards, neck, gizzard, liver and all the spare parts, and a malicious thought came to her. She took the bowl and went upstairs where her husband was sound asleep and, gently pulling the bed covers back, she pulled back the elastic waistband of his underpants and emptied the bowl of turkey guts into his shorts. Sometime later she heard her husband waken with his usual trumpeting which was followed by a blood curdling scream and the sound of frantic footsteps as he ran into the bath room. The wife could hardly control herself as she rolled on the floor laughing, tears in her eyes! After years of torture she reckoned she had got him back pretty good. About twenty minutes later, her husband came downstairs in his blood stained underpants with a look of horror on his face. She bit her lip as she asked him what was the matter. He said, “Honey you were right… all these years you have warned me and I didn't listen to you.” “What do you mean?” asked his wife. “Well, you always told me that one day I would end up farting my guts out, and today it finally happened, but by the grace of god, some Vaseline and two fingers. I think I got most of them back in…….............…..”

Oh Jen....
Oh Mame..




Kui! How are you doing? I know you are in the anniversary zone... a few days ago right?


I hope Cat is doing ok with her illness and that she is recovering well.


ok, I know that there's so many more of us and I hope all are doing the best they can with what they have to deal with.

Everybody Check in and who's going to get Boat Time?


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