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Pfizer Corp. announced today that Viagra will soon be available inliquid form, and will be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beveragesuitable for use as a mixer.It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiffone. Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink, and it givesnew meaning to the names of "cocktails", "highballs" and just a goodold-fashioned "stiff drink". Pepsi will market the new concoction bythe name of: MOUNT & DO.Thought for the day: There is more money being spent on breastimplants and Viagra today than on Alzheimer's research.This means that by 2040, there should be a large elderly populationwith perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no recollection ofwhat to do with them.If you don't send this to five "old" friends right away, there will befive fewer people laughing in the world

Hey Juju! Glad to hear from you! Thanks Cuz for letting us know about the Cap'n! Was wondering... Jen-now the song for Red Robin is going thru my head! I understand why it was a stressful meal...sorry you couldn't have enjoyed it more. Peacestalker-ewww...that is gross... better hide that! Welcome!

I caught my mom using Vagasil to brush her teeth instead of Crest after she told me her toothpaste has a funny flavor.

It posted before I was done. If the need arises let me know and I will be sure to get a hold of her. Hugs to all.

Hey fellow shipmates, I just got off the phone with my cousin Captain Bobbie. She wanted me to tell you that she hasn't been able to get on line for quite awhile. She says hi to everyone and sends her love to all of you. She thinks of everyone on here and hopes that the internet service will be fixed in the near fut future.

HI everyone,
haven't had Inet access since Sept 12, Day after losing my boy... Just want to say hi, love you guys and miss everyone and everything here...hopefully will get inet next week...

MOm is good still in cast, new one last week at check up

been crazy as usual still hanging by a thread....

Love you all and hope things get better for us alL...

(HAD Typed big long post and lost it wifi, sitting outside of library )


I went into a Red Robin I think...I was so addled, I hardly knew. I know I got my lemonade though and a Chicken Cesar wrap. it was fun ( and stressful) and I tipped the waitress six bucks, on a $14.00 with HIS money hahahahaha!!!

Now I want to borrow the money to put back in the wallet, see if my brother will loan it to me for November,. I have five hundred in hospital bills so far and not a cent left to pay back with till Nov...

God my life is stupid...beh money....

You deserve to splurge Jen! Where did you eat???
Meanwhile-I love to ride! I only go in the fall tho-and only on trail rides...haven't gone in a few years... Would love to go! Exciting about the eagle!
Nice thunder and lightening storm this morning. Will cool things down a bit...but the weatherman says not too much! I will take this nice weather we have been having as long as it stays! Love it!
Mom is sleeping late. I gotta get her up and drinking tho. Hope everyone has a decent Friday! Mame

Love October too meanwhile...just got home. I stole $70.00 from the grocery money and went and took my self to town and went shopping and bought stuff to send pan pal and a journal and treated myself to dinner out, first time in two years...I would do it again too... got home late mom pissed, I don't care, I feel I am losing my mind here. I will take that boat time cuz!
clearing out....Jen

I love the month of October. Great weather, and the cobwebs in my house become Halloween decorations.

Mame, good to hear from you. That is such a tough call about your mom not wanting to drink enough. Not a good sign.
Indio and I took an 8 mile ride, it was great. I rode Omaha, and he didn't spook or jump once. Even on the stretch along the highway with a big semi truck going by.
Cuz, I'm almost afraid to ask, but how is your brother doing?
We rode past the eagle nest, and they have a fledged chick. So cool, is the 1st year I've seen a chick. It is already big, and flying around, but feathers are still kind of rough looking.
Jen, hope you hear some good news about the library job soon. If not this job, then another one will come along.

Meanwhile-that is awesome! Enjoy!
Jen-love you woman! Hang in there!
Same shit, different day here...
Must say-the weather has been wonderful!!! Makes a huge difference in my mood... was sick for a couple days and glad to be better..
Mom is getting dehydrated again...pushing fluids....Is her not drinking her way of telling me something??? I do wonder... I feel like a bitch making her do drink when she doesn't want to!
Hey Cuz-and everyone else out there!!!! Mame

Hope you enjoyed the day. Hugs

I have the best boyfriend. For his birthday he wanted to spend the day trail riding. How did I get so lucky.

Remember Jen: I still have an extra BOAT TIME that you may use whenever you need it OK? Hugs

Thanks meanwhile...

Jen you have a kind heart. Hope you are feeling better.
Words of wisdom from Maxine, The plural for margarita is " A damn good time".

Last night he got a CD come due...she had him sign it and today she deposits $29.000 in his savings account...To me she says, "Do we need dryers sheets, we really need to stick to the list", and " I will pay your ER co pays when I get My Social Security check comes... You do that Ma...

I went and got his foot rests on and went out to move the bags for yard pick up i put out a day too soon...and there was a little fluff chickadee in the street, leaning up against the curb, I touched him and he was alive, so I picked him up and took him over to the shrubs and hid him in the leaves. Poor little chickadee...Still had the fluff on him, late baby...Right after I did that and came in the bus to pick up fp arrived...woulda squished him...Maybe it was meant to be I put the garbage out on the wrong day?...Hope he will be OK...

Thanks for the laugh Cuz.

The adobe house is finally finished, new doors, floors, walls, light fixtures, wood trim, you name it, it's been redone. Have a renter moving in tomorrow. So I've already started another project house. Indio is feeling better, and we spent all day putting a new metal roof on the old place. Lord help me, is there a support group for people that can't stop?
Jen, a week with stomach problems is serious. Sure hope you get to feeling better soon, or can get to the Dr. Something is wrong there.
Mame, Deb, glad you both got some time outside. Deb your MIL sounds like my mom, she isn't happy unless she has something to complain about. So just keep making her happy.

Baby Skunk

A Virginia man and his wife were driving home one very cold night when the wife asks her husband to stop the car. There was a baby skunk lying at the side of the road, and she got out to see if it was still alive. It was, and she said to her husband, "It's nearly frozen to death. Can we take it with us, get it warm, and let it go in the morning?" He says, "O.K., Get in the car with it." "Where shall I put it to get it warm?" He says, "Put it in between your legs. It's nice and warm there." "But what about the smell?" "Just hold its little nose."
The man is expected to recover, but the skunk she used to beat him with died at the scene.

-- "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world"

Had a good Dr appt. He took bloods to see if she is getting dehydrated again... I told him I push and push for her to drink... She is down 8 lbs from the spring. She is heavy so it may not be a bad thing! I will keep my eye on it tho. I took her to lunch after-she usually wants to come straight home but I just took her. She is adorable and reminds me of a child when she eats. All I could do was smile at her... She seemed to really enjoy it. We then went past a place selling Mums so we bought some-she picked yellow for the one in her living room. We then drove by my bros house and honked the horn and he came running out! We visited for a few minutes and then went past my sister's house and she was out with her dog-so we stopped in the driveway to say hello. The dog wanted to get in the car on mom's lap. She loved it. So, all in all, it was a very nice day out. Doesn't happen often, so I am going to savor it! And keep reminding her of how nice it was! She is napping now! Exhausted! I know that I am blessed with a sweet woman to care for. My problems don't compare to some of yours out there. But, it still gets to us all! Today was a day with her that I will remember with fondness. :)

Yes, awaiting my release here...
About that Austin..None of us have been able to figure out why...We shall see...

Ensure is expensive - I am not sure if the store brands have the same nutrition-my Mother used Carnation Instant Breakfast-you only add milk and it is a lot cheaper -my hospital started using CIB when I told them it was less expensive then Ensure. Jen does Mom not realize that he needs a NH? or does she for whatever reason think she needs to take this on-for an example a promise to him or her Mom never to put him in a NH but it sounds like he makes matters worse than they need to be and her scolding him is not going to do any thing to get him to cooperate with how things should be -he either can't or won't help himself keep cleaner. Lil you will know when it is time to stop pushing her to eat.

Mom is off to the Dr for appt and flu shot today. It will be good to get her out. She did go out on the deck Saturday! She enjoyed it too! All that fresh air exhausted her. She slept most of yesterday. She had a couple visitors yesterday too! One of my bro's brought dinner and my sis popped in. Was very nice-and quite a surprise!
Jen-I hope you hear from the library! That would be a great job for you! Yea, we are already in prison... At least in prison you know when you will get out tho!

Sorry Indio is sick. It is amazing that he could call you. That is a low sugar level! Mom has never been that low. Her problem is high levels! Hope you can catch up on your sleep Meanwhile!

Lildeb-nice idea with the balloon and the leaves! The leaves are really starting to come down now here. Another beautiful week ahead here-thank God...I am not ready for cold to set in.
Well-I hope everyone is doing ok. Missing those that are not posting!!! How you doin Cap'n Bobbie??? Take care all! Mame

Only from what I have heard prison chow is really not good...but at this rate we will be eating baby food so Daaaaddeee won't feel bad...
May not matter, I am becoming ill here, I am not sure it feels like food poisoning but it has lasted over a week now...
Just had an incident with neighbor kids, carrying a ripped stuff animal and shaking it out in front of our house (of course!) lt is too much I go out and HEAR THEM COMING UP THE ALLEY OMG I see this coming I know what they are gonna do!!!

I hear one boy 7 ish say "Here dump it here!" and the oldest girl 11? climb up on the dirt pile, behind the garage, the one we just hauled the tree roots out of and finished up fixing from the fence my cop brother put up for mom and I lose it!!!

I SLAM my hand on the gate, and yell " WHY DON'T YOU GO THROW IT IN YOUR OWN YARD FOR A CHANGE!!!!???"

They run off...I go talk to neighbor lady and find out house where the brats live, and the neighbor kids, all info us; who what where and when, in that terrified "caught being shits voice" all kids know... Atone point the older girls come and clean up some of the Styrofoam pellets now blowing all over the neighborhood...Mom gives them the look and points at them...we can see them from our back porch, and it is REAL quiet now...Yes, a REALLY quiet Sunday school night...No, I didn't go talk to parents, I don't think I needed to and I worry they may catch worse at home...But they screwed up and they know it!

I mean really, is this just enough. Sick, poor tired, worn out..Good grief...Maybe it will be a good week..I sent in job app. and am going to an interview for a volunteer position. It's all experience any way...

I hope everyone has a good week one way or another, hello to all...Jen

Mame, u r not a failure for u can only do so much. U can lead a horse to water but u cannot make the horse drink it. It does get very tiresome trying to be the optimistic, positive, entertainment person of the house to get them to do something. Hubby is the only reason why his mom went to the park n she complained half the time. I tried to tune her out n enjoy watching the turtles bobbing their heads as we threw bread out n fed the ducks too. Here hoping your mom will set by the deck n watch you a bit? Her loss if she chooses not to do so. As for movie watching, my mil said she watching something but she couldn’t tell u a thing about it. That is how I know her alz is progression n just wanting to lay around more. I can sometime still get her to fold towels so that can keep her busy. I am hoping I can get her interesting in taking some colorful fall leaves n a balloon with water n flour. Put the leaves in mix n lay on the balloon half way to shape like a bowl. When dried just pop the sucker n wholla! We will see if it works, but still trying to collect fall leaves for they haven’t really kicked n the red/orange colors yet.
Meanwhile, OMG that is low for a type 2. I am so glad that he was able to call u for help n u were able to act fast to get it back up. When he gets sick can he sip on some Gatorade light? I drink a little when I am sick n cannot keep anything down. Of course, I can take a correction factor if my b/s goes up from it but it normally doesn’t. I hope he gets to feeling better.
can someone still pay only 5bucks a month if they have it n not get into any trouble? How r folks supposed to pay if they don’t have any money? SA have u tried to see if u can get any assistants or will they count your mom’s assets?
Jen, how do u know how the food taste at the jailhouse? Lol. Good luck with the library job. Its weird how your dad likes to shovel food n his mouth till he gags n my mil don’t won’t to take but a bite or two n she is full. Plus, they say that a lot of alz people like sweet stuff but not this mil no way n hell. That would be a little more food to add to her whole 80lb butt! So, I continue to stay on her to eat enough n hand out Ensures until we cannot afford them for they are not cheap. I do have to admit that at least she can still go to the bathroom without help but what is the deal with tiny pieces of toilet paper all over the place. At least she is wringing the bathroom trash can when she wipes. Can’t say how the poo gets on the sink handle n toilet paper area. Gotta luv it. I found a piece of weenie in the washer machine last wk! I wander how that got there? I don’t even know how she snuck that n her pant pockets unless when I walked away.
I took supper day cooking off n had good ole Stouffers Mac n Chesses with a diced up weenie. She actually ate it even though she complained. They use to be her favorite food. She has been having trouble with her lower false teeth being loose n maybe due to losing weight back then that her gum might have shrunk. So, I put a strip of Poligrip on each side of the bottom n she complains it oozes out. So, I only put one this time n cut them in half for each side of the lower n now she complains their too loose. I cannot win for trying! I finally told her that she should be able to gum the mac n cheese with no problem n to just take the lower teeth if they r that loose. She didn’t like that so she started eating. I think she takes her tongue n plays with her bottom teeth n that breaks the seal of the Poligrip? I don’t know what else to do for her. I know if I take her to get new ones that she will complain just like I tried to get her a pair of new glasses. I think she just likes to complain. Anyway, I tried n I will just use half strips on each side for she spit on floor again when I used two whole ones on each side. Gross. I hope everyone can get some much needed rest tonight.

eww gramps needs to pay for a hospital mattress, and throw that one out. Or like you said put his butt in a nursing home.

Thanks meanwhile, so am I...anything would really help. And waiting for SSI which I won't get is stupid...It is getting more serious here care wise.

I have noticed, he uses the bathroom less and less, and the urinals are hardly ever full, he did a poop ON the bed today and mom was upset. It could be a one off thing, or his incontinence is worse, and more significantly, that he is so much weaker and scared to try and get up to use the bathroom is not good. We are getting to the cut off at least what I have always perceived as the cut off for family care giving and moving into nursing care...Mom's response to my thoughts and his pooping on the bed, and leaving it there...Was that we will buy a full bed sheet cover, as he is now soaking the mattress itself and to offer to help him change his Depends... Yeah Ma , he'll go for that, he gets upset if you tell him to stop shoveling food in his mouth when he is choking...
Something has got to give here...soon...


Keeping my fingers crossed that you get the job, Jen.

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