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Nothing bad is happening now.

Give yourself the love that you keep trying to give away.

Learn from yesterday.
Live for today.
Hope for tomorrow.

I tell myself when having a bad day "God is in control and He knows what is going on." Or I use "All things work together for them who love Lord according to his purpose."

If I am just struggling to get through the day I use "I am one day closer to the end of this mess" whatever that mess is at that time.

As always I use music to change my mood. Fun 80's music to get me out of my funk. 90's music to just be mellow. If I am in a bad mood or really stressed out then I play heavy or dark music and for whatever reason it makes me feel better.

I hope this helps!

Whatever you do, DON'T say "what ELSE could happen?" That's just inviting more drama.

I still sing songs I remember from my childhood or another really good time in my life. Especially good if I can belt them out like Frank:

The Ant Song
My Way

I tell myself Accept what is, Let go of what was, and have Faith in what will be.
Also I tell myself “No more bad days only bad moments” .... Hope this helps you

Dear "ToniTired,"

I hear you as I'm in the middle of some stressful times right now and just this morning laid in bed saying the same thing - "this too shall pass." So here's a few I like:

A funny one being: "Dear Stress, Let's break up!" - which can make you chuckle.

A cute one: Since I've always loved Charles Schulz's Charlie Brown since I was a kid, he had a Snoopy/Woodstock poster with the quote: "Everyday may not be good, but there's something good in everyday." (me: you just have to look for it even if you need to use a magnifying glass; a large one at that - lol!) - which can make you smile.

A one for courage: Since my husband and I like aviation, I like the saying "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off going against the wind, not with it." - a serious one that makes you think about the truth and reality of the statement when it comes to life.

And an inspiring one I like is: "Do what you can, with what you have and where you are at." - which makes you realize what we actually HAVE to work with in the here and now since that's actually all we have - the here and now.

I have the variety which helps me with whatever mood I'm in on any given day!

Hope this helps you!

Other people in your life may be quick to volunteer what I call the "Put up, Shut up, Offer it up" words of (NON)wisdom. Please don't tell yourself this phrase!

Toni, I look for small positives that might be completely unrelated to my experience of what is making me feel low. The birds are singing, the days are getting longer, this bad weather won't last forever, some of the flowers/trees are in bud, I am treating myself to...(insert your preference here: cake, chocolate, a movie, flowers...). And most importantly, my feelings matter.

I have a few that help me at times when all I need is a boost:

1. "It's not me personally, it's the situation as a whole." (However, certain situations are mine alone to resolve/address. Learning to sort this out is very enlightening).

2. "I cannot control others. I can only control myself (and I need to make sure I'm doing that)."

3. "Blame is not important. Fixing the current problem is what matters."

4. "What specifically am I worried about and what can I do about it?"

If you have a slightly snarky bent, you can use my mother's favorite saying when things went wrong --

"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"


Thanks, that is sort of what I do. I look at the homeless population in this country and thank my lucky stars every night when I cover up with a blanket to go to sleep that I am in a safe place. Most have it good in this country even if it's difficult it could always be worse. Way worse.The thoughts of taking care of my husband without my home is terrifying.

I think of how much worse it could be....I could be a Kurdish woman who was living in Syria and is now homeless, and/or has lost her family b/c of the Turks; I could be living in another country riddled with strife, I could be a literal female prisoner in Saudia Arabia and be confined to wearing black robes...

I think if you are in deep despair with burning out, care giving, and etc there is no "catchy phrase" that is going to help. You can say anything you want, but if every day is overwhelming and every day is dismal, then you know as you are chirping at yourself that there is no answer coming tomorrow.
If this is just a momentary thing you are currently going through then "tomorrow will come, and this will be over" gets me there.
Good luck.

This isn't a 'catchy phrase', but it helps me immensely. When I'm feeling upset about something, I ask myself this question:

"What is wrong at this very moment?"

The answer is always, "Nothing."

Unless I'm literally on fire or in horrible pain, nothing is EVER wrong at the given moment I'm asking myself that question.

So that allows me to relax and come back to the present moment.

Anxiety means I'm living in the future and worrying about something that may or may not happen tomorrow.

Depression means I'm living in the past and worrying about something that happened yesterday.

Most often, we're not living in the present moment which is really the ONLY moment that counts.

Try it, it may help you!

I hope you won't be offended but when I'm feeling low I say (to myself) Sh*t happens!

The serenity prayer is also very uplifting. I printed it and made it into a bookmark.

I say the Serenity Prayer a lot, particularly because it's non-denominational, plus you can leave out the first word if you don't like the "God" idea:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can, and
The wisdom to know the difference!

Sometimes I rewrite it in my mind because I don't think it quite fits the bill. Example:

God, grant me the equanimity to shrug off the situations that annoy me,
The vital energy to take steps to improve my life, and
The wisdom to make good choices.

Another "catchy phrase" that I like is "one day at a time." When I feel overwhelmed, it's probably because I'm too far ahead of myself. Focusing on just what I need to do today--or even just what I need to do for the next hour--immediately helps cure that awful sense of overwhelm.

"Easy does it" is a good one.

I am sometimes subject to panic attacks along with depression, and I read that panic can be brought on by low oxygen/excess CO2 in the blood--so if I feel panic coming on, I BREATHE. Remember to breathe!!!

Best of luck to you!

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