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OH BOY! A snow day we had one down here in GA on March 1 some snow day had to come to work and work on server all day. I had been praying for snow since the week before Christmas now I have to start all over again. LOL I will enjoy yours naus if only in my dreams. Neon

Dear friends, I am praying we all have a wonderful day! For my kids, today is a snow day in the rocky mountains. We are expecting 3ft of snow, and blizzard. We can handle it, been through historical blizzard in 2003 with 6ft of snow. Bring it on, we are far behind in snow fall this season. We have food, dvd's, and firewood if needed. Will check back later. Have a good day! Big Hugs to you all! Nauseated

way to go lazor now if they ccan keep it straight LOL

Judy I know its hard our prayers and concerns are with you. It is true she really can't help it, Mine makes lots of sounds to and when or if you bring it to her attention she tells you she never said anything its my imagination, Well I have some imagination she doesn't have to add to it LOL

good morning EVERYONE, I just wanted you to know its going to be a good day. I just said a prayer for us all. I asked God, to keep us healthy and strong, give us the tools and resources we need to do this job he so capably put in our hands. I trust in Himand he will. I am doing fine this is about me a little bit. #1 NAUS I have a million more songs like that LOL whatever pops in my head, #2 today is the anniversary of my sons death and I am doing very well, I think this is the first time in 27 years I am not depressed. Thats a first beleive me I have dealt with depression since I was 11 years old, even tried to commit suicide a few times as a young teen, see if you don't get the love at home from those who you are supposed to trust in you feel worthless. Something I've worked on for years, now I have a doctor that helps me with this because last year I got sick of trying to fix it myself because I couldn't. I have decided to do extra special things for people today, things that make me happy to do like give flowers to someone for their birthday, have lunch with my little girl I mentor. I must say last night I was a bit sad, seems the little husky I adopted last week was pregnant. They said when she was dropped off at the shelter she had five pups with her which were all adopted out, I adopted her because they were going to put her to sleep we use such nice terms for killing. well seems while she was at the shelter she got pregnant again. Poor little thing. So last night I put a comforter on the sofa and put her up there and she wanted me to sit with her if I moved she took her paw very gently, and touched me to make sure I stayed with her. Such a sweet girl. My son and his family came over last night we madewaffles and eggs fried taters and bacon, cholesterol on a plate we call it It was good instead of mom enjoying the fun and company she gets up and goes to her room. How very sad not to want to stay and enjoy your family so I guess it is either dementia or just plain rudeness, whichever, I am not going to worry about it.

I see on another thread edrex is having a tough time lets all pray for him, we who have been in similar situations know it will all work out in the end. Well better get to work. Please have a good day, hug yourself and tell yourself what a wonderful job you are doing if you don't well I just did. NEON

It's not corny. It's our job to lookout for one another in here. Besides if we don't do it who will. Judy my heart and prays are with you. About the noise she can't help it really. My x boss lady's husband got hurt in a motorcycle accident and they stayed with a woman who took care of her mom and she walked around and crowed like a rooster. That was the only sound she made. She just did it out of the clear blue. They don't know why she does it. She was diagnosis with Alz. also. Hang in there.

lazor, I know it's not your birthday, but $50.00? Happy Birthday anyway! What a treat! See; good things happen to good people.

Anne, thank you so much!

Neon, I loved the song, thank you!

Thank you all for all of your compassion, and kind words. You all lift me up, when I'm down. God Bless all of you here on this site that read and post. I hope you don't think this corny, but I have to say "I Love You Guys!" Don't get nauseated by this LOL. Good Night!

So sorry to hear about your struggle Judy. Know that you can find relief here, and that we wish to support you in any possible way. It's tough caring for someone 24/7, as you know. Praying for you. I know others will, too, and will offer comfort and suggestions, as well. Hang in there. We're hearing you.

I take care of my mother, it's been 3 1/2 years now. I feel so down most of the time now. She makes these noises all the time, I will ask her what's wrong , why she makes those noises, she says she can't help it. I fell like she is dying when she does this. She has a lung disease, can't see good or hear well. She is on oxygen 4 all the time, breathing treatments and food has to be prepared soft, she can't remember any thing some days. I'm about to loose it, I love my mother. I feel guilty for feeling this way, 24/7. I have a sister that comes over for me to go to the grocery on Mondays, she gets here at 12:30, she can't come earlier, because of her health, she says. I need help so bad before I go nuts.......

Congratulations on your $50.00! How's that for customer satisfaction? It was great of them to take care of you. Sorry for your trouble. Nice to know there are still blessings to be had in this world! Happy shopping!

Well people I went to Wal mart for the third time on these meds. The young lady behind the checkout said Your Mrs. Adams I said yes She said just a moment. She brought me my meds plus a 50.00 wal mart card. I told her I hated to do that but I had had enough. She said Honey you had to do what you had to do and she understood. My stuff had always been messed up and they needed to get it straight and her face turned red like she had betrayed a Wal Mart secret. I said well Im not one to do something like this but if they straightened it out so be it. So lets hope it did some good.

OMG neon that is so cute and loving . Naus Keep the DOG!!!! Thats my present to you !!!!!!

Well unfortunately Naus that probably won't work if he wants a boat he'll have a boat but it goes both ways you know. I can never understand why someone else always has to be in control over what another person wants. Its just a pet for petes sake and they are very loving and help with the elderly they are so smart and they understand so many things. Oh well, the best I can do it

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Nauseated
Happy Birthday to you

Happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday take two tums and call me in the morning
and maybe you won't be nauseated tomorrow

I know it don't rhyme but that's my quirky sense of humor Neon

Thanks Anne! Naus

Thanks Neon! Thanks Lazor! I wish that would work. I would be so happy, yes I bought a toy here, an outfit there. Daughter always brought food and toys and accessories etc., wish the coniving would work here. LOL Any other suggestions, I'm desperate! I told hubby since you want a boat someday, forget it, since I can't have my sweetie pups.

Dear Naus, Happy birthday anyway! You are loved. Your posts brighten my day all the time. I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Too bad we can't join together and start a fund to "save the dog" for you. But that wouldn't help with your hubby's objections. Mine won't have a dog either, but that's OK with me, because it would be more work, and that we don't need. I pet other people's dogs every chance I get, and that helps. Sorry, though. I don't think you should feel silly. Lots of people get attached to dogs. In fact, studies show they can be quite therapeutic and wonderful companions. Hope you find something to make this a good birthday in spite of the thoughts of this loss. Hope your family will do something to make this a special day for you. Thanks for sharing. We feel for you.

I would just keep it but thats me

My heart goes out to you Naus. I am a true animal nut here. Four dogs here two are inside. And yes Im a firm believer on animal therapy. It works and yes it was and is good for both of you. I am so sorry that you are losing Sweetie. I would say okay doggie day care is 9 dollars a day Ill either put a lien against you or you can give me the dog. And we call it even . Sounds harsh but hey I bet you fed it out of pocket probably bought a toy or two. Or you could play the dont ya love me card!!!

Gosh I sound coniving here!!!

Naus I posted to your board NEON

Also, my Dad would perk up when the pup would jump on the couch and lay against him, otherwise he ususally sits there and stares into space or the tv. He loved to just pet the dog. I thought it was therapeutic for him as well. But since he will be going into assisted living sometime in the near future, it won't matter then. Oh well, (big sigh).

I'm going to vent. This is going to go down in history as the silliest, most immature vent ever, but at least I don't have to show my face here (so to speak). Today I am 48 big woop! My daughter 24 is pregnant with my first grandson, she has a daughter 4 1/2. Before my daughter became pregnant this second time, she decides to buy a puppy, just has to have it, for the wopping price of $800.00, a mut mind you. She is part Maltese and Shitzu. Her breed is called a Malshie. Before I saw this pup, I saw a picture on my daughter's my space. I told my daughter BEFORE she bought this pup that she would be sorry, since she had to work full time. I also said what about if you have another baby, you won't have time for this high maintenance mut. She still HAD to have it! Well, she gets a FULL-TIME job. I said what are you going to do with this puppy all day long while you are at work. I was watching grandaughter at the time, full time. She said I will leave her in the kennel. I said NO you won't, bring her to me everyday with my grandaughter, and I will watch both. So I did this for several months. I did not think I would absolutely fall madly in love with this cute little mut, who is so human-like, and looks at me with the cutest eyes and expression you ever did see. OMG! After less than a year, she complains. I said give the dog to me. She says no, she is mine. I said "see I told you so!" Dog is now
1 1/2yrs, and needs to be spayed. I'm not spending the money she says. Now she wants to sell dog. She tells me today, on my birthday that she has found someone that wants her, her name fits her personality "Sweetie". My husband, even though letting me babysit this dog everyday, and sometimes on weekends, will not let me have this dog. I have been bawling my eyes out since this morning and can't stop. My 12yr old daughter has also fallen in love with this dog. My husband refuses to let a dog live in the house. She does not shed, she is well behaved, follows me around everywhere, lays down wherever I am working and waits for me to get done. My Dad likes this dog too, one of the few things that actually makes him smile these days. I'm glad a family wants this dog, that will pay more attention to her, but at the same time I am devastated that I will never see her again, even though I am having a baby grandson within a few weeks to a month. Now that I have totally exposed myself, I'm going to feel silly. This should be a post for "Laughter in the midst". Nauseated

I have to agreee with Naus and MindingOurElders, you don't want her to hurt herself and she doesn't realize what she is doing. You can be as much a part of her life at a nursing home with the staff taking care of your Mom. Stop in unannounced at all hour of the day that way they won't know when to expect you. There are so good facilities out there, unfortunately, they all get a bad name for just a handful. The same way with daycare. I am juggling lots of things today and seem to be handling them all okay so no need to vent. Thats not to say I won't be back later screaming my head off.

Take care everyone

AnnDees, I agree with Nauseated - you need help. You can't live like this or your health will go. Besides, if your mom keeps this up, she will get hurt and you'll blame yourself. It won't be your fault, but you'll still feel guilt. She doesn't understand what she is doing, as you know. Bed rails used to make my dad nuts. He was more apts to to up and over than fall out "easier" from the plain bed. (A mattress on the floor next to the bed can help this).

But the bottom line is - how long can you do this? You do need help. It's likely time to tour nursinig homes in your area.

Stick with that Wal MArt Lindam. You are lucky. Since I posted I had a call from main office and the pharmacy itself. Needless to say the head of pharmacy apologized was through stressed teeth. I have to go in and ask for my meds from the pharmacist . I laughed and said so you can see who turned you in. I said I dont care yall need to fix this department. It is really sad to have to come to the store 3 times for same meds. And that address phone number and name changes ever time on same prescription. Again through gritted teeth she said mamam We will try to fix the problem. I said well its going to be fixed or Im going somewhere else. So we will see what happens

Dear anndees, you need to rest. Forgive me for saying this, but I think it is time for Mom to go to a nursing home. Big Hugs and prayers for you,

Thank you everyone for all the replys and for the support everyone here is giving to each other. I don't want to end up like my Mom! Driving everyone nuts and the constant fear she is going to hurt herself. Nights are unbelieveable. She moans for half the day/night and when asked if something hurts, she says no and also says she does not know why she moans. She is up 3/4 of the night from 10 pm to 7 am. We got her a hospital bed with rails and it does not help. Just when I think she is asleep I hear something and go running to her room. Last night at 3:30 am I checked on her and to my utter surprise she was sitting on the floor in the middle of the room with all the blankets around her and the hospital bed was at a sharp angle up at the head and a low as possible at the bottom. It looked like a shoot...anyone would have flew out of it, but the controller was nowhere she could have reached it and hidden under the bed so she would not change the settings. I got her a chairs called a lift chair a few day ago. The chair was elevated all the way back. I really should have taken a picture, but of course I had to take care of the situation and not fool with a camera. I believe she swirmed to the bottom of the bed and fell on the floor, then found the bed controller and just held the buttons, then found the chair controller and did the same thing. I put her back to bed and waited for her to fall asleep about an hour later. At 6:30 I found her in the living room, no walker and on the floor. Even if I am firm with her it does not help. I will say, "Mom, just rest and go to sleep and DO NOT GET UP! Not 2 seconds later she is pulling at the rails to get up. I told her she will break a hip or something if she continues to fall down and end up at the hospital and the nursing home. She must know what I am talking about because today she wanted to have a conservation about where she should be living because she knows she is misbehaving! I am so tired! I need to win the lottery!

I use WalMart and never have a problem. They even filled prescriptions for me after Hurricane Rita because my pharmacy down home was destroyed. No complaints here.

Thats certainly okay here Mr Bill T

Certainly. I didn't mean to do that. I guess you type quicker than me. Sorry.

I know but dont knock my high down okay lol
Let me dream for the moment lol

Customer service? Haaaaaaaaaa! That's become a thing of the past.

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