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Becky, so sorry to hear of your loss, losing a sibling must be terribly difficult, and one I dread in the future. I know how much you loved him as you spoke of him so often, may he rest in peace and love. Take Care!

Oh Becky I am so sorry, Parkinsons is a terrible disease, so at least you are right, he may have preferred this ending, with dignity and fast.. Love you!

Becky -- So very sorry for your loss. Sending warm thoughts and hugs your way.

Becky, I am sorry to hear about Jay's passing. I am truly sorry for your loss.

Becky sorry to read about Jay.

Just saw this story on the news. Very interesting story.

worriedinCali, oh my gosh, that house sounded like the one story house my then hubby and I had bought in New Jersey. To be honest, I liked the fact it wasn't updated, what you described sounded the same as what was in this house right down to the bathroom tile.

The orange rug in this house was a orange/black shag carpeting on the enclosed sun porch. One day we pulled up a corner of that rug to see what was underneath. We thought it would be just cement, it was a beautiful blue-stone.... it was like we found gold, we cleaned up the stone, polished it, and it was our pride and joy.

Sorry for your loss Becky.

My new blue butterfly avatar image is the Apple rendering of their butterfly emoji. I borrowed it.

Blue butterflies are the prettiest.I love it Send~

Freqflyer, you had a beautiful blue stone floor? I can just imagine how pretty that was! I really liked that this house wasn’t updated. Didn’t like the kitchen, it was ugly with the green applied and burnt orange carpet and burnt orange curtains. But I liked the hallway bathroom-it was all white, the tiles around the tub and on the counter had been painted white. And the wallpaper was white with large solid blue flowers with matching curtains. We’ve since removed all the wallpaper in this house. The master bathroom had carpet, it’s a small bathroom and it was carpeted. When I pulled the carpet out after a few years, I discovered remnants of 2 different types of flooring which was neat! Also when we painted the inside of the house, we discovered that the hallway and the 2 hall closets (we have a long hallway with 8 foot closets along one wall) had been painted pink at one time! The master bedroom was painted mint green at one time according to the paint remnants too!

Hey, Cali

Many years ago I met with a group of twelve friends to play Pokeno.
We were in our 30’s and 40’s. Most of us had kids. We lived in the same neighborhood.

We each hosted a game, once a month. The person hosting served wine or a signature drink, a margarita or a special punch. a non alcoholic option, appetizers and a meal for us to enjoy and desert. It was fun!

Anyway, all of the moms would end up talking about our kids and one woman told us the funniest story.

She said that she had put her young child down for her nap so she decided to make a phone call. Her daughter was four years old at the time. Her child woke up while she was on the phone and decided to play in her mom’s bathroom cabinets.

Her child found tampons and had them all over the bathroom floor, just having fun like kids do. She was counting them. She had unwrapped some of them. Hahaha 😂.

My friend finished her phone call and went to use the bathroom and saw her young daughter who exclaimed, “Look what I found, Mommy! What are these? What do you do with them?”

My friend was a quick thinker! I would have NEVER thought of this answer. She told her daughter, “Oh, honey, I am not sure what those are. The people that we bought the house from must have left them here!” Hahaha 😂

My friend was so funny. She told us, “Yeah, so we buy our kids all of these expensive toys and my kid was having a great time playing with a box of tampons that she found in my bathroom cabinet.”

Oh the orange shag carpet, did everybody buy one of those back in the day? When sis was newly married and poor they found used carpet remnants to lay until they could afford a floor - yep, one was orange shag, the other green shag.

Our house was built in the 80s, and when we moved in the rec room had "deep pile carpet",, almost shag... and the bathroom had orange.. We have never replaced it, first because we figured DD and her friends were in the pre teen to teenage years and they would spill stuff,, and now mom is here and always cold. But someday we will put down hardwood or laminate there. Believe it or not that carpet is still in pretty good shape except where Chloe has chewed a hole, and some stains.. I can live with that at this point,, mom has already burned holes in the couch, and her smoke would just get into any new stuff.

I think shag carpet was but in the 70s. Because every family
member and friend we knew back then, all had at least one room with shag carpet! Our kitchen carpet in this house was outdoor carpet luckily.

Something else about this house—the whole house was carpeted when hubby bought it. Only room without carpet was the hallway bathroom, it had vinyl flooring. The master bath had carpet. The carpeting through out the house needed to be replaced. I don’t know if he knew it when he bought it but with the exception of the kitchen and bathrooms, the whole house has hardwood floors! We pulled up the carpet from the living to the hallway and had the wood refinished. When MIL went on hospice, I pulled up most of the carpet in the master bedroom (I cut it around the furniture so there’s still carpet under the bed and dressers and in the closets). After 16 years and multiple spills from kids and cats that peed on it repeatedly, it needed to go. I’m getting ready to pull up my daughters carpet sometime in the next week.

I think I have toenail fungus -thought it was a bruise initially but it hasn’t grown out

I don’t get pedicures and am careful clipping myself

I hear it’s tough to get rid of - anyone know if the home remedies like vinegar work ?

Madge, I have never had that problem. So, googled.

Do you have Vicks VapoRub?

I was just going to mention the vicks vaporub to Ms Madge as well.

I'll give it a try

" Medications can come with side effects. An alternative to prescription drugs may be essential oils.

The best essential oil for toenail fungus:

Although many essential oils have antifungal properties, one of the most popular and widely recommended is clove essential oil (Syzygium aromaticum). A 2007 studyTrusted Source
 found that clove essential oil has antifungal properties and can destroy fungus."

If it were me, I would use Melaleuca Oil, several times a day.

Be sure to keep feet clean and dry. Check your shoes or get a new pair.
Socks too. Sterilize your shower.

Mom’s podiatrist had her use vinegar soaks and Vick’s.

When you are going through difficulties and wonder where God is,
remember the teacher is always quiet during the test.

The homeless street sign says "Will work for food".

I will contribute, volunteer, and post to AgingCare for the thumbs up (or likes).
Not because I need "likes", or want my name in lights, but I appreciate this feature on the forum.
1) It acknowledges that one has been heard.
2) That someone out there who might not have the time to reply has read your post.
3) That one is not alone, and in community with others.
4) And, I have enjoyed giving out "likes", "thumbs up", and "hugs".


Experienced my first Walmart grocery delivery order yesterday. I'm still in the free trial but I think I will probably pay the $98 for a year of unlimited deliveries; also available for $12.95 a month. Currently they are not entering homes and want to hand you bags of groceries at the door which just doesn't work for a good sized order. I rolled my cart outside and told the delivery person to put the eggs and bread in the basket and the rest of the groceries in the cart, then set the basket on top and rolled the cart inside the house and put away the groceries at my leisure. I like this because I don't have to schedule a pickup order around when I can get out of the house or worry about leaving Mom alone. I don't need to ask the boys to carry in the heavier bags of canned goods. I don't even need to pick up those heavier bags with this service, I can just take the individual cans out of the bag while its in the cart!

I haven't tried the grocery delivery yet, but I LOVE being able to order online and do pickup. I started doing that when mom was living here and it just made it so much easier than having to go grocery shopping in the store. Not to mention grocery shopping was always on my list of chores that I loathe lol. This way just saves so much more time.

I like shopping online on my schedule too, whether for groceries, clothes, or library books.

Walmart stopped delivering groceries here sadly, though their delivery service left much to be desired. I stopped ordering anything in a glass jar as I had had breakages. Think of sauerkraut over everything in the box. Fortunately I can get quite a lot from amazon like paper goods, cleaning supplies and some canned goods. On fresh stuff I shop when the weather is decent and stock up! I don't go out at below minus 20 F if I can help it.

In general, shopping online is a huge bonus in my world.

I’m becoming increasingly frustrated with Amazon

there was a wonderful barrier cream made with lanolin that kept the Viking’s bottom as smooth as a baby

the product was sold to another firm a year ago and its quality went down as the price went up nonetheless I’ve continued to order it with my Prime account in Two Packs

the last few orders have been shipped just in envelopes without any extra bubble wrap
- the jars arrived cracked with the new runnier product everywhere

extra hassle to return it via UPS or through Kohl’s only to be sent a replacement that is damaged as well

madge - I have been wondering how you and the Viking are. I am sorry that the barrier cream is not the same. These things can make such a difference to our LO's lives. I've never returned anything damaged - just sent a photo and got a refund. I hope you can find something that works.

That’s interesting, Golden

my account always requires the product be returned and I leave comments saying the shipment needs extra protection

the product is mainly used in facilities and isn’t carried in stores

the Viking wasn’t herself over the weekend- whether tired or declining, she wouldn’t look at me much and looked sullen 😔

Saturday, she was talking to the picture of her mama and asking for her sister and niece - both deceased

the managerial changes at Hoca are nearly complete with a new 27 year old administrator !

Many families are considering pulling their loved ones out with the short staffing - 3 caregivers to 50+ residents in the evening
but there are so few choices especially when the Viking is still prone to outbursts

c’est le guerre

It isn't easy.

Come to think of it, I may only have had items that never arrived from Amazon and broken ones elsewhere, I mainly deal with Amazon. ca but I expect their terms are the same as .com.

Hopefully things at Hoca will settle down. Only 3 caregivers to 50 residents at night doesn't give one a lot of confidence.

Yes, the Viking may be declining. Keep us updated. I think of you both often. The last Viking Standing or lying but you get the drift.

Hows the pile of papers on your table? Mine is finally getting smaller. (((((((hugs))))))

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