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worriedinCalif, thinking of your dear mom and you this morning. Hope you had a good nights sleep. Your mother is an amazing woman and has very strong constitution. I bet you were so overjoyed when you walked in her room and saw her sitting up and eating her dinner. How is your dad holding up? You both are so supportive to your mom. It is nice to see such a loving family. Have a good day with your mom. Prayers and hugs sent to all of you.

Great news, Cali, that's such a relief. Now, strength to you, mom and dad while she recovers, and any undergoes treatment from here on in!

Thank you all so much ❤️

We have a minor setback. They got mom up to walk around last night and her vital signs crashed. Her blood pressure dropped, her oxygen went down to 40 and she felt very nauseated. She was terrier and thought she was going to die!! They got her back in bed and she started feeling better. The dr says she has a hematoma on the right side, which was the healthy breast. He may have to do another surgery. She Really doesn’t want them to put her under again :(
they have ice on the hematoma and it seems to be going away but it’s a waiting game now. Please pray she doesn’t need more surgery. Thank you!!

Cali, many healing prayers for mom, and prayers for you for strength!

worriedinCali: So sorry for the setback. Praying that the hematoma resolves and that she is able to get back on the road to recovery.💜

The Senior Center in our town called yesterday and told me my mother could get the Covid vaccine today a few towns over. She had it in the afternoon today and is doing well. No reaction after the vaccine. I feel relieved she was able to get it sooner. Second vaccine will be in four weeks.

worriedinCali, sorry to hear about your mom. I am glad she stabilized and is doing better. Will continue to pray for her.

Oh my gosh! I mailed a package to Denver awhile back to my daughter.

It was lost. Well, today it showed up in her mail! It was her dog’s bandannas that I made and more masks that she wanted.

She has a boy dog. I wish that she had a girl dog to sew for!

I have some adorable fabric that would work for girl dog bandannas.

Will pray for your mom and family, Cali.

Cali, the changes in your mom’s condition sound like a nerve racking roller coaster. Keep thinking positive thoughts. Everything will turn out fine. Keep us posted

EarlyBird I’m glad your mom got the vaccine, I hope she doesn’t have any side affects. My husband got the second yesterday & said his arm was a bit sore but no other symptoms. A nurse friend had had 24hrs of fever, body aches and feeling terrible after the second jab.

NHWM just had a similar experience with the mail! I bought my daughter a fleece North Face pullover in early December and had it shipped to my parents house. I got a tracking number but after a week, it appeared the package wasn’t actually shipped, there was no “accepted” scan from the post office. I ended up getting a refund. Then 2 weeks ago my mom called and said I got a package delivered to her house!!! I had her open it because I haven’t ordered anything in weeks.....turns out out it was North Face pullover I ordered in December! Took over a month to get here.

Thank you all for the prayers and support. This is definitely like a rollercoaster ride :(
Mom is being kept another night at the surgery center. She is shaken after the episode last night but feeling much better today. She was in pain all afternoon because the dr doesn’t want her taking the pain killers because her blood pressure is low and the pain meds make it even lower. They finally gave her something for pain late this afternoon. I was able to go see her and she looks good. She’s just feeling down because we didn’t anticipate complications and she really doesn’t want another surgery. She told the dr she does not want surgery so they put an ice pack where the blood clot is and the swelling went down a bit. Tomorrow we are going to ask the dr about removing the blood clot without putting her under.

worriedinCali: More prayers for you and your mom tonight. That sure was a rollercoaster ride. Hope you can get some rest. Pain meds CAN have effects.💜


We insured the package. We tracked it. My daughter filed the claim for it. Then the package shows up! Crazy, right?

Overall, the mail is incredibly successful in delivering packages.

Every now and then, something gets lost.

I suppose you and I are fortunate that our packages were recovered. Some never are!

My daughters like North Face jackets too.

worriedinCali, I am so glad your mom is doing better. My mom had twilight sleep for a procedure in the past and did fine. Did they put her on any blood thinners?
My mother is doing fine today and no side effects so far. Hoping the second one is good also and thank you very much for asking. I know a few people that were quite sick after the first one and worse after the second. I am glad your husband is doing ok and only side effect was a sore arm. Thank you for updating us. Your mom is in very good hands. She will do ok.

Thanks EB, yes my mom is on blood thinners. Looks like surgery isn’t necessary! If it was, I was going to push for twilight sedation. She is being released today. I am at the surgery center and starting to get mad! Discharge is always the worst isn’t it? We’ve been waiting over an hour now! Over an hour ago my mom buzzed the nurse and told them I was here. I was told to come down so they could teach me to empty the drains on each breast. So we have been waiting over an hour. I just went to the nurses station and said my mom is ready to go home and has been waiting over an over! They acted like I’m being unreasonable here! They are all just sitting around.....someone could have at least popped in and gave us an ETA!

Anyway I’m glad to hear your mom has no side effects from the vaccine! Seems like most are reacting to the 2nd shot. My dad was told he can’t get the vaccine because he is on blood thinners. Mom got the first one but is not going to get the 2nd.

Cali, I may have told you in a private message, but please be real certain Mom takes a stool softener when she takes pain meds. I will tell you right now that the cemented in bowel was a good deal more troublesome for me than the mastectomy itself. Colace or the pharmaceutical equivalent as generic usually works well. Keeping you in thoughts and sent you links for the binder and sport bra. Let me know if you don't find it.

worriedinCali: I am glad to read that the secondary surgery is not necessary. Thank goodness for that. So sorry that you're having such a long wait for discharge. Get some rest when you can.💜

The U.S.P.S. has had all kinds of problems with mail being majorly delayed due to the holidays in conjunction with the Novel Coronavirus. One local post office let mail sit unattended for weeks. Even though they had overtime shifts for their employees, it still was significantly backlogged. My DH and I are still receiving Christmas cards!

I sure can attest to the trouble a backed up bowel can give you. My mother ended up in the hospital for 5 days due to fecal impaction. Ugh....

I'm thankful for the nurses who helped my mother clear out her bowel. Yuck, yuck, yuck....

worriedinCali, I am so happy your mother does not need another surgery, she must be relieved as well as yourself. That is wonderful she is being discharged home today. That is too bad you had to wait so long, the nurse should have informed you earlier. Hope you bring your mother home soon and you all get some well needed rest.
Is your dad on coumadin? My mom is on blood thinners but was cleared by her doctor for the vaccine. I hope she does ok with the second dose. Why is your mom not getting the second vaccine? I know most people have side effects after the second dose. We were at my mothers urologist office today and her doctor told me she was so sick after the second dose and her assistant was as well. I really don 't want my mother to get sick with the vaccine. She has enough problems and lately she is feeling good. Well I am closing for now and wishing a speedy recovery for your dear mom. Thanks for the update. Big hug to your mother and you.

Cali, It’s so good your mom doesn’t have to have another surgery.

Cali, so glad to hear the good news!
My husband is on a blood thinner (Coumadin) and has had his first shot. 2nd one is next week.

Thank you all. Yes Alva, I got the bra recommendation and other wonder advice. She has stool softeners on hand. She is in her bedroom resting. All is well for now :)

my dad is not on Coumadin. My mom told me the name the other day when we discussed the vaccine and I didn’t recognize it. And now I can’t remember it! I will ask her again later. I don’t know if it’s a Nevada thing but the website where you register for the vaccine here, it says if you are on blood thinners you should not get the vaccine. So my dad said he will not get it. As far as my mom not getting her 2nd jab, it is because she just had surgery and feels her body and immune system is too weak. She is going to be at home for awhile so I think it’s ok to skip the 2nd jab. My dad should probably discuss the vaccine with his drs. I don’t believe he did that.

Llamalover, in response to your comment about the USPS, I am an employee there and have been there for 22 years and this is the WORST it has ever been!!! On time delivery is at 70 percent and it use to be 98 percent.

They have dismantled machines nationwide and have fewer employees due to Covid, or planned surgeries, or planned retirement. Staffing is a problem EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

I wish I could tell you it is going to get better, but I really don’t know. I don’t even mail my own bills anymore, I pay them online.

I guess all I can say is be patient. We’re all in it together.

This was about a year before COVID. My kids and I went on a school field trip to tour a large USPS mail processing plant. It was very interesting. Our group was shown around the plant. We saw lots of sorting machines, different types to sort different sizes of mail and packages, long row of mail trucks, each parked at the entrance of a rolled up door, each door has numbers on top indicating the zip codes. These trucks either dropped off mail or were waiting to receive boxes of sorted mail ready to be delivered.

We walked around to look at the various sorting machines. At one of the those machines, my older daughter saw a pile of letters on the ground that seemed forgotten. She raised her hand and asked why they were there. The tour guide said they get picked up by the end of the day, and assured us not to worry about it.

When the tour was over, my daughters and I decided to test how fast mail gets to us if dropped off at the processing plant versus a regular mailbox elsewhere. So we went to the post office next to the plant, bought 2 greeting cards and addressed them to ourselves with our home address.

Guess how many got back to us? NONE.

We thought about the pile of forgotten letters on the ground and wondered if they really got picked up or thrown away. Perhaps that was what happened to our greeting cards. We will never know.

Yoo, Hoo. NHWM. -1 feels like -10 here this morning. No snow, just cold. Colder through the weekend.

Nothing compared to how it gets up Golden's way or in Northern US.

A good day to go for blood work and a test I have been putting off for at least a year.



It’s been cloudy, rainy and foggy here for the past couple of days.


Yep! Some mail definitely gets lost!

Advantage of Covid? Didn't even get to sit in waiting room before I was called back for blood draw! Hopefully the dreaded test goes as well.

I guess the serious cold here is good for something. Keeping lots of people in.

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