
Just turned on the television and saw this horrendous story! An elderly man who asked for people not to curse and she does this! Push him off a bus! Are you kidding me?

Used to be a time when in our generation that if an older person spoke we listened and respected what was said. It was how the younger people learned right from wrong.

Why does this happen? This is elder abuse in the worst form! He fell face down and his family said that he died from his injuries. My heart breaks for him and his family. He did not deserve to be pushed off of a bus simply for asking people not to curse. So sad. There is a video of it online. Warning! Very hard to watch!

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All sorts of terribly sad events happen in this world that make no sense to those of us who are able to think logically (most of the time). I too am a very empathetic person. I find I read the story but do my best to not obsess as that achieves nothing positive. At the very least the person responsible will face serious charges and hopefully receive a punitive sentence. The question of "why" may only drive you mad. As I am longer I am able to obsess less but I still feel awful for innocent victims of crime,hate and fate. I hope you can reason with this cruel as the incident surely was.

I meant as I have become older.

I'm all for 'an eye for an eye.' I hope that poor excuse for a human being meets the same end when she goes to jail to serve her life sentence. Let's hope another inmate will push her off the 3rd floor balcony.

It’s just scary that awful things like this happened. I hate it.

I saw that video this morning....I was shocked to tears for the elderly gentleman......and did anyone else here see everyone on the bus backing away from her?? She is a despicable piece of crap.....I so agree with polar bear.....she will get just what she dished out.......hope it’s while she’s rotting away for life in prison!!


Yeah, very tough video to watch. I wouldn’t want to have her karma! Geeeeez. That poor man. His poor family. She caused his death. He couldn’t survive that. Can’t imagine his final last thoughts. So sad.

Last summer an elderly man was hit by a car and the driver just kept driving leaving this man in a busy 5 lane street where he was ran over again by another driver. Yes, the 71 year old man died and the first drivers got manslaughter in the first degree & hit and run, & the second driver got Second degree manslaughter ( I think)!

My point is, this is happening way more than we think. People just don't care anymore!

It is truly sad when people have no value on human life--no matter the age!😢

Polarbear, I think she will get what she deserves like they say, "What goes around comes around."

My God, Shell! How horrible to be hit by two drivers. How can no value be placed on a human life?

I can’t imagine what my brother saw as a retired captain from law enforcement.

He trained the homicide detectives. God bless them. They have a tough job! I pray to St. Michael for the police, firefighters and military everyday.


I just think there is a new generation that are so self-evolved and may have tunnel vision that they see what they want or see where they are trying to get to and don't seem to notice the people right in front of them. It is as if they live by new rules! I really don't understand how someone can run someone over and just keep driving...can't wrap my head around it...but I have always been someone who helps people not hurt them!

I heard in Texas that some kids was run over after getting off the bus because cars were not stopping when the bus has its stop sign out and the red lights on. You could always look it up!

Here buses are now stopping in a way where cars can't drive pass the bus and hit a kid! That is the world we live in😵

Shell, I can’t wrap my head around it either. Just crazy!

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