
A few days ago, a poster here named Bobby came onto a Discussion Question of some kind with some timely advice I have taken to heart.

The advice was that we too often, on Forum, answer questions about things better referred to a PROFESSIONAL for an answer.

Bobby said that sometimes we do recommend this, but it is buried at the bottom of an answer so long that the questioner may never even make it to the end, and the most important part of our answer.

As one who ALWAYS writes too much, I took this to heart; it is just exactly at the end of my threads that I sometimes recommend seeing a professional.

So I have learned a lot from Bobby.

From now on I am going to START a lot of my answers recommending that the OP seek the advice of an Attorney, an MD, an Accountant, a psychologist, and etc.

It sometimes scares me that an OP will take the advice of me, myself and I on a matter that is legal, medical, financial, when they should be seeing someone in their own area who is professionally trained.

I think Bobby's advice was just the best.

It's one of the things I love about Forum--the things I have learned!

So thanks, Bobby.

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Alva, thanks for adapting Bobby's advice to your own responses and putting the issue in perspective, in a gentle and polite way.

Sage advice. Thanks, Alva!

Up votes for you all! Next.....

I think there's another factor that many of us apply when we respond. We analyze the situation before making recommendations. While legal advice might be appropriate, using it as an opener doesn't provide insight into why we recommend it.

And sometimes I think it's used if the responder doesn't have the time or insight to provide an analysis of his/her response.

So I think that a conclusion after analysis instead of an immediate suggestion is just as valid, b/c the background is explained and the OP can understand why legal or medical advice is needed. And sometimes the threads reveal such dire circumstances that in fact immediate help is necessary and appropriate, especially in medically sensitive situations.

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