
Does anyone know where I can purchase a pair of hearing aids for my 82 year old father? We tried "online" ones and they were useless. We cannot afford the $3,500 pair. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thank you.

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What is your budget? What state are you in? This info will help those who can give answers. You can contact your state's area agency on aging (also sometimes called council on aging). Call them as they are a central point of resources for seniors.
Helpful Answer (2)
Billygoat Sep 2019
Thank you.  I did (coincidentally prior to your answer) and they were sooooo incredibly nice and helpful.  We are in the process now of applying for assistance. Katie was amazing!
Is he a veteran? My dad just got $6000 hearing aids through the VA and didn’t pay a cent for them. Now if he’d just consistently wear them....
Helpful Answer (2)
Billygoat Sep 2019
We went to the V.A. and spent ALL day there only  to find out they rejected him because he was "only in the active reserves)!...for years and years!
Yes, but he was in the "reserves" so they said he is not eligible!  Unreal.
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Thank you very much.  I will try them.  We are in Michigan.
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If this shows up twice, it's b/c the first message disappeared.

Billy, try the Lions Club; they have used hearing aids for income qualified individuals.

You might also try contacting the American Legion; they assist Veterans in obtaining benefits, and there might be some for Reservists.    I believe they have an office at the Ann Arbor VA Hospital.
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Billygoat Sep 2019
The V.A. would not help at all, but, ty.
Were the "online" ones from one of the sources listed in this Clark Howard article?
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Billygoat Sep 2019
Check Costco.
They run a special on a pair for less than $2000.
Helpful Answer (1)
Billygoat Sep 2019
Depending how bad the hearing is you may have too buy the expensive ones.
Hearing are not all the same. The aid must be set to respond to the frequency loss. The otc kind are for mild hearing loss. Once it gets beyond that, they should be matched to the loss.
That means that if the loss in the high frequencies and not so much in the lower frequencies only an aid that covers the high frequencies will work close to normal hearing.
My loss is so messed up that it gives the audiologist fits. If I amnot wearing mine and the phone rings aand I am at the computer I won't hear the ringer. And I have a loud external ringer plus the ringer in the phone and both at less than six feet away.
I feel that you should consult with an audiologist to find out what will work best.
they are not like the volume on a radio but more like the graffic equalizer on a good stereo system where the bass and other sounds are set by the listener.
You may not need the extras that mine have, like blue tooth ability for cell phones, live streaming from the TV or mp3 player (I don't use an mp3)
I don't even start to hear most sounds until it reaches as much as 75 decibels and other at 95 decibels. And the graf of my hearing looks much like a hand saw. with uneven teeth.

I hope you find something that works for you.
Helpful Answer (2)
Billygoat Sep 2019
Thank you very much...great "sound" advice (no pun intended...but, funny, kind of!)  :)
My neighbor got his at Costco, paid less than $2K. DH would not even consider going to COSTCO for hearing aids, so I gave him carte blanche and he got the top of the line best-ever aids. Around $6500. He wears them and he has adjusted to them pretty well. He does, however, take them out at home. He cannot bear the sound of MY voice, up close and clear.

Turns out, neighbors' aids are simply a step or two 'down' from the ones DH got.
Helpful Answer (1)
OldSailor Sep 2019
Maybe you could go his audiologist and find out if his aids can be tuned to make your voice more comfortable.
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