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Good question. My DH is a retired GM employee. The problem I see is when he retired, did he pick a beneficiary? They are called survivor benefits. If not, you are not entitled. At time of retirement is when he picks a survior. He receives more by not picking a survivor, less if he does. Here's the number I have in my husbands retirement package from 2009.

GM Benefits & Service Center
PO Box 780003
Cincinnati, OH. 45277-0066
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to JoAnn29

Time for a call to gm, I think.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Definitely call and find out for sure.

I don’t think you are a surviving eligible dependent, since you aren’t his widow.

But call to be sure so that you don’t leave money on the table.
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Reply to Southernwaver

I would assume only if you were named beneficiary.
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Reply to lkdrymom
JoAnn29 Oct 10, 2024
Yes, you need to determine a beneficiary at time of retirement. That beneficiary has to fit certain criteria too.
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