My husband is in assisted living for 4 years for Parkinson's & bipolar disorder. I have been in counseling for the past 4 years to learn to disengage myself so that I can take care of myself. I have fibromyalgia with chronic fatigue. Today I am too tired to even get dressed and when I phoned my husband to tell him I wouldn't be able to bring him for a few hours, he cried like a baby. I finally had to hang up on him because he just wouldn't stop begging. He doesn't seem to understand that I have my own health problems that I have to deal with no matter how many times I tell him.
Does anyone out there have a similar problem, and if so, how do you deal with it?
@ loveisblue,
to this day medical professionals are not prepared to say whether BP is caused by substance abuse or if the substance abuse is a means of self medicating for BP but the two are intertwined in nearly every case.
I think that people with mental disorders are responsible for their own health and well being. They need to keep up on their meds and doctor visits but even then episodes can happen. I know how exhausting it is to deal with a person with a mentla illness- but please know it is still an illness. BUT that does not mean one should enable the afflicted person. It is a fine line of compassion and enabling. My husband and I struggle with this ourselves. Sometimes it is easier to enable my fears than not. ---
Good luck to you , Maybelle and your husband. You both have a plate full. Day by day. Sometimes that is all that gets me through things ---by taking it day by day.
Blessings to you and your husband.
lithium is for batteries. 47 years of crazy doesnt make you an expert in BP..
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