
It would be nice to be able to chat with other caregivers in the area. Thank you.

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After you check online for any caregivers support groups do, if you cannot find any, try to make your own. Visit local places that serve seniors, whether faith based or no, and consider trying to see if a bulletin board notice shows any like minded with an interest.

So also know that Facebook has wonderful support groups.
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Check your local Area on Aging Agency. They may have suggestions. Check NY state's web site for help. Type in your zip code to google with caregiving support group and see what comes up. NY has a lot of social services, just have to dig a bit for 'em. Check with a any elder law specialists, as a firm here (in Pa) has a very nice support group, otherwise, there's not much here for me as far as a caregiver for my husband with dementia. I've had great support with Zoom meetings.
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Also check assisted living facilities. Sometimes they have support groups. I attended one that was led by a social worker. They met once a month.
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Your state should have a link to find a support group. You plug in your zip code. I am now a support group coordinator in SC and we have 5 groups to choose in a town of 32k. Yours was difficult to find the northeast state chapter but it is,7214.&text=2nd%20Tuesday%20of%20the%20month%20%7C%2011%3A00%20a.m.

If it is wrong. The nationwide website has an 800 number to assiat you. Many chapters have virtual programs
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