
My mother moved from AL to a memory care facility two weeks ago. She has started to show some aggression/agitation. She has been pleasant and mostly cooperative prior to the move. Will this pass?

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Had a UTI been ruled out? They often cause sudden behavioral changes.
Helpful Answer (2)
Oclepsmom1 Oct 28, 2023
I contacted the facility nurse and suggested that we check a urine. My daughter visited today and helped her to the bathroom and I was told the urine is very concentrated. Dehydration could be playing a part of this.
So Mom was getting along just fine before the move from ALF.
Can you tell me a bit about WHY such a move was necessary for your Mom?
Helpful Answer (1)
Oclepsmom1 Oct 27, 2023
Her needs had changed in the sense that she was having some sundowning and roaming into others suites. The staff was not willing to do the added work required to care for her.
Yes, many want to get out of there.
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lealonnie1 Oct 28, 2023
A recent change in mentation always calls for step one to rule out any urinary tract infection. These can lead to sudden changes in mentations.
However, as you will be aware your loved one has moved from a situation where many are mentally well to one where dementia and acting out are more common. Often there are shared room situations, and others wandering intrusively into rooms. This can be very upsetting.

I would say there is no norm in what to expect except that you can surely expect the UNexpected as well as an increase in more common episodic anger or paranoia or hallucinations about lost things, accusations of stolen things, and etc.

I know you goal is to know what to expect. I wish I could be of comfort there, but I just can't. Give it some time for adjustment and be in close contact with how it is going.
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