
My sister claims she has dpoa ! She refuses to give me and my sister a copy .doesnt she have to give me one . She is throwing that piece of paper around and making decision without asking me at all . Do I not have the right to know what she does have??

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Maybe she is afraid you will tear it up. She had to produce the original for the bank and doctors or hospitals.
If you think she is lying, call the county Adult Protective Service. She would have to show it to them.
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In order to act as POA with a company or organization, you have to provide them with a copy of the document. You can't just tell them you have it and then expect them to treat you as your mother's representative.

I would think the same would apply to anyone you expect to take your POA seriously. What reason does your sister give for not showing you a copy?
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Patsyc, is it your mother or father or both that your sister claims to have Power of Attorney. If so, would it be possible to ask your parent(s)?

Otherwise, if your sister doesn't have a POA, she wouldn't be able to make any financial or medical decisions for your parent(s)... a bank or doctor/hospital would ask for a copy of said document before they can proceed.
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I have my parents DPOA documents in my safe, and they have their copies in their safe. We only keep photocopies in the file cabinet. I also have a copy on my smartphone, along with their HealthCare Directive, in case I need to show someone in an emergency or from afar (but I'm hardly ever "afar").
You could go to an attorney and have them draft a "demand" letter, asking sister to provide you with a copy, but I don't think she ever has to show you the original. Or you could just write a "demand" letter yourself and send it certified return receipt. If she doesn't comply, then go to APS with your concerns, and show them how she would not provide a copy, or whatever the case may be. She may just be too busy caring for your mom to be concerned with what she perceives as unimportant requests.
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Patsy, what kinds of decisions is your sister making that you disagree with?
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She had a very agressive firm of ovarion cancer and had to have surgery , shortly afterwards she had chemo and it kick her butt! A week or so later she ended up in the hospital and was there for over amonth .well we were told she was going to a rehab but my sister actually she put herin a nursing home .my mother has always said she didnot want to be in a nursing home and we all knew it.she doesnt take care of my mother she just points her finger and no matter what everyone else dacides she go behind our backs and does it her way and i would not tear it up and our father died in 2000 .i have 5 sisters and 3 are nurses .mom should be able to stay in her own home for what lil time she has left.all of this sneaking around has torn us all apart.i have requested a copy several times with no response .
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Rehab often happens in a nursing home, typically in a wing or floor set aside for that purpose. My mother, my husband, and my son were each in nursing home settings for their rehab stays. The section for rehab is typically called tcu -- transitional care unit.

So my first question is, how sure are you that mother is not in a rehab unit, as you were told?

Even if Sis does have a legitimate DPOA, that does not give her the authority to decide where mother must live. Does she also claim to have Medical POA (healthcare proxy)? Is your mother of sound mind? Does she want this sister to make her decisions?

Are you visiting your mother regularly where she is?

Might mother be eligible for hospice?
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