
What about international assets? Parents have lived abroad for 40 years. Own property and have other assets in country of residence. They now live in Michigan.

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at risk for what? Loosing their assets and property? It depends on where it is?
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The assets are in Canada. They lived in Canada for 40 years. It is all financial assets. They don't own property. Can the US government agency involved in the Medicaid Process seize their Canadian Assets?
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Kathy, are you referring to Medicaid qualification?

If yes, I as a taxpayer who helps pay for such funding through my taxes, I would think it would be unfair if someone had a lot of assets in out-of-country funds yet wanted to qualify for Medicaid.
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Thank you
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Are they still citizens of Canada?

I think the US government can deny their request for Medicaid based on their additional assets.

Did they work any while in the US and pay social security taxes? They may or may not have worked enough years to qualify. Plus, I don't know what they law is regarding former citizens who go to another country. I assume they changed their citizenship to Canada?

Basically, they can't hide their wealth in Canada and get a free ride in America with Medicaid. From what I understand, Medicaid will do a thorough 5 year looking back over your parent's financial statements and that's how they will learn about the money in Canada.
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Dad is a citizen of Canada Mom is a US citizen. Both lived in the US prior to moving to Canada and are now living in the US again. They have never tried to "Hide" their assets, they lived and worked here for 40 years. We just wonder with the 5 year look back period if they can spend any of their money. ie, a wedding gift or baby gift for their grand kids. If they gave each of the grandkids $1000 would the agency looking after medicaid consider that extensive? I have asked these questions for 3 years now and have not gotten a decent answer.
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BTW thanks for the help!
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Ok, so your question is really about the 5 year look back. Here is an article form here that answers that question.
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kathy, it would be best to contact Michigan's Medicaid office and ask those questions. Medicaid varies from State to State regarding rules, regulations and qualifications.... plus there could be changes on the books for each new fiscal year and/or budget cuts or increases.
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Will do, thanks.
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