
What will it cost to have my husband bathed 1 times per week?

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Debi, this isn't a site from which you can hire caregivers. We are just a forum of folks who did or do care who answer some questions.
I think one of the problems with your need for just this single piece of help weekly is that you will find with calling such agencies as VisitingAngels and so on that many have minimums. So while you may only need one hour of care at say 30-35 an hour, they will insist on a minimum of four hours daily three days a week, light housekeeping, bath assist, light cooking and so on.

Do call around in your area. I know is often mentioned here. Try such places as NextDoor online for your area. I have seen people have good luck there even for such things as a shopping trip to Trader Joes!

Wish you good luck in your search.
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This will require a patient care assistant that will be a higher cost than just a sitter. Care services are different in each state. Call around. Fair warning is that most care services require a minimum of 4 hours per visit. Their staff would probably not want to take a job requiring travel expenses. Most want full time hours
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if he is on hospice or palliative care they should offer that as part of their services. Contact your social worker.
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