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Not sure about that statistic, but there is no doubt that caring for an elderly parent can put a serious strain on a relationship and possibly lead to divorce, especially if there are other factors involved. We did a couple of stories a while back about not letting caregiving ruin other relationships. Here they are, in case you want to check them out:
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caring for your elder parent or parents can be very stressfull on your marriage. my husband and i moved my mother and 2 brothers in with us 3 years ago. i lost my youngest brother at 43 in 2009, my other brother is in his 50s and hes in real bad shape, as well as my mother who is 77 years old and has lots of health issues. this has takin alot of getting use to, and it has strained my marriage alot. i am 46 and my husband is 44, we know we will have my brother and mother for life, so we have started taking advantage of getting away to a motel for the night and fishing the next day or anything we can do. i have 4 other siblings and they dont help at all, they dont even ask her to go any where with them or even ask to help out for a couple hours, so we do the best we can, i love my mom dearly, but i also love my husband. so if your a care giver or thinking about being one allways find time for your spouse . its very stressfull to both partys and your loved ones to take on this much so find a little time away if you got to call in area ageing to help, beleive me if you dont it could lead real fast to a divorce. good luck to you and god bless
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It would be a very interesting statistic to discover if anyone is even keeping up with such data. Divorce appears to be one of many repeatedly frequent example of collateral damage from care giving which is not unlike what takes place too often with clergy marriages where the pastor is more married to one's church than to one's spouse.

Two things trouble me about this example of collateral damage. The ease in which some adult children blindly fall into divorce makes me wonder how differentiated some spouses are from their elderly parents as adult children. The second thing is the shocking view of a few that spouses come and go but you only have one mother. It would be interesting to have some exist interviews from these spouses who left a spouse they perceived to be more married to their parent than to them.
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