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Lindanissen, so you want your neighbors to pay for your care via their taxes? Even though you have money? Doesn't sound fair does it?

First I thought you were joking until I read your profile.
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worriedinCali Jan 2021
She also wants to give money away so that the tax payers can take care of her. SMDH
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Unless you're receiving funds from private people or enterprises and sequestering it w/o reporting it, I can't imagine what kind of funds  you could be receiving that aren't subject to a paper trail at some level. 

I agree with FreqFlyer; if you have funds, they should be used for your care.   Is there some special reason you don't want to use them for that purpose?
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Sure! You can hide it in a coffee can on top of the refrigerator too! The possibilities are endless. But you should probably be using it for your care?
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The only way you can do it is if you've had a lot of cash that was kept out of bank accounts for years so it can't be traced. So yes, if you've had a personal piggy bank (I suppose a security box would work too) and stuffed it with cash you can hide that money.
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MediCal how. Are you getting in home care? Health insurance or are you in a Nursing home?

IMO, now you are on it, they have your bank account numbers. So they can see money coming in and going out. You have listed where your income comes from. If you withdrawaI money, they may ask what the withdrawals were for. For some reason you may be going over the income limit allowed? Are you disabled and collecting SSD?
Helpful Answer (1)
worriedinCali Jan 2021
Thats actually NOT how it works Joann. In California medi-cal does not have your bank account numbers and they don’t have access to your bank account so they can play big brother. You have to show them bank statements and check stubs when you apply and renew.
and guess what? You can still easily hide income by not depositing it in to a bank account. Lot of people cash their checks with a 3rd party (such as wal-mart).
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Like, LITERALLY under the actual mattress?

For what purpose?
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I suggest burying it in a jar in the back yard. Some say that the freezer works. Some suggest cereal boxes, but I have heard a couple of those got thrown away. There's always the sock drawer, behind the bookcase, under the cellar stairs. Some prefer using it as padding inside boots, but they say it gets stinky.
I am kind of hoping this is a joke, but likely it isn't, because there's simply no underestimating our minds for creative ideas.
Some here suggest you are not joking, so I would like to remind you that lying on Government forms, defrauding the government, may be considered a crime. And I hear the Government isn't fond of such behavior.
Helpful Answer (6)
notgoodenough Jan 2021
Tupperwear would be better; a jar can break. Tupperwear lasts forever.
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Every single woman ever born into my family had ............”secret assets”. Every single one without fail.

I always thought it might have been an Irish thing- Grandma came from Ireland at 14, lied about her age until she was married, and had a hanky with her money knotted in it that lived in her underwear until she got to Aunt Katies’ house in Jackson Heights.

One hundred years later, $300 in a shoe box in the back of a closet, with shoe polish and rags carefully arranged on top, so that the casual eye couldn’t see it, hidden by Grandma’s youngest, now 93.

Maybe not genetic, but they all wanted to be sure it was there if they ran into a rainy day......
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What is your money for if not to provide for your care? By hiding your money, you are forcing other people to pay for your needs. That is using the government to steal for you.
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If you hide money, how will you remember where you put it if and when you start to decline as you age or get dementia ?

The stimulus checks do not need to be reported as an asset for one year to Medi-Cal, Medicaid, etc. I could be wrong.

Whatever you do, remember living an honest life is a good thing. It may be a more difficult road to follow, but you will have no regrets.

Do not hide your money under the mattress, the caregivers who come to change your sheets will find it.

What is your goal?
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No matter what you try you can’t hitch a UHaul to a hearse. There’s no taking your money with you, it’s meant for you and your care
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Well, I had someone living in my home. So long story short when the popo came and found $60k "hidden," it is not working out so well for her.

So, are you talking maybe a grandkid you want to send $50 to for a gift or what?

It depends alot on the money in question and how you received it.
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