
Hello, I am a 65-year-old retired RN. I would like to know if I can qualify for a private duty caregiver with a criminal record?

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I think your best bet is to try applying for jobs with agencies.

You do not mention WHY you have a criminal record. That, to me, as a potential client would be a huge red flag. Not trying to be mean, but honest.

You SHOULD, as a private CG be able to supply potential clients with all your background info. You should also be bonded and insured. If you can do all this, then perhaps you are OK in pursuing this.
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As far as I know its hard to be an RN with a criminal record especially if drugs are involved. License gets taken away. I would be very upfront with clients because a background check will show u have a criminal record. There is no "qualifying" when doing private duty. Its all up to the client to hire u or not.
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It may depend a lot on the crime, and how relevant it seems to age care. This forum is anonymous, so give details and we may be able to be more helpful, including how to go about seeking the employment.
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Did you lose your nursing license. Was your crime related to your caregiving work, or your work as an RN.

Honestly I don't know the facts here. Most hiring caregivers try to vet just to avoid anyone with a criminal record, because caregivers have access to an elder's papers, valuables and etc.
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