Here we are, at New Year's weekend. It's the time everyone starting thinking about and discussing their New Year's resolutions. The common general ones are all around, e.g. eating better, losing weight, go to the gym more, etc.
How about for those of us who are caring in some capacity for one or more loved ones? Any caregiver-specific resolutions? For me, my top three that I have in mind are very pertinent, and I hope I can achieve them in 2024 Would love to hear what others have, I'll start it out with my top 3:
1) Spend more time and effort on taking care of myself. i.e. "make sure my own oxygen mask is on and working before trying to care for others. And, check this on a regular basis"
2) Stand firm and steadfast on the items in my Dad's care that I have strong feelings for. Do not cave in! Don't cave to Dad or the "back seat drivers" in the family.
3) For small stuff, trivial issues, go with the flow more. Don't be a micromanager and try to fix every little issue in life, if they minor. Let some stuff go with the flow...
Interested to hear others' caregiver specific resolutions!
Purge: Closest, knick-knacks. Stuff.
Joy: Look for it daily. A sunrise, a beautiful tree, a person's laugh, music.
No: keep working on improving ability to be OK saying no.
Get more sleep .
Get back to reading for pleasure .
Purge my closets , basement , garage .
1) Pace myself more when dealing with big decisions
2)Beach more.
3) Stay true to myself.
Know that you are equally important as the person that you are caring for.
Take time out for yourself to do something that you enjoy. Please don’t feel guilty about taking time off from caregiving. Getting adequate rest is important for you as well as for your family member.
Seek support from others when you need it. Join an in person caregiver support group. Avoid negative people who will add stress to your life.
Educate yourself on the symptoms of dementia and other health issues so you won’t feel so lost and confused.
Hire help so you can have a break from caregiving. Or look for a suitable facility for your family member.
Don’t spend your own money. Save it for your own future.
Become knowledgeable about Medicare and Medicaid.
Contact an elder attorney when you need legal advice.
See a therapist if you need emotional support.
Hoping that all current caregivers will have a better 2024!