
Anybody has/ever shared their caregiving moments publicly? What kind of moments? Just the ok ones like feeding your parent OR including the not so ok ones like a close up of a bedsore wound? Did you edit/censored the image? How's the public/friends responses? Did it MAKE YOU(im glad i shared this image. All my friends are compassionate) or BREAK YOU (shoot, i sholdnt shared this? Why they critized me for sharing the struggle im facing)? Will this make some kind of awareness or people will steer away from you?

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bookluvr, OMG, your nieces obviously have shown no respect for your mother. Bravo for your brother. My father was quiet and shy and never in a million years would I've posted his funeral on FB or YouTube. Lord have mercy!
I have to remind some of my younger FB friends to tone it down when it comes to sharing pictures and information about their little kids. Later on down the line, their kids may not be very happy with their mamas.
If you want to post pics, info or videos on the Internet you should make sure your subject would approve. Impaired elders and small children don't have a say. Would you want someone showing the world how you look and act when you are at your worst and most vulnerable?
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This is actually a very good question! IMO. First, I think , there is the question of whether or not it is ethical to video a person if they are considered mentally disabled-with AD or dementia. And does it go against HIPPA? IDK.
I know there are a ton of videos of children with autism on YouTube-having melt downs. My daughter finds them and I make her turn them off. I understand her wanting to watch them as she has tantrums and issues with behavior herself and part of me thinks she is watching the videos to see other children like her but I tell her she would not want the world watching her at her worst so we should not watch others at theirs.
BUT I also understand why the parents post the videos , though I would not do the same . It is a lonely world -raising a child with special needs and not one many can comprehend and the parents , I am sure, are hoping to garner some compassion for their situation. As would a caretaker to an elder. It would be nice to be able to show people the level of commitment caregivers have to their loved ones and how hard of a job it is. But , again, it it ethical?
I imagine it would be OK to show family what one goes through in caring the family elder but I would not post it on You Tube for the public. I also imagine one will get missed reviews. But maybe just getting one person to say-"oh my, you are going through so much . What can I do to help" would make it worth it.

I know that when I am dealing with a very difficult time with either my girl OR my Mom and am handling it well ( of course :0) I would love to think that the people who criticise some of my decisions or judge me are somehow seeing it and thinking-"wow-I had no idea what they go "
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There is the privacy issue and giving our charges respect. My niece put in FaceBook a photo of mom in her coffin. She took the photo at the family private viewing. My baby brother opened his FaceBook and was shocked to see mom's picture of her dead in the coffin for all to see. He was Very Pissed Off! He contacted niece and said that mom was always a private person. She was quiet and very introverted. He ordered her to take it down. Then, he saw another niece copy and paste mom's coffin picture in HER FaceBook. He was soooo angry and told first niece that She better contact other niece to take it down.

The thing is...both nieces were not here during mom's dementia and bedridden years. Who were they to put up mom's photo of her in a coffin. I think just taking a photo of mom dead in her coffin is so....tacky. My siblings and nieces and nephews should have visited mom when she was alive and take pictures of her while alive. Why now when she's dead and in her coffin. I, too, was really pissed off. I wanted to call up both nieces and give them some very straight forward no-nonsense lecture. But, I held my anger in and let bro handle it.

I think it's okay to post anything in FB or online if Every Party understands and agrees to this. Those kids throwing tantrums? What happens when they get older and Google themselves? Will they be okay with this? Or angry that their parent/family put something so personal online for all to see. It may be funny now but it will it still be funny years later?
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Oh, bookluvr, that would be awful! To see your poor Mom on Facebook like that. I know that there was a time-back in the Victorian age-when photography was expensive and rare- that people would take photos of their deceased ones because they had not gotten one when the loved one was alive. They often made it look like their loved one was sleeping in the picture. Eerie. But now of days-no way. If they missed their Grandma they should have found a lovely one of her when she was alive and posted it in honor of her.
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i dont visit facebook but informational videos on youtube are mostly for the purpose of sharing your hard earned knowlege with the world and are generally meant to help people. i wouldnt object to someone using my hardships to help others. i watched a video from india yesterday about dementia sufferers filmed by their familys. the pics didnt invoke criticism or humiliation, instead they were enlightening and if anything invoked empathy. even the facial expressions of the alz patients were educational..
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I agree, capn, that as long as it's informational videos. I have done a lot of watching YouTube videos trying to learn how to do this or that. Anything to help me. I usually look for informational ones. That's how I finally learned how to do the Deep Breathing correctly (without getting lightheaded from doing it). Sorry, no FaceBook.

I guess it would be okay if it's decent, doesn't make fun of the person in it, or anything that is too personal for public viewing. I know that there are several people here who have Blogs. I never visited their blogs. I'm curious to see the answers of those who have put it online.
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