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Remember soaking the feet first is not just to clean the feet.
It also softens the nails and makes cutting and filing easier.
Even doing my own I always do them right after a bath or shower. Makes the whole process easier and skin smother.
As a retired cosmetologist, I've done many pedicures.
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Susan61, there is no need to every cut their toenails. I took care of my Moms THICK nails for 8 years. All you do it take an emery board and very gently file them down. I filed in the downward direction , top of toe -down. Very easy . You can do it when they are sleeping or with music on, actually its barely noticeable. My mom would pull her foot away some times but it worked fine. She used to have a podiatrist at the daycare do it for $40 and they were only cut straight across and sharp still, useless I thought. get some different strength files, it works fine. Good Luck, you definitely cannot hurt her this way.
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Should be done by a podiatrist.
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I agree, toenail clippings should be done by a podiatrist who can assess any other issues other than long nails. If one is diabetic, it is crucial to have this done by a doctor.
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I wouldn't normally suggest this, but if the toenails aren't clipped and the feet examined regularly by a podiatrist, complications can arise.

So I would ask her internist or PCP about a light, short term tranquilzing drug which wouldn't compromise her ability to walk. Then perhaps she could get in to see a podiatrist.

As Babalou suggests, there might also be a home treating physician. Google home care physicians or podiatrists, then contact them to see if they would do in-home treatments.

We have the best podiatrist with whom we've ever treated. And b/c she's the best, her assistants do use electrical equipment to sand down the nails, so that could be an issue if this person's toenails need that kind of attention.
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If u don't cut toenails correctly you can cause ingrown toenails. Nursing facilities don't allow staff to do them. Therebi usually a podiatrist on staff. Bad infections can occur too.
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Just for the record, i DOUBLE spaced my paragraphs while typing on my phone, oh well
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I started to go to a podiatrist but felt she cut my nails too short. I also had a $40 co-pay for a specialist visit even though Medicare covered it. Decided to give up as long as I can still reach my feet.

Agree with all other advice. Go to the podiatrist if diabetic or any other skin problems. Use clippers or a file otherwise whatever works for you.

Now the cat is another problem. Now she is trained i can roll her on her back on my lap and cut all the claws
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ever see the ad on tv going right now for this electric file that won't cut nails or skin? Sold at WalMart here. Don't see why it cannot be used on toenails too!
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yea ," trust " is what i didnt verbalize but should have . it isnt implied , its earned . ill never live long enough to forget aunt edna slamming her eyes shut and leaning forward for a hair trim from me at the NH . we were defying everyone around us and we likes it that way dammit . of course we were busted . thats what defiance is all about . the first time i fixed her ingrown nails she gifted me the toenail clippers that she'd cut my nails with 50 yrs ago . im not a collector so she gave them instead to my son who DOES treasure such things and wont part with them . it still makes me misty eyed to this day . 50 yrs ago my aunt was trying to induce comfort into my life . my mother was brilliant and an awesome teacher but a piss poor mother in ways . edna was nurturing , to say the least . im so glad i got to baby her when she became baby - like again .
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