
He paid over $400.00 for the original. The attorney says I need to bring him back & let him sign a copy of the original. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel the attorney should let him sign the copy without additional charge! Now my Dad is in the 2nd phase of alz.I am his caregiver & he has a really difficult time wanting to go anywhere, plus he has incontinence so bad that extra pads won't hold it.

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Will the attorney allow you to bring the copy to your father for his signature? Or send one of his employees to Dad's house to get the signature?

I agree that it would be nice if the attorney provided this service for free, but that is not generally how things are done!
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The reason dad needed to go to the attorney's office to sign is because the two gals that works there were his witnesses, & they have to sign also!
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Tell the lawyer that for $100, you expect a home visit. Have you told him about the incontinence? That might slow down his desire to have Dad come into the office.
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I like that, jinx. "Sure we can come in , but, Ummm do you have any problem with urine smells? The diapers leak sometimes and ummmm...."
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beje22: Is it possible Dad filed his will with the County Clerk? Check there and ask for a certified copy of it.
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I dont understand this. If the lawyer has the orignal, just get a copy of it. Why is he charging him, I have gotten copies, in fact normally they keep the originals anyway. Anything for ripping off people, argh!
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Wills are often put in safe deposit boxes. Does he have one? Even if you think he did and then lost it because of nonpayment of rent the contents would be with unclaimed accounts with the state. Check his bank statements for withdrawals for payment on safe deposit box.

Attorneys will charge for a new copy, but I don't understand is why it has to be witnessed by the same people. What if they didn't work there any more or died? The attorney may very well have to get it out of storage which will take time.
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I have a copy, that he e-mailed me, unsigned . He says he doesn't keep the signed ones, he keeps a copy on his computer. I need to bring dad it so it can be witnessed where the witnesses have their named typed on the copy. I have known this attorney for over thirty years. His dad was my CPA when I had my business. The attorneys son was really close friends of my son, we all went to the same church. His son use to visit at my house & go out on the lake with us. They are both grown & married now. I guess I didn't think he would charge me just to get a signed copy. I know if the situation were reversed, I certainly wouldn't charge him extra. If he wanted to charge something for the extra paper & ink, & a little of his time I could understand that, but 100.00 dollars more after we paid him 400 plus for the original hurts my feelings. I probably want use his services again for anything else!
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If you know him on such close terms, have you tried telling him you think the $100 is a bit steep?
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