
My 78 year old Mother has dementia and has not talked much this past year. Three days ago, she started making the crackling sounds when she breathes, due to her difficulty swallowing. She has no fever. She is eating. She takes oxygen as needed - as of a day ago. For the past three days, she has been talking - so much more than the past year. This is wonderful and sweet, but I am mystified as to why. She does say random things, but she is also able to respond to questions. It is almost like her brain has been asleep this past year as she talked so little. Anyone else experience this with their loved one?

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My Mom has become quite sweet and endearing as well. I am interested in knowing why she'd be rather non-verbal for over a year and then all of sudden start talking - sometimes following the conversation, but more so, saying random sentences. I know dementia causes such a ramble - but why she'd be almost mute day in and day out for over a year and then all of sudden be a rather chatterbox.

Oh, the care of our parents is a joy and heartache, isn't it?
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I am so sorry that your mom is on hospice. Is there any way to get her off of that? If she is responding to you, isn't that a signal that she wants to be around life for a while longer? Please see what you can do to get her off of hospice. The last time, 2 months ago, that my mom was in the hospital for a swollen tongue due to the NH doctor prescribing her lisinopril she could not eat for the first few days so the hospital doctors worked on us suggesting that we let her starve to death since she was elderly and could not eat. We pushed back and demanded that a feeding tube be inserted into her tummy however at the same time we made our mother exercise her tongue and lo and behold, when the speech therapist showed up the next day my mom could eat her pureed food again. Please don't give up on your mom if she is showing signs of improvement and if at all possible, check to see what drugs the NH doctors are giving her because those drugs might very well be causing your mom to have side effects that could include memory loss. All the best. Please keep us posted.
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Also music is good for the brain. Get her a cheap cd player for $25 at Walmart and a few of her cd music favorites. I have 2 cds of 2 favorite Hawaiian musicians for my mom. that I play for her all day. I also have small dog that she loves to watch and talk to. Lots of stimulus helps with the brain.
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as the dementia traverses the sides of the brain anything can happen. im afraid my mom might try to jump my bones at some point. lol
my mom has become more meek and kind with the progression of dementia. she used to be quite the gossip machine. she even speaks kindly of the daughter that shes battled with for 60 years.
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Well, she has reverted to being more quiet again when I see her. She recognizes me still and the words MOM and I LOVE YOU seem to wake her up. It's interesting to see. Her comprehension is out the window. The other day, I said MOM, I LOVE YOU, and she responded: Well, I love you to my knees. I laughed out loud.
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Give her organic coconut oil, ginkgo biloba, Ultimate Vitamin E, all good for the brain. This is a wonderful thing that is happening to her. Let's make it last. All the best to you both. Great news.
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With all due respect, ferris1, the last thing I would do or recommend is to enroll a loved one in a research study. To be blunt, the only thing that seems to be researched are drugs, usually with very serious adverse effects. However, it's one thing I don't think we have to worry about. My mom's dementia is much too far advanced for all the studies I've heard about. Natural therapies are definitely safer and hopefully more promising.
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After talking gibberish for a year, my charge had company for Christmas... probably 6 women, family and friends.... out of the blue she says, "I used to tell my husband I like it rough"...... after the stunned silence we all broke up laughing.... just never know, it's always an adventure....
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@Richard, Yes, we need to simply enjoy the moments we can talk to our Mothers - though it is no where near a real conversation, at least they are WORDS and she is trying to connect. What a mystery.. but I am reminded that my Mom is still in there in the face of her lack of expressive language and so I can talk to her and her spirit understands. She smiles and squeezes my hand at the right time.....

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out of the blue she says, "I used to tell my husband I like it rough".....
Laughing my BUTT off!
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