
He lived in CT where diagnosed with 2 cancers, has had a lot of chemo, radiation, surgery, currently unable to eat proper meals. Moved now to FL but retains CT Medicaid as must return there for cancer checks, etc, is on SSI (meant to guarantee Medicaid coverage).

Trying to get FL Medicaid but has had no help with anything - has been granted medical assistance & must contribute $x/month to get Medicaid - he has income except the SSI -

Can someone have Medicaid in 2 states? His oncology team is in Boston & as his onc.probs are so complex, he must stay with his team. His dental coverage is there too - has lost all his teeth thru rad. treatment but also has difficulty swallowing anything but liquids.

He's truly not well but cannot find help - I finally have the chance to look over his file & see that he should be eligible for Medicaid here in FL but wonder if the CT medicaid is going to be a problem.

How can I help him or find people to help him?

Thank you.

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No you cannot have Medicaid in two states. Which state is his legal residence? You could have problems with CT Medicaid if you are seeking help for a non-resident. You need to find an elder care lawyer familiar with Medicaid in FL if that is his residence.
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Medicaid does not go over State lines. It maybe hard to get it in Fla if he needs to reside there for a certain time. His doctor's in CT should not be billing CT Medicaid if he no longer lives in the state.

Do you mean SSI in supplemental insurance which is a Welfare. Better check with Fla if that can be changed over. If its Social Security no problems.

Why did he move to Fla with all his problems?

P.S. I think having Medicaid in 2 States is fraud. It is when collecting Welfare in two States.
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I’m going to approach this from a different angle........
so How has he been eligible for CT Medicaid to be paying for his care in Boston? is he on a waiver?; or enrolled in research study? or drug study?

Could it be that he was not actually having CT Medicaid pay a lot of the costs in Boston, but it’s that he’s on a study that covers costs?
CT & MA are nearby states so might be share agreement for his disease between the states & their hospitals & thier clinics. Is it this?

We have this where I am between 2 hospital/ clinics in New Orleans with MD Anderson, for super specialized cancer stuff. If this is what’s happening, it can make stuff confusing as most of the billing gets funneled thru Oschner in New Orleans even tho’ done in Houston. There's something unusually different going on for his billing if it’s been CT / MA for care & getting paid.

To me, you need to find out exactly why he as a CT resident has been ok for Boston, MA providers & care & find out exactly what insurance paid what costs.

As others have correctly posted, Medicaid is administered by each state uniquely for residents of that state. If he has actually, legally moved his residency from CT to FL.... like he has a FL drivers license / ID or moved his monthly income deposit from his CT bank acct to a bank in FL, or did other legal address changes, like tax filing, it will eventually surface - could be several months - & it will be a huge & very expensive problem. If it hasn’t been done, I’d hold off till you know definitively that there is an oncology group and hospital/ clinic that is affiliated with the group in Boston and FL Medicaid will pay for it. He may need to move back to CT if his care just must be hands-on with the old Boston docs.
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