
I have POA of my dad and he is little confused. I spoke to health provider before health providers entire in my dad's room but my dad has mention to health providers when provider call him on the phone for visit that talk to my son about all the issue, I have signed conceint form letter on ,would that be big issue for health providers? That not following privacy low? Need you opinions on this! I do not want to healthcare provider in any jeopardy!

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To be blunt, your opinions about his love life are irrelevant. The MD would rather see a log, with dates and times, meds given, BP, HR and O2 and RR. Bring records of food intake and stool output. Urine quality/quantity is helpful.
You have "conceint"? This is very scary. I hope that is not contagious.
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I don't understand the question!
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Are you referring to doctors or home health care providers? I get the impression that you're referring to the latter, in which case Pam Stegman's advice is right on. Unless his intimate activities affect his health (i.e., if he's engaging in risky interpersonal behavior), I don't see how it's anyone's business.
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Another obvious and curious issue has been bothering me....HOW and WHY would you even be aware of his "love life"? I would think he's entitled to privacy and respect on that issue.
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Sorry, but I have no idea what the question is.
You've spoken to the health providers, dad has spoken to the health providers, son has spoken to the health providers... what is everybody talking about, and why?
Helpful Answer (2)

Could it be we are talking HIV here? or Hep C? or some other blood issue? Or I am completely wrong as per usual? In all fairness ALL carers be they family of consultants should use PPE all the time to ensure safety and prevent cross contamination but a word to the wise would be in order. If it is one of those it should be in his notes anyway.

If it is his behaviour towards certain people be they of the same or opposite gender then it is always wise to alert in advance. I think the problem here may be a language barrier issue.
Helpful Answer (2)

Good points Jude.
We are all really just guessing though, and unless the poster returns and helps us out we can't offer any useful advice, this could be another one of those drive by questions that get everybody taking and go nowhere.
Helpful Answer (1)

Good point tacy022 I know someone who has brain damage and he is very very inappropriate with any new female that comes near him and he will fight the male nurses (not terribly well but bloody well considering he is in a wheelchair...he has blacked a couple of eyes when they have not realised that take specific care meant just that and tends to be violent around men meant just that too!). Right now though they have sorted the problem they have a nurse there who for some reason he thinks is his Mum and he is as docile as a lamb around her. Apparently he did touch her inappropriately once and she told him off royally saying if he ever did that again she would stop him going out to play and tell his father when he got worked but that is one specific case and not something that would work for everyone - it's finding the trigger that might (or to be fair might not) stop it if you can that is so darned difficult xxxx
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You can always supply information TO the health care provider - whether they believe you and do the best things you hope for with it is another question, and whether they can give you any information back is a HIPAA/healthcare POA question.
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