
Mom has lost 3 lbs since 15th. She has been steadily losing weight, eating less - sleeping more. “More tired than hungry” She is currently on a course of Levofloxacin for uti.

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Body wasting isn't a sole reason, an only reason for Hospice. Ordinarily, without other evidence of SOMETHING going on that CAUSES this wasting, they will simply say "See your MD. Get supplements. Consider tube feedings.

Discuss with MD what qualifies your loved one for Hospice. Every individual case is as unique as her or his own fingerprint.
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CareGiverJrny Jan 21, 2024
Thanks Alva. I guess I’ll call the PCP on Monday.
My mother qualified for hospice at 94 with vascular dementia and a little bit of weight loss. The nurse used "Senile Degeneration of the Brain" as the Medicare code for her approval. She also had CHF but I don't think it was used as a reason. AD is a Medicare code by itself for hospice since its terminal. Add in diabetes, heart issues and failure to thrive with constant weight loss and a low BMI and I believe you'll get her approved for hospice indeed.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (2)
CareGiverJrny Jan 21, 2024
Fingers crossed.
Sorry for your mom's decline. I think hospice would be a blessing. She's not likely to improve, given her AZ. Such a sad disease.
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