I have a small business and a lot of people that call me about loved ones can’t afford to pay private caregivers. And ny price is extremely reasonable. So they end up having to send their loved ones to the nursing home. Are their any grands/funding in Kentucky for this type of work? Any information helps. TIA
Eventually, paying for 24/7 care in the home exceeds the cost of facility care, even without Medicaid. Your clients see that their parents' savings for their "old age" got outstripped by the cost of care, which has increased wildly in the past decades. Or, the parents didn't save enough or not at all. That's when the only real option is to transition them into a facility on private pay until they qualify for Medicaid. This is the only "affordable" option for the average person. Paying for it with the adult children's money is unsustainable and a strategy that robs from their own future care.
As far as there being grants/funding? The only probably source would be the government. That's called Medicaid.
I hope you find something suitable from the Department for Medicaid Services' Division of Community Alternatives -
You may also want to try findhelp.org and benefits.gov which have government (including VA for veterans) and other resources.