
He lives in a small condo. I cook and clean for him. I still have to leave for work but I feel like I should be quarantined too, otherwise what's the point? I don't know what to do.

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Unless you are in a high risk area and your job puts you in contact with a lot of people you shouldn't need to worry excessively. As a precaution put a hamper in your bathroom and go directly there to change and shower when you get home.
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Here's how you can stay healthy and help you dad too:
1 - wash your hands before eating, after eating, after using rest room, after touching a surface/object others touch.
2 - try to limit being in enclosed spaces with others by opening windows and using aerosol disinfectant when you must be "contained".
3 - clean high touch surfaces and objects frequently.... use a paper towel to touch knobs, handles...
4 - when you get home: shower, wash your hair, change clothes so anything "on you" is washed off
5 - social distancing - far enough so you and other person can not reach out to touch each other.
6 - if you do get COVID-19, try to stay quarantined in your bedroom as much as possible. When you must be in common areas, try to keep your mouth and nose covered.
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I'm thinking of getting a grocery delivery service. On my last shopping trip, the store was out of butter, parmesan cheese, garlic, and most types of pasta. (Not to mention TP and bottled water, which we have sufficient supply of.) The line at checkout was horrendous, so I'm hoping that next week the panic buying will ease off. On the neighborhood website I've read of people going from store to store to get diapers or pet food to no avail, so they are communicating among themselves if anyone knows where needed items are in stock.
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janpatsy1 Mar 2020
I tried ordering on line, went to pick up and half of products where not available. TP , sanitizer for washing clothes, soap, . They may have the supplies but they are meeting up with others who dont have anything. Hopefully the supplies will arrive before we run out. I just don 't understand all the hoarding.
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Agree with Cwillie. Just limit what you can when you get home.

I leave my shoes at door then go wash hands immediately. You could keep hand gel near the door if you like.

If I've been to work (hospital) I now shower & change clothes too.

Limit visitors. But do keep up phone calls as getting lonely & feeling isolated is going to be a big problem for many.
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Bring a change of clothing in a non-permeable bag.
Change your clothes before you go around him.
Wash your hands thoroughly the minute you arrive at his location.
Then, disinfect anything you have touched at his location right after.
THEN, start cleaning/disinfecting his location.
I have the same issue. We're all doing the best we can. It's a LOT of work, I know.
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Ask to work from his house if possible. If not, it's all about the handwashing and keeping things clean. Don't get in his personal space. Use gloves (the correct way...use for one thing, toss, get another pair). If you're sneezing or coughing, don't go or take more precautions.
If you get ill and cannot go, is he able bodied to go to the door? Cook and drop off to him but don't visit. He can pass dirty dishes back to you the same way. If you wash his clothes, have him bag them and set outside when you get there. Wash your own hands before handling his clean clothes/wear gloves and put inside plastic bag. Some folks are using disinfectant sprays for all over interior of car, close door and let it dry - just in case you sneeze/cough in your car. Keep wipes with you to wipe down steering wheel, grocery buggy handles, gas pumps, etc.
They say it travels by droplets of fluid from coughing and sneezing, so if you can avoid that method of transfer it will be the best you can do.
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Can he be left alone overnight? You could still clean for him taking lots of precautions. But maybe limit your presence as much as possible and not share the bathroom and the laundry. Maybe you could even bring him cooked food or have food sent in.

Re: food. Recent advice is that most coronaviruses do not pass in cooked food. Take out is still considered to be safe with the advice to avoid cold food like sandwiches and salads. Wash your hands after you handle the food containers and before you eat.
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What about those people who do not have internet access? Can they call AgingCare or similar service for advice?
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If you keep a safe distance at work. If possible try working from home a few days a week.
Wash hands after touching objects like door handles, elevator buttons, any object that others may have come in contact with. Use sanitizer if you can not wash.
Wash your hands after touching your face.
Wash hands when you get home then you and he should be relatively safe.
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MaryKathleen Mar 2020
Wash your hands BEFORE touching your face. The reason they want you to limit touching your face is so you won't pass the virus from YOUR hands to YOUR face. Not the other way around.
Wash hands often & try not to touch your face ...if you can work remote for a week that’s helpful. Hugs 🤗
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