
He has been combative at times there. How many times can he go into Nursing home with the alloted 21 days covered thru Medicare? What does she do if he is unable to stay at home or she cannot care for him? She will go broke hiring help at home. She did talk to Elder care and said it was expensive and not much help. We are not only worried about Dad but she is wearing down from caring for him. She is constantly worried.

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Depending on their assets, Mom could become a community spouse with Medicaid. If they have any money put aside it will be split, Dads half going to his care in a LTC facility. Mom can stay in the home with a car. She will have enough to live on.

Dad needs more than 21 days in rehab can do. Talk to his PCP and tell him/her how Dad is. There are meds for this.
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If your parents joint assets are below $25, 284 then your mom gets to keep 100% of their assets.
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Does mom understand what the Eldercare attorney is telling her?

Why did she allow him to come home? Did she understand that she was allowed to say "no, I can no longer care for him at home" and have him become a long term care patient?
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Medicare won’t pay for the nursing for 21 days unless it’s after a hospitalization and he needs rehab. If they cannot afford to pay for a nursing home, they need to apply for Medicaid. Medicare will not pay for long term care.
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